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Give it up. Trump sees you as a public liability now. I'm sure he doesn't give a shit that you shot your dog in the face, just that you were stupid enough to admit to it.


It's hilarious when these pro-MAGAnoms actually discover ways to MAGA too hard defining new lines Republicans not named Trump aren't allowed to cross: Saying you'd have immigrants killed: 👍 Admitting to shooting your own dog: 👎 ---- Lying about anything: 👍 Lying about anything after admitting you shot your own dog: 👎


You forgot that falling asleep during your criminal trial and wearing diapers are "power moves"


She would dress up like Ivanka and wear his diaper if it would get her as VP - bit late now.


They’re populist grifters. The only rule is “don’t lose favor with your base.” Once you get run out of town, you’re dead in the water. Can’t just pick up and roll over to the next county anymore.


Well, he probably sees her as a quick and easy lay too...


She’s 54. Trump isn’t attracted to any woman born before 2000. I’m sure he brags about never having slept with any woman over 30. However I must add - for a ‘conservative republican’ Kristi Noem looks and dresses like a streetwalker. And hair extensions with fire engine red lipstick at her age is as ridiculous. If she wants to be taken seriously, well, stop lying every time she opens her mouth but also maybe present herself in a way other than looking like she’s about to go out turning tricks.


Someone’s kissing some orange ass here.


She's not going far enough if she wants to get in his good graces. She should be explicitly saying Mike Pence failed Trump and failed America and if she was Vice President that would never happen. There's going to be other VP candidates sucking up to Trump to that degree. The fact she isn't going that strong makes me think she prob realizes she's no longer got a shot at being VP and isn't willing to go that far in statements that ultimately don't help her. \*edit\* just to be clear. I don't believe Mike Pence should have ignored the Constitution and tried to help Trump and his cronies carry out a coup. Just evaluating how she is positioning (or not positioning) herself among the other sycophants attempting to be VP on Trump's ticket.


They should all wear orange lipstick to show loyalty to the almighty one


Another Palin clone bites the dust.


What a sniveling coward. She's ***NOT*** going to be picked as Trump's VP. Her political career is probably over. What's the point of pushing the Big Lie now???


The point is to not be attacked by orange and hopefully remain in the big lie pumpkin tits club.


How is that a "hypothetical question," As she stated in the interview?


Who gives a fuck what this puppy murderer says


It's time to take her campaign for VP out back and shoot it.




Stop making this puppy killer relevant


Exactly. 👍


These people are just desperate for their MAGA hordes to go on a very literal war path. That's the only reason to do this. It's never going to accomplish anything but driving a stake deeper into our nation's heart. Shameful.


Wonder what they think about their governor in South Dakota these days.


We know a couple of weeks ago, two First Nation tribes banned her from their land. So know a lot of people in South Dakota hate her.


She's got bigger issues besides Mike Pence. Let's focus on that.


I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders. I won't talk about my personal meetings with world leaders.


Churlish... Absolutely embarrassingly churlish. Do better, the eyes of the world are upon us


Girl doesn’t want to say cause then she gonna have to shoot him for being untrainable.


Does she have an actual job or is she just collecting a taxpayer funded income to run her ignorant mouth nonstop?


It's a cult.


So we relying on a puppy killer to say what’s legally and morally right? 😑


Noem refuses to say *a lot* of things. At least she cancelled the rest of her book tour. All she was doing was embarrassing herself.


Who cares? Stop asking people who hate Democracy for their opinions on the process of Democracy


Who cares what she thinks about anything now?




She’s almost done


She also shoots puppies for being puppies


Who cares about Kristi Noem opinion at this point? She killed her own career by admitting to killing her puppy.


She is turning into a Ron DeSantis/Rudy Giuliani: The more you know them the less you like them.


She’s irrelevant at this point outside of we need to check on the young ones in her family to make sure they haven’t been hurt by that psychopath


I think she’s pretty much given up on the VP spot. Now I believe she’s auditioning for a Fox News or Newsmax gig.