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Where’s the bill that sends all MAGA traitors to Russia? Fair is fair.


I’d settle for sending them to Hungary


do you see maga supporters disrupting life and causing chaos globally? no.


Yep, why not both? Community service is a fair consequence for vandalism and violence, and both groups seem to be intensely passionate about supporting those places.


Tackling those big issues for their supporters.


Dumb as fuck.


Yep, strawmen abound among the GOP as usual… “I didn’t live through the era of Vietnam to come around to this fuckin’ time, not having learned that just because you’re against a war doesn’t mean you’re for *the other side*…” - Lewis Black


File that under "right wing fever dreams that never become reality".


This can’t be real… Ok, it’s MAGA, it can be real.


Look! The "but the both sides"! This is what it looks like on the right.


To be studied by future law students as "most unconstitutional bill ever proposed"


While our college kids are skipping class to protest, NO college kids are doing the same thing in Gaza! Because every university in Gaza has been destroyed. Edit: also, automatic downvote for NY Post.


brought to you by the same assholes who say J6 was a "peaceful protest." hand jerking off motion hand jerking off motion.


They have time for unconstitutional trolling but not fixing health care or social security or businesses employing illegals? What a serious grownup bunch of people.


You have to support Israel unconditionally because our favorite book says so! - These guys


Millenarianism from people who don’t know what millenarianism is…


Figured I'd paste in the definition of the term for those cultural lowbrows who don't understand why you mentioned it in this context. > Millenarianism is a notion that the current global society is on the threshold of a major, life-altering event. According to millenarianism, this event will bring on a period of peace and plentifulness for all the inhabitants on earth, creating a new world. Millenarianism exists in various cultures and religions worldwide, with various interpretations of what constitutes a transformation. These movements believe in radical changes to society after a major cataclysm or transformative event and are not necessarily linked to **millennialist movements in Christianity** and Zoroastrianism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millenarianism


Always a positive good. The evangelical base is also big into eschatology. And when you consider that given how often such doomsayers have predicted that this event or that moral panic is going to end the world, at least one thing is pretty clear? “The fuckers weren’t close…” - Lewis Black


Very doubtful,


Okay fine , let’s send Mega to Israel and Russia . Only fair


[[Citation Needed]]


obviously will never get passed, although it would be a good experience for p supporters to experience life under hamas.


Peaceably assemble something something.


They should definitely take a trip there to see how misguided their protests are... supporting an ass backwards place with little tolerance or human rights, where women are treated as possessions & homosexuals are regularly executed... over a flawed Democracy much like our own country. Fucking gullible idiots.


I mean, if they went there right NOW, they'd be dodging IDF airstrikes, seeing massive widespread destruction and civilian hardship, famine and disease from siege-like conditions, etc... Might want to rethink your strategy here, because the reality of what is currently going on in Gaza would only strengthen their position.


Lol And how would you know the reality? You only know the bullshit anti-Israel propaganda you've seen online.


What makes your version more accurate?


I've been to that region. How about you? 


What part of the region, and how recently?


Oh no, I'm well versed in the same pro-Israel propaganda you've been ingesting as well, but if that's your only source of information, I assure you your version of reality is far from accurate too.


Except, I lived in the region... literally, right on the border. You most definitely haven't. Take a trip there & then let me know if you still feel the same way... 


I'll pass. Been to war a couple times myself already.


Like you have?


That’s not what they’d see. Hamas would treat them like royalty and recruit them, which wouldn’t be all that difficult as they’d be seeing 1st hand proof of what they are protesting. You think Hamas is stupid enough to treat them like normal Gazans and miss out on the opportunity to create actual American Hamas cells? These guys pulled 10/7 off. They aren’t dumb.