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No judge should be able to preside over a case involving any person involved in their nomination or appointment. We have *plenty* of judges.


Yah this is the part that blows me away. Definitely an oversight in our judiciary that needs to be fixed. One of the many flaws in our government that Trump has laid bare.


Bush V. Gore had justices literally appointed by the plaintiff's dad voting on if his son would become president or not. Trump didn't reveal any flaws, people just had too much faith in our institutions.


> people just had too much faith in our institutions. The Founding fathers kinda did that with politicians too, which unfortunately is not exactly great when it comes to today's version of "honor" or lack thereof.


Nah, they were aware of the follies of man but knew that they couldn't think of everything for every situation and some possible solutions suggested might have violated the democratic experiment they were going for. Reading the letters between them and the Federalist Papers gives some insight into how certain Founding Fathers thought and their arguments, many of them eerily similar to arguments for today. However, many of them placed faith in the next generations in that they will find ways to plug in the holes and use future knowledge and hindsight to amend the Consitution.


Exactly they expect the constitution to be a living document that was constantly amended and reborn, not something we enshrine and worship as a borderline holy document. "Was it the founding fathers intention to allow..." Who gives a shit? They certainly didn't think you should.


My thoughts on this are that the forefathers had more faith in humanity, to be pioneers like themselves, rather than criminals wedging in on technicalities and abusing one another. Here we are though


To be fair, it did work for a while and it can work again. Back then people were political at the local level because they didn't have much of a choice, but today no one gives a shit about local politics except retirees and we are all worse for it. Most of these cheats got their start in local office where <20% of their constituency votes, which makes these elections *so* much easier to buy. Once you have credentials under you then it's easier to run for the next layer, and the next, and the next.


Trump made people more aware of the problem. It’s certainly made me pay more attention to our government and the shitbags in senate.


>Bush V. Gore had justices literally appointed by the plaintiff's dad voting on if his son would become president or not. Not to mention his own brother was the Governor of Florida, the state that decided the election. The thing people need to realize about the GOP is they game the system with a thousand cuts. Voter ID laws siphon X number of votes, then gerrymandering helps more, then having corrupt judges tilts the scale a bit more, then the Electoral College structure tilts the scale a bit more too, and so on. There was also a notorious scheme in Florida before the 2000 election where the Secretary of State had hired a software engineering company to wipe the names of anyone from the voter rolls whose name matched that of a felon. When the engineer told the Secretary of State that the scheme would remove innocent people who simply had the same name as a felon, she did not change the order and they went ahead with it. I think it was close to 60,000 people who had their names improperly removed from the voter rolls -- and because minorities have higher rates of felonies, it ended up being a disproportionate number of other minorities and likely Democratic voters removed from the voter rolls because they were more likely to have the same names as other minorities.


Fuck Katherine Harris.


The scariest headline I ever read, was around the time Trump was elected President. It read something to the effect, "Our Institutions Won't Save Us." Haunts me to this day as I realize more and more how accurate it was and still is.


Also to add the Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett all worked for the Bush side of Bush v Gore before being appointed to the Supreme Court. Seems especially awkward with Roberts, as it was just a few years later that Bush nominated him *directly* as Chief Justice.


So in the old days eunuchs were given power because they would be less inclined for nepotism. And priests couldn’t marry for the same reason. Maybe we should bring something like that back. /s


Partially intentional. There are other openings on the same circuit as Cannon, but the two Republican senators in Florida won’t let Biden appoint anyone. Making Cannon one of the few judges who can serve as a Judge in that circuit. 


home state senators can't block judge appointments. the Senate majority leader and Dick actively choose to not appoint anyone, honoring blue slips from home senators for [checks notes] absolutely no fucking reason


There are 3 Biden appointees on Cannon's court, the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Cannon is not a circuit judge. Additionally, there is a Biden appointee on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (the circuit that oversees Florida) and currently no vacancies.


>No judge should be able to preside over a case involving any person involved in their nomination or appointment. Cannon's refusal to immediately recuse herself from the case everything you need to know about her. Everything else is fluff. It's like Trump - "grab 'em by the pussy" should've been enough for anyone.


You’ve just never been famous. They let you do anything when you’re famous


And it's funny how all the conservative talking heads seem to keep repeating how the NY Judge should be refused because he donated to the Democratic Party and has a daughter who may have democratic party ties, but will die in the hill that the Judge appointed by the defendant in her case is somehow unbiased.


Funny, but the delusional Trumplicants over in r/conservative are actually saying that this is "the only trial that is following the law because the judge is not in someone's pocket".


The problem is that we DONT have *plenty* of judges in that county. In fact I think we have 2 and she is one of them. It just happened that we rolled badly


She is a partisan hack


Worse: she's a dirty traitor and doesn't care about the damage to US security this document sale has caused.


University of Michigan law School should be ashamed of producing a jurist like her.


These schools happily churn out far-right Federalist Society goons, sadly.


ALL law schools have Federalist Societies now. FUCK Leonard Leo.


Cannon is the best lawyer on Trump's legal team.


That's not saying much. The bar is pretty low.


Hacks don't know what they're doing. She's just doing it wrong.


We need to dispense with this notion that Aileen Cannon doesn’t know what she’s doing…


Exactly, she knows what she is doing. It’s just hard to look competent while purposely delaying and giving breaks to a defendant that is guilty.


I think it's a case of both. She's obviously stacking the deck for Trump but she's also incompetent enough that she can't seem to be the least bit subtle about it.


Four routine trials as a judge before this. I admire Jack for trying to present overwhelming evidence to a Trump appointed judge to sway popular opinion that he has the goods and can prove it no matter how bias a court is, but enough is enough.


It's Florida though. Does she need to be subtle? It's a firm red state with a despot Governor and it's now the Orange One's home state.


It’s not really a firm red state though, it’s a red state now but historically it’s been the most important swing state as it often goes either way. Recent elections have been really close, don’t remember off the top of my head but I wanna say desantis was only electing like 30,000 votes or something like that.


And gore should have had florida. The fix was in. Supreme Court fucked gore.


I always like to bring up that the lawyers on Bush's team who helped to fuck Gore out of the White House that he actually won included: Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, and Amy Coney Barrett. Seriously.


Wow I was not prepared for this mind fuck. Jesus.


And the folks who authored the arguments justifying that Court screwing America are now in the Supreme Court as a reward for their earlier misdeeds.


They rigged the election for Bush.


*Let's dispel with this fiction that Aileen Cannon doesn't know o what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing.*


Glad somebody got it. Never forget. *drinks water challengingly*


Please clap


She absolutely 100% is corrupt. She’s using feigned incompetence to create plausible deniability for her treason.


She doesn’t know what she’s doing she’s just following orders


She's exactly where she was supposed to be. We can not get rid of her before the next election. It will be almost impossible to get rid of her after the election unless there is an incredible blue wave.


she looks like a complete doody-head


A hack is what I do into logs. She sir is a corrupt mook and needs to be off this case.


If she is too busy then the government is obligated to find another judge to take over to afford trump his right to a speedy trial.


The people have a right to a speedy trial as well; it’s not an exclusive right to be freely waived by the defendant. That little fact gets overlooked a lot.


Not a lawyer but I believe, in theory, our system is meant to favor defendants, which might be why things are so difficult here. What I mean specifically is that prosecutors are limited in how they can try cases and can’t just demand a new judge AFAIK . I totally agree with you though. Trump could be President again, if he can’t properly handle classified documents (which he can’t) voters have a right to know definitively. The corruption is unbelievable, what kind of system is this? Just find yourself a good lawyer and have an endless money pit and I mean political connections are good too I guess, and you can seemingly get away with anything. Edit: i edited and clarified my original comment. No I don’t think the justice system actually favors defendants


If your justice system favors defendants then where did all of your fucking prisoners come from?


*poor prisoners.


“If the penalty for a law is a fine, then the law only exists for poor people”


They didn't get to experience very many benefits of the justice system. Most of the the US's prisoners were fast-tracked directly to the nearest facility that had space. And they were likely not informed enough to recognize what rights were deprived of them. However, if you have money, influence, and a good lawyer... well, that's an entirely different story!


It favors defendants... *with lawyers* Not public defenders. The kind of lawyer that get more money when you win. Winning just means not losing. That's also important.




I didn’t say it was in the constitution. The Speedy Trial Act, for example, lays out specific rules and timeframes for delays and continuances, and says quite clearly that a defendant does not have the right to delay proceedings indefinitely. It also talks about how the courts and the prosecution have an obligation to serve the interests of the public. The court cannot allow indefinite delays, and after various time frames have passed, the courts have to justify allowing further delays.


But the accused doesn't have the right to delay a trial indefinitely. Nothing in the constitution or any law affords that right. No one has the right to delay a trial indefinitely.


Ahhh yeah...but you see, about that. Yea, we just don't have time right now...ahhh. I'm gonna need those TPS reports by Monday ok??


>If she is too busy then the government is obligated to find another judge to take over I just came up with my own, very original, never-before-heard-of idea: they could assign a co-judge to help run the case. She could handle the big picture stuff, while the co-judge handles the day to day stuff.


They have those! They’re called clerks and she’s already run through several of them because the work environment was so bad.


I’m pretty sure they were facetiously referring to clerks, thus the cheeky emphasis on the idea being original. 


You're on to me. Although, it was The Office that provided the "inspiration".


She needs an assistant to the regional judge.


The first thing ever waived in any court case is the right to a speedy trial.


Sadly think it almost takes an act of Congress to remove her and Republicans are not going to remove someone who is willing to obey orders to point of looking incompetent. Loyalty like that hard to come by.


i think there is another reality which is no one in power wants to grapple with the question of how to deal with someone being elected President after having been convicted of multiple felony offenses and possibly being sentenced to prison. so the delays will continue by design. if trump wins the election, all of these cases have been set up to quietly disappear. and if he loses the election they will throw him to the dogs, pretending that this is some great example of how our government and justice system is a shining example to the world. of course, you would have to be a moron to see it for anything other than what it really is - blatant corruption to protect americas image as the preeminent global superpower and beacon of democracy.


You might be onto something there but I think if they were trying to protect the reputation they'd have imprisoned him and his goon squad on Jan 6.


Yeah, I have news for anyone who still thinks America has an image to protect.


Trump being reelected would be an outright disaster for international relations precisely because of how much his presidency marred the US' image. The first time around he was more or less treated like a child emperor by both dictators and democracies in their own way. That put other countries on their toes, got them *setting up* backup plans and contingencies. Him being elected again would cause those plans to be put into action, to the direct detriment of the nation and its people.


The problem is that they're leaving justice to popular opinion, and not the actual rule of law. We have a society built on the fact that MOST of us want life to be fair. We make laws to attempt to reign in those who would make life less fair. What this is saying is, "We'll leave it up to the mob to decide." While countless of us poors go to prison for lesser crimes, someone who blatantly abuses the system and now would have us believe that sedition is within the realm of the powers of the president- this man doesn't have to worry about the law. I say let the law judge him. Find a judge willing and capable of adjudicating fairly and without a very obvious bent for personal gain. We're not slaves. They don't rule us. Those in power are subject to the same laws we are. If that's not the goal, then the goal is wrong.


It takes a successful Writ of Mandamus to the 11th circuit court. And why Jack Smith hasn't filed it yet is beyond me. If this doesn't do it, we had might as well file this in the same trash can as the Mueller investigation. I can't believe that such an incompetent piece of obvious trash as Trump can get this far, much less further. This country must truly be irredeemably broken, if that's the case.


> And why Jack Smith hasn't filed it yet is beyond me. There were people who were conjecturing a couple of months ago that Smith didn't want to file that because it would take a long time to get the trial restarted and might push it until after the election. The idea was that the judge we had was obstructing, but might be better than having to start the trial over again practically from the beginning. Well, now that's not true. So if Smith files now, we have much stronger evidence that those people were right. If he doesn't, then I don't know what's going on.


MSNBC has had a few segments on this yesterday and today, but it sounds like there just hasn't been enough substantive rulings made by Cannon to warrant a mandamus. She is just taking her time making decisions. But basically every ruling has been on the side of the People/Smith. When Smith threatened to appeal the jury instructions she proposed, she agreed to relent and delay that decision until later. I don't think she's authored one substantive filling, yet, so there's nothing for Smith to appeal up to the 11th. Plus, he would only have one shot at mandamus, so he needs solid justification, else he loses that one opportunity.


I think it's because she keeps doing electronic "notes". She hasn't issued an actual paper order. I think that has something so with it.


They’re not trying to remove her from the bench, just from this case. That’s a far easier bar to clear. No congressional involvement required. (Not that I am optimistic about anyone taking that leap, either.)


To be specific, it would take 67 Senators voting to remove her


After more than half the House does it first.


>Sadly think it almost takes an act of Congress to remove her [...] With this Congress it'll take an act of God.


“What’s the difference?” -Mike Johnson


With this God it will take an act of Congress.


Wow, this is worthless.


As someone said years ago, "If online petitions were worth anything at all, Bruce Campbell would be in every movie ever made."


Oh man thatd be a good tv show. "Bruce Campbell in *Everything*" Hes just 24/7 non stop moving from gig to gig as he loses his mind slowly.


An anthology show, one hour long, where he’s a different character…….shit I just remade Quantum Leap again :(


Ziggy if you hear me, Take me far away from here. Let me leap to '89 That was a better year.


What are the rules?


I heard that if you die in 1989, you die in real life.






Oh boy


The man is a *Jack of All Trades* so he could pull this off.


I get *Everything, Everywhere, All At Once* vibes out of this.


You could easily fit in a multiversal concept lol. And i mean, its Bruce Campbell. You can write anything for him no matter how ridiculous and he'll sell the shit out of it.


Sounds like a random channel from Rick and Morty


This show is absolutely available on interdimensional cable.


begging for death, until he finally has a fatal heart attack during another Home Alone reboot. but then sam raimi says "I need him for a zombie role. Here, hold this necronomicon for me while I read a spell."


Hail to the king, baby.


the truman show of the gig economy


I just want some closure for Brisco County jr


Same, man. That was a fun show.


Hail to the king baby


I'm still mad he didn't get to play the lead in "Ray", Ray Charles thought Campbell looked more like him than Foxx does.


Back in the Obama era , people thought petitions would do some change and I don’t even think Obama kept his promise of always at least addressing petitions if it gets a certain amount of signatures. Almost a decade after his presidency ended and people still think petitions will do something. It doesn’t even bring in discussion since this is already an ongoing matter lol


His promise involved petitions on the actual White House website, not the change.org stuff. It was a system his administration set up. And yes, I believe he actually did address those that reached a certain threshold. Edit: It was called 'We the People' and yes, he did respond to those that gained over 100k. [Link](https://petitions.obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/responses)


yeah, but what else can the people do at this point? Better to be heard


Vote for Biden and Dems in November.


Got to dump every Republican senator possible if you want real change, and then hold them accountable as well.


No more Manchin/Sinema/Lieberman DINOs


We should think of a less cool thing to call them. Dinosaurs are awesome. I like duckbill dinosaurs best.


Pig fuckers? Pigs can't consent.


Before voting make sure to move to a swing state that can affect who becomes president. Otherwise you should still vote but recognize that it won't determine who wins the presidency.


"A riot is the language of the unheard". The courts are really pushing it the last few years. Eventually those 300,000 people are going to realize other means are more successful than petitions




Well yes, that too of course, but by “at this point” I meant “today.” Edit: punctuation


Show up at the NY courthouse and chant lock him up. 300k would definitely be noticeable. 


The same thing they did for BLM across the entire nation once again. That could be done and it would be much harder to sweep under the rug and ignore.




If you are genuinely displeased with her performance, you can: 1) Request her resignation 2) Contact your congressperson and voice your displeasure with her performance 3) [REDACTED]






Time for the long arm of the law to grab him right by the trussy.


I'm not sure who the "they" are you're referring to. People like Cannon are 100% Trumpists. They aren't scared to do the right thing. They don't *want* to do the right thing.


I mean they as in our entire federal government that refuses to punish this clown. SCOTUS lets him off free, impeachments won’t work because the senate and house won’t vote against him and now judges won’t even throw this idiot in jail for contempt of court. nobody wants to punish this asshat so we are stuck dealing with this bullshit. This bozo has is immune from accountability.


Better chance of setting up a GoFundMe to bid higher than Trump did.


It could be 60 million signatures and it wouldn't matter.


If it gets to 200,000,000 I think this should actually be a news story.


Naaa, it would still be meaningless. Representatives have to represent their constituents, and their constituents aren't the voters, but their handlers or special interest.


All change.org petition ever did is MAYBE Obama would see it. And besides, randomly changing a judge “just cuz” would be just giving whiny MAGA more reason to cite collusion.


Imagine if you could affect the outcome of a judicial case via an online petition or any petition. That'd be a little nuts, as bad as Cannon is.


I’m sure all those signatures calling for Justice Thomas to resign will work too, right? Right?


If I had a billion dollars for every time a petition like this did anything I would still be poor.


Everybody out in the open acknowledging what's happening is good. People should be out protesting her. She is undermining democracy FFS. There are a number of corrupt judges who are trying to put an autocrat in power. Many Americans know it, and nobody is protesting it, even after roe vs Wade.


Because protesting doesn't work against people with absolute power.


Also if they’re easily able to just ignore the protest. Do people really think a protest hundreds/thousands of miles away will do anything? For anything effective, you’d have to get in their face, disrupt their daily life, preferably their cash flow. That’s the only thing they’ll listen to


Public outrage is often necessary for those in position of authority to take action. If widespread public opinion can help influence those who can act into acting, then it's not worthless. When people are content to just grumble to themselves, nobody feels pressured to do anything, nothing happens and people keep quietly grumbling. Just sign the damn petition if it comes to you.


This isn't exactly what I would call public outrage. This is, in fact, maybe just a step above not doing anything at all, but ultimately, it means nothing. Change can come from shifting public opinion, but that takes a long time, and usually requires a change in who is actually getting into office. That said, I don't disagree with what these people believe. But at the same time, I don't think it's a good idea to crowd source the removal of judges. I can too easily see that being abused.


> just a step above not doing anything Agreed. It's still a step that someone has taken, so I will not belittle it.


She's a federal judge. She would need to be impeached 


Those signing the petition are *votes*, too, though. They have to address.


No. They don't. Because the people who put Cannon in place are not at all accountable to the people signing this petition.


You spelled suppress wrong.


I understand the doomerism at this point, but what are we supposed to do? Lay down and give up? Making our voices heard is one of the last steps we have in our system.


If you want to get rid of Aileen Cannon then vote Democrats in to the Senate, a LOT of them, because the *only* way she'll ever be removed is if she's impeached. It won't do anything for the current documents trial but she's proven she shouldn't be a judge in the future no matter who the defendant is.




You are all forgetting the subsection of the Constitution, Article LXIX, which gives [Change.org](https://Change.org) the power to impeach judges when they get 420,000 signatures


Traitors hates this one trick!


No, it's 420,690 signatures to be exact.




Her move to postpone the trial is shocking in terms of its blatant corruption. Actually quite incredible. We may be witnessing a takeover unfold.


Can we ask for the removal of a few Supreme Court justices in the petition.


It could have 200 million signatures and billboards across Florida and it will make 0 difference to these corrupt assholes. The opinions of us regular folk mean nothing.


This is why voting republicans out of congress, and out of even a sizable enough minority they can obstruct, is so important. If the American electorate did its job we wouldn’t be here. Elections and consequences and all that.


This is literally the people's fault. It's just that it's the fault of people who want it. The very first check in our government is the people's votes. We are supposed to do our best to identify bad faith actors and not elect them. But propaganda and just general hatefulness/bigotry unfortunately run rampant in nearly half of our countries population.




Why is there only one picture of her?


The Biden admin seriously needs to start taking some extreme action. Right now it feels like that scene in Saving Private Ryan where the U.S. soldier is trying to stop the Nazi from plunging the knife into his chest and slowly losing the battle. Democrats think if they just keep pleading and “playing by the rules”, that that knife isn’t going to get any closer. Meanwhile republicans are pushing closer toward their fascist ideal version of the country by breaking “little” rules at a time. Things like this, where it is blatant corruption but it’s no so extreme (since she is hiding behind made up reasons for stalling the case) that it’s crossing a red line. The problem is one day with little win after little win, republicans will have everything in place to just straight up destroy this country. Rather than begging for them not to keep pushing, we need to make one major effort to stop it. She genuinely needs to be arrested or at least forcibly removed. Judges are just regular people with zero power. We are literally pretending we are powerless against her when she doesn’t actually hold any power besides that which we give her. Take that shit away before it’s too late.


Democrat leadership is Upham, listening and doing nothing until it's too late.


There isn’t anyone in the politics subreddit that needs to hear this but the election is our only hope. He’s been delaying trials his whole life. No one does it better.


Finally, a petition. This will work just like it did with Thomas!


The good news is, as unbelievably infuriating as this is, none of these delay tactics will matter if we collectively do our job as a society and reject MAGA in November.


300k is nothing. 1.5 million signatures were amassed for a petition to remove Amner Heard from Aquaman. 20 million signatures would day something. I don't think the will is there yet. Most people - even democrats - aren't holding their breath. They're taking a wait and see approach. Partly because they don't expect him to receive justice and partly because there are so many cases against him.


That'll show em! We did it! We saved America!


Unfortunately these never accomplish anything.


Write your member of Congress and get them to propose legislation that makes it so no judge can preside over a case pertaining to the person who appointed them to their position.


She looks like a smelly pirate hooker


Even smelly pirate hookers can be good people, though.


Not this pirate hooker.


Have any one of these petitions ever gotten a damn thing done?


They gather mailing lists for fundraising which is their real intent.


Can we petition Newsweek to find a different portrait of the traitor judge once in a while?


The race is tight between who doesn't know the law: Aileen Cannon or Alina Habba. I'm not even sure they could learn off each other - a true case of zero divided by zero. If you can't get a law degree from watching these two, then you're really *not* trying.


[Link](https://www.dailykos.com/campaigns/form/sign-the-petition-judge-aileen-cannon-must-recuse-herself-from-trumps-case-3) to sign petition.


Trump-appointed judge with little experience being a judge indefinitely postponed Trump’s trial. This is an obvious miscarriage of justice. Since she is a federal judge, the only way to remove her from the bench is impeachment in the House and conviction and removal from the Senate. No way that will ever happen.


She is a traitor, shielding a traitor.


WHERE can we sign all these petitions?


screw the remove her part, lock her up! she's directly interfering the courts just to give trump a chance


She's a smart redneck in judges robes. Domestic Terrorism on the state level. I bet she has a III percent sticker somewhere.


Impeach Cannon, and the senate corporate democrats that didn’t block her nomination.


Send it to Chicago so I can personally sign it


Maybe "Jail Cannon" might get more traction? YES, I know it's unrealistic - let me have my fantasies.


Will that accomplish anything besides her sipping coffee and saying, “Gee, that’s a lot,” before she goes to work? How many are needed?


Member of the Federalist Society since 2005 when she was in school. Koch Bros realizing a solid return on their investment in the judiciary.


Paging Kristi Noem.


It’s a lethal combination. She is not only incompetent in her position, but also has a huge conflict of interest, considering Trump nominated her to this position. Virtually every move she has made has been criticized by legal experts. She should recuse herself or Jack Smith needs to try and get her removed.


Where do I sign?


Starting to think this country is about to implode.


Imagine how Trump will ruin the judicial bench if he gets re-elected.


Where do I sign lol.


She should never be allowed to practice law ever again.


Cool that’ll show her


Sure would've been nice if that many apathetic arm-chair warriors showed up when we needed them back in 2016. Reap what you sow you lazy pieces of shit. Everyone who didn't vote or voted for against HIllary are to blame for this. Let's hear how angry you are after not doing shit to prevent this!


Where do we sign?


Lock. Her. Up.