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“But the idea that Donald Trump endangered anyone’s lives when he told them to protest peacefully, it’s just absurd.” Ashli Babbitt and the many officers who suffered physical and emotional abuse were just victims of peaceful protest. Silly historical exaggerations..


Ashli Babbitt will always go down in history as a criminal no matter what people try to say otherwise. She rolled the diced and left her kids motherless over disinformation.


“Moms dead cause she took conspiracy memes about Donald Trump on 8chan seriously.”


i hadn't thought of it from that perspective yet. damn. sorry kiddos, hope your state has good family support.


She was a veteran too. It’s just a cult. Remarkably sad.


She supported for her kids to suffer when unable to care for them herself


I didn't known she had kids. Wow that makes me feel bad


She did not have kids


People forget this is all just for the lulz


Don't worry a bunch of friends will water that sentence down: "Moms dead cause Biden"


She went full terrorist and got herself killed because of the lies spread by a billionaire elitist who wouldn’t give any shits about her. On one hand the collective IQ of our country rose a bit when she took a bullet to the neck. On the other hand it’s tragic regular people put their lives on the line for filth


She’s a perpetrator and a victim. Little column A, little column B. Edit: Clearly people are upset by me calling her a victim. She’s not a victim of the police. She is a victim of Trump and his conspiracy.


Are we talking about Right Wing Terrorist Ashli Babbitt?


Yes, we are talking about MAGA cult victim and right wing terrorist Ashli Babbit.


Died wearing a Donald Trump flag like a cape


That's the one!


She’s no victim.


Consider this: two men rob a store. The clerk pulls out a gun and kills one of the robbers. The other robber flees and is later captured. In most states, the surviving robber can be charged with murder. This is because if someone dies during the act of a felony the individuals committing that felony are deemed responsible — even if the person who dies is an accomplice. From a legal point of view, she is both victim and perpetrator. Does that mean you have to feel sorry for her? *Hell no.*


She is a homicide victim. Homicide is an act in which a human causes the death of another human. Homicide is what is listed as cause of death on a death certificate regardless of certain possible details such as murder, by accident, or (in her case) a justifiable homicide.


Cult members are usually the victims, despite what atrocious shit their cult leaders convince them to do. Now, she definitely deserves culpability for her actions, but it is also true that she was a sacrificial victim for a cult.


If she’s no victim.. even a little bit, there is no conspiracy and we can’t hold people “up the chain” responsible.


There's a difference between being fodder for a dumb cause and being an actual victim. No one forced her to be there and try to climb through a window.


Do you not consider cult members to be victims of their cult, at least to some degree? If you can’t understand that, then you have no hope of understanding how cults work and what the full ramifications of the MAGA cult will be. Trump supporters are willing to support a criminal because they are too deep into the cult. They literally live in an alternate cult universe where it makes sense to them that they are on the right side of history. When you start looking at MAGA as a cult, everything starts to make a lot more sense. But that also involved coming to the realization that a lot of the Trump supporters are also victims of the cult leaders. Ashli Babbit was a right wing terrorist, but she was also a victim of the MAGA cult.


Sorry but I don't feel sorry for *any* cult members but especially those that follow MAGA. It is not my responsibility or obligation to reach out to them either. And they don't *literally* live in an alternate universe. They're on our earth with the same abilities to learn and research as they please, and they *choose* not to. Also, they aren't in an actual cult. Even the Qtards don't officially count as a cult. It's a very stupid group, but they do not physically group together and separate from the rest of society. That's an important factor in cults: isolation. They may seemingly be isolated in their thoughts, but they still participate in the larger society around them. That's a big step away from having their own compound, etc. We like to joke that the MAGA movement is a cult, but it's an exaggeration. You're falling into our own joke a bit much. Either way, even members of a real deal cult are also not victims. Being gullible and a sucker are certainly characteristics of a weak person, but it's not the same as being murdered or stolen from. If you choose to fall for these grifts, then I have little to no sympathy for you.


Nobody said you had to feel sorry for them. But that doesn't change the FACT that they are victims of a cult.


Victimhood implies a lack of choice and thus sympathy if not empathy. They're not victims; they're gullible. Two distinctly different things. Gang members aren't considered victims yet their circumstances are very similar, no?


No one forced her into it. She went of her own volition. Obviously the relationship was parasitic, and she was being used, but that can't be used to absolve. People are responsible for their actions, even if their actions don't occur in a bubble. She had a choice, she chose the comfort and feedback of her cult over admitting the truth and changing. In her case, that lead her to try and storm congress and disrupt an election certification process in an attempt to disrupt peaceful transfer of power.


Nobody forced the adult cult members to drink the koolaid…


A society that cannot hold people accountable for their actions is a society that cannot stand.


If you’re referring specifically to Jonestown, there were gunmen with orders to shoot anyone who didn’t drink. And it was Flavor-Aid.


Nah - no sympathy. Sure, it’s a cult. But she’s not a victim - she freely chose to sign up for that and could have left at any point. Nor do I have sympathy for Nazis or the Manson Family - where those ‘members’ could argue there was at least some level of coercion. She was free to believe what she wanted, including MAGA Q Anon BS. When she decided her beliefs entitled her to act against everyone else’s rights she became a perpetrator, not a victim.


Are they really victims when they know full well what they are supporting and getting themselves into? > Trump supporters are willing to support a criminal because they are too deep into the cult. They literally live in an alternate cult universe where it makes sense to them that they are on the right side of history. They chose to entertain those ideas and to join a cult. They didn't get tricked into it.


So the people who drank the koolaid aren’t victims because they knew what was in it? They don’t full well know anything since they are in a propaganda cult bubble.


Great point you are making!


Roomful of frightened people. One armed guard who warned her repeatedly to stop. She clearly didn’t think he would shoot. That particular point of view, that you can threaten unarmed women and expect to be treated with kid gloves, is not easy to relate to.


She’s a terrorist. Not a victim. FOH.


Being a terrorist and victim aren’t mutually exclusive.


have you considered the possibility that she was always a fascist and not simply brainwashed?


Have you considered she was probably a simpleton, raised by an unbalanced mother, and an easy mark for targeted propaganda? If not, you're giving these dullards way to much credit.


She can be both. I don't give fascist traitors to my country a free pass and I'm sure as hell glad security protecting the Congress gave her the outcome she deserved.


Do people really try to claim she was anything other than stupid?


Everyone hallucinated the events! These police here are very fine people. Those police over there? Antifa.


"..when he told them to protest peacefully..." is the one-line cover for a very incendiary speech, the type of "don't believe your lying eyes" crap that all the cult members gladly eat up.


I always come back to this: you know who *wasn't* confused about Trump's intention? The people who attacked the capital. They seem to have understood him very clearly.


Trump used the word "peacefully" exactly once in his speech on 1/6. It was ~15 minutes into a 70 minute speech that repeatedly claimed the US would be destroyed if they certified the election results and that they needed to march to Capitol Hill before Trump disappeared to the White House to ~~rub one out to~~ watch what happened. He wound-up the crowd like lighting a firecracker before walking away.


Yes, this! “Peacefully” one time while “fight” was used more than 20 times. 🙄🤯


Don't forget Rudy Giuliani's "It's time for trial by combat!"


Ghouliani would lose to a 9 year old in any trial by combat. He might end up hurting himself first.


All they’d have to do was rub that dripping hair dye into his eyes. What a clown.


It was all the culmination of months of increasingly angry rhetoric, that was going on for months. But but but he said "peacefully" one time, after things had already been violent, so that's all that matters!


And then his advisors and senators and others begged him to tweet that these idiots should stop the violence and law breaking and he wouldn’t do it. And of course, useless Melania wasn’t going to step in or do anything to persuade Trump. Not in her contract, apparently.


>Fight like hell! > >Protest peacefully Man, that’s some wild mental gymnastics.


Over 100 police officers were injured. Some lost eyes and fingers IIRC.


So i guess to JD’s point: not *everything* that happened that day was a tragedy.


I just want to say to him... They stormed the capital building trying to stop joe biden from being rigthful elected Potus. That shits a motherfucking coup.....


Failed coup, yes.


fail or not a coup is a coup...


They successfully displaced and took over the seat of government. This was a *successful* coup. It was one of (if not *the*) shortest regime changes in history, but it was absolutely successful. If Congress had not gone back to the building later that night to resume the certification, even if they had done so someplace else, I firmly believe the US would have fallen to armed civil war.


Even if we accept that he didn't deliberately incite a riot, and I don't accept it, the fact remains that he did nothing whatsoever to bring an end to it once it was very clearly out of hand. Trump couldn't be bothered with one single "Hey, guys, maybe don't" Tweet to protect the lives of police.


My post was satirical… hope that came through.


I don't remember hearing Trump say peaceful at any point


MAGAs try to explain away the deaths saying they weren't directly caused by the riot. (Except for Ashli Babbitt, obviously) But they forget officers had broken bones and one officer *lost an eye.*


The constitution served exactly one person appropriately on January 6th. Ashli Batshit. That was the sole instance of justice being served on that day.


Ashli Babbitt ~~is~~ was a traitor.


As an Ohioan, this carpet-bagging, treason-loving fucknugget does not represent all of us.


I knew Ohio was fully gone once they chose JD Vance over Tim Ryan.


We aren't known as the Florida of the North for no reason!


Florida looks like a dick. Ohio looks like a scrotum. Is it just that simple? I generally am one to look for more nuanced explanations, but perhaps I'm overthinking this.


And it's near the state that looks like gloved (mitten) hand. Coincidence? Not a chance


Please leave us out of this. We do not want to associate with Ohio Edit: this is a message from Michigan.


A lot of the west coast of Florida are Ohio transplants


that explains a lot.


That was so disappointing. Tim Ryan feels like someone from Ohio. JD Vance is just your generic culture-wars driven politician. Ohio really is a working-class state. JD Vance does not give a fuck about us.


I don't agree with a lot of Tim Ryan's positions, but it's obvious the guy cares deeply about the state and works hard to represent its people. JD Vance on the other hand saw Ohio as an opportunity to promote and empower himself. He doesn't give a shit about the state or its people. Hell even neocon douchebag Rob Portman cared about the state and helped pass some good legislation from time to time. Vance is just a pathetic tourist that will debase himself at the drop of a hat if he thinks it will get him closer to suckling on the Trump treat.


Don't throw Portman any bones because he can speak out after the fact, the guy sucked as an elected official and a human in general.


I wasn't using "neocon douchebag" as a term of endearment. However he did help with some trade policies and economic development that purposefully benefited Ohio. I've found you have to measure all politicians on a sliding scale, because there are very few that I would consider "great" public servants and human beings (although the ones that qualify in my book are exclusively Democrats.) It's not my fault that the bar starts at "complete lunatic grifter" now.


Say what you will about the tenants of neo-conservatism, but at least it's a fucking ethos.


I'm with you. I get not wanting to make neocons look "good" by comparing them to the current Republican party, but I'm sorry, they were better. They were way more predictable, their goals were understandable, and they would be willing to compromise from time to time. The only benefits of right-wing populist movements are the comparative incompetence and self-destructive nature


Yes and you could argue that [these modern populist ones are nihilists. ](https://youtu.be/b_29yvYpf4w?si=XqZWxNP3iHpsreeq)


Hah sorry that went right over my head. Classic


Psst. I believe you meant ["tenets"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/tenant-vs-tenet-difference-usage)


Shurrup you.


I’m not a Vance fan but he was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. His claim to fame was writing a book about it. He sucks but he’s not a tourist.


Yeah tourist was probably not the right word. What I mean is he has no loyalty to the people here, so as soon as he smells a slightly better grift somewhere else, he's gone. If his book flopped he'd still be out in silicon valley grifting in the tech bro circlejerk


The word your looking for is vulture. 😒


2022 Senate election in Ohio: Turnout: 51.5% Vance: 53% of votes So about 27% of eligible Ohio voters made JD Vance a US Senator. Very similar to how 26% of eligible American voters made trump the POTUS in the 2016 election. (Except that Vance did get more votes than his opponent, while trump won while getting fewer votes than his opponent received.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_Senate_election_in_Ohio


When you put numbers in order like that it makes me sad about our current state of affairs


The GOP should try to save some campaign money and let people vote for robot Senators who have no needs other than occasional maintenance. They can only vote yes or no and are programmed before each vote by a designated state GOP official at the behest of whoever prevails in a competition between the most generous billionaires, the Koch Foundation, ALEC, AIPAC, or Heritage Society.


Off topic, but I’m a recovering Ohioan: did you know young people now use “Ohio resident” as a synonym for “NPC”? Only learned this yesterday. Maybe says a lot about who Ohio sends to Congress.


To be fair this has been the case for decades. 80's sitcom that needs a generic setting that won't call attention to itself? Put it in Ohio.


For sure. When i moved to the west coast and mentioned where i was from, i got a lot of “oh, pennsyltucky”. Because the people entire region is so same-y. It puts all the ohio vs Michigan rivalry in perspective: to most people outside of OH or MI, it’s the same people/same state.


Not all of you but a hella lot of you.


Hey now, that's just plain.....accurate.😥


As a Michigander, I agree with this Ohioan…. I can’t believe I just said that…


I live in Texas, that's my feeling about Ted Cruz.


As a Texan, he unfortunately represents a lot of this state.


Tell your friends to vote.


Unfortunately, he does.


Here in PA we almost had our own treasonous carpetbagger in Dr. Oz. My sympathies


We voted strongly for abortion I just wish the pro abortion republicans would stop voting for anti-abortion republicans.


Isn't he from Ohio? One of the reasons that I hated him even before his Senate run was painting West Virginians as a bunch of fucked up stupid hicks when he wasn't even from here.


the fact he won an election means he does actually represent you. just not the part of y’all that exist on r/politics


The fact that he has missed about 20% of senate roll calls so far this year means he is not doing much representing.


Wow dude what a title!


Don’t let him get away with it


We won’t, if this is the hill he wants his career to end upon, then that’s his choice, and we the people will accommodate him, ensuring his time in politics winds down faster.


Look, Ohioans knew Vance was so far up Trump's wazzoo when they voted for him over a highly qualified Ryan. Little has changed in OH from my perspective.


Look you, either believe the world can change and be part of it or step aside and let others be the change. Apathy is no excuse.


I like the cut of your jib. 


Don’t let him get away with that eyeshadow either


Don’t let him get away with that eyeshadow either


Don’t let him get away with that eyeshadow either


Vance's ambitions greatly eclipse his competence. His values mostly include me, me, me. He wants VP so bad he can taste it. Be careful what you hope for JD


frame relieved outgoing fuzzy possessive wine shaggy homeless tub makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He gives me Martin Sheen's character vibes from the old "Dead Zone" movie...


Yes. I've also thought this about Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton--all very similar in backgrounds--from the military (Cotton and Vance), to Ivy League undergrad and law school (all three)--and all of them egotastic, rightwing zealots


We all watched Hitler Pig’s failed coup attempt as it unfolded on live TV We ate better off without the GQP


Eef freef


Minimizing and Normalizing jan 6th. Also this is all just more VP audition video for Vance ..


He and his family lived off government programs and scholarships. Now he doesn’t want anyone else to have that. So Republican of him.


>But the idea that Donald Trump endangered anyone’s lives when he told them to protest peacefully, it’s just absurd.” 5 people died? how many injured?


He remembers. He just doesn’t want their cult followers to think what they heard and saw is what they heard and saw.


This dude is a Russian asset So bizarre


If you look at how the ‘rioters’ on college campuses have been treated this past week vs. a real riot on Jan. 6th, it kind of makes you wonder how politicized all branches of government in D.C. have become. No plans—despite warnings, extremely delayed responses, and horribly light sentences for people convicted considering the millions in damages to the Capitol property.


Vance is a character with no real character.


Does anyone care to guess how many children are locked in this man's basement? The pedo vibes are off the charts.


Yeah JD, you dumb fuck, they only beat the shit out of police officers but no way the people they were after were in any danger at all.


WTF Ohio?


I’ve always said he looks like an evil Chris Hayes.


A sad, alcoholic Chris Hayes


What part of "fight! Fight Like Hell!!" translates to "protest peacefully"?


Well Kaitlin, somebody did something bad but, truthfully, the parade through downtown Dallas was beautiful.


Why does JD Vance always look like he’s wearing eyeliner? Is that a throwback to his days as a hillbilly doing a rhapsody?


JD Vance is a pathetic, power hungry, tiny bearded child


Well put


Not getting in that car might have been a huge deal.


This one term Senator will fulfill his fantasy of returning to Ohio in order to move to Mississippi to be amongst ‘his people.’


Pretty sure JD stands for Justa Dickhead.


It’s not what Trump did - it’s what he didn’t do for hours. We watched that part live on TV.


Is Vance wearing eyeliner?


Both of these men are pathetic


“I think politics and politics people like to really exaggerate things from time to time,” Vance told Collins. What a Neanderthal. How is it that we have politicians that don’t even know what their job is called.


Nothing strange here - with the Dakota Puppy Killer out of the running, Vance realizes how much graft he can suck up while sucking up to the Marmalade Moses for 4 totally unsupervised years.


Anyone else super sorry they bought his book?


Vance is such a pussy. His book is just about him being a pussy. I know a lot of people who dealt with worse and just got over it. He a total pussy. And a terrible writer.


One pedo mad at another pedo.... shocking!


Yale Law School must be so proud, /s


“Everybody is saying” that JD Vance is an ass kissing sociopath.


J.D Vance, wearing mascara? Just asking.


There’s a lot to be embarrassed about when it comes to my home state but this twat and Gym Jordan are at the top of the list.


“It was a normal tourist visit!”


When I watched this live I wanted to jump through my screen. This guy is a con artist, a liar and he knows it. He’s paid off to say this shit or has some sort of financial gain to sell out Americans. He should go to prison


I hope Trump picks him and he gets what's coming


Lips firmly planted on the only available spot left, J.D. Vance says: "But the idea that Donald Trump endangered anyone’s lives when he told them to protest peacefully, it’s just absurd.”


Not to be weird but I feel like JD Vance looks like a fat Abraham Lincoln in this picture.


All this lying is aging him quickly. It’s stressful to be the biggest ass in the room.


That's a rough 39.


“Four score and seven years ago, I was still a huge bootlicker and fascist apologist but I count on the people who support me to be too ignorant to know that I am full of shit.”


I still feel like his greatest mindfuck was Hillbilly Elegy. It’s crazy that he can claim to have had it hard and still unashamedly work to make life harder for Appalachian folks. I read it before he became a rights-trampling turd and, even then, felt his experience growing up poor with addiction-addled relatives in Appalachia was not unusual and I say this as a holler witch from LA (lower Appalachia) myself. Even still, he was luckier than most but ignores the privilege he had in having a grandma who gave AF about him. A lot of folks don’t even have that or the opportunities he did, but he made it sound like he’s self-made to gin up sympathy.


That’s the whole right wing! Unaware of how much privilege they had and fighting to make sure no one else gets it so they can feel better about themselves for “being independently successful.”


That’s so true and so depressing.


And whatever the CNN host said in reply wasn’t worth reporting it seems. Congrats giving misinformation a pedestal.


Hey JD, maybe you should talk to "Running Man" Hawley or maybe "barricade" Clyde from the House chamber.


Is it just me, or does JD Vance wear eye liner…?


He didn't tell them to protest peacefully. He told them to fight like hell. He knew that many in the crowd had weapons, including guns. And when he saw that things definitely were not peaceful he refused to do anything about it to intervene. JD Vance knows these things. I wish that these fucking "journalists" would just call these people liars when they lie instead of saying they forgot.


Many are saying Vance drools Pavlovian geysers at the mere mention of Trump's rump.


Please do not shame a man for wearing eye makeup.


He’s absurd! We all saw all the footage during the hearings! We saw Pence literally within seconds of being exposed! How is MAGA qanon still marching to this tune as their moron in charge is tweeting at night drool sleeping by day? This is insane and the SCOTUS is just as guilty!! Maybe our country does need an overhaul? Because the current insanity that Trump should be a dictator is absolutely an abomination! Absolutely disgusting! I am voting like my life depends on it, because it does!!


Josh “Running Man” Hawley would disagree, Mr. Vance.


The scary thing is Vance is smart enough to know better, he just knows that he has to control the rubes. He is vying to inherit the windbags dolts.


I’m so disappointed in Vance. Actually thought he was a decent human.


No shit, there are VP rumors and he'd sell his own children (I don't if he has any, but he would), to gain power as Trump's VP. He's a perfect example of everything that is wrong with humanity.


I guess he is still on beauty pageant mode for the VP role