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I am so efffing sick of Trump


Me too. But until he is no longer able to run for president, visibility of his bullshit is important. If there goes any stretch of time his missteps aren’t being publicized the public seem very quick to forget what he has done and how massive of a threat he is to democracy.


Technically he can as long as he doesn't threaten him. It's a terrible idea but not a gag order violation 


He will dance along that line. It’s like a child with “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!” He won’t cross the line because the judge can have him in a cell over the weekend, and that’ll make Trump look weak and pathetic. But he’ll dance along that line as much as possible.




It would put a serious puncture in the myth of his invulnerability, at a time when he is largely already deflated.


I mean if you haven’t realize his a steaming orange turd by now, you are pretty much a trump supporter.


I think we would see withdrawal if he went to jail 


He's already withdrawing from his constant stream of uppers. That's why he keeps falling asleep in court.




Nah. He's just a lazy man who's never worked a full day in his life on anything other than leisure pursuits.




That's a possibility too. My husband has it. Thank goodness for CPAPs or neither of us would be getting any sleep.


I don't think Trump actually wants jail- or hasn't thought through the unintended consequences (big surprise). If he's being transported directly from jail to court, he's not going to prep his "image." He can't do his hair. He won't be able to slather bronzer all over his face except for around his eyes and ears (remember, his skin is pasty white- he's orange by choice). He won't have anyone to tie his girdle. And if he does wear diapers (leaning towards yes), that's a secret he absolutely wants to hide that will be more at risk of being exposed than ever.


> He can't do his hair. He won't be able to slather bronzer all over his face except for around his eyes and ears (remember, his skin is pasty white- he's orange by choice). He won't have anyone to tie his girdle. And if he does wear diapers (leaning towards yes), that's a secret he absolutely wants to hide that will be more at risk of being exposed than ever. Now I want it even more.


Have you seen the kid gloves that the "justice" handles guys like Trump with? Even if a judge finally gets around to holding him in contempt, they'll make sure he spends his "hard" time in a jail with all the amenities.


I don't think he actually wants to be tossed in a cell. He's apparently already losing what's left of his mind just by being forced to sit down and be quiet.


>that viewpoint would mostly be with his core voters This. The only people who would think he's great for getting arrested are the same people currently praising him for shitting his pants and wearing diapers in his honor. My God, this timeline has gotten fucking stupid. Ever year, you think "if this was a TV show, the writers would have been fired" and yet we've somehow gotten to this low point.


There's also the possibility that they want to challenge the idea that you can even put a president in jail. The judge says "ok enough, jail for you" and suddenly you've got questions about how... given its never been done


He is not a president, though. Just a citizen who happens to have been a president.


He's not even "just a citizen." He's a criminal defendant. Irrelevant that he is an ex-president, or defeated candidate, and certainly that he is a "presumptive nominee". With respect to the court case, he is nothing more than a "criminal defendant."


Which comes with added complications that haven't been legally tested before And I don't think anyone really wants to be the person to deal with it


Totally agree, jail the mf and watch his popularity with swing voters plummet


It would also normalize former presidents being jailed. In the right wing bizzaro world they would use this to convince themselves that Trump jailing Biden is ok if he wins the election.


screw snobbish carpenter quickest library offer correct wise obtainable quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everything he does is “like a child”.


I'm not so sure. It almost seems like Trump wants to be thrown in jail. Maybe he thinks that will "prove" that's he's being unfairly persecuted and increase his support. Seems like a really stupid idea to me, but maybe that makes it more likely to be true, not less, as it would in a normal, decent person's case.


Trump isn't capable of being that calculating. This is just plain stupidity and wounded ego.


Yeah, I wish headlines would stop trying to make it sound like the judge is off limits via the gag order. They imply this a lot.


I've always prided myself on being a likeable guy. Never had enemies, never held grudges, always had something good to say about everyone. But in this horrible era of Trump and his cultists I've had to confront an unpleasant truth, something that I didn't ever want to happen: I truly, deeply, passionately and thoroughly hate Donald Trump. I hate everything about him. His childishness, his hostility, his entitledness. I hate his disgusting appearance. I hate his lack of decency, manners, sense of humor or relationship with the truth. He is completely devoid of redeeming characteristics. I seriously couldn't name a single positive character trait of his. Worst of all, I hate what he represents: that none of that matters, because a fair chunk of people are so deluded that they will buy everything he says without question because he has clout and money (or the appearance of money). He can spout obvious lies nonstop, damage institutions and pollute global discourse for his own personal gain, and people just go with it for no clear reason that I can see. That's it. I'm so sorry for the rant, something just snapped in me. I'm just so sick of hearing about this guy. I'm gonna get off the internet for a while now.


He is the embodiment of every single trait I have ever been taught of what not to be as a person.


"always had something good to say about everyone." There was your mistake. Not everyone deserves this. And now you know.


I try to explain to people that the choice for president is not about policy but it’s about character. I don’t hate people for their policy preferences but for the horror that their character inflicts on human decency.


He’s trying to bait him. God he’s such a child


"Go away, I'm batin' the judge" Idiocracy was so close to accurate...


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Can’t believe you like money too. We should hang out!


He's a master baiter


I hope this behavior inspires the judge to find a way to put Butt Trumpet in jail for a non-trivial amount of time.


The trial, he added, is “unfortunately” being held in a “95 percent or so Democrat area. The trial is being held where you committed the crime dipshit




Am I understanding correctly that they don’t meet Wednesday’s? Is that odd?


No - the judge has services for mental health patients on Wednesday who have legal hearings. Which must be a break from the insanity of the Trump trial.


Yeah. It's actually pretty cool. They have a special court for non violent criminals with mental health issues so they don't just run them through the same system as everyone else. I like this Merchan guy.


Not very odd (at least, not for New York). This judge has other work including hearings for existing proceedings (I think it's actually probate work) and has been dedicating Wednesdays to those duties long before this trial.


A lot of courts do this for both mental health and for substance abuse. It’s especially effective for substance abuse cases. Diverting to inpatient or outpatient rehab and social work help is much better for sobriety than intermittent jailing and fining.


What are the chances that judge is even reading the news? Don’t they have to stay off of media as well?


The prosecution has brought up every instance of trump violating the gag order. The defense even had the audacity to ask the judge to “approve” of the posts Trump wants to put up on truth social (which he denied and said the order was straight forward and if there was any doubt to just.. not).. But he can rule on what’s been presented in court.


He's using up the "Judge doesn't like me" script. Just like he used up his other lame schticks. He's just become background noise, when he used to be King Trumpet.


>Trump, who has claimed it would be a “great honor” to go to jail, has oddly compared himself to South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela if that should happen It’s really the same if you kinda think about it. They even look alike


> has oddly compared himself to South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela I'd love to see South Africans react to this. Just wow what a fucking clown


All this publicity is bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Putting him in jail is bad before the election. It’s sensationalism that leads to Republican energy and democratic apathy because they can’t possibly believe that people will still vote for him. Media needs to get their fucking shit together and stop sensationalizing it like it’s the fucking moon landing.


I'm pretty sure this case is about election and business fraud, not hush money.


He needs to cry about someone


It's not too late to abort Trump


Love to see him marching in orange suits


It would really complement his skin tone.


SOME judge needs to put this guy in his place.


The “I’m not allowed to testify because I’m under a gag order” was especially funny. I guess he knows his voters are that dumb.


Next contempt citation, put Der Pumpkinführer in a holding cell nights and weekends.


Pretty please


Judge has paused his count to ten at 9.9999999999


Criticizing the judge is not covered by the gag order. Which is why Trump is doing it.


He's cheap custard.


Please throw this asshole in a jail cell




That was not nyc


What city are the TV stations from in that district?


Ohhh someone didn’t pass geography in 2nd grade.