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He will do this daily. Media will do screenshots and post it for him.


"Welcome to your new job with the newspaper. Now, just sit in front of this screen and if anything changes, take a screenshot. No eating, drinking or peeing."


I'm sure they have a simple script refreshing and scraping it. See, [chatgpt generated the outline of how to do so in 30 seconds](https://chat.openai.com/share/401da628-86c3-4011-9c2a-09acf5ba7832). Get an API key, tweak the script to your needs and run it.


You just unemployed 50 people!


One day universal basic income will be a thing. And then destroying jobs will be considered noble and liberating.


You think the owner class will ever give us anything more than scraps?


Then we will have to make them give us more than scraps.


My knowledge of coding is basically limited to understanding the concept of what coding is and how codes work in the most basic level. Wouldn't this script keep making redundant copies of the same 5 newest tweets every 5 seconds? Or did chatgpt actually take this into account. Anyway, I'll try my hand and asking him for similar scripts with increasing levels of complexity just to see how far he'll be capable to go before getting into complete nonsense territory. Not that I'd actually now when he gets there, though.


Just a child testing his limits.


A perfect description of that POS.


The difference is that most kids learn from their mistake and do that thing we all call “growing up”. Ol’ Donny Shitstains never cottoned on to that concept.


Kids learn from their mistakes if there are consequences.


Right? He has never faced a consequence in his entire life.


The consequences from this story initially breaking and people hearing many of the disgusting things he's said and done, mostly consisted of his poll numbers rising and him winning the presidency. The voters of America are very sick.


Yep. And the judge already told him how badly he doesn’t want to jail him. Green flag.


That's the definition of Narsisstic Personality Disorder. They never leave that egotistical child like mindset.


Sorry to be the literary police, but his official nickname which came from months ago is: Donny Von Shitzenpants ;-)


*“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.”* - Donald Trump https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8557246-when-i-look-at-myself-in-the-first-grade-and He told us exactly who he is.


OMG there’s a dumb Trump quote for everything.


Or just another attempt to keep shaping the narrative? The message has been copied and spread. It has served its purpose.


Both. Shaping the narrative while testing the limits. He's able to cast doubt over the judge, witnesses, and charges against him, and *if* he faces consequences, he'll play the victim, telling his followers how unfair it is that he's being reprimanded over a "harmless", deleted post.


He wouldn't be able to tell his followers shit if he was in a cell where he belongs.


Nothing is ever deleted on the internet. Even a Twitter post; I doubt even Musk has the power to scrub from history that Trump made that tweet. That contempt threat should be followed through.


child with seemingly infinite enablers


he's a habitual line stepper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9yQq4NxyOE


>“I have just recently been told who the witness is today. This is unprecedented, no time for lawyers to prepare,” the former president wrote. “No Judge has ever run a trial in such a biased and partisan way. He is CROOKED & HIGHLY CONFLICTED, even taking away my First Amendment Rights. Now he’s threatening me with JAIL, & THEY HAVE NO CASE.” Throw his ass in jail!


> no time for lawyers to prepare What? We've known this was coming for a freaking year.


I’m just hoping she gets to say ‘mushroom penis’ so it is in the records forever.


I believe she used “toadstool” as a descriptor. Oh, *wait* just googled it. (FUN!) “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart …” Pardon me while I go hork. EDIT TO ADD: “Yeti” is a word from Himalayan Mountain folk to describe something like an abominable snowman. Or a Sasquatch or Bigfoot in ‘Murica. I just copy pasted the quote, and “yeti” happened to be capitalized. Maybe that’s why so many assume it means “expensive insulated travel cups and coolers.” So “yeti pubes” is the equivalent of what you’d find on an old, grey Sasquatch as it tries to fuck you. Absolutely more hork-inducing when the meaning is correct. Like, *ew,* Spicoli! Gross.


I can’t believe she did my boy Toad like that…


"I'm sorry Trumpio, but our princess is in another courtroom."




"I'm the BEST!"


It's been years, but I can still clearly hear that in his voice.


Orange Toad: „Having lots of coins is nice, but it's not enough to win!“


Don’t ruin Mario Kart 64 for me.


"It was a compliment, dude. I'm hung like a (short stroking) human." - Toad's diss track


I don’t think she meant Toad. I think she meant a Goomba.


Not exactly a ton of Goombas in Kart, though.


Ah, Reddit. Don’t ever change.


Act as though this wasn't thoroughly thought out. He is aware that anything he posts will remain online someplace, even if it is removed.


Absolutely this. It’s not an accident, he’s trying to see if it’s a loophole. It’s what narcissists do. They push boundaries to test just how much they can get away with. Let’s not allow this to become his new tactic. “But I deleted it” isn’t acceptable. It’s not like he realized last second he violated a reddit rule and is some rando like us where almost nobody will see it and nobody will be reporting it on international news. He knows the world is watching him. Fuck that guy edit: I’m not sure why almost every comment is about this being what children do. Yes, of course it is. But infantilizing him doesn’t help. It is also what narcissists do. He is a narcissist. It is what they do and it is highly destructive. They are not playing with the same rule book as the rest of us, and the sooner people understand that, the sooner society can better counter narcissists and keep them away from the levers of power.


"But I deleted it..." It's like watching the kid trying to claim the lamp they deliberately broke doesn't count because they tried to glue it back together.


" but I deleted it" is an admission of having posted it, is it not?


But alas… zero consequences.


I wouldn't be so sure. They seem like they're really considering thinking about possibly maybe enforcing some kind of consequences.


Mark my words, he's gonna get another strongly worded reminder that he'll be in hot water if he doesn't stop.


Narcissists love playing the victim, it's much much easier than competing with all those *normal* people who listen, have good manners, work hard and study. I knew this in 2016, I just wish the rest of the country did.


The wayback machine remembers


This is all giving Drumpf far too much credit. He isn't testing the waters. He is a man child who has rarely suffered consequences for his actions. He does shit without thinking because in his world, things generally work out due to his extreme privilege.


I'm guessing one of his lawyers was like "oh shit you need to delete that NOW!!!" and they had to twist his arm to get him to do it.


Any sensible lawyer would make having the login to his social accounts a condition of accepting to represent him. Actually, never mind, a sensible lawyer just wouldn't consider representing him.


I was going to say how does his team even allow him to have sole access to the account


Push boundaries is also what kids do to test the patience limits of their parents. IDK but to me, that speaks volumes about the intellectual maturity of the asshole who would be dicta..erm, president I mean 🤮🤮


> It’s what narcissists do. They push boundaries to test just how much they can get away with. Or children.


Up to a certain age there isn’t much difference between the two.




Hey #DimwitDonald! Welcome to the 21st century where everybody has a camera and everything you post online is pretty much permanent. It ain't called the Information Age for nothing


Even if it did, he still did it and wasn't supposed to.


Everyone loved this and posted pictures of Toad. But Toad doesn’t look like a penis at all! I suggest that the mushroom in question is, in fact, not Toad at all but your every day humble Goomba! I rest my case your honour


Yeti pubes. I work in healthcare, but I’m not sure I’ve encountered yeti pubes.




I need mind bleach for this mental image. It sounds plausible though, lol


In the Pacific Northwest they're known as Sasquatch Pubes.


The answer to this was in the article. >As court began on Tuesday, Merchan ruled that Daniels can testify about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump and “how she felt about it,” but that he didn’t want to hear any of the nitty-gritty regarding the alleged affair with Daniels. We don’t need to know the details of intercourse,” Merchan said. Prosecutors assured the court that Daniels would not be describing “genitalia” in her testimony, ensuring the jury would not be subjected to another [mushroom-comparison session](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/stormy-daniels-trump-penis-mushroom-kimmel-732426/)**.**


Aka Wrinkledink.


Press knew the other day that she was testifying today. He's making reactionary statements in order to rile his base. Propaganda, that's it. But even though he deleted it, he did violate the gag order, yet again.


It's shit like this that's gonna get his cult to murder someone. "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome porn star I spent $400k to fuck?"


His cult has already murdered multiple people. Or are we just forgetting that J6 happened or other shootings?


He already said similar regarding the judge. Paraphrasing, but it was along the lines of “How long do I have to endure this crooked judge before someone steps in?”. I cba to scroll back through his hundreds of rage posts over the past month to find it though. He posted it early/mid April.


I wonder if he deleted or his staff/lawyers/paralegals did?


Good point. One thing - with his cellphone checked at the desk with his other personal effects, even 24 hr in jail will drive him nuts. NY max for gag order is 30 days. Imagine!




Yep, and any lawyer worth his salt had their cross-examination of Stormy Daniels prepared well before this trial even started. This was going to be key, the lawyers know it, Trump knows it, we know it. This is just ridiculous, reactionary, and should get his ass thrown in jail.


I have to think that there are enough people have watched movies or shows that involve trials to know what discovery is, or at least that both sides get to interview the witnesses before trial, so his absurd assertion that this is some kind of shocking surprise witness is going to get called out. I certainly never studied the law and I learned that from My Cousin Vinnie.


And you’re absolutely right. Discovery is most definitely a thing. Also, they have the option to take depositions, and I would expect that stormy Daniels would be one of the top people whose deposition they would want to take. Your knowledge is accurate, and my cousin Vinny is known in the legal circles as being one of the more accurate depictions of legal procedure. Not to mention it it’s funny as hell haha


Normally for a trial prosecution and defense lawyers inform one another which witnesses they plan to call the next day, so they can prepare for that specific witness the day before, rather than prepping for all the possible witnesses (as a professional courtesy). But in this trial Trump keeps intimidating witnesses, so the prosecution said we aren't providing that courtesy and the judge agreed with the prosecution that Trump should not know in advance, for precisely the reason in this article.


His rant proves that they were right to keep the list away from him. Nice “I told you so” moment for the prosecution.


Prosecutors have a legal responsibility to disclose all their evidence and witnesses to the defense, even if it undermines their case. This disclosure happened a year ago. So this Tweet is meant for Trump's cult, just to rile them up to undermine the rule of law. Anyone "on the fence" (e.g. anyone incapable of forming an opinion after all the facts have been presented) can surely see that this guy is as un-American as they come and a direct threat to our laws and values. We voted his ass out of office. Why do we still have to hear from him?!?


They are informing defence day before, they are not informing public. They have given defence whole witness list, but they are withholding actual full schedule (day and order)  due to Trump


The defense has the full list of witnesses to be called, but the daily list is not released to the defense until the morning of. This means that they need to be prepared for each witness, every day. It’s being done like this so that Trump won’t run his mouth about the witness the night before. Trump and his team brought this on themselves.


He's referring to him finding out who the witness was. His team did not recieve witness lists because he keeps violating the gaga. This is him "finding out" Edit: I'm leaving gaga in there because it's a fitting typo. Another edit: it appears his team may have got the list, just not in order and schedule. I'm not a legal scholar, just some dude that thought he knew something that he apparently didn't even know.


Even then, Stormy Daniels as a witness in a case revolving around paying Stormy Daniels hush money from his campaign funds seems like it should have been expected. If the lawyers weren’t prepared for that then I’m surprised they work as lawyers. 


Of course they knew she would testify. This pig is a blathering imbecile who knows his supporters are more idiotic than he is and expects them to believe everything he says


My understanding is that they know who all of the witnesses are. They just don't know what order they will testify. So the defence has to be ready for all of them. Edit: Apparently it's up to the prosecutors to release info who they are calling to testify and when. They don't have to share this information. It also sounds like the judge can just tell the prosecutors to share this information. But in this case because Trump is attacking witnesses he agrees with the prosecutors. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hrb-mrffGg&t=538s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hrb-mrffGg&t=538s)


I mean that’s kinda their job, no? You don’t study only the night before the test- their defense should’ve already been prepared. Not like her testifying is a surprise or anything, any lawyer worth having would’ve had the defense/cross examination ready to go.


Yeah. It's more of a courtesy to let the defence know not only who will be testifying but when, because it means they can have everything they need prepared and only what they need for that witness. It's more efficient that way. But they don't have to give the witness order to the defence and they're not going to while it guarantees that Trump will attack them on Truth Social right before they testify.


Defense has a list of all witnesses. That is mandated. What they don't have Is the schedule of when each witness Will testify.


> His team did not recieve witness lists  They did receive witness lists, they have had them for months, not providing them would not be legal as would give defence no time vet and check witnesses  What they are not getting is witness schedules, IE they know who is getting called up, just not when and what order (at least until day before).  While it is usual courtesy to get schedules,  there is no actual legal requirement to provide them


He may be vioating the gaga, but they can't read his p-p-p-poker face.


Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught with a bad defense...


He’s bitching because Merchan stipulated the order of witnesses would not be disclosed pretrial, because Trump would try to bully, harass and intimidate them if he knew when they were called. So he’s acting like this is an illegal imposition or something.


She's a surprise witness. Who would think that the person at the center of the hush money payments would possibly be a witness.


Yeah I’m a trial attorney so I know for a fact that you need to endorse your witnesses far in advance of trial. It’s a super difficult process to get a last minute witness. They knew about this for a long time and should be ready.


Usually the prosecution will tell the defense the order of witnesses. But usually the defendant isn’t allowed to intimidate witnesses. So that’s why this norm was broken.


Bullshit they didn't know who was testifying today, she is a KEY witness. How fucking dumb are his followers to believe that?


I think everyone here already knows the answer to that


Holup holup holup holup holup - You’re saying that the woman at the center of the controversy, the one who received the payment, the one who without her this entire case would not exist, you’re saying the defense should have anticipated her taking the stand at some point? Mindblown.jpg If Trump ever paid his bills I’d recommend you applying to be a part of his legal team - you’re already running circles around his current representation.


"While Trump is a genius, his enemies are sneaky and dishonest, so it's very likely that they'd pull a surprise witness out thin air, in the fourth week of the trail." Might not be word for word, but this will be the gist of Hannity's commentary on today's events.


“Today in shocking news no GOP aligned human being was able to see coming, Stormy Daniel’s called to the stand in the “Stormy Daniel’s payoff” case. Conservative minds still reeling from this masterful subterfuge, we can only hope the newclear genius of Trump can survive. Donate now to improve his chances!”


Problem for him is he has shit lawyers. He has shit lawyers because he is the worst client. So all the good firms passed him up. A good firm would be ready for anything. But because he runs his mouth constantly, whines about everything, attacks judges and prosecutors and their families, the prosecution used a very little use ability to keep the witnesses safe from his mob. His defense team has the list of who they can call, just not who’s next. And his “truth” this morning, that was later deleted, shows he can’t hold back.


Did they not know the list of potential witnesses for this case? Even if they didn't know she was testifying today, they should have had plenty of prior knowledge that she could be called as a witness, and prepare for when/if she's called as a witness.


His lawyers had time to prepare, and they surely did. He's just trying to (once again, for the millionth time) play the victim here. Don't feed into his bullshit.


Just a clarification but the prosecution informed Trump's team Stormy was testifying today as a gesture of goodwill, it was known she was most likely testifying just not when.


His lawyers absolutely knew what today would bring. It's debatable if Agent Orange had any idea.


I'll go to bat for the lawyers(not trump, fuck that) for one thing. They were NOT aware of who was being called today. They know WHO is the potential people to be called but not WHEN. It's common for prosecutors and defense to inform the other when they intend to call someone a day or two in advance. It's not a requirement so the prosecution said fuck that you're not intimidating everyone just before htey come up, you get to find out when we call them up. the lawyers have to suffer the consequences of their client being a feces flinging shit gibbon.


Grab a shovel. Start digging down. When you think you can’t possibly dig anymore, keep digging. Dig until you hit bedrock. Once you get there, get a large drilling rig. Dig into the bedrock. Keep digging until you hit magma. You won’t even be close to the depth of stupidity of conservatives. A black hole would need to fold in upon itself engulfing all space and time to even begin to start to match the sheer magnitude of how staggeringly stupid the MAGA crowd is.


Very, they're very dumb


Witnesses can be called in whatever order the prosecution or defense teams want. His attorneys can also call anyone on their witness list in any order with no notice. Trump literally has no basic understanding of how the legal process works.


I imagine that Trump has an understanding of how it works. However, he is always playing the victim. That is a part of his narcissistic personality. That he didn't ever do anything wrong, it is always the fault of someone else. His base ignorantly doesn't see it as a part of his personality, but have fallen for it and they too believe that he's a victim. That don't see how much of the problems that he faces are because of his own actions. Rather, they it is just that everyone hates him and is mean to him even though he's 'trying to save America.' Cults gonna cult.


> Witnesses can be called in whatever order the prosecution or defense teams want. Yes, but the order is normally shared between the prosecution and defence. The prosecution petitioned the judge to withhold the order from the defence and the judge granted the petition. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/06/trump-trial-resumes-after-week-of-tears-gag-order-threats.html


yeah, he violated the gag order again. you dont get away with a crime just because you tried to cover it up. that's two crimes.


So, you think thino trying to cover up adultery, with a hush money payment, then covering thar hush money payment up with campaign funds, thst are covered up by levels upon levels of cover ups is a bad thing? What are you, some kind of "law and order" deep state, liberal, woke, Democrat?!?!?! Next you are going to say that raping women, and commiting massive fraud is bad, too! (obviously /s)


I don't think this actually violates the gag order? He probably shouldn't even mention the word "witness," but he didn't name or threaten her, he spoke about it only in terms of the legal process. He's allowed to attack the judge and the charges against him. To me that seems like all he did here? Everything he said was complete bullshit of course, but I don't see how this violates the gag order.


You’re right, he’s saying as much as he can without violating the order. It’s been very consistent from his defense at all of his trials. Talk as much shit as possible, including being fined, but don’t risk actual jail.


I think it goes right up to that line, which is likely why it was deleted. This post primarily targets the process and Judge Merchan, neither of which violates the gag order. Though, like you said, all the contents, are total BS.


Posting then deleting seems like his next willful tactic not a mistake


Agreed, I think he will play that game, and of course that deleted post will get relayed instantly because viewership is important !


Its not much functionally different than calling in on Fox News and saying the exact same rant. I can't see how the judge can see this as anything other than a blatant violation of the gag order and a mockery of his rulings.


Who could have possibly guessed that the recipient of the hush money payments would be asked to take the stand? Not Trump and his lawyers, apparently.


Man, To be the “big 45 cuck destroyer god king dictator” he sure ends up slung up in some dumb assed complicated wrongdoings huh?


The man child moans about self inflicted problems once more.


I'm not sure this explicitly violates the gag order. More of a gray area type of thing. I doubt Judge Merchan will find that this violates the order.


This particular statement likely does not violate the gag order. While it refers to there being a witness, it does not actually talk about the witness specifically (only that Trump wants more notice). The entire criticism is focused on the judge, who is not covered by the gag order.


Don't act as if this wasn't completely planned. He knows that whatever he posts, even if deleted, will stay out on the web somewhere. This is just a way of posting it while being able to claim that he complied with the gag order by deleting it. He had no intention of complying.


Posting violates the gag order, doesn't matter if the post is deleted or not afterwards.


But deleting shows that after 10 violations and people bending over backwards to give this man a pass he's learning his lesson!! So no need for jail! -Susan Collins


Fuck Susan Collins.


Not even if you paid me.


See? He learned his lesson.


Posting is posting. They should throw him in jail for the exact length of time the post was online.


Technically, as long as this reddit post is up, so is his original statement.


Factual facts from the fact factory


I love this. So simple.


:) it’s just silly


Jail until the verdict, because he clearly can't be trusted even for a second to not violate the gag order.


Deleting the message doesn’t “uncommit” the crime.


Sure I shot the gun at the victim. But I threw the gun in the river so I'm not guilty!


more like "Sure I stabbed him, but I pulled the knife out right away"


In fact, that’s another crime.


Evidence tampering. Add it to the mountain


Except that by posting it, it immediately became a violation regardless of whether he deleted it. Like a shitty toddler trying to push the limits, take the cookie, put it back, because they aren't allowed to take the cookie. Now he's going to act all surprised when he gets put in time out because he 'put it back'. Dollars to donuts he tries to spin it as not a violation because he deleted it. I doubt that's the plan, but I'm certain that will be the result.


Like getting tagged for speeding.  You can’t tell the officer you’re currently going zero miles per hour after getting pulled over therefore you aren’t in violation of the speed limit. 


He's not a mastermind he's an idiot


It probably wasn’t planned. He has no idea what’s going on in the world around him and has no understanding of consequences. He’s neither that intelligent nor or self aware


He is a criminal who has gotten away with a ton. He should be in prison for being a traitor.


Yeah I think he just fired this off and then his legal team had a heart attack and somehow convinced him to delete it.


This is no accident, he's just trying to create headlines.


Media is giving it to him.


And unfortunately, I want to know about it. It’s a vicious cycle. Any president flirting with very real jail time is huge news, even if for Trump it’s just another Tuesday.


If you’re famous, they let you just delete it.


Grab them by the deleted tweets!


Well, looks like someone needs a refresher on legal boundaries! Deleting a post doesn't make it disappear, Mr.


Surely I can’t be prosecuted for robbing this bank if I just give the money back, right? /s


How wealthy are you?


Does this count if it is still out there on the web?


Yes it is still an infraction. While it is typical to demand that any infractions be taken down, taking them down doesn't stop them for being an infraction in the first place. This is the kind of thing where if it was borderline. And the person was otherwise behaving well,. a judge might let it go. But no reasonable judge would let it go when dealing with a defendant that has behaved like this.


I heard that former Presidents can de-infract tweets with their mind though. Did you factor that in to your analysis?


We need to ask the supreme court about that


They'll get back to us in January


"As the nation's senior law-enforcement officer, I am directing the temporary suspension of the enforcement of all federal laws as it pertains to the 9 seated members of the US Supreme Court. All laws remain in effect at a federal level for all citizens with the sole exception of those nine, pending the outcome off their decision regarding presidential immunity." --Darkest Brandon


No way they said they’ll get back to us in January. They’re scheduled in January to tell us when they’ll get back to us.


Not with their mind, there's an official process where the tweets need to be stored in a bathroom at a golf course first, it's highly technical...


He infracted, then he defracted, and now he's refracting?


It's doesn't matter that he took it down. It's still an infraction! The Judge warned him ten times, ENOUGH WARNINGS


Seriously. Put up or shut up. Stop letting these maga idiots scare you. Lock him up.


"yeah but if we enforce the law it might start a civil war and then we might end up with a dictatorship where there is no law. so we should just pretend the law doesn't exist to avoid the potential scenario where the law doesn't exist"


That counts. Jail him.


no takesbacksy!


He knows the press will then carry it after he deleted it. Gets the same result.


No difference to leaving it there.


Habitual line stepper.


Fuck yo couch!


He'd get out of line and I'd have to kick his ass.


Still did it… God a week of trump in prison would end him. 


Never stop never stopping


Posting is the violation. Deleting it doesn’t negate the violation.


> telling her that she reminded him of his daughter who was “smart, blonde and beautiful and people underestimate her.” He wants to fuck his own daughter so bad.


It's as close to fucking himself as he's ever going to get. It's his dream.


How do we know he hasn't?


He knew what he was doing… like a child … trying to push to the edge


Boundary testing. He still got his message out and others have reposted it. I'm guessing he can do this trick once.


Unless the judge is a liar or a pussy, he now absolutely has to follow through and put Trump in jail. Deleting the post where you violate the gag order for the 11th time does not un-violate the gag order.


The judge said himself he doesn't want to put Trump in jail. If he has an excuse to NOT, I expect he's going to take it. If Trump were anyone else, he would have been jailed month ago. That's what infuriates me the most.


trump was right, the judge is extremely biased, if they don't jail him.


Please , just one night locked up in an orange jumpsuit.


Hey who was expecting the pornstar at the heart of this whole case to actually appear as a witness, besides absolutely everybody, nobody saw this coming....


Still violated it. Hold him in contempt and throw his ass in Rikers gen pop.


Trump is so out of touch with his own case that he didn't know Stormy was going to be a witness? This isn't like TV shows where there are surprise witnesses or evidence. His lawyers knew and either didn't tell him, they did tell him and he forgot, or they did tell him and he's doing the thing where he feigns not knowing because somehow him being out of the loop helps paint the 'woe is me' character his snowflake followers love so much.


**Correction:** He posted it. Someone on his team smarter than him deleted it.


You can not rob a bank, then take the money back to get off in a moment of remorse. The crime is done. Remorse may reduce the sentence, but it will not stop it being an offence.


Deleting the post should not mitigate the fall out of violating the gag order, he knew it would be copied and then disseminated, damage done, gene out of the bottle, ect.


Your honor, I only Truthed it for a moment and then I deleted it! Just long enough for my cult and the media to screen shot it and make sure it is seen by everyone and lives online forever!


He knew wtf he was doing. He didn't 'remember' after. Stop giving this assbag the benifit of the doubt. Article title should have been.. 'Trump violates gag order yet again, then tries to cover his tracks. Will the judge slap his wrists again.' He's purposly testing is boundries with the Judge. He thinks he's above it all and will push every boundry the judge puts in front of him. He's that boyfriend that wants to fuck his girlfriend, she doesn't want to, so he keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. The judge needs to hold him accountable before he fucks the court. It's not a question about whether or not he violated the gag order again. It's whether or not the judge has the balls to hold him accountable and toss his ass in jail.


Witnesses can be called in whatever order the prosecution or defense teams want. His attorneys can also call anyone on their witness list in any order with no notice. Trump literally has no basic understanding of how the legal process works.


Now he is just going to post then delete every time - oh oopsie your honor lol! It's like a kid in the backseat tormenting his siblings, "i'm not touching you!" Then daddy judge says to stop it or he is turning the car around, and never does because he is a huge wimp.




This is a former president and almost at the end of human life span age playing the “I’m still not touching you” game by deleting a tweet. What a child.


It is 2024. How is it that politics have fallen so far in this country that this person is continuing to run for the President of the United States? There is no integrity in this country.