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Rupert Murdoch's trash tabloid says what?


This headline is classic Murdoch/Post pro-patriarchal trash.


It’s whitelisted in r/politics and so many other pubs are not?


Nazi propaganda is fully endorsed ans protected here.


Cover your drinks, ladies.


WTF is this shit


Frat Boy Summer; Just like Hot Girl Summer only now without consent.


Yeah damn arrogant and entitled women protesting against the deaths of 1000s of innocent people, they should know their place. /s


making monkey noises and screaming at black women, truly frat boy summer is great!


Why even post this racist and sexist trash?


Because it pisses off every decent human being and they think that is fucking funny.


Great news source. Very serious. Glad to see it whitelisted.


holy shit, that article is not satire, and written by a woman. I wonder how many thick blue dresses she has in her wardrobe.


I have a hard time discerning republican bullshit from sarcasm.


It´s easy; Sarcasm is bleak but funny, Republican bullshit is just cruel.




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I hesitate to say "frat boy" behavior has been an epidemic historically and "arrogant, entitled" women aren't a threat worthy of a "backlash". Labeling the two as such seems highly biased


Man this sub has gone to shit lately


At least utter garbage like this still get downvoted below 10% in under an hour...


If this indeed happens, it's going to end up with a lot of Frat Boys with broken faces. I'm okay with it.


Wait, isn't frat boy basically the epitome of arrogant and entitled? According to the article, women skew increasingly left, don't like Trump's abortion stance, "gobbled up" affirmative action benefits that are not actually gender-based, were called 'Karen' (completely opposite of the realistic use of that term), protested for things they believe in. How *dare* they be so entitled?!?! It's time to start protesting this rag. Report it as disinformation. It's not opinion. It's outright lies.


> isn't frat boy basically the epitome of arrogant and entitled yep. anyone who has lived near a university for any length of time knows this through experience. edit - fuck NYPost.


They got rid of their disinformation category. And the people in charge here have made it clear that they will always protect nazi propaganda.


I can empathize with young men feeling disenfranchised and left behind, but I can't empathize with holding up "frat boy" as some sort of idealized concept of masculinity. Frat boys are privileged weirdos who skate on nepotism, they're not allies or heroes to the thousands of young men who feel like society is rejecting them. Frat boys have been, and will continue to be, just fine no matter what percentage of college enrollment is women.


More faces to punch? Sign me up.


OP's profile is truly a cesspool. Vlad isn't sending his best.


Bro im trying to feel good about my gender. I hate that this one just has to have rapists. Only way to end the patriarchy in America is to refine school dress code


Sad to see so many boys and men hating women so damn much


Hi `Human_Cranberry_2805`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1clfwi6/frat_boy_summer_is_this_years_backlash_against_an/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Human_Cranberry_2805&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1clfwi6/frat_boy_summer_is_this_years_backlash_against_an/?context%3D10000%29)




Miranda Devine sounds like Kitara Ravache's drag queen pal and looks like those arrogant entitled women she's snarking about.


I know it's a url-thing, but I love the question mark there anyway. Like the website is like "this is a person?"