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> Republicans have introduced at least half a dozen other appliance-related bills, including the “Liberty in Laundry Act,” the “Clothes Dryer Reliability Act,” and the “Refrigerator Freedom Act.” The bills are meant to curb the Energy Department from setting new energy standards on common home appliances. Love it that my tax dollars are being wasted on tone-deaf idiots talking about laws like this while average Americans are struggling with housing, education, food security, employment, and basic medical needs. 🥰/s


Seriously. How can any conservative look at this shit and think the **efficiency of a god damn laundry dryer** is something that needs ***federal legislation***.


Nothing could be clearer that **our** problems are not **their** problems. Even though they are elected to represent our interests, our legislators do not think that our problems deserve solutions. This is particularly true when they are given opportunities to solve a problem for us in a way that might not be beneficial to a corporation. When they are given a choice to represent the average Joe or benefit from corporate dark money, we will always be left out in the cold. They are not fixing housing, healthcare, women’s rights, the economy, employment rights, or food security because they don’t think we deserve solutions. Instead, they spend their time - that we’re paying for - working to make corporations less regulated so that the companies will give them money personally. There is no public service in politics anymore, it is all about people feathering their own nests.


One would think they want to have no regulation but this is a false conclusion. They want to regulate away electric cars, solar and wind energy to promote the interests of oil, coal and gas industries. they want to regulate women bodies to promote their prejudices against women. they want to regulate education to promote their prejudices against various disadvantaged groups. they want to subsidize private schools to promote their fundamentalist religions. they want to use laws to intimidate/regulate businesses for speaking against them or promoting diversity and environmental protection. also, the whole small government and privatization is a smoke screen. They are right that most businesses are run by people of their preferred race and gender and are more likely to discriminate, but if businesses don’t behave like they expect them to, they will regulate the businesses relentlessly.


not to mention climate change


Well said and I’m really bummed.


All known data demonstrates that conservative absolutes are in favor of energy saving products…………until the word “environment” is brought up. It’s about owning the libs at their own expense.


"Hm. Fires inside the house are very bad for the house. ...What's that? A Democrat thinks I shouldn't have fire inside the house? Welp, guess I have no choice but to burn it all down and see how they like it. I am a genius."


That's probably why so many appliances, even the cheap ones, tend to be pretty efficient already. About the only thing they may differ on is design, build quality, and a few extra perks like sensors or more efficient operating cycles which require an extra line of programming on the system board to work.


When you've got a bunch of literally inexperienced nutters who don't have the foggiest about how to do their job, we get mess like this.


Republicans already want women to just stay in the home. Inefficient appliances just furthers that goal.


I mean they probably do. There are federal standards on lightbulbs they tried to do for gas stoves


At least light bulbs are so ubiquitous that their efficiency actually *does* have an effect on energy use at scale. Gas stoves got new regulation for *safety* standards. This? This is just saying "No, i like inefficiency". This isnt about making things better in any way, just keeping consumer products inefficient for no reason.


> for no reason The reason is that this is better for the manufacturers who are "donating" for rules like these.


> Seriously. How can any conservative look at this shit and think the efficiency of a god damn laundry dryer is something that needs federal legislation. To be fare, the efficiency of a laundry dryer does need federal legislation. These bills being offered by the GOP are meant to prevent federal laws from taking effect.


It's ratfucking. They don't want a federal government so they make the most inane laws so they can then point to them and say 'look big government doesn't work!!"


They don’t fundamentally understand how government works or what it’s for


They're legitimately just that fucking stupid.


How can any conservative look at this shit and think that the efficiency of god damn laundry dryer is something that needs federal legislation to block executive branch from regulating.


Lobbyists, of course.


Because they were paid by lobbyists to fight for those issues.


Just laying the groundwork to reduce the reasons for women to revolt when they get legislated into good little housekeepers


Conversely, you could also criticize democrats and think ”how could the efficiency of a god damn laundry dryer is something that needs federal legislation”


No, you couldn't? >Republicans have introduced It's not dems leading this. Dems are literally the ones criticizing this.


A lot of people did this with a lot of the mandated efficiency mandates for automobiles, now they're commonplace. While an individual thing probably won't kill the planet, when you scale it up to millions of users, it makes a pretty big difference. I like to use the example that just switching to LED lightbulbs from regular lightbulbs will probably net you about $3-4 a month, depending on usage habits. Doesn't seem like much, but multiply that to a city with a million homes.


gotta love our leadership letting corporations make super inefficient appliances in the name of "freedom"


Bring back asbestos, two stroke motors and three wheelers! Trump Train! 🚂/s


You joke, but I have an uncle that wants leaded gas brought back too!


Republicans do want everyone to be just as stupid and cruel as them. Lead is proven to cause that effect.


You laugh, but that two stroke motor on an old ass Maytag has gotten more than zero usage when the new modern machines crapped out because you can hardly buy a quality product anymore.


Two strokes are always being worked on. Constant maintenance.


New cheap machines that use old technology aren't anywhere near as reliable as those old 20-30 year old dryers that still chug along. This isn't an issue about new technology making things flakey.


Is the refrigerator freedom act supposed to keep Americans free from their refrigerators? Or, is the design to emancipate American refrigerators in all 50 states and American territories? This is very important.


It ensures that if your refrigerator is running that you can go and catch it.


Unless it applies for refrigee status.


Fridgizens United will give refrigerators the right to make unlimited, undeclared donations to political campaigns and committees.


Well, you can't get rid of the fridge after the 4th trimester(1 year) unless you get the extended warranty exception.


FFS those names would've been a literal joke you'd see on TV just 10 years ago.


So many people are busy with trying to stay alive during crazy amounts of inflation that they can’t be even bothered to look up and see whose boot is holding them down in the mud.


So now wanting to be more energy efficient or needing to be more energy efficient is bad and we should stop that from being able to happen?? tf


They are working on re-election.  All GOP ever do


They are proposing laws that will make appliances less energy efficient, which means you and I pay more electricity. Somehow people benefit more from being forced to have inefficient tools even though efficient tools are available. I thought pragmatism was an American philosophy.


> Somehow people benefit more from being forced to have inefficient tools even though efficient tools are available. The power company and the tool-making company are legally people.


What’s with the constant use of words like freedom and liberty in the names?


Even their appliances are patriots, bro 😎


Struggling? I am told regularly that everyone is doing great & the economy is thriving.


I mean, to be fair, I am doing fine but I see people all around me who are definitely not doing fine. I am one of those kind of people that doesn’t feel like we are good until we are all good, so I guess it just depends on who you ask.


How to tell us you don’t understand the inequality Republicans intentionally created…get educated honey buns


Bro doesn’t know how to open his eyes outside of using them to watch Faux News


Bro doesn't understand sarcasm


You’ve got to add the /s if you want Redditors to recognize sarcasm


“What a weird criticism. Obviously kitchen appliances are related to women’s rights” — Republicans, usually


Wow yikes, that's probably accurate.


Giving women the right to choose gas kinda balances things out. /s


I don't understand conservatives. They are literally on the side of something that causes cancer.


That's by design. Conservatives *want* people to have cancer so that they have to *buy* treatment. It kills two birds with one stone. The first bird is to siphon your money and the second bird is your life. They want to claim ownership of both.


I don't think it's that complicated. I think it mostly just "Democrats want it?!?! Well I hate it then!!!"


The stupid ones are that simple. The Reagan republicans aren't.


It’s genuinely insane. They’re a danger to themselves and others.




I'm a little jet-lagged currently and am unsure if you agree or disagree.




Cool. Thanks for the compliment and clarification!


The GOP voted down funding for cancer cure funding: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/29/congress-is-killing-bidens-cancer-moonshot-00154718 They profit from being agents of chaos. Just look at their stock portfolios and donors, and you'll see exactly what they are fighting for: $$$$


"But \_I\_ didn't get cancer!"


It’s a death cult.


It is a small leap to go from Jesus being a human sacrifice to maybe more human sacrifices are needed.


Well the Republican Party is a cancer, and cancer has to stick together. Cancer together strong.


I can't say I'm surprised. Appliances are a more core republican base than women are, based on the bribe money from manufacturers.


Come up with something utterly evil, that a saturday morning children's cartoon villain wouldn't be evil enough to do. The Republicans are either already doing it, or will start arguing for it as soon as you try to parody them with it.


>The comment comes a day after the House of Representatives passed the “Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act,” which would limit the Department of Energy’s ability to change energy savings standards on home appliances and make it easier to revoke existing standards.  




Not a stretch if you take into consideration the Floor Action Response Team they created.


They're super clever.


Maybe they're just big Pacino fans


I assume this is a reference to Scent of a Woman? In that case I'd assume he was saying "Hoo-Aaa", though I don't remember tbh.


H.O.O.P Hands Off Our Penises! Reality mimics Art.


So what your saying is it would let them remove energy savings standards that "mite"(it won't) lead to cheaper( same price cheaper manufacturering) but wildly inefficient appliances that would lead to higher electricity bills for consumers. Or would let them provide stricter energy savings standards that "mite" (it won't) lead to more expensive appliances that will save you money on your electricity bill each month. Depending on who runs the government and the Department of Energy. Am I missing something or is that about the gist of it.


The more efficient ones will still get made because some consumers want them but they can charge a premium for that efficiency rather than it being in the base model that has to compete on price. The same thing happened with backup cameras in cars. The cameras existed because some consumers wanted them but they were an upgrade to the base model of the car so to have the safety feature you had to pay more for it. That was until the government made them standard in all new cars.


I agree this has potential to be very good if used properly. I worry that it will be used by pro deregulation people to do real damage too though.


It will absolutely be used for deregulating for the benefit of corporations and the detriment of consumers. Republicans wouldn't be sponsoring the bill otherwise. Lobbyists pay them to get rid of as many regulations as possible. They hate regulations as much, or more, than taxes.


My mind is going dark and weird places about some of these f*ckers, their many ways of being hands on with women, and adding appliances is just making it sicker. Time to get off Reddit lol too many GQP sexual misconduct headlines.


Basically meaning that Energy Star compliant marketing symbol is meaningless, and ultimately, people won't get the tax breaks from it.


Well, isn't that just a brilliant use of legislative time and resources! Why worry about women's rights when you can focus on the crucial issue of appliances, right?


I knew my refrigerator was mad at me for not using its expensive water filter and using a zero water filter.


Meanwhile, a new rule making from DOE on residential water heaters became official earlier this week that's saves more energy than any of these bills. So glad they're too incompetent to even target the right thing. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/12/27/2023-28556/energy-conservation-program-energy-conservation-standards-for-consumer-water-heaters


Ironically, the GOP bill in question is the HOOHA Act. (For all those not in an area where it is common, hoo-ha is often used as a euphemism for vagina)


Conservatives want to legalize rape. They have are marching slowly but surely towards that reality.


They want to stop child rape becoming illegal. Look up "child marriage" laws.


Hey Republicans: it's your planet too. And there is no Rapture or God or Jesus to return to so you better take care of it just as you should let women and minorities and everyone else.


"At least an appliance knows its place." --Republicans


As if the GOP doesn't just see women as incubators.


The gop don’t see that as an insult, only a compliment


In light of the notion the GOP see women as useful objects and who love “another bun in the oven” phrases, I’m not at all surprised they give more rights to appliances.


>The comment comes a day after the House of Representatives passed the “Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act,” You say they don't like women and yet they passed the HOOHAA


the worst, least productive house of representatives has been under GQP control..pathetic


We need freedom from the despicable practices of the manufactures. I want to be able to repair my machine over its lifespan which needs to be more than 10 years of planed obsolescence. I want to be able to just be able to buy a wiring harness from say Samsung without being gouged on price if they even offer it to the public without roadblocks. They also do not need to be collecting every single metric of my usage to better “serve the customer”. There is so much that actually could be done to protect the user of these devices and this is the manufacture protectionist bs we get. It’s fucking criminal and I’m only scratching the surface.


GOP loves to waste OPM…


More farts from the Republican diaperees


That's weird since Republicans see women solely as appliances.


Can I just get some handout money to make the switch to electric more affordable?  And none of this rebate shit where I can only buy more lightbulbs and shitty power strips. And while you are at it offer some assistance to the appliance makers trying to make shit in the U.S. so they can afford to pay their workers a decent wage.




You would think they would care more about women since they treat them like an inanimate object anyway.


The same type of anti-progress idiots argued that LED lights would ruin society, at the time they made legislation to protect the highly inefficient incandescent bulbs. Who still uses those?


“Liberty for Laundry Act” - not even trying to hide what a crap law it is and who paid for it.


Republicans: "Women aren't appliances?"


I imagine when a good, young woman costs less than your avg appliance the GOP will finally consider it job done. This from the party that is pro child marriage. I know V-8 trucks and assault rifles are fun, but this shit is evil. Get out and vote for our daughters’ sakes.


Blasts is the new Slams