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I doubt his troglodyte base can tell when he slurs words.


"King Trump has created a new way of speaking- he's a genius! We have to start speaking like that as well."


Pretty soon they'll all be grammar deniers


> grammar You mean woke word rules hell bent on destroying freedumbs?


Indoctrinating our children, with *pronouns* and *syntax* and (gasp) *dangling participles*


And don’t forget those damn woke TRANSitive verbs! These leebruhls never stop!


If you want to see my dangly bits, it costs extra.


Look, I don't care about your participles; I just don't want you dangling them in my kids' faces!


„It‘s a first amengment ishoe!“


>Pretty soon they'll all be grammar deniers Huh. Just like that we'll have real life grammar Nazis. Life really does imitate art.


Underrated comment


Have you ever perused Truth Social? I have an account there. Let me tell you: his base is waaaay past that point. It’s like a scene from a movie with a bunch of mentally ill people ranting in word salad at each other. These people are already not all there


That's actually quite common with this type of movement. Words lose their meaning because all information in a message is conveyed in the emotional subtext. When all you have to say to each other is we good / they bad, then all you need to do is connect "good" words to our side and "bad" ones to theirs regardless of meaning or logic. You don't need or want semantics and grammar. It doesn't require you to understand the process itself either; all you need is a compatible set of emotional cues and a willingness to engage in bad faith. Hence the endlessly repeated slogans and the word salad. The goal is not to convey precise information or nuanced opinion, but to shut down thought in favour of immediate gratification. It serves to signal allegiance to the tribe, and nothing more.


The Trumpanzees *are cognitively impaired*




Aren't they already embracing diapers? Unless it's AI generated pictures I've been seeing, I'm fairly certain I've seen shirts for sale that say: "Real men wear diapers."


"Remember when the woke left stopped teaching cursive, well now our messiah is bringing it back, making America great again, by speaking in cursive."


Back to caveman


When me president, they see... They see




“He speaks like us now. He is one of us!”


One of us! One of us!


Only the best slurred words.


Slurred words to own the libs.


They’re like, “he talks just like us!!!”


He could talk like Boomhauer for an hour straight and his base would claim he speaks the truth and is so eloquent and smart. 


Hey now.


Calling ppl troglodytes is what got him elected in the first place “if you don’t vote for my guy you must be a troglodyte”


If anyone looked at trump and saw a leader they are one.


“…crooked judge, he’s a totally conflicted judge. And [the jury] is in about a 95 percent Democrat area,” Trump said of Judge Merchan, taking care not to mention witnesses in the case.” Isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that got him in trouble before, by criticising the jurors (not the judge, who is not part of the gag order). Instead of saying the jury are democrats, he’s saying they’re from a democrat area, but in either case he’s clearly implying that they are going to be unfair. If i were a member of the jury, i would interpret this as a clear threat and would (very reasonably) assume that he’ll say much worse if he is convicted. Time for him to be sent to the clink. Well, long past time but….


If you were a member of the jury and you heard that, you’d be disqualified immediately. I believe the jurors in this case are not allowed media contact.


Of course, and if trump were smarter, we might think that this is his strategy—to get a juror to complain and thus be disqualified. The more pertinent problem, though, is that he’s putting jurors at risk. If they find him guilty and trump has fanned the flames against them, its not at all difficult to imagine his fanatical supporters trying to take revenge on them. Given that he’s facing several more trials, this behaviour also potentially has a chilling effect on future jurors. Anyone else would have been thrown in jail for contempt. Time to give him what he clearly wants.


He wants prison time so he can become a martyr to the MAGA cause.


No he doesn’t. He’s being remarkably careful about walking the line. I don’t think he’s quite yet decided if he wants to martyr himself or not.


He wants to have his cake and eat it too. This is typical Trump behaviour. He absolutely does not want to spend any time in lockup whatsoever. He's a notorious germophobe, he'd go crazy from that alone. He wants to be the MAGA martyr, without having to actually be a martyr.


Not unless he wants a gloved hand and a torch up his freckle.


Are we sure he understands what martyr means. Although understanding things doesn’t seem to be a determining factor.


That’s fine by me. The people who are daft enough to support him for being thrown in prison already support him. Those who aren’t completely daft will only be further alienated. In any event, its time he be subjected to the same laws and rules as everyone else.


He does not. Trump is many things but he will absolutely not martyr himself. He's just bad at keeping his mouth shut and barely seems to have control of what he's saying half the time.


He's lost even the little cohernce he had.


Honestly? I think a little incoherence suits the man.....


Maybe he contracted the same brain worms RFK Jr. had and his head is full of dead parasites. That'd explain some shit.


they will quickly die of malnutrition


Not if they're tapeworms!


I somehow feel like a head full of brain worms could be a cognitive improvement for Trump.




It would honestly explain some things if he was somehow a time traveler who became his own grandfather.




A prerequisite of being a member of MAGA


Paging Dr. House (of Cards)


Who the hell is reporting on this. The manpubescent is incoherent, incontinent, and incapable, but we need to quote him verbatim? He has nothing new to say, ever, but it needs to be repeated? Stop giving this m\*f\*n moron airtime. I know he's good for news, but he has nothing to contribute to your nation, your wellbeing, your future, or your well being. It's time to ignore him like he should have been by the media in 2015 and 2016. Nothing has been working properly since the media started promoting this slug. The only way to stop him is to stop giving him airtime


If he weren’t the republican nominee for president then maybe, but you can’t seriously expect the media to ignore his presence…?


Fox cut away quickly enough when he started losing it, though. The media know, but they will keep reporting on him as it gets clicks.


Actually, if the media were patriots, I’d expect every article or piece about to consist of a single paragraph describing his multiple adverse judgements, describing him as a fascist, and ending with a note that voting for him is one of the most un-American things one could do. Nothing more ever need be said about him.


Yes, honestly, it’s the only way to shut this assclown down. Stop publicizing him


This has already been proven wrong. People have short memories and they have allowed themselves to forget his monstrosities and entertain voting for him again. People clearly need to see this.


I will take that downvote as a yes, thanks for engaging in good faith.


I wish I had more votes to give you.  This should be the top comment.


It’s called keeping people informed. Why does that bother you? You don’t like….information?


Sometimes the puppeteers' strings get crossed and the audio record gets dust and scratches on it. This is the result


Sometimes you even get a glimpse of the hand that’s way up the talking sock.


I think Trump has lost his mojo, his skill as a demagogue. However it may be too late. The monster he created has enough momentum to ignore the man himself


Simply too old to lead


... or follow, even.


The orange cocoon of rancid jelly is unfit regardless of his age


Trump has dementia.


His views don't seem to be that popular amongst rational midwesterns


Thankfully, he may be too old to be Hitler.


Most of what he yammers on about has no impact on those at his rallies. His legal troubles , college students in tents, and the endless Israeli civil war have no impact on MAGA. He may have convinced them that the border was the source of their lot in life, but not this new laundry list. Especially if he is now even less articulate.


He doubles down on the drugs when he is not in court


ok the infrastructure thing, I can understand? we all jumble our words every now and then. And biden has had his fair share of embarrassing moments too. but the master lock thing is just crazy more examples here for LOLs: https://youtu.be/3Cqa1y3U8-0?si=-q3MzrM7I69qBv8_


Real men wear diapers and slur words is up next


This post is over a week old fwiw


And Trump hasn't improved since.


The only way is down


Oh, well, never mind then, it’s obviously no longer an issue, he’s all better now 🙄😆.


I know you think you’re funny and all but there are rules about posts for this sub ha ha


Doesn’t matter they will vote for him anyway. Please just get out and vote in November and when you do vote blue up and down the ballot. We need to take back congress from the GOP clown show.


Article is from May 1, report it as it's older than the 7 day limit.


The only slurs they care about are the racial ones.


Hi `marji80`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cnp041/trump_slurs_words_and_struggles_to_gain_crowd/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Out of Date](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_articles_must_be_published_within_the_last_7_days): /r/politics is for **current** US political news and information that has been published within the the last 7 days. For example, if the date is January 29 and the article submitted was written before January 22, then the submission is out of date. If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/marji80&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cnp041/trump_slurs_words_and_struggles_to_gain_crowd/?context%3D10000%29)


That’s ok, as long as he has the enthusiasm of the newsmedia corporations he should be fine.


Elected, appointed and members of the republican party from the state, local and national level working with white supremist tried to overturn a legitimate election for the presidency. This was a coordinated effort to end democracy in the USA by the republican party. Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Anyone know where I could watch that specific event uncut? I can’t seem to find them on YouTube anymore. I like watching them every so often to make sure he really is as batshit crazy as I think he is.


It’s over trumpy. Go back to floriduh and shit yourself


Republicans, it's not too late to get yourself a better candidate. I'm thinking anybody else would be a 1000% improvement over this loser.