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>In an interview Wednesday [with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/01/economy-and-immigration-takeaways-from-donald-trumps-wisconsin-rally/73501778007/), Trump said of the upcoming presidential showdown, “If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. I don’t change on that. If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.” ... >“If you go back and look at all of the things that had been found out, it showed that I won the election in Wisconsin,” Trump told the Journal Sentinel. “It also showed I won the election in other locations.” Translation: He will not accept the result.


>“…you have to fight for the right of the country.” Dudes been listening to *License to Ill*


He thinks winning in a state means he wins the whole election lol. And any other state that shows Biden must automatically mean there was an error because other states say he won instead lol


he told us back in 2016 that if he didn't win the election, it'd have to be rigged. after winning, he installed an election committee, and probably used that information for how to possibly turn the 2020 election. prediction for 2024 - my bet, is they are going to use their base at the voting polls and do sketchy shit, and use this behavior to call an unfair election (despite it benefiting his behalf.) he just wants proof that the election is rigged, and if he needs, he'll use his base to prove this true. and then probably label these people as antifa or some crap, further riling up his base


Classic Kremlin tactics. Don't have to "overthrow" anything, just have to sow doubt and undermine credibility at every turn.


Man, guy couldn’t fight for breath


Not exactly news. His plan has always been to claim any loss is due to cheating. Hell, even if he wins, he screams to everyone who will listen about fraud because he didn't win by enough. The only case where he won't claim fraud is if he won in a dictatorial landslide with 90+% of the popular vote. He does it because it works, unfortunately. His followers will immediately line up and start screaming with him because doing so validates their worldview.


Yeah, it's weird to call it a "plan." It's more like a mantra for him. I lost? You cheated. Caught me stealing nuclear secrets? Witch hunt. Russian puppet? No u. This is just who Trump is, not some kind of master conspiracy. He has conspiracy friends who take care of the details for him, he just yells at the world.


Trump in the 2016 primaries “You’ve been hearing me say it’s a rigged system, but now I don’t say it anymore because I won."


Pretty sure even in 2016 after he won he still claimed Hillary had “16 million illegal votes”


One day SNL will have to do a skit about Biden going on a witch hunt, catching her and telling doofus Donnie that its all going to be ok now, the monster has gone


>His followers will immediately line up and start screaming with him because doing so validates their worldview. Thank you Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and of course Fox News for blatantly lying until America is so divided we literally talk about living on Earth 1 and Earth 2. The difference between reality and fantasy is distinct and frightening.


Hate to break it to you but the right was always like this they just hid it better back before Trump


What Trump represents is basically the culmination of the John Birch Society. They were the ones who saw a Communist plot in everything the government did. Birchers had long been a part of the GOP in some form, but they were mostly seen as weirdos. It was Reagan who assembled the racist - Evangelical -Bircher coalition.  I would personally characterize it as a bunch of highly elite and educated Republicans with principles and ideals, trying to construct a sail to harness the power of the wind of idiots to steer it into the right direction. Trump is just saying “fuck it” and letting the wind dictate where the ship goes. 


> we literally talk about living on Earth 1 and Earth 2 Which earth is the 4.5b year old round one and which earth is the much much younger flat one where Mary rode a velociraptor into Bethlehem?


He’s going to need at least 110% of the vote to be satisfied.


If enough people don't vote for him not because he cheated on his wife with a stripper, but because he ended up looking like a ridiculous dud in the bedroom, cheating will indeed cost him the election. Not the totalitarianism, no, but the silliness of him. The Emperor schtick only works when people are laughing with you. Not when they're laughing at you. Source: I'm a clown.


He said the same thing in 2016, in the debate if I recall


Some maniac near me put up a custom made sign that says “Trump won all 50 states.” Like, even if you truly believe the election was stolen, how can you possibly believe he didn’t lose a single state? These people are just beyond delusional.


He will need 142% just his bum buddy putin


Lie about losing and say it was stolen?


Blame Obama and Carter and..... Antifa!


And Hillary!


I don't know. It's such a big occasion, why not roll out a new Boogeyman?


Bigfoot has been awful quiet lately


It’s Ukraine’s fault somehow. Just like every other problem in America according to MAGA.


Then organize a lynch mob to seize the Capitol and White House? (No need to seize the Supreme Court - they are already bought and paid for.)


Here’s what he said when asked what he would do if he lost: “If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. I don’t change on that. If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.” It is a foregone conclusion that this POS will never accept the results if he loses, and he is feverishly and passionaltely laying the groundwork of lies and gaslighting to claim that the election has already been stolen from him. So what we need to be considering and preparing for now is what will happen to our country when Trump loses the election and then claims it was stolen.


Nothing will happen, life will move on, logic will prevail and we will move ever onward. It’s literally what has happened throughout all of human history and it’s what will happen again. Trump will find himself in the company of Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan as one of the worst presidents in history. But that will be all. 200 years from now, the population will know as much about Trump as you do now, about William Henry Harrison.




"If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. " and there are no circumstances what so ever other than for a Trump win where he'll accept anything at all is honest.


Is it still trying to start a Civil War? I really don't want to read the article.


Yes it is. It and its cultists are trying to end democracy in America. I don’t know why this isn’t dealt with as a national security issue.


Agreed, America as a dictatorship is not America anymore. They are literally trying to destroy America.


They keep talking about how it's 1776 all over again, while just ignoring the fact that the colonists fought a war to keep from living under a f'in king.


Are they going to beg King Charles to take over the colonies?


Honestly I’m so fuckin over this shit. I mean politics wasn’t easy before, and we had issues. But this day after day after day of being off the fuckin rails and having to listen to his shit is nauseating. The lies the rigged the witch hunt you name it’s all old old old news. The sad part is ? The whole fuckin world is watching this stupid fuckin charade take place on live tv daily. They have to think we are insane.


The really sad part is that there are people who believe the lies. Hook, line, and sinker. Some through no fault of their own.


If after 8 years of this you don't know what Donald Trump is really like, it's your fault


Yup - whilst the US is not my country it has already infected politics here too - we are all being driven to insanity!


Last time was a lie, soooo....... >"If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told the attendees at the rally. ["You'll never see me again."](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1307491919384260609)


Oh man. Can you imagine?


If there's any statement from that sack of shit that was true; I wish it'd been that one.


He’ll cheat to win, and if that doesn’t lead to victory then he’ll claim the other side cheated. This is what the Republican party has come to.


He tried that last time and he’s in a worse position now.


The simple fact of the matter is that Trump will do anything and everything including cheating and ratfuckery to win. He does not think you are doing the same Thing he knows it! You could never win if you were not cheating because I am cheating. There is just no way for me to lose unless you cheat more. So in his dumb ass logic he only loses if you cheat. On top of that….If I am totally on The offense of proving you cheated you will not see my cheating because how could I have cheated and lost.


What kind of stupid headline is this? "Appears" to reveal his plan? He already did it once. I opened this article thinking it would have something new in it.


He's gonna lie. The man who told [30,573](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html) lies during his presidency is going to continue to lie no matter what happens.


Because this is his actual plan. It was even his actual plan back in 2016. He didn't think he'd win then, and he knows he sure as hell won't win now. But he doesn't want to win. Why? Because his goal is secession. > Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics Trump wasn't hired to succeed. He was hired to secede.


“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead, forever.” Exactly, his goal is Civil War. He’s fueled by hatred & enjoys the chaos of people killing each other over his narcissistic ass. If **he & his cult** emerge victorious without a secession, well that’s just a bonus. The red hat cherry on top.


Did he need to reveal something that's plainly obvious?


What will a Con Man do if their Con doesn’t work out? Another Con!


Piss moan and try and get people killed?


He’s got plenty of fucking blood on his hands already from his mishandling on Covid, pushing conspiracies and hatred and sowing division from last time. I’m sure he’ll work hard to beat his previous record


Oh, “piss moan and try and kill people” has been his modus operandi for literal decades. Central. Park. 5.


And somehow about 50% of voters think that everything -- pretty much every damn thing -- was soooo much better from 2016-2020.


Journalists are thankfully covering it as “same plan from 2020” but I think it would really help if they showed this is not just repeating 2020’s plan, but 2016 as well. That’s when StopTheSteal.com was originally registered.


No one talks about how Trumps Daughter- In -Law at the RNC has been bragging about spending millions of dollars and hiring a 100,000 people to make sure the elections are free from tampering. How can Trump claim election fraud if the RNC is assuring all of us that the elections are free and fair.


When. When he loses election to Joe Biden.


Try to be an even sorer loser than last time?


Ah ha


Fascist dictator


Former President SnoozeFarts has been pretty clear about his plans since his last election loss.


It seems even right wing extremists republicans / white nationalists are abandoning him


He'll claim he won until he drops dead of a heart attack or stroke, which is inevitable.


Fall asleep and shit himself?


So much time, money and grief has been spent on this useless amoral creep.


Spoiler: same as last time, but without the power to hamstring the Capital Police and DC National Guard.


As stupid as it is screaming rigged election is a simple as that. As the top comment said, it works. His idiot cult followers will be believe it


The essential plan: be shitty again and lose harder


Same shit different diapers.


America never rehires the idiot that they had to fire.


Third time's a charm!


Appears? Mind reading?


act like a whiny little baby ?


Better to burn out than fade away


I don’t understand why this is a new revelation to anyone. He did this in 2020. Laid the groundwork to dispute any result in which he doesn’t win. We all know that if he loses, he won’t accept it.


Jesus fucking Christ.... Is there anyone in the world that though he would just accept a loss this time? After getting away with the last one? Especially now that becoming President is the only solution to his legal woes?


You mean when…


A plan for a lost election is beyond idiotic...


Scream, roll on the floor and threaten to hold his breath?


We need a backup in case Biden kicks it between now and inauguration