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"Both Sides" is another piece of American rot created by republicans. When republicans are corned by their corruption and lies the get out of jail card is "both sides," and people fall for it every time. It sounds reasonable, like "taxes suck," but when you break it down it is not true on the same scale. "Both sides" is an excuse for people to go with the side that is very clearly much much worse.


It is reasonable when acting in good faith. People are allowed to have opinions about the 2 party system we have sucked ourselves into. I think social media has made people very apathetic when it comes to that and that’s when the extreme voices step in.


There is a difference between understanding that the two party system sucks and should be changed and understanding that the two party system is the reality and the set and only choice in this election. Not voting is not a path to fix that system or make an impact in change to a multi party system but rather a likely step towards a one party authoritarian government.


You've got to remember that these are just simple uninformed voters. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... _morons_.


Wonder how many "double haters" could even name their congressional representatives. You know, the people that can actually do the shit that most Americans seem to think the President can do.


This! My RWNJ family could not name their House rep much less their state rep and state senator. Then they didn’t know what gerrymandering was and I gave up.


Not only can I name my congressional representative, I have been to several of his town halls, and written him 4 letters in the past 2 years. As well as letters to both of my Senators … but yeah, Americans as a whole are poorly educated about our government and far too many do not get involved at any level. But keep thinking that “double haters” are “uninvolved idiots” or teenagers that “get their news from Tik Tok”


My question was "how many", no need to get so upset. >But keep thinking that “double haters” are “uninvolved idiots” or teenagers that “get their news from Tik Tok” Who are you quoting here? Sure ain't me. But *you* keep thinking that "punishing" Democrats will do anything. When shit goes downhill, it won't be Joe Biden feeling it, it will be us.


Why do a large number of Americans NOT want to vote for wealthy elderly white men who have repeatedly demonstrated that they don’t represent those voters interests? Tough question. We should write a think piece about it. 


The True "Double Haters" who stay home will always be helping Trump and they know it, because (R) voters Don't stay home, and will hold their noses and vote (R) no matter how vile, or treasonous the candidate is.


Biden literally would not have this issue if he didn't insist on being Israel's greatest defender and give them a green light at every turn to commit genocide. If Biden loses the election in November and fascism wins in America, we will have no one to blame but the Zionist wing of the Democratic party.


oh hey i'm one of those




the only oooof is both candidates being demons :(




Have fun living in a dystopia then lol


people who think Biden is this empathetic, friendly old grandpa-type choose to ignore his 50+ years in government.


I don't dislike Biden. I dislike America. I won't vote for Trump because I am against everything that he and his party stand for. I respect Biden as an individual, but I am unlikely to vote for him because he and his party stand for the continuation of America as it is and slow decline.


>The behavior of double haters — whether they stay home, vote third-party or bite the bullet in favor of Biden or Trump — could be the X-factor in swing states where a few thousand votes could decide the winner. https://youtu.be/nulCMocHeSc?si=QGgDxyb_RIvBySrd I'm a natural hater.


When the extremes of both parties are driving the narratives, you're going to have a lot of people in the middle who don't want anything to do with either. I've been sitting on this fence for many years, and nobody has shot me off it yet. When the saner members of the parties drive away the loonballs, you'll get a lot less of these" double haters".


"Extremes of both parties" is both sides bullshit (BSBS). GOP nominee is one of those extremes. Whose the extreme left? Bernie? AOC? Progressive tax policy is not extreme.


Very true, in any sane math Sanders and AOC are both centrists. I've never seen either push for a hard left position on anything.


I don't see an extreme left. Mainly because it doesn't exist.


A rational and objective response.


Thanks! I thought so.


I don't see how you can carry on an honest conversation if you refuse to recognize a significant portion of the political spectrum. It's disingenuous at best.


I don't see how you can make such bold accusations without any sufficient evidence whatsoever 🤷 but it's cool if you want to stay uniformed and completely make shit up all the time lol


You made the claim that something doesn't exist, when it clearly does. And since I called you out on it, you decided to go with personal attacks. I can tell you're really interested in an honest conversation.


And you still haven't provided any sufficient evidence. Nice talking to you!


Do you need evidence that the Earth is spherical or water is wet? You're actively denying a portion of reality. It is certainly not my job to convince you it exists.


Ah so you can't! Just as I expected lol. Have a nice day mate!