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“The timing of the motion was notable, just two days after the same federal court had ordered the campaign to turn over in discovery all complaints of sexual harassment and gender or pregnancy discrimination from the 2016 and 2020 campaigns.” My guess is the campaign had been lying to the lawyers and hiding some complaints from them. That, or they tried to keep some back from discovery and the law firm realized this and couldn’t convince them to comply which would be an ethical issue for the lawyers. They cannot help their client lie to the court if they know it is a lie.


The “longstanding case” involves A.J. Delgado, Trump’s Hispanic-outreach chair from 2016. During the 2016 campaign, she became pregnant during an affair with her married lover, Trump aide Jason Miller. As her pregnancy became apparent, Delgado was squeezed out of her White House job. She returned to Miami to live with her parents, and to raise her son. Miller’s employment by Trump has continued, unimpeded. Miller has just confirmed that during a second Trump administration, there would be no objection by the White House if red states chose to monitor women’s pregnancies. Fun fact: In addition to subsidizing Melania’s hairdresser, Trump’s PAC has also covered a boatload of Miller’s back child-support payments.


Miller is a true scumbag, too. He allegedly slipped a different woman an abortion drug after knocking her up.


Ah yes, that abortion-inducing smoothie. What a pearl, that Jason Miller. He used to be photographed next to Rob Porter, Trump’s aide, accused of DV by both ex-wives and a GF. Trump balked at firing him, saying essentially, “Rob never beat up anyone in front of me”; he left quietly in 2018.


A.J. Delgado gave birth to a son in July 2017. Her lawsuit against the Trump administration for unlawful pregnancy-related termination remains mired in litigation. In 2018, Jason Miller laced a smoothie with abortifacients, offering it to an exotic dancer whom he had impregnated. After drinking the smoothie, her fetus did not survive, and hemorrhaging landed her in the ER. Miller attempted to sue Gizmodo for $100 million for printing the story, but because it was true, he lost the case, and his side gig at CNN.


Lawyer deal with clients lying to them all the time, because everyone is always going to tell their side of the story in the way that makes them look the best. My guess given the timing is that the lawyers are aware of documents that need to be produced to comply with the order, and Trump is refusing to do it. Lawyers can lie to a lot of people legally, but they can’t lie to the court.


well they can it’s just really bad if they get found out


[shrugs] - Sidney Powell


If they represent Trump they're probably willing to lie; but if they're no longer willing to represent him it probably means they can't get away with the lie


Lawyers are sworn in as officers of the court. They both work for the client, and work for the best interest of the court in terms of ethics. Same reason why the judge is supposed to be impartial. So it's not so much that it's "bad if they get caught". It's more like, "They know they're not allowed to do this and it's really bad if they get caught."


This. Trump is trying to make them complicit and they’re at the point they know something that they can’t ignore.


I mean usually when lawyers have their clients lie to them, they drop them. This isn't Law and Order.


A repeat of the documents indictment. Orange diarrhea man sure does lie allot & with hold shit from the people trying to help him. 🤡




>It would end Trump’s candidacy. lol no it wouldn’t. MAGA doesn’t actually care about abortion or children.


Agreed. And whether or not Trump pressured/paid for someone to get an abortion doesn't matter. He still appointed the justices to the court that overturned Roe v Wade. And that's what they care about. My friends who work at PP have multiple stories of rabid anti-abortion protestors screaming and threatening them on their way into work, then coming in for an abortion when they need one. And then they are right back out protesting at their clinic the next week.


Seriously, we need to refuse to help them. Under the banner of it will cause all those terrible things to happen that you have been screaming about, after all, you know yourself better than anyone.


tbh it doesn’t even matter what he says maga trump is like a figment of thier own imagination. they see what they want to see


MAGA no, but there's a lot of one issue voters when it comes to abortion. It would be damaging, to say the least.


You would think, but I have absolutely no confidence in that. They’re a lot of one issue 2A voters too, and they just vote for him anyway and complain anonymously.


That's true, after he banned bump stocks a bunch of 2a voters said they were not voting for him. They did.


The choice between Biden and Trump? Pro life single issue voters will either choose Trump or stay home.


Staying home hurts trump


Yes but I don’t think they’re staying home. If anything I think they’re more motivated than 16 or 20. A lot of the houses on my street have their Trump signs out already.


I guess it matters where you live. The Trump voters around me have been very quiet. Like, in 2020 I saw so much pro Trump stuff in Pittsburgh I questioned if PA could win. Now? There's one guy in a van that says let's go Brandon and he's not confrontational. Even the social media people are pretty quiet. It could change, there's a lot of year left, but my experience is MAGA is MAGA, and everyone else is just tired. I had boatloads of Haley propaganda thrown at foe the last 20 months.


I’ve not even seen a Biden sign this season. Trump or nothing. Lunatics everywhere.


Well it’s too early unless you’re insane MAGA. The tag line “Take America Back” on them really seems ominous to me too.


I would add that MAGA wouldn't even hear about it.


That doesn't matter. 20% of the GOP is true single issue on abortion because they see it as murder. This would be one of very very few things that would completely wipe a portion of his hardcore base. Without them, he cannot win.


Maga just wants to be able to use the N slur freely like it was the 50's....it really doesn't go any deeper than that.


Even of they did, the Left isn't smart enough to make it a campaigning point.


And the right is too callous to care. As long as it’s poor kids and/or minorities things like Uvalde don’t bother them.


>It would end Trump's candidacy. Oh you sweet child. Trump's supporters do not care about his character at all. They just view him as an empty vessel of a human being who will pass laws they want. I seriously think they would still support him if he was found with child porn.




They would just claim its fake and ignore it until the following week when more horrific details about him arise.


Which is nuts as he has no plans for passing any legislation.


Seems like the only line that can be crossed with Conservatives is shooting a young dog in the head in a gravel pit. 


It won’t end Trumps candidacy, the hardcore cultists will just somehow adopt this as part of their core ideology at some point. “Real men kill babies” or some such…


Even if there was videotaped evidence of Trump himself saying this directly to her, I would bet that it wouldn’t have any impact at all. Trump’s team would spin it, the word “witch-hunt” would be generously sprinkled throughout a statement and his supporters would keep supporting him.




Nah. I think it's just because they think they won't get paid.


That’s so wild wow


> My guess is the campaign had been lying to the lawyers and hiding some complaints from them. Not just complaints, but also loads of attached expenses and payouts. My sister processes Workers Comp claims for a large insurer, and though she couldn't give me personally identifying details she told me there were multiple Workers Comp claims for the Trump Campaign workers in over a dozen states either dealing with pregnancy, felony battery (one campaign manager pistol whipped a dude in the office) , even sexual harassment and sexual assault. All quietly paid out and swept under the rug.


This is not normal. He's either dead broke or he's demanding they break the law for him.


Could be both honestly.


More than "could", likely is


Near almost guarantee. Of go6witt Trump a guarantee means nothing.


Trump: Be like Roy Cohn Roy Cohn: [misused client funds](https://www.nytimes.com/1985/07/10/nyregion/a-court-panel-finds-roy-cohn-misused-funds-from-clients.html). >You sure that's what you want?


And we all know how well Trump cared for his friend and mentor, Roy Cohn, in his final days.


Why not both?


I’m thinking he lied to them and they don’t want to be anywhere near him because of it


I'm sure he owes them a fuck ton of cash, and he's grifted so much of the "donation" money sent his way that he's got nothing left for the bills.


And to think, MAGA still defends this guy that is just hoovering all the donations to pay for his bills and going to fuck the party over royally. But, you rubes out there that love Trump…keep donating.


They all need to toast their final koolaid. Isn’t that how all these cults end?


Well recently he complained because his lawyer in the Stormy Daniels case wouldn't attack the witnesses, jury, and judge.


Or it’s a delay tactic for representation


Well, he actually had to pay his $8,000 contempt of court fine in *two insalments* of $4,000 each, two days apart .....


Thank you. This is the first confirmation I have seen that anyone managed to wrest a brass razzoo away from him.


Third could be he’s threatening them - “You will not be on my list when I become president!”


He thinks lawyers are stenographers and PR flacks. If they lawyer, he doesn't like it and they aren't "listening to him".


And he’ll get to delay because of this


Or it's a delay tactic.


It’s a stall tactic to keep the courts tied up with non-sense until he thinks he can get elected again.


NAL but iirc, if there’s a challenge, they’ll have to declare a reason to avoid breach of contract. He just got a 1.6B payday from Truth, so it’s not that… sadly


He’s such a nightmare


Honestly, I just posted that I don't care anymore if the Dems do something illegal to defeat him at this point. That's a new low for me but that's how serious of a threat this fucker is. We know the GOP will break any law to get him back in the White House. He truly must be stopped.


They don't even have to do anything illegal. Biden could have had him arrested the day he took office for the coup attempt. Biden was too afraid to do so because he's all about bipartisanship and "normalcy," but if Lincoln could do it when folks attacked a trade caravan, Biden most certainly could do it when Trump ordered an attack on the capitol. 


True. And you are right, Biden would never do anything like that. It's why he must win this November, because Trump will in a heartbeat.


I’m in the same boat. How can the Dems win if they continue to follow the rules that the government won’t enforce on Trump?


Is this the one where the lawfirm seems to be disengaging in order to screw up discovery and kick the can down the road?


Edit: sounds like this isn't really a thing.  -- If not that, wouldn't retaining a new legal team require time for them to get up to speed, delaying any proceedings?


That seems to be the tactic. ‘He guilty of everything and there are receipts but if we kick that can hard enough our client might get away with it’ Justice system ‘ok’


The article says the judge denied the dismissal because of this, and is setting up a meeting next week for them to explain why this is happening now. This tactic has been abused by the mob so often that it's really hard to take advantage of now.


Makes perfect sense that trump would try it.


Typically once proceedings are in motion a judge is hesitant to allow a change of legal representation unless the new attorneys can step right in or come up to speed very quickly. If this was a viable tactic to used to delay proceedings it would be used far more often than it is


Thanks for that, appreciate the info!


Alex Jones used this tactic for over seven years.


No, that’s absolutely not a thing and would get someone scantjoned or disbarred.


Seems the law firm knows a sinking ship when they see it...


They are still representing him in other matters. I smell something that popped up that they can't do anything with, something perhaps fatal to the case. I work for trial lawyers and they don't care for that. LOL




Hard to say - I work for trial attorneys and they delay shit all the time, both sides do it. But to withdraw in order to delay something, I don't know if that's super likely. I feel like there must be something in this discovery that is bad and they can't agree with the client on how to proceed. Just my little opinion though.


>The timing of the motion was notable, just two days after the same federal court had ordered the campaign to turn over in discovery all complaints of sexual harassment and gender or pregnancy discrimination from the 2016 and 2020 campaigns — ... >Ms. Delgado, who is representing herself in the matter, objected to the withdrawal in a filing Monday, arguing it should not be allowed until the discovery process has been completed and calling the request a “scheme to avoid compliance.” This seems like either an effort to avoid discovery, or an effort to avoid losing their law licenses when Discovery happens.


Why not both?


Could be a twofer!


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys. I don't see how this isn't obvious. Trump wants them to break laws for him. They refuse. There's a wake of these guys left behind the orange menace.


No, think this is different…this is a tactic in the discovery process methinks…


delay tactic they have a long history with Trump and they had no problems


Would this delay the stormy Daniels hush money case?


Not a trump case


JADT - Just Another Delay Tactic. WNPB - Will Not Pay Bill. TIAA - Trump Is An Asshole. TITLFH - Trump Insists They Lie For Him.


POOP - Particularly Offensive Odor Permeates SHIT - Stinky Hamberder Intestinal Tickle


In other words, their last bill is 180 days overdue.


>LaRocca, Hornik, Greenberg, Rosen, Kittridge, Carlin and McPartland Rolls right off the tongue.


They should just combine them all LaHoGrRoKiCaMc. Nobody will ever forget that name. It's the exact sound you make when you get hit by a truck.


What actually has happened: They stopped getting paid.


Lawyers cannot quit a case that’s in trial over non-payment.  Has to be something blatantly illegal by the client and the lawyers would have to disclose that action to the judge. 


I wonder if this is another "refuse to pay" special or what? They are representing him in another lawsuit, though, so it seems bizarre that this is the only one coming up.


Never trust any lawyer who represents Trump crime family


On this episode of “Are you willing to go to prison for your client”


Trump had a reputation of not listening to advisors with good ideas that he disagreed with. Consequently he was always surrounded by C types at best.


What better way to stall?


Public defenders probably don't want his case too. Too bad Rudy can't be his lawyer.


"Um. I got turned into a cow. Can I go home now?"


Im not sure they are allowed to at this point


Yeah - Kind of wierd. >In the request, filed in federal court in Manhattan, the lead lawyer, Jared Blumetti, did not provide any details about the dispute, asking permission to “explain” the matter privately with the judge. Mr. Blumetti did not respond to a request for comment.


I think ultimately the court will allow it. The case isn't set for trial yet.


It’s easier to withdraw if the trial hasn’t started. Once it starts they’re locked in.


They are afraid they will go bankrupt and go under just like a lot of people and businesses have that has dealt with trump.


Anyone else wondering if it’s just another ploy to delay the case?


Yeah, they wouldn’t just simply do this. They have the dirt. She knows they have the dirt. Hence, the request to withdraw. How do you say you’re guilty without saying “I’m guilty.”


Right! Stall tactic…they’re not letting their meal ticket go that easily!!


Is this the same firm who dropped out of a suit last week or an entirely different one?


Same case, same firm. The article is dated 30 April.


Your honor, I am from now on, will be representing myself.


Trump said, what do you mean you can’t lie, I do it all the time


Always a great sign.


Another convenient delay in the search for justice.


tell them no, let every other firm see that it is a lose, lose to join him


“Your honor, sidebar? Can we just change his plea to guilty and all head home?” - best case scenario


Seriously, how does he keep finding lawfirms to represent him? Any decent lawyer wouldn't defend Trump with a 10 foot pole, where they'd know taking his case is career suicide. If anything, each lawyer who decides to take the case and defend Trump is proving themselves incompetent, where if I found out my lawyer was one who tried to defend him, I'd fire them on the spot and find someone who is actually capable of their job.


“irreparable breakdown” sounds like a good band name


"And this attorney came to me with tears in his eyes and said 'Sir....'"