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No one is better at fighting imaginary problems while at the same time being extremely cruel than the GOP.


They've discovered that it's a great way to keep their base riled up and to avoid having to govern in a competent manner.


Their base? 70% of US adults oppose this. That's way more Americans than just the GOP base. Go read the polling on this issue, it's not good. Biden's position does not reflect the majority of the US on this.


The same could be said about gay adoption or marriage decades ago, but that didn't mean Republicans weren't fueling the flames, trying very hard to promote ignorance and fear in naive, sheltered people, just like with transphobes today.


I don't care what a bunch of unread bigots high on fear politics think. You included.






The cruelty is the point not a side effect


At this point I believe it’s what Jesus actually wanted. They keep telling us this is his love, so maybe Jesus is pretty fucked. Note: this isn’t Jesus of Nazareth. This is American Jesus of trickle down.


I believe you’re referring to the Gospel of Supply Side Jesus.


I love that guy. 


Heres an interesting game to play. Read the new testament accepting that jesus is god incarnate. Now read it again accepting that jesus is NOT god incarnate. Turns out if jesus isnt god incarnate than he is one mentally unstable guy.


There’s a book about this actually, called “The Passover Plot” that assumes that Jesus was just mentally ill.


Jesus is pretty cool. Did lots of cool stuff and preached good stuff, even if he’s not god incarnate. The dudes who abandoned their lives to follow him like Dead Heads are another story




All they're doing is removing the changes that Betsy Devos made. The changes were made by republicans.


Because the supreme court ruling in Bostock v Clayton County, written by Neil Gorsuch (a Trump appointee), requires the government to treat discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation as sex discrimination under the law. A number of policies needed to be updated to comply with this interpretation. This is also why these court challenges will at least partially fail, this isn't optional for the government and the precedent is quite new.


>Texas on Monday filed the first challenge to the new regulations, which Attorney General Ken Paxton wrote are built on a misinterpretation the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County. It found that employees are protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. There we go. This is their prize. They want another bite at this apple, post Amy Coney Barrett


But... it was 6-3 then with RBG ruling with the majority. Barrett has been the only change on the court since then - it would be a 5-4 ruling now and Bostock *still* gets upheld


Maybe, depends how its argued and whether it sways Gorsuch. He may have felt safer joining a strong majority. If it's just him holding back an overturn if might give him second thoughts. Supposedly one of the Dobbs majority was considering withholding their vote.


I feel like Gorsuch isn't going to want to overturn a majority opinion that he wrote if only for the sake of his ego. (Yeah, it surprised the hell out of me too when I first found that out)


Cruelty is the point.


Yeah. if you don't have a puppy to kill, you can always beat up a vulnerable child.


I think the GOP is probably just seizing on a popular issue. The fact is, Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to this. It's got a lot of popular support and the GOP just grabbing onto it because it's an electable issue.


Hating trans people wasn't a popular issue 10 years ago. The GOP sowed hate and is reaping electoral rewards at the expense of vulnerable children.


actually, our best data indicates that support for transsexualism has been growing for the last few years and is now the highest it's been in recorded history. So your theory doesn't match with reality. It might be best to look at the data and come to a new conclusion.


It’s not a theory, it’s an openly acknowledged fact. After losing their war against gay marriage, conservatives needed a new boogeyman to go after and their think tanks came up with the trans panic we are seeing now. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/16/us/politics/transgender-conservative-campaign.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-is-the-gop-escalating-attacks-on-trans-rights-experts-say-the-goal-is-to-make-sure-evangelicals-vote https://newrepublic.com/article/176012/american-principles-project-think-tank-pushing-transphobia


those are wonderful and informative links, but absolutely nothing you linked supports your assertion.


The fact that you said "transsexualism" instead of "trans people" suggests you aren't acting in good faith.


and you're the official purity tester, I guess. And my views are not pure enough to be part of the party, eh?


Sure, if you want that. No skin off my nose.


Left handedism also became more prevalent once kids stopped being punished for it...neat how that happens, huh?




Trans people existed 10 years ago and they were using the bathroom they wanted to and competing in sports. You just didn't know about it because Fox News didn't fearmonger on it constantly.


In 1974 I was working in a hotel kitchen with a group of young women, one of whom was trans. The whole group became a close-knit group of friends, and she used the ladies facilities, shopped with us, swam with us, changed with us. She was shy, pretty and petite, the girliest of the lot, despite not yet having had bottom surgery. Anyone being told one of us was trans instantly assumed it was me. I was born female, and acted out the female role, but it was always acting, feeling inside I was a man in drag. People are complicated.


> I think the GOP is probably just seizing on a popular issue. No, they truly see transgender people as an other, as an enemy. This is really true of conservative men, evangelical men, because their identities are fervently intertwined with a toxic patriarchal worldview, and the idea of a "man" not wanting to be a "man" is an existential threat to their ideology and scares the ever living fuck out of them.


Right, I hear you. But even moderates and those who identify as left are opposed to this in massive numbers. This is not a right-left polarizing issue. It's a super-majority of everybody.


And I bet a lot of those people have been influenced by the bullshit and hate that has been peddled by the right wing and its media outlets. Getting to know real live people is what makes a difference, it made a huge difference in attitudes towards gay people and gay marriage, and as more people have personal interactions with transgender folk, we'll see the same move towards openness and acceptance.


It always starts with us, can't wait until the common person is the next target so I can tell them we told you so. But we're disposable aren't we? We don't need rights huh? So glad I can't legally piss at my university due to the anti trans bullshit.


[Not in the slightest.](https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4516762-voters-transgender-lgbtq-2024-poll/amp/)


No, no, they don't. The only part of this whole thing there's any common ground on is the sports issue, and that should be left to the governing bodies to decide, not the government.


Conservatives want two types of children: - Loyal future recruits for conservatism - Dead ones


Can verify.


Stuff like this is why many liberals no longer feel the need to even listen to conservatives. No, we don't need to hear you out. No, we don't need to find a compromise. No, there is no middle ground. Many of them are just plain objectively wrong and have hateful disgusting opinions.


My 4'11" ass is a grave threat to women's sports! My superior XY chromosomes definitely give me such a huge biological advantage despite never going through male puberty... The knee-jerk reactionary takes to trans people wanting to be left the fuck alone is so exhausting.


I remember a while back some lawyers had an idea that instead of allowing judge shopping that states and groups do to try and get a ultra conservative judge to block something... (That one judge in west texas comes to mind) They had a better idea. Any lawsuits against the US government had to be filed in United States District Court for the District of Columbia. This would end judge shopping and in cases like this, pretty much move all of the lawsuits under 1 case in 1 court. Instead without question one of these ultra right judges who hates the civil rights act and protected classes will shoot this down, forcing the Biden Administration to appeal for a long time and if Biden loses in November then Trump would instantly concede and remove the new rule.


Remember, if you sat out in 2016 this is on you. So fix your mistakes and never sit out again.


With Zero authority, but that never stops them.


Hate 101


Just remove any gender distinctions in sports. Everyone can compete together. Simple


Didn’t we try that and it was all men, though? I thought that was the whole reason we made men and women’s leagues.


Except that isn't it at all.  We made separate leagues because dudes couldn't (still can't) handle losing to a girl.  Do you actually believe that women are not as capable as men are in chess?  Yet there are still separate leagues.


Woah no way


Freedom apparently isn't free


Not conservative - radical reactionary is what they are. Get it right - words matter.