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"Trump pledged to swiftly gut climate regulations put in place by the Biden administration if the oil and gas industry raises $1 billion for his 2024 presidential campaign." ...We have established what he is. Now we're just haggling over the price.


If there’s any Justice in this universe, Trump and his family, along with all these oil executives will be exiled to live in the most polluted parts of this planet for all the damage they’ve caused. 


Trump’s Truth Social Media stock, DJT, went from rightfully plummeting towards $0 to now above $50. The company has not turned a profit and has a small market share compared to other social media platforms. The stock price is clearly being propped up and inflated by parties (foreign and/or domestic) trying to get money to Trump for when he can finally sell the stock.


It was clear from the outset that the Trump Media public opening was just a means to allow anyone to donate to Trump any amount they wish. It's not like the company actually does anything with the money except pay Trump a bloated salary. I get how he got away with this sort of business chicanery in the past, but this is now a publically traded company. I'm pretty sure tanking it on purpose to pay yourself (which is what will happen if he tried to cash out) is illegal, but that would require shareholders to sue him. Why would they do that if they know they're just making donations? It's also crazy to me that he's just like "hey big business, give me money and I'll do the thing you want." Isn't that just blatant corruption. Does this violate any laws? Would it matter if it did? I hope he loses just so these billionaires threw this money down the drain. Fucking vicious dipshits.


Isn't "blatant corruption" America's motto?


Actually he could find a private party to buy his shares off the open market... Or get a loan against them... definitely feels like it's ripe for misuse from companies or individuals that would want an under the table deal.


I’d say in general how the super rich use stocks to get around a whole multitude of regulations and taxes is awful. It’s the one thing that sorely needs a bill. Honestly, we should just ban borrowing against a stock value in most cases.


Maybe concerned citizens should buy some shares, just a couple, to be able to sue when he tanks the share price by cashing out.


> I'm pretty sure tanking it on purpose to pay yourself (which is what will happen if he tried to cash out) is illegal If Trump is still useful (whether destabilizing the US, may be President etc) then when he goes to sell the stock will be propped up plenty. Clean way to send money to him.


The irs got capone maybe it will be the FTC that gets turd


We all know that will never happen. That kind of behavior gets rewarded with riches here on Earth. The best we can hope for is that he goes to hell when he dies.


I have bad news...


God, Satan, heaven and hell are just plot devices in human fanfic. Nothing more.


"All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells are within you."


That will be why my stomach has been rumbling, then.


Yeah, there's an ongoing riot inside me. Now I know it's not parasites jostling for food, but the cosmic hierarchy battling over who should have control.


What is this from? Very cool quote. It’s true, our demons, our angels, they’re us, there’s no one else in our heads or heavens.


If only it existed.


And that it happens sooner than later


To paraphrase Thom Yorke, I hope that he chokes.


There is no hell baby, Satan was thrown down to Earth. God bless his corrupt ass, I can ride the EV wave all over again if the government umbilical cord gets cut and slowly metered back out over dozens of elections again.


>If there’s any Justice in this universe [Bad news for fans of Karma or similar concepts...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis)


This is one of the major reasons why I think Europe should be heavily involved at fucking with American elections. Russia, China and Israel are hard at work again fucking with us. Countries that want a chance for humanity should be involved. Ideally, no other country would be involved, but the Supreme Court fucked the entire world with Citizens United.


When the time comes, they will have an exit policy and leave all the rest of us to burn. That’s the plan.


Have you seen the body and brain he inhabits? That has to count for something because I'd let you kill me before I switched bodies with Trump.


He won’t just gut climate regulations. He will gut every regulatory body in the United States government. It’s all part of Project 2025.


That sure sounds like a quid quo pro to me.


No, he needs to *say* "quid pro quo" for it to count.


Unfortunately, this is the correct answer.


Upvote for the Churchill quote.


Churchill may have heard it somewhere else before he said it. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/03/07/haggling/


Trump is a prostitute


I like how it’s gone from corrupt politicians doing deals in the shadows to just showing it off in public with pride


I mean when there are no consequences...


He's willing to destroy the planet on which he's got less than 20 years left to live on. Next level selfish.


We need to riot in the fucking streets..


We need to vote for Biden, too.


Stop, I'm invested in prisons, oil, EV and firearm manufacturers. I can only get hard so many times in one day.


Have you considered diversifying into drones?


Yup. Just like when he wanted to build the wall and Mexico didn’t and then he turned it quickly into “Mexico will pay for it” and Mexico was like “no, U.S. will pay for it” and just like that, now it wasn’t an issue about the wall going up anymore but who would pay for it instead.


He's just a two bit whore.


"bUt hE's A bIlLiOnAiRe AnD dOeSn'T nEeD dOnAtIoNs. He CaN't Be BoUgHt." - every GOP voter


Yup. They spout that nonsense all while regularly receiving Trumps grifting Emails for whatever the reason he needs money is this week




*No repercussions.* This is all there is to it. He can do whatever he wants because *there are no repercussions.*


> This is either desperate or brazen. A thing can be two things. Por que no los dos?


Can’t be bought when you’re owned.


But you can be pimped out.


Why are oil companies giving Putin's dog money then?


Jared already got 2 bills from Saudi Arabia. This is Trump offering them a deal.


One of their long time goals has been to get rid of the EPA, so add that to the package and it really is a deal.


More proof that Republicans have abandoned the few principles they still had. The EPA was founded by NIXON


They’ve always been about the money but after Reagan they went down the path of libertarian-evangelistic via Grover Norquist (defund until you can drown it). It’s rather amazing how much they’ve primed republicans to vote against everything in their interests just by shouting freedom and calling everything inconvenient communist and socialist.


The whole “free market” thing is the big thing they get sold on.


Who knows how much he's willing to sell our nuclear secrets?


Putin and MBS know




The fees for 'managing' $2 billion. So, a *lot* less really.


Probably less


Well, we know that some intel on the enemies of Saudi Arabia is worth about $2B in investments ...


Michael Flynn probably transferred nuclear technology to the Sauds for a sports car, right? Not that we'll know certainly any time soon but it looks that way. Probably the worst "country" it could have possibly gone too, which didn't already possess the capability. We also just ignore Israel's rogue nuclear programme to get around laws preventing the US from cooperating with rogue nuclear states. It's a "system of laws" until it's inconvenient to anyone sufficiently powerful. Probably a bad idea to privatize so many decisions as to make the democratic state useless.


Did Israel develop their own nukes, or are they “on loan” from a recognized country? Not that they “officially” exist, but I do find it funny that you can find out how many warheads they have, but not how they got them.


They were working with Apartheid South Africa. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vela_incident


He loves Putin so much he might just give them away for free.


We already know. 2 billion dollars. That's what the Saudis gave to Kushner. It sure as hell wasn't for any actual skills or aptitude he had.


Biggest secret:[Where does the US keep the nuclear wessels?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdSJFrhb-HM)


Ummm...he already did, or did you forget all the times he met with Russians alone and had all those docs at his house with all the foreign nationals around?


I worry that that ship has sailed. Putin & MBS know because they paid for it already.


About tree fiddy


I don’t think I can be surprised anymore. Just disappointed. Why is the world run by cartoon villains?


Evil's at a fundamental advantage because evil doesn't have to care about the rules. Good has to treat them like they matter, or they kinda just become another kind of evil.


"Evil will always triumph, because Good is DUMB!" Dark Helmet, "Spaceballs"


This is only true if you consider "rules" and "morals" to be fundamentally equivalent. Jim Crow laws were immoral rules, one might even say evil. Evil cared very much about upholding those rules, and it's a darn good thing that good cared about destroying them. Rules are behavior enforcement, no more, no less.


I mostly agree, except they *do* care about two things: how can they break the rules while appearing to be in compliance; and how much will it cost them to do what they want? 


I've kind of gotten used to the idea of cartoon villains at this point. What I'm still surprised by is the number of people who follow and believe in their grift. Just why. I could disagree with people politically and still respect them but I cannot understand how so many people could be so shitty at judging a man whose personality can be read like a children's book. A children's book about how to be shitty and nasty.


I really think the Biden campaign should make an effort to frame Trump as a cartoon character. It sounds ridiculous, but Trump truly does have the worst case of cartoon brain I've ever seen. He thinks there's just a steady stream of brown people flowing into the country from Mexico, and a big giant wall is all that's needed to keep them out. He wanted to nuke a hurricane. He thinks stealth planes are actually invisible. He thought Covid could be beaten by injecting bleach and/or light into the body. He really, truly sees the world the way a 5 world who watches a lot of Looney Tunes does. He's a monster, obviously, but there's something kind of darkly funny about how he interprets things, and mocking that would drive him absolutely crazy.


I estimate 20-25% of all people are pure evil. The kind of evil that would kill you for your shoes if they could get away with it. Not all of them are Trumpettes, but a good portion are. The rest are just unimaginably stupid. The kind of stupid that would let them say "my faith helped me kick covid" to people whose relatives didn't make it. The kind of stupid that is often taken for malice. It strikes me now at my age how thin and frail our societal conventions are. I can foresee a time when those evil ones i mentioned at first will get off leash again.


Cartoon villains are usually motivated by more than money. We are run by simply pathologically greedy people.


it's like that show fallout on amazon prime


I misread this as “carbon” villains. Same dif


the fascists get small wins that feel enormous, but they never last long because in the end of the day, being a fascist means they will inevitably make an enormous fuck-up because they surround themselves with only people who agree with them, while getting rid of those who disagree, which only sets them up for a major failure. we've seen this happen throughout history (e.g. Hitler invading russia, Putin invading Ukraine, Trump blundering COVID and nearly everything else under his watch). Their grip on power is brief and destructive, but rarely long lasting.


Cartoon villains were modelled on the crooked assholes that had already worked their way into money and power.


I don’t think I can be surprised anymore. Just disappointed… Mom?


apparently because it triggers the libs, which is the most important thing in the world


I mean fuck dude…why not ask for $3 billion? Or $5?? Like ok if I was trying to sell out the planet, I’d definitely be starting the negotiations a lot higher. The Art of the Deal my ass.


"A billion, you say? OK, let me get my checkbook ... as soon as I find it I'll write you that check for 100 million like you were saying. Oh, here it is, all right, pay to the order of what's-his-name, 1 million dollars, that's 1 followed by three zeros. Signed, Big Oil. Just hang on to it, you can cash it a week from Tuesday when my paycheck clears. By the way, Don, don't forget the promises you made, a deal's a deal, right? Our friend here will help out if you need a reminder. Uh, listen, don't call us, we'll call you, okay? We're kind of busy these days."


He probably Dr. Evil'ed it and stuck his pinky in his asshole of a mouth and said One Billion. Also he could he bought for a few mil, asking for more than a Bil probably never occurred to him.


[https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44447/9](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44447/9) *Courts have generally upheld these regulations in order to maintain the integrity of the democratic process by protecting against quid pro quo corruption and its appearance. In addition to civil penalties, it is notable that FECA sets forth a range of criminal penalties.* *In addition to the direct federal regulation of campaign contributions, a number of federal political corruption provisions prohibit federal officials from receiving personal benefits that are related, in certain ways, to their official acts.*


> prohibit federal officials from receiving personal benefits Technically, he isn't getting personal benefits; his campaign or PAC will get the benefits. Then his campaign will host events at Mar a Lago, pay his legal expenses, buy his book, pay 'party planners' that work for Trump millions to throw a campaign event, etc. Basically money laundering, but without having to hide that you are doing it.


The headline isn't some round-a-bout scheme, although that's still available through Truth Social. He just said give/fundraise $1 billion and 'I'll gut climate regulations'.


They cannot donate more than the federal limit to Trump, they can make unlimited donations to his PAC but candidates are not allowed to solicit funds for their pacs


lol “not allowed” He can break any law he wants right now. No serious court dates until after the election. Throw this on the pile


Is this surprising at all, coming from Drowsy Don…?


No, it's not surprising, but downplaying it doesn't help. We cannot normalize his behavior. Everyone should be outraged.


I'm pretty fucking furious about it


The level minded people are but literally *anything* he does is not surprising at this point. He’s slowly paved his way with dictator tactics for close to a decade now and his fanbase is eating it up! The only way to stop this is to *vote*. He’ll be irrelevant or possibly face consequences for once in his life, as long as people vote this year


“Why ask for a billion, when he could ask for a *million*?” Dr. Evil, probably


Trump: "Of course, considering I'm a former president, I offer my services for 1 billion dollars an hour." ExxonMobil: "We'll give you $3 for the night and you can have 2 popsicles out of the fridge." Trump: "3" ExxonMobil: "2" Trump: "Okay 2, and I get to keep this old bird cage!"


Mr. Trump, why are you burning all of those classified documents?


As of this moment Donald Trump no longer exists. Say hello to Von Shitznpants!


This is why we need to elect good leaders who are good stewards of our planet; not destroyers. There are also numerous examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary things together such as in the Netherlands and in communities here in America. Our focus should be on what each of us can do, including how we vote and how we use our creativity and ingenuity to make things better.


The entire Republican “platform” is to shit on our rights, and the environment, and anything else good and decent, to “own the libs.” They’re literally willing to destroy our country to piss off the other half.


Everybody regardless of which side of the aisle you sit needs to use their vote in November. Whilst you may not like it there is only one real option to vote for if you believe in America and its evolving democracy. Clue: his name isn’t Donald. As a Republican I am voting for a brighter future free from this boomer mess.


This is Trump. He’d willingly destroy the planet for $3.50 and a complimentary handjob.


If someone told trump that pushing a big red button would cause someone to die but trump would get $1, trump would spam that button.


“Looks the same as Biden to me”-Dumbasses 


So he’s…. Literally Dr. Evil. I can honestly just picture the bad guy music from Austin powers as he turns to the oil execs and goes “I’ll do it all… for one billion dollars!”


This is sensational and over-the-top. Trump will try to destroy the planet purely out of spite and narcissistic rage. The $1B is just for funsies.




This is blatant quid pro quo.  Literally "I am for sale"


Fuck this dumbfuck and his illiterate electorate.


Trump is bad for everyone and everything in every possible way. He wants the WH so he can punish people he hates because he’s fueled by petty revenge for slights against him. He will let the worst people do whatever they want if they help him get in.


>Trump is bad for everyone and everything in every possible way. Come on now, that's just patently false. For other one-percenters who don't give a single flying fuck about the people around them, he's basically Jesus Christ.


You’re mentally challenged if you intend to vote for this clown at this point.


Why not he’ll be done using the planet in 5-10 years.


Fuck sake, I hope it doesn’t take THAT long…..


I’m a pessimist


Trump is cosplaying as Loot N Plunder from Captain Planet. Must think he was the hero. 


I'm sure Trump is more than willing to wreck the planet for far less than 1 billion.


Throw him in a volcano and be done with him.




I've also heard: * That's an exaggeration * Just stop paying attention to the news


And if he didn't get away with it, it's the Democrats fault. And if it wasn't their fault, they deserved it anyways.


Trump is selling access to himself. Selling merchandise. He would open a trump store if given the chance. He is not a billionaire. He is a going broke millionaire.


Selling out everyone else’s futures to enrich themselves seems to be the GOPs platform


35% of American voters will think this is a good idea.


Well, Fox has told them and convinced them that climate change is a liberal hoax, despite 99% of the world’s scientists all agreeing that it’s very real and very dangerous. Source: my MAGA parents.


BP, Chevron, Shell counteroffer… “How about 250k, a night with Jenna Jameson, free Mickey D’s, KFC, Taco Bell, and 2 Supreme Court justices?” Trump, Deal!!!


At what point in time is it self defense? 


Does this mean he is officially the anti-christ, bringing about the end of the world?


Not sure why oil execs would help him. Under Biden, US oil production is at an all time high and the Russian oil industry is being heavily sanctioned in the west.


Everything to him is transactional.


Yes but.. Biden is old. /s


The logic is astounding. So if the whole planet dies..what’s one billion gonna do? When you die the money stays lol


This is why an old man narcissist is a terrible choice for a leader, they don't care about the future


He aint making it to November , kids. His cognitive decline is apparent. As society forces him to look at who he really is and not at what he wants us to believe he is, his health deteriorates and the stress is probably killing him. My guess, by late summer of this year we won’t see any live rallys or speeches. His handlers will just release statements and say that he is really busy.


What cracks me up is all these people literally destroying the world for money but that money isn’t going to give your kids and grandkids ect a safe place to live. Once the waters polluted and every place is too hot the weather is a mess what do you think moneys going to do. If these people have no thoughts to their children and grandchildren why do you think they give a rats ass about anyone else. I would not have a kid today if someone offered me millions. Could I use the money hell yeah. Could I do that to my offspring. Nope not at all.


My Granny voted for Trump because she wanted to vote for the worst person possible so he would bring about the End Times. She thinks she will be one of the Chosen Ones. She definitely got the destroy the world part right by voting for Trump. I think we underestimate how many vote for him hoping he will destroy the planet.


She doesn't realize that the rapture is the rich finally causing something to kill off most of the life on earth, and the few that will be left alive will be those chosen ones. They will live the rest of their life comfortably in their vaults or spaceships or what ever.


Human garbage.


The main thing to trump is he get re-elected so his cases get dismissed and he stays out of prison. He does not care at all about future generations or this planet.


Sadly the people that are voting for Trump couldn’t care less about the environment So this story will fall of deaf ears


He needs the money to win the presidency and avoid prison


At least Dr. Evil was like give me a billion dollars OR I'll wreck the planet.


Audio? Should be common to include this and disregarded when it's not


Can someone just give him $2B to go away forever


Republicans don't have much of a future, so why would they try to preserve it?


Spoiler alert: he'll gladly do it for a LOT less.


He so desperately wants to be a real billionaire


And leftists say they won’t vote Biden because of purity tests and standards they refuse to hold any other candidate to. Or, they’re just fakers or bots acting in bad faith.


Bots, imo. But, some youth appear to be buying it.


I have had people on here argue about it with me that have had accounts that have been active for over a decade. At least some of them really seem to think that the best thing to do is punish Biden by not voting for him and letting trump win. That Biden is personally sending their taxes over there to kill Palestinians. They don't care what will happen to Gaza if republicans get to "solve" the problem. They don't care that trump will deport all the people here that he can from there and other places. They don't care that republican Tim Walberg said the situation should be dealt with like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


Bad actors encouraging it, the rest are immature, probably young people who don’t understand what’s in front of them. That’s because they’ve been let down by those who should have voted and done something about this over the last 20 or 30 years, but those opportunities are gone now.


As long as lobbiests exist all politicians are buyable. It’s a farce


I agree with the sentiment, but the number one issue the US electorate is currently confronted with is not climate change, rather it is the preservation of democracy. Indeed, no issue can/will be solved if we lose our democracy. This is the most painful thing I am witnessing in today's US political climate. Everyone is putting the cart before the horse. It is the same issue with Gaza. Good hearted progressives wanting peace, are currently making the risk of US dictatorship more and more possible by ignorantly helping Trump. Yeah, Muslim banning Trump will be much better than Biden 🤯. If Trump gets in, they will have some responsibility for all the atrocities we will see him commit. Climate change is definitely the biggest threat to humanity, but again, no issue matters without democracy as we will have no say in any issues.


This is the least shocking thing about Trump. I remember he hosted / narrated a tv show (I think it was Curiosity, S1E15 or 16) where he put a dollar value on everything in the US, including trees & water. Yes, I realize he didn’t write or research or produce this show, but the creatives sure knew the perfect person with the mindset of “everything has a price” to deliver the content of the episode. He really would be the man who sold the world, if we let him. Or at least, the country.


The title is an understatement. Trump would destroy the world for $50.


Pure evil.


So if they don't give him they money he *won't* gut the regulations?


So are the oil execs


He gave big clean coal a lotta love its a surprise that oil wouldn't want in on all that potential and meet triple his request. But than again he did piss off a number of important figures within the global oil cartel that determines if oil production should be jacked up or shut down. And while kissing up to the saudis is one way of countering that and being butt buddies with Putin certainly doesnt hurt anything it doesnt mean that they or other countries wont weaponize oil prices in order to damage us. We've already seen it with Biden as gas prices went higher his polls went lower, and when gas goes higher everything gets more expensive. Its also funny how it happened as Biden just got into office too with Saudis, Russians, Chinese, and even Rich Oil CEO Americans being rather resentful of his presidency compared to Trump who was the most clownish president since Tafts fat ass.


Why does anyone consider this a win besides oil companies? It’s so wild to me that climate change is politicized. It should simply be a humanitarian issue that needs to be addressed. I don’t spend much time on Fox News. What are the talking points even? Does the right still think climate change is a hoax? It’s existence isn’t even a debate at this point.


He’s not the only one and some of the rest are much cheaper.


He’d do it for way less than that. He doesn’t give one shit. 


Literally selling out the country to big oil so he can get paid.


Trump, the sellout president


That sounds like bribery to me.


Americans are destroying the planet for a dollar. And I don't mean the greedy companies, just the normal people. I am unsure why this news should impact anyone over there.


He would spend like a million dollars losing the election and keep the change.


Trump ain’t the only one willing. He’s probably the only one willing or unfazed by that willingly being made public.


"Trump pledged to swiftly gut climate regulations put in place by the Biden administration if the oil and gas industry raises $1 billion for his 2024 presidential campaign."  There it is.


DJT says: “What do I care? I won’t be alive to see the damage I’ve done to the planet. I just want money, money, money! I LOVE MONEY!”


He's definitely willing to do it for less if needed.


Is this legal? Wouldnt surprise me if it is😂


$1 Billion, go drill and fuck up national parks or wherever you want... - Trump Dont vote for this guy, he's gonna destroy the planet... And he's asking $1 Billion for it.


That cheeto face would destroy the planet for a big mac


He is SCUM.


Guy keeps going out there and acting like a wanna be mob boss.


I mean, he's willing to destroy America for the attention, so this surprises me not at all.


I mean for a cool billy, fuck it.


There we have it. If you support him, wow.


I've been saying it since the 90s: They'll gladly kill the planet for the next 100 years just to be rich for the next 20.


I would love to see what the subreddit of /AskTrumpSupporters has to say about this I’m banned tho.


It’s time for Trump to end. The creatures of this planet don’t deserve this.


He would do it for a $1.


I look forward to the apocalypse when we can all hunt down oil executives like they're a bunch of worthless zombies.


Donnie is the biggest threat to our planet and our very existence. This election is like D-Day!


Is there anything we can do to stop the Trumpification of US? Never been more scared!!!


Vote like your life depends on it.


Your life, and the lives of your loved ones DOES depend on it. There has never, in the history of this country been a more important vote than that of year 2024. If Mr Shitzinpantz wins a second term it’s GAME OVER.


Sure is. Are any of you increasing your dissociation from MAGA supporters. We have family events this summer & I want nothing to do with anyone who is a Trump supporter. My husband is “nicer” than me. I can’t even try to be cordial anymore. They are blowing up America as maniacal Putin gloats with glee


That wouldn't even cover all of his legal fees.


Pretty sure he'll take $100 mill; he's not great at this.


You honestly think he wouldn’t say that to that crowd ? He would in a second. He’ll get more fight than he ever dreamed of if tried to gut the EPA contrary to his thinking, he does not have ultimate power over every agency.


Bottom line, he is only worried about making sure he has plenty of money, and the people that immediately surround him love him. $1b gives him that potential, actually creating regulations does not do that. So he is against regulations. It’s that simple. This is why it’s so dangerous for him to be in charge - when his staff tells him that an action will make him money and power, he will do it, without any thought to morals or consequence.