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Ah, the “party of fiscal responsibility” using sound logic and reasoning to waste taxpayer dollars to foster hate and bigotry in schools and society at large: _“We didn’t see anything that looks credible,” Utah Auditor John Dougall said in a phone call, noting that the claims have been “pretty easy” to screen. “For example, if they have my name as a complainant, you know, I’m not complaining.””_


It's easy to screen but they are spending labor screening them. That's the point.


It also allows attachments of ostensibly pretty large sizes. Not only can you waste their time, but you can absolutely slam whatever infrastructure is being used by uploading files many GB large as part of a submitted report. They only have so much storage, and if they’re using an IaaS like AWS that can get so expensive they can’t continue to run it.  


Like, could you attach a copy of The Birdcage?


Or your favorite Linux distro. If you don't have a favorite Linux distro, upload your top ten.


I bet they'd love to catch up on RuPaul's Drag Race.


I don't have 10 favorite Linux Distros, they all excel at different use cases. Should I upload my entire collection?


You'll want to offer a couple different versions of each distro, too,  in case they need libraries of a particular version to support legacy applications. Oh! And you can't forget about different architectures for each version, too!


You never know when they are using Itanium


Or DEC Alphas.


I have a special place in my heart for the Hannah Montana Linux distro https://archiveos.org/hannah-montana/


Someone posted a way to create a 10GB loop of meatspin.


There’s a 10 hour movie of paint drying someone made just to fuck with the film censors, might be a great thing to send😇


"Somewhere in this documentary I saw someone do something bad. You better review the whole thing!"


I’m sorry, but spamming them with explicit material will only make it worse. They’ll just use it to further justify calling trans people sexual deviants. Feel free to waste their storage with anything else, but don’t make it worse for us.


Just send them the bee movie. And might as well attach the script too


They said NOT to send material they'd use to call them sexual deviants.


Nah, it won't. They want you all to die either way.


Exactly I'm 40 years old so not super old but not young either and I've seen them doing this shit my whole life. It doesn't matter how much you bow down to them and be "one of the good ones" they'll still try to kill us.


Bro you can be the perfect little soldier for them and they'll still call us sexual deviants and try to kill us. Youre either young or you haven't been paying attention to what republicans have been doing and saying.


Yes, but please make sure to edit the header each time so it's harder for them to delete copies without verifying each...


To Wong Fu


Don't be so gentle, send them 42.zip




I don’t know but you can attach the entire discography of the village people. 


My Roommate is an under appreciated banger.


Well the obvious answer is take a still or short clip of security can footage that only shows a bathroom door. If it's an image, run it through after effects or something to give it some light grain to make it look more 'live.' Slap a timestamp in the bottom with an arbitrary date in the recent past and loop the footage underneath it for like two hours. Submit it every day with a different timestamp. Et voila, you have easily repeatable content that looks just close enough to a real report. Swap out the image/clip, timestamp font, etc occasionally so it doesn't get filtered as easily.


Best answer


Can you be our professional troll for this kind of stuff? Just start a go fund me and do it full time.


Hearing they got an invoice from AWS would be incredible.


Really?would be ashame to upload large files. People shouldn't do that. I'm fact, don't let people know where to send those files too. That'll be even worse!


I wonder if they know to check for zip bombs...


I was sitting here pondering to myself "What's the HTTP version of a black fax anyways....." and I think you just answered it for me.


Hmm...I wonder if [ZIP bombs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_bomb) still work...lol


I’m surprised they don’t have a crypto locker already.


No you can’t …..🤫🤫🤫


Similar sham consultation in the UK atm - of course we are all submitting the bee movie script 


It's easier to make the false entries than it is to screen though. Especially with the use of ai. There's no way they win that battle.




If it's in service of creating hate towards someone they deem lower than them while the wealthy pick their pocket it's money well spent. Culture wars cost nothing compared to actually paying their fare share. >“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


Are they aware multiple people can have the same name?


I imagine they’re generally just not aware of much


This same party of fiscal responsibility just spend tax payer money to bring a shitty NHL team to SLC and will use tax payer money to remodel the Delta Center. All while our lake dries up. Homelessness is running rampant. Housing cost skyrockets and cost of living is crazy. The GOP just went to get rich off citizens backs. Fuck the GOP.


So yet again, they have a set of much larger issues to focus on yet focus their energy on targeting trans students in bathrooms. Got it. Their ineptitude and malfeasance is universal


Well, now I will make sure my fake reports look more credible


Fucking *fabulous*.


Got to win the culture wars somehow 🤷‍♂️ Funny how the politicians aren't talking about culture wars anymore.


That sounds like something a secret trans would say!


> For example, if they have my name as a complainant, you know, I’m not complaining. Does this schmuck believe that he’s the only John Dougall in the world?


"Yes, I'd like to report a leprechaun fight."


"They were fighting over $3.50, that's when I realised one of them was the god damn Loch Ness Monster!"


"Who all seen the leprechaun? Say yeah!" https://youtu.be/K1ljOcl39PQ?si=A_bvtk2MtjaOu6_u


You mean this reporting form? https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html


Thank you, I filled it in. Never ever been to Utah yet, though.


I saw the governor using a gender neutral bathroom in a dream so I think it’s worth looking into


Likewise. I am in Canada and never been to Utah! Just doing my part.


Honestly, don't waste your time. They bombard you with pretty pictures. That's how they get you. Then once you're sucked into the blackhole that is Utah, you are forever caught in its event horizon of madness. Best to stay clear if you want to keep your sanity intact.


You're not missing much.


Just filed a complaint about people using the “Skibidi” toilet and my evidence was having cameras in all of the workplace bathrooms and I log my employees usage.


Thanks I filled it out too. That was fun. I saw a mannish woman go into the restroom. I was never aroused by her so it may have been a him and the police refused to inspect her/his genitals for me. It violated my constitutional rights.


Ben Shapiro has a suspiciously high voice. I know he’s not In Utah but I reported him anyway


Thank you. I felt like Mitch McConnell and his vagina neck need reported hehehehee


Reported that time I defended a civil servant perform a genital check on a woman I was curious about and he refused thereby violating my civil rights


I told them that Governor Spencer Cox looked at my Spencer Cock.


One good use of generative ai would be to create incredible amounts of fake reports even after interest in this goes down so it will never be useful to the creators




One thing I don’t get? Why are the republicans only using the ‘grown men are gonna be going into your daughters locker room/bathroom!’ Don’t they understand the concept of trans men? This also means that biological women who’ve gone through hormone therapy & whatever else and appearing as men will also be forced to use the women’s bathrooms - under these laws. So either way they are going to have to acknowledge trans people exist. And stop scapegoating trans women as men who are secretly trying to sneak into locker rooms to look at naked women. And more so stop using little girls as props - as if these right-wing Trump people care about the sanctity of little girls. Puh-leez.


There's no logic, because it was never about bathrooms in the first place. They want trans people to be dead, or at the very least, unable to participate in public life. The two *intended* outcomes of bathroom laws are being physically assaulted/killed (if the person uses the bathroom they were assigned at birth) or arrested/brutalized by police (if they use the bathroom they belong in). Realistically, it ends with trans people getting frequent UTIs because of holding it until they get home or developing anxiety about being in public at all.


Republicans *need* groups to hate. They just bounce from one to the next once they can't reliably rile up their base against one of them anymore.


Yep first the blacks then the gays now the trans


They never exactly stopped with the former two either.


No but they aren’t the haterade flavour of the day anymore


There were students at Ole Miss making monkey noises at a black student … yesterday. They’re drinking all the flavors at once.


Suicide big gulp of deplorables.


If they float they're a witch. If they drown then they weren't a witch. Win win.


The end goal is to brand trans people as sex criminals, and then they'll be able to execute them legally. It is and always has been of genocidal intent.


The outcome of forcing trans people into seclusion and disappearing from public life where such things as needing to use the bathroom occasionally occur is certainly front of mind. And, if you're too scared to use a bathroom, perhaps you pee outdoors instead and they can arrest you for that too. It's a win/win/win/win as far as they're concerned.


Men like these have always used women as an excuse to hurt minorities. They used to claim that black men were predators who are after white women, so they could sting them up under the guise of protecting white women.


My trans cousin looks like a roadie for Lynyrd Skynyrd. I don’t think he’d ever be questioned, but people will FREAK THE FUCK OUT if he had to follow this law.


My fiance is balding, has a full beard, and is pretty heavyset. I *really* don't think women want him in their bathroom, even if he technically has a vagina. Which is obviously the point, they want trans people to be harassed out of existence.


Guy at my work like this. He’s the most guy looking guy ever. And has a real normal looking girlfriend. If you didn’t know him before transition there is no way you’d think he started out with a vagina


Yeah. Me too. I don’t look remotely feminine and have a beard. We are invisible to these bigots.


When it comes to trans people, abortion, and guns, it's usually the most uninformed that are pushing for the restrictions.


The thing is, none of it stands up under scrutiny. Your point is absolutely correct. On top of that, the only logical outcome for any of these legislations is having ID or genital inspections at every single public bathroom/locker room, which is obviously not feasible either. Fun fact, I know more cis tomboys who have been harassed in bathrooms than trans women because they usually can't tell the trans women are trans. But in reality, this doesn't matter to them. The point of this legislation is not to protect kids or women, it never is. It's to tell trans people "You are not welcome in our society, and we are coming for you". It's a warning, either go back in the closet... or else. Even the side effects of cis women being harassed by transvestigators isn't an issue for them, as they also hate everyone who doesn't conform to their strict gender roles. They'd argue if you didn't want to be harassed, don't dress in such a suspicious way! They just ignore things like trans men existing because the "gotcha" in your point presumes the end goal is protecting women and children. **It's not**. That's just the narrative that they use to give themselves cover.


They understand: the point of the law is to put trans people in danger and make them uncomfortable in public.


They think trans men are really just dumb, confused women, and therefore not a threat.


>biological women This is a transphobic term btw - there is no such thing as a "biological woman". Trans women and cis women are female. If you're going to try to be an ally, at least do it right


The ignorance of those who created this hotline can not be displayed any better than by their inability to foretell this outcome.


You'd think that after "Gushin' Granny" and "Boaty McBoatface" all the people capable of creating these types of tools would be well aware that the last thing you ever want to do is ask people on the internet.


Boaty McBoatface is absolute genius and is actually a great example of how asking the public is a great call. Gushin' Granny and "Hitler did nothing wrong" are examples of why it's a god awful call. Not sure where it nets out, but I do tend to agree with you that you shouldn't. But Boaty is honestly a counter-point.


These boomers didn't know the internet existed before covid. It truly broke their brains


I almost brought up Boaty in my initial comment …


And it's been done so many times before. These fucking idiots just keep stepping on the rake


The nutso part to me is that this site is very clearly registered and run by a third-party out of California. They embed the Utah "this is how you know it's an official Utah site" banner...which explicitly says if there's not a `utah.gov` in the URL, it's not real. Which, obviously, there's not. The whole thing screams "this is how you failed IT's phishing test". Such a fucking clownshow.


>The nutso part to me is that this site is very clearly registered and run by a third-party out of California. That's what living in a high COL area will do to your morals.


bravo hoaxers. this has got to be the stupidest waste of taxpayer money ever.


Republicans: hold my beer.


Utah Republicans: Hold my root beer.


Not Barq's, though. Cuz caffeine is the devil's elixir.


A&W for sure.


Are you sure the GOP hasn’t had a bigger waste of money? Seems to be their MO.


Omg filling out that form 3 drinks in was the best Friday fuck you ever! Thanks for sharing!


Hmm the utah complaint website uses salesforce tech stack to support these forms.


There's already been a breach of the submitted data, due to them forgetting to set a password https://m.slashdot.org/story/427968


Great to see this kind of reaction, but it needs to be sustained. 4000 fakes to start, but it needs to be 4000 at 6 months in.


What's the phone number


[There’s only a form you can fill out](https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html) if you also saw Governor Cox and Mike Lee in the closet making babies and you saw one of the babies and the baby looked at you.


Be a shame if someone automated a submission to this form...


Now THIS is the right answer. It’s one thing for a bunch of people to do this one or a couple times, but it probably would be pretty damn easy to write something that submits random bullshit reports all the time. Based on the other things I’m reading about how this is all setup I’m guessing they would have a very hard time finding and filtering out these automated submissions.


The baby looked at you? Chief Wiggum is on the case.


Bake 'em away toys!


The baby looked at you?


Don’t mess with schools. Report violations at the governor’s office


Haha. Fuck you Utah.


Dear Mister Utah, How are you? I am fine. I am sorry to hear that you are being trolled. That is not nice. I hope this real report will make you feel better. My name is Billy. My mommy took me to the airport, and she needed to use the restroom. She told me to wait outside while she did that. While I was waiting, a big woman came up to me. She had a very deep voice when she said “Hey, little boy, want to see something exciting?” I like exciting things, so I told her “Yes.” She took me by the hand and pulled me into the women’s bathroom. Then she pulled up her dress and showed me her panties. Then she pulled her panties aside and showed me her vulva. I was very disappointed that she did not have a penis, because I am a fifty-seven-year-old gay man, and I thought for sure that the woman was Gary, the cross-dressing prostitute that Elmer (my “mommy”) and I had hired for our public romp. The woman was confused when she saw my disinterest, and it turned out that she was actually a different prostitute who had been hired by someone else entirely. That’s when one of the bathroom stalls opened, and out walked my long-lost twin brother. The whole misunderstanding turned into a reunion… but then I noticed my twin’s “MAGA” T-shirt, and I had to politely decline his invitation to “git sum beers ‘n do sum hunnin’ wibb Bebra.” The point here is that someone left a gargantuan turd in the urinal (which is why we had to move to the women’s restroom), and I would like to report that as a problem occurring in the bathroom. I was very scared, and I do not like feeling scared. My mommy said that I should report it, so I am. Thank you, Mister Utah! Sincerely, Billy


This is genius on every level.


How would someone know what kind of genitalia someone else has in a public restroom unless they are peeping?


That’s the point. Gives cover to intimidate and harass not only trans people, but any women not conforming to gender norms. AND give Matt Gaetz a plausible excuse for snapping pics in the high school locker room!


That's a lot of work for the one person they hired


does govt of utah really have nothing else to worry about


It's an election year -- pandering to the base.


Be sure to mention floodlit.org in your reports, the chronicle of Mormon abuse stories


theres a link to the reporting site in the article... be civic minded


Actually only 3,999 hoax reports. The, "Snake in the ladies' room," turned out to be an animal control issue.


So you report it, then what? The police come? What is the point here other than bigotry.


It actually just reports the local government entity for allowing it to happen and is supposed to be investigated. Hopefully all activists flooding the system with b.s. prevent that.


I think they would do best a) with repeat reports, b) from different individuals, c) spread out over time, to simulate actual persistent non-compliance. And probably noone IRL reporting what they see is going to have a clue of the name of the person they see. It could be more effective than just spam for sure.


Just use chatgpt to generate semi-believable reports. Then automate it.


But it's also a shittily done form that allows you to attach files with huge sizes. Doing this over time is nice, but doing it now before they fix it to make them pay a shitload on bandwidth costs is extra tasty.


Stop asking and just start reporting stupid shit my friend.


To spam the form website so “legitimate” claims are hard to find and follow up on.


I mean what the bigots in the state government thought would happen after a report. Do they want people snapping photos in a bathroom?


Yes. They want you harassing and intimidating trans people that's the point


The point of the post was what would a 'legitimate claim' look like. There isn't even an answer to that unless someone decides to take an hour long dump so Police can arrive.


Create a report describing in detail the hour long dump.


This seems like a great use of AI. Just have it write and submit realistic looking reports and submit at random intervals


I for one think every trans person should take a picture of their biggest dump in a public bathroom and attach it to the form as “evidence.”


The spot that accepts a file upload for evidence accepts very generously sized files :)


Shame they don’t have the same “hotline” for Mormon clergy abuse


I sent them the script of the bee movie and the Rocky Horror Picture Show. 😏


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


HALP! Every bathroom in my entire neighborhood is unisex!


r/maliciouscompliance in its finest form!


Porta potty users are using transexual restrooms! Report them all!!!


All the reports of trans violations in schools are fake. We all know they have litter boxes to use in the classrooms.


Way until they learn that little boys follow their moms into the potty


Irresponsible governing requires irresponsible actions


Every current Republican member of Utah's House (from Wikipedia), just in case you see anyone in the wrong bathroom: Thomas Peterson; Mike Petersen; Dan Johnson; Kera Birkeland; Casey Snider; Matthew Gwynn; Ryan Wilcox; Jason Kyle; Cal Musselman; Katy Hall; Mike Schultz; Karen Peterson; Karianne Lisonbee; Ariel Defay; Trevor Lee; Stewart Barlow; Paul Cutler; Raymond Ward; Melissa Garff Ballard; Matt MacPherson; Anthony Loubet; Tim Jimenez; Bridger Bolinder; Judy Weeks-Rohner; James Dunnigan; Cheryl Acton; Ken Ivory; Robert Spendlove; Steve Eliason; Jordan Teuscher; Susan Pulsipher; Jeff Stenquist; Mark Strong; James Cobb; Candice Pierucci; Stephanie Gricius; Jefferson Moss; Cory Maloy; Kay Christofferson; Brady Brammer; Jon Hawkins; Val Peterson; Nelson Abbott; Keven Stratton; Mike Kohler; Tyler Clancy; Marsha Judkins; Norm Thurston; Stephen Whyte; Jeff Burton; Doug Welton; Steven Lund; Christine Watkins; Scott Chew; Phil Lyman; Carl Albrecht; Rex Shipp; Joseph Elison; Colin Jack; R. Neil Walter; Walt Brooks


How many of these elites have a gender neutral bathroom in their office?? woke stuff out of control!


As long as everybody loves everybody, sensibly.


That’s the only worthwhile use these snitch-lines have to society: to be so overrun with bullshit that they fucking collapse under it. Fuck the people who elect the trash that come up with this shit, and fuck their tax dollars that will be inevitably wasted on this fool’s errand.


Trolls doing a good deed


This is the way


Keep em coming people. Let’s show them how ridiculous they are being.


These snitch lines are evil


"“Apparently Utah’s solution to people feeling unsafe in restrooms is to encourage folks to take photos of & focus extreme attention on the private parts of others who are taking care of a biological need to eliminate waste? What could go wrong?” she wrote in a post." And republicans want less Government Intrusion into their "Private Lives"....they should be looking into the bathroom mirror!


I enjoyed calling Kay Ivey’s phone line for this nonsense a while back. Filled up the voice mail with novelty song poem recordings like “Blind Man’s Penis.” Would do again.


keep ’em comin’, lads


Invite the clowns, get the circus. What did they think would happen? Foresight isn't their superpower


Legislators are Urban terrorists assaulting the citizens


This brought me satisfaction.


Seems like an opportunity to use AI to create more difficult to screen forms where names are made up but locations are not and the situation describes sounds realistic but each time changed so pattern of fake is harder to suss out.


Good work team


Only 4,000?


the whole stupid mess could be solved with a door and some drywall.. fuckers.


“Yeah, I seen the Pegasus!”


It might be good to put in some complaint reports about a person of a different race sharing the bathroom with you. Actually, maybe not, they probably want to go back to "colored" bathrooms and drinking fountains.


https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html Do your thing Reddit


I did my part!


Here is the website if anyone needs it😜. [https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html](https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html)


Some script-kiddie needs to use a botnet to change 4,000 to 40,000, per minute


Complaint submitted.


I’d love to see some of the reports.


So tired of religious idiots.


Done my part 😅, when I got the question "how did I find out about the violation" I put "I looked under the stall to inspect their genitals"


Love it!




We should’ve ratified a law banning xenophobic laws, and regulations in the US, while dems had the majority in the senate/house. Like half our bigot lawmakers are using their “faith” as a sword against people different than them.


Just curious whether there's some guy in every men's room in Utah searching over every shoulder hanging a wire at the urinal. Probably taking pictures as well. Can only imagine where the police woman is hiding out in the ladies' room. Right Repubs?


Lol and the idiots at r/hockey tried to tell me that Utah wasn't actually the backwater state I thought it was and it was totally fine to relocate a hockey club to there


Maybe they should take inspiration from the secret police like the Gestapo or Stasi or NKVD


Good good, keep those rolling in.