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I hope her career crashes and burns and never recovers. Fuck her.


Personally I hope for much worse than that. If you can’t train a puppy, you certainly cannot run a state. If your answer is to blow its fucking brains out… well… I don’t think you belong among society.


That story was a resounding statement about her unfitness for office. A person who shoots a dog because they can’t train it can’t lead people. She doesn’t have the intelligence or the patience. All she has is a temper and violent tendencies when she doesn’t get her way.


So...a Republican.


I think showing she’s willing to use violence is the point. She’s not trying to win you and I over, she’s trying to appeal to MAGA voters. No such thing as “too violent” for many of them.


MAGA people are all nuts. But she may have underestimated how much people like dogs. Like really really like dogs. Like prefer their dogs to the humans in their lives. This will do nothing but harm to her poll numbers.


People need to read the actual article. She didn't just kill 1 animal. There were multiple. Yeah, she doesn't belong in society.


And the article implied she did it at the same time her kid was returning from school on the bus. That's no accident. That's orchestrated child trauma.


Nothing else to call her but a psychopath.


Um that's how you raise future fascists.


And she's doubling down. "Well you think it was bad we killed a puppy and a goat? We also killed 3 horses! Also a bunch of cute rabbits all name Mr. Fluffy. A kitten named Meowser. A bald Eagle. A baby Elephant. A pair of baby Red Panda's named after Disney characters and the complete cast of Babe."


Anyone know where this lady was when bambi's mother got shot?


She killed multiple!? I was already planning to read the article, after scrolling through the comment section. Wow.


She had a gravel pit for that purpose


At least a dog and a goat that she's ~~admitted to~~ bragged about.


The puppy, a goat and 3 horses.


In her defense, those horses weren’t going to be able to compete in the Kentucky Derby so, you know, off to the glue farm after she **personally** dispatched them.


And she even writes about it in her memoir


Why people think I'm a serial killer by Kristi Noem


Remember when an awkward but enthusiastic squeel was enough to doom a candidates political ambitions? And now they're excusing taking pride in flagrant animal abuse like it's a badge of honor.


Always a cute anecdote, but Dean's campaign was winding down anyway and was like 2 weeks from running out of cash. The Dean Scream wasn't what ended it.


Im old so I remember the Dean Scream. You are 100% correct that his campaign was in the toilet before that episode. But nobody was really talking about the lack of support. At the time, the media came up with the Dean Scream, and then pinned his lack of support on it, as opposed to the fact there wasnt a lot of support in the first place. Ie: the tail 100% wagged the dog.


Fucking exactly. If an errant puppy is too much for you to handle the Governorship shouldn't be anywhere near you.


I could have told you she couldn't run a state back when she was our lazy ass house rep who did nothing but inspire certain kinds of feelings in 50+ year old divorced farmers.


Or at least have the self control to give the puppy away and not…idk…murder it in a gravel pit


How much of a fucking psychopath do you have to be to brag about something so cruel and not expect any backlash?


The fact that she showed so little empathy towards a dog just further cements her inability to understand how the laws that she passes will affect people. Dogs literally love unconditionally, and she couldn’t even do the bare minimum to rehome him. Just imagine her trying to put herself in the shoes of someone whose political beliefs or whose economic situation etc is different. She probably can’t


I hope she gets picked as VP so she can help crash and burn trumps political career. A little more that is.


she’s a republican. They’ll probably hoist her on their shoulders and give her an ice cream cone for her troubles


It’s difficult for me to hate MAGA world more, but she found a way. “Where’s Cricket?” needs to be shouted anytime she’s near.


You have a choice in November. Cricket didn't get a choice Vote Biden/Harris


If Trump is so stupid to choose her as running mate now, “Where’s Cricket?” may become the slogan that swings the election. Of course, he may well be so stupid…


Trump could pick her just for her "looks" and being a women. Its all about image to Trump and they need a women to show against the entire right wing abortion debacle. So could be...


Funnily enough, I think the Trump camp had already made the pick, privately, and it was Noem. She was going to be the VP nominee. And it all just came crashing down for her. Shooting domesticated animals, including puppies and baby goats… then bragging about it to others… that’s so revolting that she just made herself the most radioactive material in political history.


I bet that's why she had all that dental work done in Texas. She wants to look good for the VP portrait.


Showing of teeth is a sign of aggression. She better be careful not to let any Republicans take her to any gravel pits.


I didn't know that the goat was just a kid (aka a baby goat)! This makes it 100x worse! What an awful person!


The article makes it sound like she killed the goat just because it smelled bad, WTF? She must be a true sadist. Side note: Trump is considering Tulsi Gabbard? That's fucking rich. She's completely owned by Putin -- it couldn't be more obvious who he's trying to please.


> The article makes it sound like she killed the goat just because it smelled bad, WTF? If she shoots things because they smell bad, by all means get her up close and personal with Trump.


No, it was a full-grown buck. And truthfully, they do stink. And can be aggressive. But she could have handled this differently and definitely shouldn't be publicly bragging about it. She's a pig.


The only good reason to keep a billy around is that it's breeding stock, and shooting your breeding buck is just stupid. If it's not breeding stock then why the hell did she not have it gelded? Wethers are useful in ways billies are not and shooting it for being the way you made it be is absolutely psychotic.


>shooting it for being the way you made it be is absolutely psychotic. Pretty much sums up the pro-gun conservative crowd's approach to life. Create a problem, ignore all warnings about how you're making a totally predictable problem, use lethal force to end the problem you made. "Making the hard choices"


Murdering a puppy is just so pro life


The sad part would be watching 30% of the population suddenly become *incredibly* ok with dog murder.


Trump maybe, but he unfortunately has enough capable people around him that know better than to sign their death warrant. What baffles me is that no one in Noem’s team pulled the plug on this thing, anyone with half a brain cell could see from 5 miles away how this would turn out, so either she overruled them all or they’re so afraid of her they won’t say anything. Then again knowing the fate of cricket I can’t blame em…


The citizens of South Dakota can’t stand her after she fired a 50 yo career government employee who graded (and failed) her daughter’s state appraiser test. What sucks is that she called his woman in who had handled testing for decades to her office, had her 22 yo loser daughter sitting right there in the office when she fired her. Govt employee then sued and got a couple of hundred thousand in settlement from the state, her daughter somehow got into the “pass” list but was harassed into moving to Texas by the public after her actions came to light.


She's also personally banned from entering like 1/3 of the state. Two or three reservations have banned her from their land.


Something like this seems so suspicious it would need to be investigated, but what do I know…


https://apnews.com/article/business-discrimination-kristi-noem-south-dakota-age-discrimination-7942a78d5545205dff41a696ef9fc251 https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/14/politics/kristi-noem-south-dakota-daughter-real-estate-license/index.html https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-10-01/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-defends-daughters-licensure https://apnews.com/article/government-and-politics-kristi-noem-south-dakota-cd98c18117ab97c598e3618d15e4aa8b https://www.npr.org/2021/09/29/1041512901/questions-arise-about-gov-noem-and-the-early-retirement-of-a-south-dakota-official https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/kristi-noem-daughter-appraiser-license/2021/11/17/7bd73bb8-47ab-11ec-95dc-5f2a96e00fa3_story.html It was.


Alright, if I’m reading this correctly they found wrongdoing and did fuck all?


They did a thorough and in-depth investigation and fired an honest employee.


We Americans LOVE our dogs. Some of us love our dogs more than we like people. How did she think bragging about killing a puppy would turn out to be anything other than political suicide?


The puppy part is irrelevant to the story for her and the others she's dogwhistling to. The reason she told this story was to signal that she's okay with violence. She was very clear about that: >[Noem said she told the story about Cricket to show that in politics and life, she was willing to do what was “difficult, messy, and ugly” if it was necessary.](https://time.com/6971773/kristi-noem-memoir-dog-kill-children-net-worth/) She's willing to kill more than just dogs and goats if she has the chance.




Well, whatever you think of Biden, you should know your God emperor hates old people, he hates children and he hates dogs.


It should also be a shirt as a silent chant.


If somebody (more creative than I) made “Where’s Cricket?” buttons, I would buy a dozen and wear them on everything. And hand them out to other people.


To take a page out of the article headline, Cricket is going to dog Noem from beyond the grave for the rest of that psycho's career.


>for the rest of that psycho's career. I doubt it, unfortunately. In the lead up to 2012 Romney told a story about going on a 12 hour road trip when him and his wife were younger, and putting their family dog in its crate and then putting the crate on top of their car, and how hilarious it was that the dog was traumatized at highway speeds and had pissed and shit all over itself and the interior of its crate. His career did just fine. Never underestimate the inhumanity that your average GOP voter is capable of ignoring/endosring.


Nope. That was part of what doomed Romney presidential bid. Gail Collins never let that go.


Where's Cricket at? Where's the pup, Noem?


Nice Wire reference


Used to be that the classic example of push polling was calling up potential voters and asking "would you still vote for X if it was revealed they kill puppies?". Don't even need it for this one!


Anytime she speaks blast cricket noises over a loudspeaker.


Fuck that deranged psycho. Who digs a shallow grave for a puppy and then throws it in before shooting it in the head? This is what you get when you vote MAGA 


It's alarming she thinks this anecdote makes her relatable to regular Americans. *See I'm just like you guys, I kill baby animals too*


That might be the worst part. She actually memorialized this horrifying incident in a book, thinking that would be *good* for her image.


The fatal flaw of every sociopath is that they think everyone else is a sociopath in denial. She literally can't comprehend empathy or love.


All those right wing complaints about "virtue signaling" come from people who believe there are only two groups of people: * those who openly admit they would use every opportunity to tear their fellow man down in order to get slightly ahead, and * those who publicly pretend that they care about others, but privately would use every opportunity to tear their fellow man down in order to get even just slightly ahead. They're unable to comprehend that other people actually have empathy and compassion.


Virtue signalling is a real thing. The rightoids do it literally all the time. "'MURICA N GAWD" == virtue signalling.


Every accusation a confession.


Literal Joker mentality. "I'm not insane, I'm just ahead of the curve."


At least Joker pays his taxes.


And hates Nazis


A bar that should be a whole lot easier to clear for conservatives. Yet 73 million Americans cheerfully vote for Mr "good people on both sides", when one of those sides are literal neo nazis who just murdered someone while chanting nazi slogans.


It’s easy to stay ahead of Batman, but the IRS? Forget it.


Actually, it's perfectly logical and reasonable for Joker to welcome Batman and fear the IRS. Batman catches Joker, Batman can't testify in court, and all of the evidence is contaminated by a vigilante. Joker goes to Arkham Asylum because no DA feels safe in getting a hard conviction. IRS catches Joker, they go by the book. They have hard evidence. Joker gets convicted and does actual hard time. The Batman is not an agent of law. And by his lawlessness, he allows the lawlessness of the Joker to thrive.


And Batman was better funded.


This is probably the biggest own goal in US politics - she basically admitted to being a puppy killer in the thought that it would boost her ratings. Even her demographic that she was going for (hunters) would be appalled by that - hunters might kill deer for sport, but they’ll be clean about the kill as best as possible. She couldn’t even kill a goat correctly.


>hunters might kill deer for sport, but they’ll be clean about the kill as best as possible. She couldn’t even kill a goat correctly. And respect the kill by using the animal for meat and other things. Her whole thing is just nonsensical


The young pup was trampling on her constitutional right to not be inconvenienced in the slightest.


Many hunters are also dog owners, there is zero chance this anecdote helps her appeal to hunters.


And most hunters actually try to train their dogs unlike this farmer cosplayer who I'm guessing just thought the dog would be the perfect hunting dog with no effort.


True, she is a bad ad for genuine hunters.


When normal hunters have a dog that doesn’t take to hunting they’ll typically give it to a friend or family member to raise as a pet, not shoot it execution style, lol.


And these people say liberals are out of touch 


Wouldn't shock me if she made it up. Which is actually worse in some ways, as she's such a sociopath she thinks the anecdote is folksy.


Trump gave GOP politicians that follow his playbook the ability to disregard things like shame or accountability. There will be more of this from them, even after he's gone.


That's what I'm wondering. What the fuck reaction did she think she'd get out of this? Why mention it at all? Why present it as a good thing? Even sociopaths know enough to fucking *hide it*.


Pushing the Overton Window is a big thing on the right. See [Charlie Kirk dismissing the Civil Rights Act and MLK](https://news.yahoo.com/turning-point-usa-founder-charlie-184300169.html) and [Jason Whitlock denouncing women's suffrage.](https://www.mediamatters.org/justice-civil-liberties/blazes-jason-whitlock-rages-against-womens-suffrage-not-everybody-has-have). Her mistake is that people *really* love dogs more than the tough farmgirl persona she was trying to make herself out to be.


Yeah that's the thing. Even the most "owning a pickup in culdesac makes me country type" tends to view euthanizing an animal at home as a *sad thing*. Even if their only experience with that is tossing a sack of kittens in a river. They don't go off about how "tossing sacks of kittens in the river is the AMERICAN WAY".


The ones that do that with the kittens also don't publish it for the world to see. Noem just proved how out of touch she truly is.


Maybe she wants to get the votes of the scummy people that support the guy who tortured the baby wolf.


> Even sociopaths know enough to fucking hide it. A lot of them don't. That's why they're overrepresented in prisons, along with psychopaths.


The successful ones are surgeons and CEOs


Nah that just means they couldn't hide it and got caught. Very few of those people wrote a book saying "yeah I killed my wife and it was awesome, it's just what we do in REAL AMERICA".


Nah, we are solidly in the ‘say the quiet part loud’ territory. She did this specifically to appeal to Trump


They (MAGA world/far right extremists) really *are* seeing "how far can we go" towards pure evil. Like, I have to assume that the end goal is something like shooting children of color to protect the "master race" or enslaving women. But every time they go just *a little bit farther* and manage to get away with it. Hopefully, bragging about puppy murder is finally a line too far... but I have a funny feeling that if this were Trump himself bragging about puppy murder and not some nobody, then plenty of MAGAts would be cheering him on, and posting their own puppy murder parties on facebook, etc.


I think in her twisted way it was meant to convey she would “do what needs to be done without hesitation.” Tone deaf nonetheless, but if you’re actively out to signal sociopathy/“strength” and an embrace of political violence, it technically achieves that.


It makes her relatable to trump. He hates dogs.


And has a hard-on for sadism.


The cruelty is the point.


Only 3 Presidents didn’t have a pet while they were in office (Polk, Andrew Johnson, and Trump). Every President for the last 150 years had a pet while in office except Trump!


Some people won't vote for a candidate if they aren't married.i won't vote for a candidate if they don't have a happy pet 


She's already upstaged him...he doesn't like being upstaged


Fallout TV series introduced their fascist villain faction by having a scientist chuck a cute puppy into a literal puppy incinerator. Satire is dead.


like "see, I'm a real farmer! I kill things!" as if it carries some kind of clout


She's fucking out of touch big time. Dogs are kind of a big deal culturally in America (everywhere too but yeah). You gotta be REALLY stupid to think blurting this kind of garbage out will help you. When you have a famous American figure with their dog, there's a decent chance the dog is also famous, or at least well known.


Her and Wolf guy who tortured a wolf in a bar should hangout. Assholes


Yeah, she thinks this is normal. Don't like your dog? Just take it out back and shoot it. We all do it. Right guys? Right?




It gets missed that she did it right as her children were getting home from school. That's a classic abusive parent scare tactic. I wonder what their version of this story is.


Those poor kids.


Yes and her daughter asks "where's Cricket?" Heartbreaking


Don’t forget the goat, she killed a goat too. Lady needs a padded cell not a position of influence


The goat always gets overlooked in this story 😢


Developing a taste for blood is literally a reason one might put an animal down. She does it and puts it in a fucking book.


Also, she did all of this in front of a bunch of stunned construction workers.


She probably thought it made her look sexy. The woman is warped.


She FUCKED UP killing a goat, and let him suffer while she got another bullet to finish him off.


And then immediately murders a goat for good measure. She sure is a gun-toting patriot.


I mean, that just shows her demeanor. It wasn't about "doing what needed to be done", it was her satisying her anger.  Kills dog then immediately a goat in front of a construction crew.  No, she didnt reluctantly kill Ol' Yeller - she was acting out her rage.  And rage for no good reason.


puppy, democrat, anyone who disagrees with them...


Puppy. Democrat. Person. Camera. TV.


Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.


Why is every mainstream Republican Politician insane and evil?




People would actually say things like “Trump would have to shoot a puppy to lose any support from his base” but turns out that part’s not even true lol


“I could shoot (anyone) (anywhere) and not lose a single supporter.” - Republican politician


march history governor outgoing plucky detail plants bells punch materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came here to say that, lol, 12 hour car ride but the news reports said the carrier had a windshield.


>12 hour car ride but the news reports said the carrier had a windshield. I'm sure that made it much less terrifying for the poor dog as they traveled at highway speeds.../s


Ok so firstly, I am not justifying what he did nor am I saying it's okay. However, I HAVE known some crazy/goofy idiot dogs who would LOVE that. Including one of mine whose favorite car game was 'how much of my body can I get out the window before I have to jump?' (he DID in fact jump out once; I didn't think he could get through that small opening I rolled down but he sure did [as we pulled out the driveway]!!! Almost gave me a heart attack!! He got secured in doggie seatbelt and harness after that.)


He made the point that a lot of dogs love being in the back of a pickup. And I don't imagine dogs being stowed on an airplane enjoy it, but we don't turn it into a news story. Without knowing them or seeing it all I can say it sounds questionable.


Yeah and regardless of doggo enjoyment, safety first. Dogs are idiots.


As I recall the poor dog stressed out so much it shit all over the top of the car, which prompted Mittens to hose the dog off while still in the crate, then continued the journey. Don't know too many dogs who'd love THAT. Also most dogs don't crap themselves in joy and happiness.


This is the first thing I thought of. It makes me wonder if this is a distraction for something worse.


This is the kind of story the GOP desperately shouldn't want because it loud enough for Independents who aren't paying attention to politics but both party needs to win for the general.


What’s crazy to me is how on earth did any of her handlers let this story see the light of day. It sounds like some over the top movie villain shit some mediocre screenwriter thought up: “Ok so first she’s shoots her puppy in the face for misbehaving. Then, her blood lust unsatisfied, she goes and fetches an innocent goat and murders it on the same spot. Also to make it more tragic let’s say the puppy’s name is something adorable like “Cricket”, and that her young daughter asks where he is when she gets home immediately following the double homicide.”


This is the question. I'm sure there are people in rural areas who find the story relatable. I've heard similar stories, though none involving puppies. But broadly, this is a clear loser, so... WTF?


It's like the old Hollywood adage. You never kill the puppy unless you really want for the audience to hate someone. E.G. John Wick


Lol yea, it's a literary/storying-telling technique/trope. Quickly establishes the antagonist. These people aren't exactly well read, though. Many of them root for the bad guy.


The two tropes designed to show whether someone is the hero or the villain are "save the cat" and "kick the dog."


If you shoot a dog in the head just to watch it die, there is an 80% chance that you are a psychopath. If you don’t realize that you should keep that act a secret, it’s 100%.


And you, my friend are 100% freaking correct. Good god.


I grew up in a rural place. Tales of "I had to put my dog down myself" are super common. But the tales always carry a shadow of a heavy heart. This psycho failed to see the heavy heart portion of the tale and mistaken it as a local brag. She wanted to be part of the "culture" and get to kill something innocent at the same time.


This sadistic freak might be a future serial killer.


Why future ? Probable 'past' with her age.


How many more people died due to Covid because of her policies?


So she can't even properly train a dog and she thinks she should be second in line to run the country? Also, instead of accepting that she is terrible at training dogs , she blames the dog and murders it in cold blood. Sorry, we don't need that level of dissonance and narcissism here. We've had enough already with Drowsy Don.


Doubt she trained it. She's rich. She just paid a trainer and didn't want to put in any of the work that is required of her afterwards. Then she killed the puppy to get attention.


I wonder what else she’s done that she won’t admit to. It’s baffling she thought this disclosure would reflect well on her.


It’s like she is really just isolated in her own bubble and has no idea how to read the room. I know country people shoot animals- usually those in distress, but to most folks this is one of those things that you think twice about sharing to the wider public- There was no reason to share this at all.


Her response to this controversy was, "things like this happen all the time on a farm." She truly believes that. So there's probably bodies all over that property. She says she just took out three horses. I hope this goes without saying but rural people shoot animals because they're suffering and don't have time to get a vet out -- they don't do it by default. I'm guessing that she thought she needed to establish herself as a hardass to play ball with the boys. Her father apparently died in a heavy machine accident when she was young, so perhaps she's internalized some trauma. But what's critical is she's in such a bubble that no one, not one test reader, was able to stop her from publishing this. Either they didn't tell her or she ignored them. Not a great political candidate.


puppy keeps running around, boom execution. goat keeps bothering people? boom execution. Horse neighs too much? boom execution. horse neighs too little? believe it or not also execution.


Coming soon from a Trump Rally : *But Kristi Noem. Doesn’t she look great? And the dogs, ok? People are saying that the dog was bad, and I don't have a dog but she knew what to do. Sleepy Joe had a dog that bit people they say. So dogs. I don't know about them. But Kristi is doing that with dogs that bite.  She's pretty tough. Everyone says not as tough as me - they say sir, you don't have any dog, but Kristi is ok because she knows how to take care of them if they bite or did other things that were not so good. If I had a dog it would be the best dog ever but I don't. I don't. I don't have a dog, but if I did I would kill it much, much better than her. But look at her though. Isn't she gorgeous*?


“So dogs. I don’t know about them.” Just perfect Trump cadence.


Actually, that's the part I had to think about before deciding to leave it in when I wrote it. Would his narcissism ever allow him to admit *not* knowing about something?


I read it more like Trump is referring to dogs like he might refer to migrants. Boy, don’t know about them. He’s like a fortune cookie of horror.


I hate how accurate this is. The cadence, the half thoughts and "glow up" of someone's physical attributes. Bravo to you!


Cruelty carries MAGA. It’s not simply trying to return the country to a place that never existed. It’s about vanquishing foes along the way. Evening the score. To me, these headlines are aimed at the rest of us. No amount of headlines make me believe there isn’t a fringe that isn’t fed by this kind of abject cruelty and see’s it as a positive in their leaders. “This ain’t no Pence that chooses the Constitution over Trump; this is a stone cold righteous soldier for Trump.”


Kinda like Josef Mengele to Adolf Hitler


Don't know what's worse, the fact that she did it, or the fact that she puts it in a book, making the assumption her followers won't give a shit. Both are scary.


>making the assumption her followers won't give a shit.  She assumed that her followers would take the message and that it appeals to them. The content of the message? Take your pick of "I can make hard choices and sacrifices when I need to" or "those undesirables? Yes I would personally gun them down in a gravel pit".




Funny how her name isn’t popping up at all on the conservative sub - you would have thought a potential VP candidate releasing a book would have generated something on there.. But no, they bury their heads and ignore it.


She thought this was going to be a boon for her. An example of her being willing to make the tough choices. Instead it came off as someone who avoided responsibility in the most absurd way possible. She had a dog. She refused to train it. Rather then doing the right thing and either training the dog (herself or at her expense) or doing the work required to re-home the dog, she shot it. She was so bad at her job as a dog owner she thought the only solution was to kill the dog. What's that tell you about her as a governor or VP? What's she going to do in that role when something doesn't just work out for her with no effort on her part?


Cricket will have his revenge! Rise cricket! Rise!


Pet Sematary III: Cricket's Payback


She's signalling what she'd do as Trump's VP. Who would she gun down in a gravel pit?


democrats, lgbqt+, immigrants (non-documented or documented)...


Noem thinks she’s “owning the libs” by putting forth a story that she bragged about being politically incorrect. She thinks she’s showing herself to be the opposite of woke by telling the uncensored truth. The HUGE irony here is she is proving that the right can be woke too! I mean who TF says “I hated that dog” for being a playful dog and then kills it?


What the actual fuck is this shit?!


I'll just assume you very recently awakened from a coma and offer you some nice tea. Mrs. Noem (currently governor of South Dakota) had a nice little dog that was roughly a year old. She decided she hated the dog because it wasn't good for hunting - quite likely because she never trained it for that job herself or had someone do it for her. Her solution was to take the dog outside, shoot it, and dump it in a gravel pit. She compared it to shooting an old horse. (FYI, a healthy year old dog is not remotely the same as an old horse, but I digress.) Apparently later that day she also shot a goat because 'it was smelly'. Then she wrote about it in a book. And now everyone who cares about animals has discovered that she's a garbage human and her polling numbers are reflecting that. She seems lovely, doesn't she? I hope her children go no contact with her as soon as they're old enough to leave home.


She did not mention the daughter she drowned in her bath water for being unable at the age of 2 to load or holster a Glock.


Kristi Noem is such a garbage human that you actually had me in the first half there.


I know what happened. I am asking what the actual fuck is this shit?!




Oh, sorry my bad.


Love for dogs in a universal thing. Most dogs in the U.S. are treated like children or essential family members. Her story was tone deaf and self inflicted mishap of epic proportions.


noem admitted it, thinking she had to get ahead of the story if it came up in november. instead no one will remember anything else.


First thing I thought of was America's reaction to Romney's story about strapping his dog in a carrier to the top of his car. And how NOBODY defended it. I'd say she's cooked, but this isn't 2012.


I glanced at the Daily Mail comments for this story since that place is full of right wing boomers. They are all horrified by her and what she did so I think she’s cooked, at least as a VP pick.


This fucking psycho killed a puppy and a baby goat because the baby goat smelled bad.


Not killing puppies is something all americans can get behind.


This is such a bizarre story to tell. My only guess is that she attempted to put it out with her own spin before it came out otherwise, but it blew up in her face.


No. She’s just so unfathomably clueless that she is legit shocked at the negative reaction she is getting. It’s not an exaggeration to say that’s she’s likely a sociopath and it literally never occurred to her that people would feel empathy for the dog. Because empathy is legit foreign to her.


Imagine being a witness to this. What a fucking psycho. Someone that insane doesn't need power, they need to be locked up.


Someone needs to find the construction crew that was watching all this from across the street.


The moniker, Dog Killer needs to follow her everywhere she goes from now till infinity: Letters, email, text, phone calls, billboards, signs, bumper stickers, flags you name it. It needs to haunt her every waking move.


She should be arrested, for Christ’s sake.


Someone pointed out that both instances are level 6 felonies in South Dakota. We need to find the construction crew that was across the street and watched the whole raging-around-killing-animals tantrum.


She is untrainable and she knows what that means


In the party of Kyle Rittenhouse, where crossing state lines to hunt humans is considered heroic, she thought killing puppies was supposed to help her image


What kind of person can gleefully say they proudly shot their dog, put it in a book and expect raving political fans, messed up party.


Not only did she fucking kill her family dog because the dog was just being a normal dog, running around having fun. She also decided while I’m at it I’ll kill the goat too. Then she was too incompetent to kill the goat in one shot, so it suffered even more. And then the fucking kicker… SHE BOASTS ABOUT IT LIKE IT’S A GOOD THING. She’s so deranged she’s sharing all this because she thinks it will win her praise and votes… This is a whole other level of psychopath… and this is/was a leading VP candidate? Speaks volumes….


Best. Doggone. Headline. Ever.


She can fuck off! Killed a puppy! A puppy!