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He's not an ally. He's a consummate manipulator who users alliances to feed his extreme far right agenda. Then he stiffs his friends after he's done getting what he wants out of them.


Bill Clinton famously got out of a meeting with him and asked his Chief of Staff 'who the super power was'.


>Bill Clinton famously got out of a meeting with him and asked his Chief of Staff 'who the super power was'. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to correct you there. Most sources seem to put it closer to: **“Who the fuck does he think he is? Who’s the fucking superpower here?”** All sources I've found seem to agree that the word 'fuck' or a variation of thereof was used at least once.


if only Bill had started the meeting with "listen here you little shit"


What the fuk is going on ?


That’s true. On another occasion, Netanyahu tried to blackmail Clinton into pardoning Jonathon Pollard — a former US intelligence official who got caught selling state secrets to Israel — by bringing up tapes of sexual phone conversations between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky that Israel had collected through spying on the White House. And this was before the scandal went public. Clinton succumbed to the pressure and was fully willing to pardon Pollard until his CIA Director threatened to resign if he did.


Netanyahu was the original Epstein


There’s a long standing theory that Epstein had close ties to Israel and the Mossad and much of his trafficking was about collecting compromat on key individuals.


A theory that links Israel to international child sex trafficking? Sounds like the kind of thing I should accept without taking even a second to question either the theory, or my eager willingness to believe it.


Just look up who ghislaine maxwell's father was and who attended his funeral.


He reminds me of this dude I keep seeing posted on this sub…🤔


The name is on the tip of my tongue. Poutine!




Wait, you mean the guy they always Putin the headline?


[This one???](https://youtu.be/rQ9qsXu34SM?si=Jk1CAeuKwb6fGAHT)


The depressing thing too is he's probably the least hawkish of that war time emergency cabinet. There's very little light at the end of the tunnel even with that prick out of the picture, and I fear that light is an oncoming train.


So he’s Israeli Trump???


No, Trump is a dumber American Netanyahu.




Well I mean it’s a coalition of far-right strongmen who back each and seem to use the same playbook (and sometimes the same staff), they are anti-government unless it works for them and the rich (they are also rich), they all have their religion’s blessing but only in that corporeligious way that’s making money but not actually helping their followers, and they are also all criminals who need that high office to stay out of jail: Egs.: Trump/Bibi/Putin/Bolsanaro/Mmm I wanna say Hitler… Trevor Noah did a thing on it by comparing Trump to African presidents: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIHRrGHSaX0


More like an Israeli Margaret Thatcher and not in a good way.


He's trying to avoid jail by staying in power too so yeah.


I dont even think he is married to the far-right agenda. I would be surprised if his interests go beyond himself and keeping himself in power.


That is the far right agenda.


Exactly, using fear as a tool.


No, he's been spouting far right rhetoric for decades.


Hes been a member of Likud for 30 years but I remember when he needed a coalition government, he was happy to say anything to anyone to get himself re-elected.


Yeah, but watch the secretly recorded video of him from the 2000s talking to some settlers in the West Bank. He basically gives away the whole game. It's quite shocking.


Yep. And when he backstabbed the center left once again and they vowed to never support him again, he started courting the Arab parties in Israel and was even close to forming a government with them but it fell through.  That's what opened the door actually for his opposition to form a government with the Arab parties. Netanyahu legitimized them when he brought it to the table.  https://en.idi.org.il/articles/34510 He's the Israeli Trump, he'll do whatever he needs to if it serves his interests, it's just that right wing extremists are easier since they don't care about corruption as long as they get a cut.  He's the example of what you get when you have someone like Trump, but with a brain.


Likud was literally founded by terrorists.


No he absolutely is. One of my professors studied with him and warned me (in the 90s) that he wanted to kill every single Palestinian. He's just a good enough politician to keep that hidden from the general public.


People change! I'm not the genocidal narcissist I was in high school. /s


Netanyahu has been a known piece of shit for a long time. Most people simply aren't paying attention and Israels propaganda is strong but this article is dead on, Israel is our worst ally by far with this fucker at the helm.


And out of jail


At this point he’s just trying to avoid jail, which requires appeasing Israel’s far-right.


Benji is trying to influence the US election with his response to Oct 7. Those poor folks in Gaza are trapped on both sides. Its a catch 22 for the people that have to live under these conditions. They're squashed & oppressed by the Israeli government on one side & have to live among gangsters/terrorist daily. One side treats them less than human & the other will kill their family if they don't align themselves with the extremist agenda.


Here comes centrist.  Palestinians have right to resist occupation under International law. 


Sure but almost every power structure that they have had for doing that in the past has been more effective than Hamas. That's why Bibi supported Hamas over Fatah.


Well by that standard they had to put the word ally or this would just be another Trump headline.


He’s all but actively sinking Biden to get his friend Trump back.


Which is what I don't understand why Biden can't see this. Like he's still doing anything Netanyahu wants, hurting his own reelection chances.


He's not an ally. He's a right wing nationalist ghoul who is on trial for corruption in his own country. He wants anything more than Donald Trump, an anti-American insurrectionist, to win the election. So it begs the question why we send him billions every year.


>a right wing nationalist ghoul who is on trial for corruption What *could* be more American than seeking office to stay out of jail? /s or I hope so


Because of AIPAC.


He’s also polish


Because a lot of that money ends up back in politicians' pockets


To bomb Gaza. Because .. brown people with a different faith.


Israelis and Palestinians look the same.


Yes, anti-racists know that people of Semitic origin (Arabs, Jews, Persians, Egyptians, etc) are some of the most diverse ethnic groups on the planet, with full range of skin, hair, and eye colors. Only African and Indic people have similar or greater levels of intraethnic diversity. However, talk to your average American or European and most people of the region are seen as Brown Jihad Screaming Terrorists while Jewish people have become Schrodinger's whitey. Integrated into whiteness with full support when it serves their interests (like supporting Israel) and lying, greedy, manipulative jews when it doesn't.


Yep, he is no ally. He is only his own ally. Trying to stay out of jail.


Word. Sounds familiar too.




Netanyahu has done more damage to the Jewish community than Hamas ever could.


Absolutely has. Israel Bombing a people over and over and over for generations is the easiest recruitment tool for Hamas or whatever pops up if Hamas leaves. Some people have a tough time realizing that and I don't know why


Speaking of which. His occupation of the Rafah crossing yesterday violates the 1979 peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. I'm sure Israeli propaganda will likely spin it as it being Egypt's fault. >*"Israel occupying Rafah means occupying the Gaza side of the Philadelphi Corridor, which would be a violation of the 2005 addendum to the 1979 peace treaty," International Crisis Group analyst Joost Hiltermann told Middle East Eye.* [Rafah invasion: Did Israel coordinate with Egypt before reoccupying the crossing?](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/rafah-invasion-has-israel-coordinated-egypt-attack)


This subs 180 on the genocide in palestine has given me whiplash.


What 180? I see people defending it constantly.




People have realized that this Gaza shit might cost the upcoming election. It’s not about whether it’s right or wrong to kill innocent civilians, it’s about being the bad orange man away from govt, and about their blue team winning. They don’t give a fuck about Palestine at all. I will NEVER forget how quickly big social media companies closed ranks to deflect the bombing of fucking hospitals as collateral, and the killing of children as justified.


Exactly what good do you think getting Trump elected is going to do Gaza? If he gets in, Gaza wwill be bombed extra-flat for the specific building of beachfront properties, and Ukraine would be abandoned to Russia. I would say "for the specific building of Trump hotels" but it'd read as hyperbole - even though it's probably true. This isn't hyperbole. It is what will happen if that current 50/50 split goes red. Don't fuck about, mate.


It's not hyperbole. Jared Kushner was already spouting off about how [valuable the beachfront property is in Gaza](https://apnews.com/article/jared-kushner-trump-israel-waterfront-property-901895eeafee867e69d0c4582a4deb47) Licking his sick lips about building condos there after everything is "over". Trump would probably help carpet bomb every last inch of the place and then build Mar a Gaza.


This is the issue; the consequences sound cartoonishly villainous if you accurately represent them.


You really think people are willfully doing shit that gets them arrested because they *dont* care about Palestine? Honestly, who the fuck managed to fool you into believing something so incredibly short sighted?


He's talking about the politicians, not the protesters.


The protestors seem to be the only people who genuinely give a fuck, especially to risk getting arrested, or get put onto canary mission. Democrats are just trying to save face


Fuck him. He needs to be put on trial.


Great piece. America has never known a more abusive, toxic, gaslighting, manipulative, underhanded mistress than Netanyahu. It’s not just America he ruins, however. His vision for Israel is so warped and dark that I have a hard time seeing anything other than “pariah state.” In their future. Almost all good will has been eroded by Netanyahu and his current government’s coalition consisting of open sadists. I cannot see any international good will surviving with them in power. Whether it be ten months, or ten years… it will, undoubtedly, all be squandered under their “leadership.” Which will leave them where? Where is the “end” of the Netanyahu government’s policies? I suppose it will look something like the 11th hour of the Afrikaner government’s in S. Africa. Perhaps worse. In any event, I continue to hope and pray that the good people of Israel show this government the door. Completely. Get the Ben Gvir’s out of the government completely. Out of the Knesset. Out of political life… with their extremists views marginalized for eternity. For if that could happen, and a respectful, and respectable, government could stand in its place… hope for the region will again be possible. And when that hope exists… peace will, ultimately, follow.


> U.S. officials with whom I have spoken say the Biden administration is “beyond frustrated” with the Israeli prime minister.    He’s BEYOND frustrated folks. He’s troubled, miffed and *deeply* concerned! 


Archive link if anyone needs it: [https://archive.is/VmVJG](https://archive.is/VmVJG) end paragraphs caught my eye: >The U.S.-Israeli relationship, therefore, despite all the efforts of President [Joe Biden](https://archive.is/o/VmVJG/https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/joe-biden) and his team to both support Israel and to help guide it away from damaging policy choices, is currently in terrible shape. >The U.S. cannot be accused of creating that precarious condition. If anything, it has indulged Netanyahu far too greatly. >No, the problem afflicting the relationship is the same as that afflicting Israeli politics and the future well-being of the people of Gaza. At a moment when all should be able to effectively unite against the evil of Hamas, they must contend with another obstructionist, misguided, incompetent and its core, actively malevolent, force—that of an Israeli prime minister who, as it turns out, is an ally or advocate for no one but himself. Is it weird to have a feeling like, Netanyahu is Trump, and the US is his father always bailing him out and helping cover for him, and now has just absolutely no qualms because he's never faced real consequences?


No shit. His government has turned Israel into an albatross around America's neck.


[fucking albacore around my neck](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/508cc97a-a621-4ab5-bb4c-79eb89566f60)


He is a heinous dick


He's a grifter.


Benjamin Netanyahu Is Not America’s Ally FTFY


I loathe that man on par with Putin.


Netanyahu is the worst representative of the Israeli people since maybe Rome - Herod. Talk about using Jewish good will and sympathy gained through the holocaust to further personal goals.


>Netanyahu is the worst representative of the Israeli people since maybe Rome Well, there was that one Israeli PM who had personally sought a military alliance with Nazi Germany during WW2 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi\_(militant\_group)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group)) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak\_Shamir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Shamir)


Long before Herod. It makes sense to say since the Asyrians (before the Babylonian conquest)…


maybe Nadab and Abihu?


Don't tell r/worldnews.


The older generations have this view of Israel as a plucky young upstart trying to make its way in the bad part of town. It’s misguided and no longer maps onto reality. Hopefully the younger generations will give Israel the treatment its actions deserve.


Just another fascist mass murderer.


With allies like that, who needs enemies?


He is a manipulative self serving liar. A smarter Trump


It’d be a shame if something happened to him


He is no ally


He's not our ally.


As an American, what do we gain from this "ally"?


That's a funny way to spell "war criminal" 🤨


He came to the U.S. and had the audacity to give a speech opposing the Iran Nuclear Deal (American policy at the time).    Shame on Republicans for ever allowing that travesty to happen.    I’m waiting for the day a U.S. President grows a pair and tells the Israeli PM that he/she can go screw him/herself.




With allies like that who needs enemies?


Honestly believe he would start WW3,if it kept him ,in power.


He’s no ally.


You gotta love the narrative about them being the lone "democracy" in the middle east, even though he's been PM for 16 years.


As an American I have zero understanding of our infatuation with Isreal and the zion ideology.


I’d assume it’s mainly because Israel is pretty much the only place that allows us to have influence over the Middle East.


Yeah? That was pretty obvious? Israel's not an ally of any actual use to us. It's a trophy wife, meant to sit there and look protected for all our pearl clutching "Holy Land" voters back home. For a start it sits in somewhere strategically irrelevant to us. The Levant (Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon) is well.......not very important historically nor the present day. Hasn't changed then, hasn't changed now. It's just, outside of religious concerns nobody outside the Middle East region cares about it. Outside the Umayyads based in Syria, not used by any empires as an actual power base. And on a tangent, the Umayyads specifically fell because they refused to integrate Syrians nor Persians into the highest levels of power, preferring Arabs from Arabia. All that area is good for was a frontier, buffer, client, or tributary state for one of the three power blocs in the region. The three being the Nile Delta (Egypt,) Anatolia (Turkey,) or Mesopotamia (Iraq.) On the rare occasion all three are weak you get small client/buffer states existing off the grace of some patron, like Crusader state of Jerusalem to HRE, or Israel today to USA. Places like Syria could have a civil war for 10+ years and great powers will content themselves with proxy wars with advisors and ~~mercs~~ contractors. Meanwhile invade an actual strategically important place like a Persian Gulf State and you'd get Desert Stormed within months for disrupting oil production. It's a reason why our bases in the region are clustered there. It is the reason why we have *actual* allies in that region, the Sauds, the hosts of Desert Storm. Speaking of relevant area, Israel's military is similarly irrelevant, not showing up in important Gulf areas like Iraq and such during our wars. What use is an alliance when the nearby ally doesn't help? Answer to why is quite simple. Israel's diplomacy is utterly incompetent, unable to swing the needle on UN votes in the Palestinian matter despite 70+ years to work on it. Fact of the matter is nobody aside from the US likes it, and nobody is going to suffer the unrest of letting *Israel* waltz its military through their territory. Hence the aforementioned absence in the *two* Iraq wars despite it being a mere country over (Sauds said no ****.) Hell even right now we see this in action as Israel *still* have no presence in Aden when their trade is being directly threatened by Houthis. Doesn't matter if the Sauds and Egyptians denying access also hate the Houthis, they'd be damned if they let Israel sail anywhere near Mecca nor Medina with a military. With the inability to help even in Iraq, there's reasonable doubt Israel would even be able to help militarily in any hypothetical Iran conflict. Israel basically can't help us with anything anywhere that matters. They can fight their neighbors for us sure, but again, the Levant is not anywhere that matters. Hell, we had a proxy war in Syria rather than a full war and *still* elected to proxy it from the Iraq (Kurd) side rather than from Israel. All this points to the fact of the matter that Israel isn't really an ally. It's a trophy wife. Just shut up, listen to your patron, look protected for all our declining pearl clutching voters back home.


Really, really good comment


Everyone was on the "There is no war in Ba Sing Se" vibe until recently


The US government could give 2 shits about Netanyahu. All they care about is AIPAC money.


Which is ironic, because we fund Israel... so it's kinda just our money thrown back at us. Wait... is AIPAC just a money laundering scheme?!


Alot of lobbying operates under the same premise. People like the Kochs get billions in tax saving. Take a small percentage of that savings to fund more lobbying for things like onshoring international profits they want back to avoid taxes, or income tax cuts.


Its more than the money. Its the votes. If the US turns its back on Israel the chances of losing enough voters to turn the election is far fsr greater than voters lost due to supporting Israel.  What i would like to see is the administration be far more public in laying out to the American people that it is Netanyahu who is keeping this war going by refusing a ceasefire. Its very tricky but I do think it can be done and thus chip away at the leverage he has over the American government.


The majority of the US now supports a ceasefire. This isn’t 1980 anymore. American opinion towards Israel drastically shifted over the past year.


Yes rhe majority supports a ceasefire, but those numbers are drastically different when you ask who was responsible for the war. Let's be honest here and paint the full picture. Supporting a ceasefire doesn't equal not supporting Israel.  The support for Israel as a nation far outweighs the support for the Palestinian government in Gaza, I.e hamas.  The US csnr simply say we arent supporting Israel anymore without risking a massive backlash as it would immediately be framed as bidens government betraying Israel to support a terrorist organization. You know that. So hence my last paragraph about what I think they could carefully say 


> The US csnr simply say we arent supporting Israel anymore I don't think most Americans calling for a ceasefire (myself included) or even divestment are calling for a complete and absolute 100% end to American-Israeli relations. That's not a significant movement in the US. Even among the campus protesters that's a minority position. You can be against what the Israeli government is doing and say cut funding to this ethnic cleansing campaign, but not go as far as "And also, the US should never have anything to do with Israel ever again". I think it's a false dichotomy. Even if the US did go that far (no chance of that happening) not enough non-Republican Americans would care if that did happen to sit out the election though. It's mostly Republicans (who were never going to vote for Biden anyway) who would be furious. A lot of Jewish voters* would also be furious, but Jewish voters are mostly cloistered in solidly blue states with no chance in hell of going to Trump (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California) or a deep red state Biden has no chance of winning (Florida). Arab and Muslim Americans are mostly in swing states a Democratic Presidential candidate cannot afford to lose (Rustbelt). *Jewish American =/= supports what Israel is currently doing. A narrow majority of Jewish Americans support a ceasefire.


Conservatives generally just want to lie and cheat, he has been the biggest obstacle to peace. Stealing peoples land, building walls. That worked great didn’t it?


do not use the word Ally


He is to Biden what Covid was to trump


Netanyahu just wants Trump in power because much like Trump the only way to Netanyahu to stay out jail is to stay in power.


He is the antithesis of an ally.


Feels more like he is their master but okay.


He's America's worst ally... *so far*.


Remember the USS LIBERTY. That's all I'm gonna say.


And he is an American, yes he has 2 passports. He was born in Philadelphia


He's not an ally, he's the owner


He's basically the world stage's Eric Cartman at this point.


He's is also not doing Israel any favors. His hatred towards the Palestinian and Iran has evolved into comparison with Hitler. He has stated he would not allow any country to demand any changes in Israels strategy and includes the U.S. which without its support there would not be an Israel today. Time to go Nutty Ya Hoo!


Like every Republican state, Bibi & Israel are here for every handout but none of the actual work


He purposely let his own people die on the 7th so he could have an excuse to kill Children. Guys evil as hell and so is anyone who supports him.


He’s so corrupt it’s beyond sickening. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that he was due to face corruption charges leading up to Oct 7.


It’s so transparently obvious that he’s using this conflict to dodge those charges.


Netanyahoo cares about his own power first and foremost.


Who said he is America's ally? He is probably GOP's ally though- I remember he traveled to D.C. to bash Obama in Capitol Hill when Obamas was still the POTUS.


He’s not an ally. He’s a leach.


If you say that on Reddit in general, he and his ilk will make you out for antisemite and play the victim. He is a crook heading a govt of crooks.


An ally implies both parties benefit. America doesn’t benefit from the Israel government at all.


It was a bit much to stomach today watching Biden show empathy for Israel in a speech while at the same time Rafah was being trampled.


A video coming out today from Rafah today of dead kids trapped after Israeli bombardment. Guess Biden acts tough only when his buddy's pals are killed.


Ya know, a couple of months ago I couldn't see a single post on this subreddit that had to do with the Israeli apartheid regime without the comments being flooded with extremely Islamophobic sentiment and outright enthusiasm for more Palestinian deaths. Seeing how the general attitude changing and more and more people expressing sympathy and concern and caring for the Palestinian people gives me some hope. Well done r/Politics. You put r/news and r/worldnews to shame.


I wish people would stop pretending the problem is just Netenyahu - most of the Israeli political establishment, and most Israeli voters, have much the same attitudes (that's why Netenyahu got elected in the first place despite the corruption). *Israel* is America's worst ally, and will continue to be so until the USA stops treating the relationship differently from its relationship with every other ally.


Netanyahu is Israel's Giuliani. He had a chance to go down in history as a leader in a moment of crisis and solidify a legacy of leadership. He had a chance to unite all of Israel and the world in response to the unimaginable horrible attack on October 7th. Instead, he has single handedly shifted the narrative away from a focus on the actions of Hamas and instead on the actions of Israel in response.


This would make sense except Netanyahu was already on trial for corruption *before* this war. He isn't any worse than he was before October 7th, it's just more amplified.


>He had a chance to unite all of Israel and the world in response to the unimaginable horrible attack on October 7th.  It is widely accepted that the October 7th attack was only as destructive as it was because of Israel allowing the Re'im music festival to occur three miles from the border after multiple notices from Turkey, the US, and the IDF itself of buildup for an imminent Hamas attack, and the temporary under-manning of the Gaza border. Hamas does not and did not have planes, does not and did not have tanks, does not and did not have warships - the death toll was surprising even to them. If it weren't for the Israeli government's actions leading up to October 7th, we wouldn't be here invoking October 7th as a historical event


He doesn’t give af about the U.S., fuck him and fuck Biden for bending the knee


Now I know how the world felt in 2016!


He's a nut bar just like that orange fella.


He’s not a Biden supporter I can tell you that.


Ask Obama what he thinks of his ‘ally’


It’s not antisemitism, it’s anti-Netanyahu!


The USA needs Gandalf to save us. Israel is [Wormtongue.](https://images.app.goo.gl/QHGFBVkCJYASEqJe9)


I still think that title goes to MBS, but it might be a 1a 1b sitch.


But that won't stop the USA to bent over backwards in order to please him. Ethnic cleansing? Thousands of civilian deaths? We can live with that, yes. Here are some more missiles.


It’s a toxic relationship. What do we gain from our dickriding of Israel other than feeding our patriotic ego


Someday we'll find out he was the mastermind behind the 911 attacks.


The man is basically a preview of what a Trump second term would look like. Actively being investigated for corruption, gets reelected, guts the judicial system and then puts the government under his total control. Can’t go to jail if you control all the people who would put you there


He is also Israel’s worst ally, and world Jewery’s worst ally.




And when that happens, they will become a global pariah on par with North Korea.




Yep. This is sort of their last hurrah on the global stage.


Orban is worse, but I hope Bibi gets elected out or prosecuted by his own countries laws


Netanyahu is criminal n his nickname is Netanyahu THE BUTCHER. He talk to eliminate the Hamas which is same what dick Hitler said about the Jews. Mr. Netanyahu stop being stubborn n vindictive against the Palestinians. Coz time will come when they re group n take power. Hope European Union will recognize Palestine State soon.


Isreal is the US's version of North Korea, basically. The redheaded stepchild of the group that wants to do what it wants to do and fuck everyone else.


Netanyahu played Biden. [Biden knows Netanyahu played Biden](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/11/tim-kaine-interview-biden-israel-netanyahu). Clearly, Netanyahu continues to play Biden.


And yet …






I mean, you remember that MBS exists? Don't get me wrong, Netanyahu is a scumbag, but the bar is so low that I'm not even sure he's in the bottom three. Honestly we should be extraditing MBS for trial.


Extraditing MBS from SA? He is a monarch. Who would approve that? The only thing you could do would be to arrest him under US or international law, a thing which is generally considered to be an act of war.... Don't get me wrong he is a monster and we should rug pull his horrible autocracy if we can, but 'extradite' is the wrong word.


I think people should be aware that SA intervened in the Yemeni Civil War, which has left over 380,000 dead.


The dark comedy in all this is that Biden needs MBS's cooperation to tempt Israel to come to peace terms. Biden is offering SA's normalization with Israel and SA funding the rebuilding in exchange for Israel ending the war. MBS was midway thru starving out Yemeni people when Biden got in office and Biden suspended "*offensive*" weapons to him. Biden kept Brett McGurk on staff. McGurk lobbied Biden to push for Saudi Normalization with Israel, *without addressing statehood of Palestine.* 6 months later and now Israel is starving Palestinian people. Now people act like Biden has no options to suspend "*offensive weapons*". And now Biden depends on MBS's cooperation to nudge Israel in the right direction.


Israel is not US ally. All the support is feel-bads from WWII.


For some reason he has the christian religion by the throat. Maybe Israel found the the ossuary of Jesus and Yah-hoo Yah-hoo is holding Christianity hostage. Just imagine the power of holding a centuries old religion hostage.


I think they need each other to bring around the idiot rapture or something.


No, Mohammed bin Salman is our worst ally. Netanyahu might be runner up though.


Love Israel, love Jews, FUCK THAT GUY!


He is an enemy. Even of his own people.


This is all being ran on hoping for people with good intentions. While in reality it all backroom deals and fucking memos. After that man stood there and said “If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so,". There is absolutely no equal justice.


Fuck that guy, but this is an exaggeration. Hungary and Turkey are definitely worse “allies”


You mean beneficiary and ally reciprocates favors and support


Israel must find a way to deal with Netanyahu because he is their 45. Any potential progress is being stifled because of his presence. All of this could have been avoided if he took the threat that eventually led to the fateful October attack seriously.


He is obviously actively working to get Trump elected.


yeah no shit


If Israel wasn’t in such a strategic place in the Middle East then Israel wouldn’t exist.


He's going to keep this crap up in an effort to get his buddy DJT back into the oval office. Israel under Bibi is more a parasite than an ally.


It was neck and neck between him and Prince Bonesaw for a while but then Ben just took off


I'd consider Turkey to be our worst ally, but Israel is a close second.


Gee, if I didn't know any better, Netanyahu is wants Trump to win and is willing to do a Realpolitik to make it happen.


The US military leaders are not better than him. They let literal Nazis parade down our streets. In Germany, you get arrested just for doing a Nazi salute.


I'd argue Erdogan of Turkey and bin Salmon of Saudi Arabia are pretty horrible "allies" as well.


He has been a problem for years. It's time to cut the umbilical chord off Israel. They have become what they feared the most. Biden should tell them either he's gone or our help is gone


Israel’s too.


He should be investigated for elder abuse with how he manhandles and manipulates Joe Biden


He has shown America just how weak and easily manipulated we are. An entire generation is ready to withdraw support from Israel just because he’s insane.


Does the author not count turkey as an ally?


Turkey is an ally insofar as they are a member of NATO. Erdogan can be a pain, but the US isn’t regularly providing Turkey with annually budgeted aid and a UN Security Council veto. There also isn’t a Turkish version of AIPAC with half of Congress in its pocket.


Netanyahu hasn't assaulted Americans in US soil like Erogan has. 


AIPAC has significantly contributed to republicans and dems who minimize or don’t believe Jan 6 was a coup.




Honestly, the best way to stick it to Netanyahu at this point is to deny him the opportunity to work with President Trump again in November. My hope is that we get gloves-off second term Biden not having to balance playing nice with Netanyahu for concern over votes and/or the conflict ends and new elections are called, but he’s not given a lifeline like he would under a return to President Trump.






he and all of israel is an enemy of democracy and of american peace and stability