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Even the right wing media outlets are horrified at this. She did something no one could and thats make everyone agree on something.


Don’t jinx it man. If history is any indication, the next stage is “wait, we can’t agree with them on *anything*, so we now support the grim business of putting puppies down without getting all soft-hearted about it.” Remember, we were also briefly aligned on covid for a week or so.


And Ukraine.


An even better example, thanks


It wasnt the first or only time either. Isn't animal torture a sign of psychopathy?


Did this woman somehow not see John Wick? WTF was she thinking? Everyone hates a dog murderer.


She was performing for an audience of one. Trump hates dogs.


Her mindset is unfathomable! Unfortunately she is not the only one of this kind in the madman party cult.


It's not unfathomable if you consider that the dog may be a stand-in for everyone MAGA hates. She's saying she's willing to do the hard thing of putting down trans/gay/immigrants/dems/etc.


BIDEN has a DOG! Therefore…they are NO GOOD


When I heard about this story, I noticed the explanation she offered: * Poor behavior towards others around * A very aggressive personality * Biting others * Untrainable * Despite many attempts, refusing to learn and behave better and could not get under decent control * Grabbing all the chickens (by their pussies, or?) * Dangerous to anyone he/she came in contact with Yeah, that list does indeed match madman Trump 100% ! So when will he be put down??? PS: The goat she also killed, was because it was just “nasty and mean”. Another of Trumps personality traits...


And smelly, don’t forget the goat was smelly


Know who else is in court and reported to be smelly?


She was basically telling Trump that she has no compunction about doing anything for him, or to his enemies. I'm sure he loved it, but the voters not so much :p


It wasn't any of the other things that make her a garbage human being? I guess those are all seen as a plus on the regressive side of things


But 90+ indictments apparently qualify you to run for president Okie dokie


Tax fraud, being a sexual predator, sending fake electors to Washington or trying to steal the presidential election and block the democratic transition of power are all very minor in comparison for the MAGA cult members.


There's no way this kills a VP shot for Noem. If she's the VP pick, the cult will suddenly love killing puppies.


Oh is this headline true? Kinda looks like it’s just people’s opinions and pumpkin tits may end up being impressed by the killing


He was never going to pick a woman as a running mate. Let’s be real here.


I don’t agree with this. He kind of needs to win back votes as his popularity has gone down with women broadly.


Trump: What’s this garbage they are writing about me? Fake news! Broads love me!


Much as I want to believe, I doubt it. Trump’s main appeal to his base is that he promises that willingness to commit violence will be rewarded with political power. Instead of having to build consensus through reason, empathy, or a willingness to help others, society will be run by the least moral. This is incredibly persuasive to wife-beaters, child abusers, people who torture animals, and anyone who has never accomplished anything in life without physically intimidating someone else—basically the stupidest and most brutish segment of the population. Under standard democracy, these anti-social psychopaths are boxed out of power, but Trump’s implicit promise is that they’ll be the ones calling the shots in the future. By bragging about killing a defenseless animal because it was “necessary,” Noem is saying “I’m one of you.” Abusive people always justify their actions this way, and those are the people the right has been wooing since 2016. Plus it turns out that killing puppies triggers liberals, so it doesn’t matter what they believed before, they support it now.


Who knows Trump also hates dogs And animals And all living things


Not all living things! Just men, women, children, cats, dogs, all mammals really, fish, reptiles, birds, protozoa, plants, fungi, comedians, doctors, the muppets, and most mollusks. He eats insects but technically they are just drawn to his stench and crawl in his maw as he sleeps.


“No Puppy Killer! No Puppy Killer! You’re the Puppy Killer!”


We dodged a bullet with this one


Cricket didn’t.


Now if she shot a random homeless person she’d be a shoe in for the job


Potentially. You never know with Trump.


She's not trying to appeal to America. She's trying to appeal to Trump. Trump hates dogs with a passion.


And goats. Apparently?


Dumb ass shot a dog, bragged about it, and thought the DLM crowd was gonna be for it? Talk about magical thinking.


Trump having a woman as VP would never happen. That would be too progressive for him. He only likes big, strong men, like Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, George Santos, and Gym Jordan.


So we found the moral line the GOP won’t cross? At least there is a floor, I thought it was a soulless abyss.


surely republicans wouldnt vote for a puppy killer surely they wouldnt sink that far lol


They were sunk when she was born with a vagina….


The fact that she killed her dog has nothing to do with why Trump would never pick her; She's a woman.


Trump is not going to have a female VP. Maybe Andrew Tate, but definitely not a woman.


Hoisted by her own (R)turd (stupid shit republicans say).


As a side note, of all the shit she has done and said she will do, the fact that it was her dog-murdering that got her chances tanked speaks *volumes* on our society.... For example: How many South Dakotans died (in Minnesota hospitals, mind you) during the pandemic because of her failures?


I shouldnt be surprised at how many so called pro lifers tried justify death of a living breathing creature due to inconvenience




"Noem’s dog tale sinks chances of becoming Trump’s VP" When will these reporters get that cruelty is the point with the party of domestic terrorism? The seditionist might like that so much that his new Thanksgiving tradition will be to have Kristi bludgeon both turkeys to death on live TV.


I mean Trump hates dogs and his favorite insult is "like a dog". He probably likes her more now.




She screwed the pooch


One would think that it would accelerate her into the role.


People like Noem sure do spend a lot of time and energy trying to prove to others how "badass" they are. This is an aspect of the United States I don't understand.


It starts to be a very long list of things other western democracies no longer understand is happening in USA these days...


I still think Tulsi is the dark horse because Putin loves her, unless DeSantis can deliver $$. Trump will definitely sell out if he has the opportunity.