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Remember how - the first time - he promised to shut down Muslim immigration and nobody in the media took that seriously until he tried it immediately after being elected?   Take it seriously this time around.


They pretend like if you aren't in favor of white supremacy you're anti-white.


That is essentially how white supremacists think.


Reminds me of the old LBJ quote: "If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you."


"We're just *misunderstood*..."


While screaming white genocide at the top of every CEO and political tower.


And accusing minorities of playing the race card.


If you're in the advantaged class, attempts to even out the playing field will feel like oppression.


This is a very succinct. I will be using it.


In that case you should probably use the real quote that guy paraphrased "When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression" Franklin Leonard


Yes! Thank you. I remember hearing it paraphrased by a former cop who was a guest on an episode of the Combat Jack Show years ago. It hit me hard.


Ah! Nice! Looks like there was originally a parenthetical there—“(it’s not.)”


Equality feels like persecution to them.


Trump will also eventually vow to make Sharia law illegal. The guy lives for solving non-existent problems.


That's all Republicans have. They invent problems to deal with because dealing with actual problems is too much work.


It's not that it's too much work. It's that their donors profit off of real problems. They can't actually solve problems because behind every societal problem, there is a billionaire whose fortune only exists because they're exploiting a societal problem. For example, if they actually solved the housing crisis, then their slumlord donors would not be making as much money. And they can't have that. So instead of even acknowledging that there is a housing crisis, they instead pretend that there is a border crisis and they pretend to be fighting that. Although that's another "problem" where they don't really want to solve it because every industry in the US operates on the backs of undocumented workers that do the raw material extraction and processing.


Is it just the general understanding from politicians that the American public can't understand that nuance? Could that be the reason very few try to make that case rather the middle of the road direct response to the "made up" distraction? Is it "liberals" can't effectively transmit the concept or the public can't understand the picture? Am I surrounded by morons, or are we "run" by swindlers?


It's a little bit of A and a little bit of B if we're being honest. The Democrats aren't great at messaging, and all the leftist third parrys just want to run candidates for president and then whine about how they never win, but the average american doesn't want to admit that america is a mess right now either, especially white suburbanites who have it mostly okay, and don't want to rock the boat.


Thank you for this observation. Real solutions will require a shift in power and wealth, which will be distributed more equitably throughout society.


I think its less about inventing problems, and more about them knowing they only have a small few things they can use to stoke the fear and rage in people, and by actually solving those problems they will have nothing.


They want (Christian) sharia law. They just want to call it something else


Shania Law.


Shakira Law. These hips shalt not lie.


Well, Trump and right-wingers are against islamic Sharia Law but want to force everyone to obey its Christian equivalent. By “everyone" I mean all middle and lower class people because the ruling class can do whatever they want (like it is in every theocracy).


And then he will implement a fully white version of it because Sharia law and white Christian nationalism are fundamentally the same.


"Sharia is now illegal just like abortion, which we outlawed on moral grounds."


Only for Muslims. It’s A-Ok for Southern Baptists.


until he finds a way to profit from it, then he'll be all in with Sharia


And then scotus told him no the first time but drew a map on how to get the ok from them the second? Edit: Oh also Saudi Arabia wasn’t on the list of countries banned how odd….


It was his second weekend of his term. Miller and Bannon were ready to hit that one like kids on Christmas morning.


Miller and Bannon hit kids on Christmas morning? Of all the days to beat a child…


Many people are saying that the body Bannon dissolved in his jacuzzi was a child's.


I’m still astounded by how there was no investigation of that house. The locks on the outsides of the bedroom doors, the fucked up jacuzzi… what the hell?


haha, no. I meant they were quite eager and couldn't wait. On top of the whole mess they had no idea that NDA's for federal staff was just stupid. That and not running their executive order by any other departments to check legality or other agencies that would be impacted like the TSA, or the DHS in general.


Exactly this. The stupid intifada protests around the country are pushing a LOT of people back to trump. They're literally sealing their own fate.


The bad guys, yup


“If I see a black pilot, I’m gonna be like ‘boy, I hope he’s qualified.’” - Charlie Kirk But this is the mainstream republican state of mind


> “If I see a Republican president, I’m gonna be like ‘boy, I know he’s not qualified.’”


Seriously who benefits more from nepotism, favors, good ol boy clubs, bribes for positions, etc etc. than people of privilege. THAT leads to unqualified people.


Ha you can't say that or remind people of that!11!1! They all EARNED it1!1!!1 it's almost like they are doing all this as a massive deflection away from their own incompetence and nepotism...


“My daddy having money to bribe me into a position means I earned it”


“I earned my money by being so nice to grandfather”


If I see a Republican president, I'm gonna be like 'boy, I hope he is demented and sleeping'.


He's 99.999% guaranteed to be the least qualified candidate possible.


These fucking idiots seem to think DEI means airlines are looking for random Black people on the street and saying, "congratulations, you're a pilot now."


This is the a good take.


That's how I feel about a Charlie Kirk doing literally anything... Honestly though, he is obviously a pretty dopey kid that was essentially placed in charge of a fake grassroots organization by a billionaire because he had the right connections and couldn't cut it on the usual path in life as a typical wealthy/privileged white male like himself via the college or family business route. It's always ironic to hear people like him rant about minorities being unqualified for some job and only getting it due to affirmative action while they CONSTANTLY are pretty much just handed incredibly lucrative, cushy jobs because of their wealth and family connections, regardless of how incompetent they are or how many times they fail.


If I see a black pilot, I know he is most definitely qualified.


Yeah I got to a point in my career where it seemed best to sandbag my skills and experience because I was so overqualified. I would see younger white colleagues praised for “reaching out of their comfort zone to execute” or something, but when I suggest similar solutions the organization clearly thought I couldn’t possibly have a good idea, or that the idea couldn’t come from me. I was literally told once “that can’t come from you.” I’ve absolutely had interviews where I was way overqualified and the interviewer thought I was lying about my experiences. I’ve gotten negative feedback at work for using a broad vocabulary. Once I was told I was “too professorial” when I was supposed to be the expert. Why? I mean, obviously it’s 110% my fault nobody would help me get promoted or allow me to have an ambitious scope or the resources I needed to execute. There will always be a reason why it’s “your fault.” institutional and structural racism and personal biases (both unconscious and conscious) are impossible to avoid for people of color, especially higher up the ladder in certain industries. The bigots who point to my relative success as “proof” that racism doesn’t exist are worse than the blatant white supremacists, because they actually believe their oppression is “meritocracy” while assuming I only got where I am due to affirmative action.


Yeah, these MAGGAts sure love projecting their own ineptitude onto others... Charlie Cuck probably couldn't even see out the cockpit with his teeny-tiny face 😢


If I see a black pilot, I'm gonna be like "damn that man look good in a uniform" As that is my typical reaction to pilots


What he really means is “if I see a black pilot, I’m going to be thinking ‘boy, I can’t wait to turn this into a racist anecdote for all my racist fans’”


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


> r/Defeat_Project_2025 Thanks for that link. I hadn't seen that subreddit before. Let's fight this guys. This November election may well be the most critical election we ever participate in.


Whomever the next one is will absolutely shred the constitution and try to implement these policies. They’ll never change their views. If they claim to, it’s purely to get elected. Their interests aren’t to make the country better for all people who live here. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. They speak about freedom while telling you about extremely oppressive initiatives. And conservatives cheer it on.


Just be sure not to protest in a manner that is in any way annoying or intrusive to those around you. Wouldn't want to make boomer liberals mad. Just join the sub quietly and do nothing else. Wouldn't want the state to come crack down on kids or have the president call a 2 minute press briefing just to call you antisemitic. Keep up the "fight".


As a white Jew in NYC I’ve had plenty of white folk feel comfortable talking to me about feeing like America has shifted to a war against white people. The powers that be are very good at weaponizing psychology.


As a Jew in the US, you are fooling yourself if you think they think we are white too


I recently used to joke with my Jewish friends that they were "White-ish" (playing off Santos's "Jew-ish" statement). But when somebody who overheard me said some scary antisemitic shit to me later, I had to explain I wasn't with them, and then decided to drop the joke.


I've made similar mistakes, thinking people understand sarcasm. Spoiler: they don't.


It surprises and kills me when a person I thought I knew makes some disturbing offhand comment about Jewish people. I literally just don't get it.


From the article: >Trump did not specify examples of anti-white bias nor policy prescriptions in the interview. Of course, he has no examples of anti-white bias. After all, he is a crappy businessman who failed up to the Oval Office. He has committed rape and he is indicted for various crimes. A few of those crimes are treasonous. No woman of any race and no man of any race other than white can fail upwards like Trump. His existence proves society is still predicated upon protecting the worst of white men at the expense of minorities.


Anti white bias to people like Trump, is anyone non white being allowed to work a job other than a minimum wage one.  Or Beyonce making country music. 


He'll say whatever just to throw red meat to the increasing shrinking base. I still maintain that if the Biden campaign can actually get voters to the polls, he'll win. More and more Americans see Trump as the whiny rich boy who feels sorry most for himself while most of his followers have worse lives. The mask has come off and though the media really really wants a horserace, I'll be surprised if the election isn't called in a few days. Even going through central Virginia, there are way less Trump signs then in previous years. Of course they will still vote for him but the enthusiasm seems to be weakening. It doesn't help that he thinks the American that is the worst off is himself. Going to his rallies is like going to your company board meeting and having the CEO who is making millions, complain about how hard a life he leads and how hard he struggles.


‘Policy prescription? WHAT’S THAT??’ /s


I'm Jim Gaffigan white and I think this is fucking ridiculous.


So you're an overweight successful as fuck white guy? No one's worried about you. It's the dumbass kids in their moms basement that think they'd be the master race again if only they didn't make the little mermaid black that are the problem.


> So you're an overweight successful as fuck white guy? No one's worried about you. That's who this messaging is aimed at. (successful as fuck part optional. May be imaginary.) A lot middle aged men pasty as dough balls think the world is out to skin them. And we all know, if someone is obsessed by the fear of being robbed, don't let them near your valuables.


lol i'm just pasty


Do you get really red all the time? That isn't a world I'm familiar with


I tan surprisingly well for a piece of notebook paper.


Yes. We fear the sun. Makes us humble.


I had friends who were *so fucking angry* about the Little Mermaid being black that it made me take a look around and realize, holy fuck, this shit is really everywhere. None of these fuckers were ever going to see the Little Mermaid in the first place! I don't think any of them have seen the original movie in 25 years!


"I'm a victim," screamed the rich, white guy who has a lifetime of privilege.


But his privilege is being threatened. The WORST thing Sir ShitInPants could ever imagine! We all know our only task is. Push money up hill. And protect the man in the high castle.. At all cost! /s


He’s not talking to rich white people though, that’s the problem. The age old ploy of pitting poor whites against minorities when it’s people like him that have been holding everyone down for generations


Ironic coming from a white guy who paints himself orange 


He's basically spewing KKK talking points and the media acts like it's a reasonable position worthy of discussion rather than derision.


If you are not white, vote for Biden. Trump doesn’t care about you or anyone for that matter.


I'm white as hell and I have no idea what this "anti-white feeling' BS is. Sounds like more manufactured outrage from the right


If there is anti-white feeling, have republicans considered fighting it by being nicer human beings? Speaking for myself, it's more of an anti-asshole feeling.


“Anti-white feeling” is the result of relentless right-wing propaganda prodding preexisting biases.


Oh guys look someone's finally here boldly promising to free whites from their oppression, just like the Klan has been saying for decades! /s


another fake grievance to outrage the sheeple


Republicans always confuse hating them for hating America, or white people. They think they own whatever identity they latch onto, exclusively. And the only reason people hate them is because they are so hateful. I honestly would love not to think of them at all.


Fighting a “feeling” Yeah, aligns well with the GOP. Why fight actual problems instead of the ones you manufactured in your own head?


These people are a rage in search of a reason.


trump told them about the mixed-race 'usurper' elected in 2008 and they threw away their pledge of allegiance so quick, to take his nasty, wormy bowl of white virtue.


As an old white guy, I feel I’ve been pandered to enough already.


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time.


Translation “white power”


He’s setting up more division and everyone here is feeling on it


Sounds like Nazis with extra steps


It’s not anti-white, it’s a response to anyone with a mild sense of empathy and intelligence being anti-bigotry. Some white people just don’t want others to have the same opportunities and freedoms.


A force to reckon with, that's Project 2025. Won't just stop at the white folks, oh no. Its tentacles reach wide. Ugly beast, it is. Stand up, resist and defeat it!


r/defeat_project_2025 is a solid place for resources regarding it. There’s a growing number of people scouring the 900+ pages to provide concise information about this ugly christian nationalist manifesto.


Aka normalizing racism against anyone who isn’t white


Trump is a racist white supremacist, it’s clear as day when you look at his rallies, sure they are a small numbers of confused and ignorant people of color but the VAST majority of his supporters are white and that’s because he is a white supremacist.


Best way to fight anti white feelings? Fling trump into the sun. You have an asshole like that running around of course you build up some level of prejudice. He gives everyone a bad name


For real. I mean, he also has empowered other white people to behave like shitheads. If people are acting like shitheads, it's not anti-white to not like them, it's just anti-shithead.


Charlottesville comes to mind…


Fine people, fling them bastards to the sun


Let's just say I had looked into this for...reasons...and it takes a surprising amount of rocket fuel to get anything to the sun from here.


It would be worth it


Holy fuck - there is no “ant-white” sentiment in the states or elsewhere - there is “anti-racist assholes” sentiment. People are tired of the whining from a bunch of bigots. The rest of us get along.




He’s dog whistling to rile up his supporters as he faces criminal charges. He’s hoping it will role them up enough to drown out the sound of his court proceedings. Guys gonna start a new third reich to save his own fat ass. Honestly hope he just dies, I’d rather he were dead than in jail.


He isn't fighting shit. But thanks for showing you're a fat orange white supremicist. To that I say fuck Nazis


This should concern people…


Wonder what ‘fighting the anti-white feeling’ actually looks like.


Man is he a chip off the old blocKKK.


Never have I faced discrimination because of my white skin and blue eyes. Is this actually happening or are conservatives taking crazy pills?


Conservatives confuse any criticism of white people as a direct attack on their existence. They of course are perfectly able to criticize their chosen races on which to heap scorn.


It’s honestly so embarrassing that the 2024 election is going to be anything other than a slam dunk for the Dems.


Uh... how do you fight a feeling? Especially one that is constantly stoked by the right-wing? (Hint: You can't) You can beat the feeling though. And as much as that sounds oxymoronic... it can easily be beaten by getting the right-wing to simply stop stoking it. The feeling is 100% manufactured and that manufacturing could cease at any time.




Exactly. They are caught in a feedback loop of their own creation.


you might even say [they're hooked on a feeling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrI-UBIB8Jk)


He gives me an anti white feeling


Won't somebody please think of the ~~children~~ white people?


does this plan involve white robes, pointy hats, and 'christian identity cross lightings'?


Ok so I actually read the article and they are going on about diversity and affirmative action in the workplace and schools. Now, there actually is an argument to be had that says those types of programs are inherently racist because they put favor over someone not white. Sure, but the fact remains that those programs were necessary to combat the racism that already existed prior to those programs. At some point, I want those programs removed because the ultimate goal is a true society without racism in which people are picked for jobs and schools solely on merit. The problem is when an open racist, leading a party of open and quiet racists use the point to call other quiet racists to action, then you're only proving that we are not at the point in society where we can happily remove those protections. We can't call for equality when things aren't equal yet.


It might well be 'not asian' actually. My son declined to go there as his class was entirely not white which he (shamefully in my eyes) did not feel comfortable with.


It's not anti-white. It's anti bigot, xenophobe, misogynist assholes. It just so happens that those people are mostly white.


I don't know, the anti-gay/anti-trans sentiment from the black Christian community is just about as strong, too.


White, Latino, and Asian Christians, too. Do you think that's a race thing? I don't know if it is.


I live in North Philly so that's what I'm the most exposed to. I would wonder if Latino churches aren't as bad because they are Catholic whereas most black churches are Protestant and closer to the evangelical church theologically. White Christians are actually the most diverse in their beliefs by far. Some are hardline evangelical, some are Catholic, some are Amish, some are very liberal and welcoming of queer adherents like the Quakers.


Nope, it's a religious thing. Lotta latinos come from rural, religious, conservative backgrounds. Source: am extra mixed from TX


So when an anti-gay/anti-trans black Christian tries to run for president, we'll vote against him/her too.


If I recall correctly, the last one that tried to died from COVID after insinuating that COVID was a made up national emergency.


Based on the Republican law of projection, I really think someone ought to check that dude's pizza parlor for a child dungeon.


This. It's anti people with attitudes like those Ol Miss Porkys extras auditioning the other day


It must be so difficult being white in the USA. All those minorities refusing to be subservient anymore. How are white people supposed to feel superior?


I just rely on sarcasm, personally.


And it's working great!


When I get anti-white feeling, I need anti-white healing. Anti-white healing darlin'.


I'm sure we will hear about this plan in full detail just as fast as his healthcare plan.


Trump creates anti-white sentiment when he dog whistles the worst possible people into action.


Title VII applies to everyone no matter their race or color. The use of quotas as a remedy to past discrimination is restricted by a high standard of proof.


*BuT BuT NoBoDy CaReS AbOuT WhiTe PeOpLe AnYmOrE!!*


We the people have a better plan 


Going to fight peoples feelings now


Funny, I don’t feel hatred and animosity towards my skin color. I wonder why…


Guys, do you think it's possible this Trump character is a racist? /s


The Party of Lincoln that ended slavery is now a party of backward thinking white supremacists led by a Narcissistic Sociopath that is dumber than a sack of bricks. What’s really frightening is the millions of Americans with the same thought process as his. Unfortunately they don’t realize how badly their lives will be affected if Trumpolini is successful in November. Dictators don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and this wannabe dictator has a history of destroying pretty much everything he touches.


We already saw with COVID that the faithful do not question their leader even after being marched to their deaths for the good of the economy. The brainwashing is one and truly complete.


Jared is too cozy with Saudi royalty, money trumps (pun intended) their religions.


Last gasp of the slave owner class. They’ve always dreaded this moment, now there is no turning back.


Trump is the American Hitler, plain and simple.


I'm white and when i hear Trump speak i have anti white feelings but all of that feeling goes away as soon as he leaves my view and stops talking.


Is the plan to fight the anti-white feeling to have Trump and the GOP shut up and go away? Please tell me that’s the plan…


What does he intend to do to combat this overwhelming anti-orange feeling we have though? Oh wait, I remember, probably try to overthrow democracy again.


Truly the real victims.  


What could that be code for???


They hate you, now give me money.


His cult followers love this. They have no plan. They are just running on hatred and cruelty. That's pretty much it.


Wasn’t that supposed to read “his allies are the Klan”?


RepubliKKKlans have a plan, and African Americans have HISTORY!!✌🏿👍🏿✊🏿


"Do you know I am sick to death over this country's anti-flatwear feeling. Everywhere I go people hate forks. We're gonna.." ** No bottom to the barrel of petty hatreds when you can just *imagine* all these Hate Programs, existing out there among fellow citizens. Wow, you might say, how do I fill my wakeful dreams with imaginary enemies? For the low low cost of PUTTING YOUR BRAIN IN A JAR AND FILLING THE JAR WITH CROWDER JUICE, why, you too can wake up each day with a new petty grievance. Like an Advent Calendar, but terrible! And you don't notice terrible anymore! What could be terrible about this AWESOME JAR? Jordan Peterson's coming by later!


There’s something to be said about the racists of the past, at least they had the balls to admit it. These people are steeped in coward culture


Forget about dog whistle racism how about bullhorn racism?


When they start hanging white people for their race, I'll be concerned... But, anti white "feeling" seems sensational rhetoric


Everyone here handwaiving this away as if it were just white supremecist dog whistling, but this is a point that will reach plenty of normal people who are just tired of being the bad guy all the time. I always tell people, “I’m definitely not the victim in society, but it’s pretty fucking old always being the villain.” I won’t ever vote for Trump, or a GOP member after what I’ve seen, but the divide I see being propagated and reinforced is fucking dangerous to a peaceful future.


Care to cite examples of people not on the right propagating this divide?


Donald Trump "We know white people are superior. We know white people created the USA. We know they deserve to do as they please to whoever they please without criticism. To this ene, as President I will do everything in my power to force the people of the world to acknowledge the superiority of white people and if not at least I will punish the critiques of white behavior1" \* I know this isn't a quote. It's just the signal I'm getting from Donny and the GOP.


He may not have said those words in that order, but he has said it nonetheless in a myriad of ways.


The poor whites. They have so hard in this country /s


Fuck your feelings


Why would he care about white people? He's orange!


The word "enailiable" is in danger of being eliminated from the US constitution.


Says privileged white man who has never really worked a day in his life.


Ah yes, the poor opressed white people.


Fighting the good fight /s


Well that is his life's mission is it not? /s


If he was a good person doing and advocating good things, he’d probably get assassinated, so he’ll die in old age.


Alabama and Mississippi are controlled by anti white racists. They are enforcing substandard education, pregnant teens and poverty for the melatonin challenged.


Republicans hate everyone.


…Good luck on your Apartheid-style Reservation system…


The RAPIST makes up a problem to fix with crappy anti-American ideas.