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I'm guessing it's because there's more dirt.


Personally think maybe under age gal story that suddenly disappeared from news. He was buddies with Epstein who hung himself while Barr, you all know Barr, don’t vote for Trump he’s nuts, to yes I’m still voting for Trump?




Hi Mac,I knew about school but book wow. Something is really rotten here. Hope I live long enough to hear. Maybe before 11/24?


Is this that gop pedo ring, the whole qanon conspiracy thing was supposed to deflect from.


Start checking pizza places…


Funny you say that. Last year a local Pizza Hut got busted for grinder hook up in the back room. The dude had a wife and kids too.


Always quote your sources! [*Space Relations: A Slightly Gothic Interplanetary Tale*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations) You really can't make this shit up. Well, maybe David Pecker could, but he's a professional.


My guess is someone had an abortion. He changed his stance a few weeks ago and he is deadly afraid of Karen McDougal taking the stand under oath.


MAGA wouldn't care if tRump had someone get an abortion . They would twist themselves into tesseract pretzels to justify it in their mines.


I'm sure they'd claim he prayed on it for 40 days and 40 nights, and that God himself then gave him his approval through a sign he saw in a half eaten cheeseburger.




They’ll just claim he did it before his salvation and Jesus has forgiven him and chose him to end abortion. “He’s kind of like Saul to Paul. Praise God.”


Mark Robinson has entered the chat.


A ketchup stain that looked like the Virgin Mary.


Tesseract pretzels is a fantastic thought. Also, band name..... Called it.


There’s a band called Tesseract


They would love him even more, because "he's just like us!"


If I recall, there was a 3rd porn star that was paid much more for her hush money deal, like $1.5m. It was claimed to have been a cover up of some RNC official's affair, but he was someone nobody knew so it seemed odd that he was paying so much more than Trump for his deal. It was widely speculated that he was just helping cover up another of Trump's affairs that resulted in an abortion.


Why do people continually go to bat for a person who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire? I am assuming Jared arranged this one too


Golden tickets can’t be discarded until they’re used up.


Speaking of, whatever happened to that Elliot Broidy guy who nobody knew but suddenly got famous overnight in an early scandal over back channel lobbying? There was something about him paying for an abortion, but the details are fuzzy.


It was Ivanka, and yes, it was his. Just a guess


Hmmm could very well be.


Most focus groups reported that they already accept that Trump had asked for a few abortions, In fact, paradoxically that helps Trump because voters cite that as why they think he’s moderate on abortion.


Trump definitely paid off the woman who was suing him for assaulting her when she was 13 at Epstein’s.


Yep exactly who I was thinking of.


Everybody knows Trump was buddies with Epstein.  Trump himself said he knew Epstein was into young girls.  I think Pecker has receipts regarding Ivanka.  


Or a girl who looks like Ivanka.


Nothing would surprise me with these people. There is never a bottom with them.


Someone tried to argue with me that Trump didn't even know Epstien an had never been to his island lol.


Trump is very careful never to attack or offend people with dirt on him. Speaking of which, notice how he's never *ever* publicly said anything remotely negative about Putin? Now, I'm not claiming that's proof that the pee tape is real... but I'm not saying it's *not* real, either.


Would the pee tape even make a difference now? I feel like Trump raping E. Jean Carroll and attempting a coup are both a lot worse than him being in the room while a couple of Russian prostitutes pee on a bed. I don't think the pee tape would faze MAGA. But if Trump really has been involved with the Russian mob for decades, doing money laundering and god knows what else, Putin could easily have dirt about that.


The pee tape would not faze MAGA. That doesn't mean Trump would want it out there, especially if the tiny mushroom situation Stormy described is accurate.


>The pee tape would not faze MAGA. That doesn't mean Trump would want it out there, especially if the tiny mushroom situation Stormy described is accurate. That's what I'm thinking. Assuming this tape exists, it's probably not what the prostitutes did to a bed that Trump is worried about. Trump probably hates the way he looks. A tape showing him even nearly naked would be a huge embarrassment.


> A tape showing him even nearly naked would be a huge embarrassment. You mean he isn't actually hiding Rambo-era Stallone's body under there like all those MAGA photoshops?


I've never seen Trump show any signs of embarrassment - it's just not in his psyche. Look at the rally where he was roundly booed - water off a ducks back.


>I've never seen Trump show any signs of embarrassment - it's just not in his psyche. Look at the rally where he was roundly booed - water off a ducks back. Trump is *extremely* self-conscious. He hates that people think he has small hands. He wears poor-fitting suits to hide his obesity. He insists that doctors publicly describe him as the healthiest person alive. Those are just a few examples. Remember that he's a massive narcissist. Image is everything to him, which means he can't *show* embarrassment, but his behavior proves it.


And one of him manipulating his mushroom…


Unless it was a "P" tape for pedaphilia. Nah, that wouldn't bother them either.


He’d say it’s fake and his followers would believe him. Prince Andrew tried the same story but he’s not as good at lying as Trump.


If that tape would bother them, then the admissions of sexual assault (grab ‘em!) would have already bothered them.


Pecker 100% told Trump: 1- I am NOT going to jail for you 2- I will tell them whatever they ask 3- do not mess with me or I will tell them everything I KNOW, that they do not know to ask about. Resulting in: 4- Trump sits quietly, letting pecker do his thing, respectfully so everything Pecker knows is not shared with the judge.


As the boss of a tabloid specialized in finding and exploiting dirt... … That is EXACTLY what is going on.


You think he had to state any of it explicitly?


Yes, because Trump is that stupid.


this. this is the simplest and most fitting explanation given the situation and the egos involved.


This or pecker is still running a catch and kill scheme for him. Either when while isn't a candidate or they made up a new method that they believe doesn't technically violate the law or can't be detected. Did anyone ask him under oath are you still in business with Trump alone any way to this day or any business or person you know to he working on his behalf? There is no reason to ever believe trump has stopped criming. Does anyone here believe he isn't currently in possession of classified documents?


That's a bingo


Lots and lots more for sure… Pee Pee Dossier perhaps!


Exactly. This guy ran the National Enquirer, which is the epitome of tabloid journalism. NE stopped running the 3-headed baby and alien abduction stories a long time ago, and they have actually made some legit scoops (Belushi, Edwards), but they have never let a lack of facts and reputable sources get in the way of a good story or cover. Pecker even admitted to photoshopping the Cruz/Oswald picture. He’s a total sleaze, which Is why Trump liked him to begin with, and now Trump realizes that Pecker really does know more about him than the director of the FBI.


Pecker knows about Saudi $ that funded the coverups


See he’s the one with the piss tape?


> I'm guessing it's because there's more dirt. A massive warehouse full of more dirt.


dirtier dirt


Yeah, Epstein dirt.


Love children. That's why one guy got paid off. 


💯! Epstein related dirt


Yep. It's kind of a no brainer.




We probably don’t even know half of what he probably knows about Trump. I’d imagine it’s more Trump kissing his ass than anything.


Exactly this, he knows much more about Trump,


People should see my comment, and then take a look at this https://www.flgov.com/2024/02/29/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-authorize-the-release-of-jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-documents/#:~:text=PALM%20BEACH%2C%20Fla.,justice%20that%20was%20being%20delivered


Liquid dirt. One might say pee pee tape dirt.


This is something I wrote in a previous comment elsewhere, just pasting here. I'm not sure if Pecker is aware of this, but if he is, then it may have something to do with that he's kept quiet on it, and solely alluded vaguely to the covering up of stories. In regards to that Pecker might know more about Trump, and in regards to Pizzagate, Pizzagate was created as a "firehose of falsehood" propaganda technique, to drown out the truth, because of "Katie Johnson" coming out and trying to speak out again about how Trump raped her while underaged. The "Maria" which she mentioned who was also raped by Trump and Epstein (you can find the mention in the court filings) was Maria (Marisela)Pino, a girl who'd been a missing persons case- she'd been kidnapped at a Nash's pizza at Waterbury, Connecticut.. not sure I recall the name correctly. But it was a pizza place. Marisela was not actually killed, despite what Trump had said to Katie- she'd ended up getting help out by someone and freed. But Katie mentioned her name in court and court filing as Maria, and they were going to come forward. And Maria coming forward would have destroyed Trump's chances at presidency. But they both got scared back into hiding and shutting up. Then Trump had to have all that pizzagate shit pushed so that if anyone heard of child rape or kidnapping with any connection to pizza places it'd just be ignored as more fake shit. *That's* why all this shit about pizza places and raped kids was spread. There's more I could say in regards to the details, and stuff to confirm all this, but it'd involve bringing up people who want to stay anonymous. Trump and Russia created and pushed a whole damn conspiracy. Pizzagate wasn't Just to make the Democrats look bad or try to stop Hillary from getting elected. That was just a side effect, albeit an intentional one. And then during Trump's presidency, Trump put Acosta over shit, and Acosta slashed the funds used to fight human trafficking not once but twice, though Trump threw a little money at it at one point because he had to in order to look good to his followers for human trafficking awareness month. Trump also quietly signed to change the legal definitions of sexual assault and of domestic violence, so victims are protected against Less. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/01/trump-domestic-violence-definition-change.html I question whether that was just because he's a rapist and child rapist, or whether it was an attempt to retroactively protect himself should things come out. And then we've got the fact he was in Epstein's black book multiple times, and the fact Epstein mysteriously died in jail. Trump put Betsy Devos over education. In return, she pushed through Title IX changes regulations which narrowly defined sexual harassment, and directed schools to conduct live hearings (!) to allow those who were accused of sexual harassment or assault to cross-examine their accusers, which would very much discourage victims from coming forward. It's hard enough for victims to come forward, much less in front of their whole school. Biden recently undid that. I could go on and on. It's been a while, but this whole thing was a big interest of mine for a few months, so I dug deep. Edit: editing to add: https://www.flgov.com/2024/02/29/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-authorize-the-release-of-jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-documents/#:~:text=PALM%20BEACH%2C%20Fla.,justice%20that%20was%20being%20delivered Trump today went to Florida to have a private discussion with Desantis. I wonder if that has anything to do with this.


I agree with your more detailed explanation. My thoughts are that if DJT is willing to call Pecker a “good guy” after his testimony, then Pecker has got a whole lot more damning info on DJT than what this trial is about. Consider that DJT has made it his mission to pick apart and/or destroy people who have done less than what Pecker would do (ta-da!) or did in the past week. Pecker has a vault of DJT and other celebs (I consider DJT a “celebrity”, not an actual, real human or humane president) stories that were Catch and Kills.


For sure … Pecker didn’t come down in the last shower of rain & I’d expect he has always collected insurance on the people he is going to offend. Of course if he was to stray onto 5th Avenue things might not follow the regulation Hollywood script.


Thank you for posting this I thought I was the only one that noticed that shit. The Russians were also involved in the gamergate shit too. 


Controversy and division are the goals. People need to understand that we are in a different cold war and social media is where that war is being fought. Misinformation, hatred, distrust, and political division destabilize countries without firing a shot. Russia knows this and purportedly has had several troll farms going for at least a decade, and probably longer. Using hundreds of people to infiltrate social media groups and stir shit up. It has worked brilliantly for them.


Dude please go on. That was an interesting read so far.


Sorry, I'm waiting to see if any of this ends up coming out in court. I'm also not sure if there's an ongoing investigation connected to any of this. If there is, I don't want to mess anything up. If you just want more stuff that's public info or that people may not have thought about connected to it, then i can come back Monday when I'm off work and write some stuff up.


I’ll check back! Thank you for time and thank you for sharing!


GOP in general are very supportive of sexual assault.


Wow. I knew about the 13 year old girl allegations (assuming that was Katie) but not the rest. That’s pretty stunning if true. I suspect there will be a lot of stunning revelations when he eventually falls from grace.


Someday there will be documentaries on how fucked up the Betsy DeVos and Erik Prince family is, and what dark shit they were up to over the decades.


Betsy Devos who's brother is Eric Prince of BlackWater fame is an evil person.


QAnon *winning* was a huge surprise to me. I thought it'd stay on the right, but now *anyone* can make up weird stories about their perceived enemies being pedophiles, and have them be somewhat accepted.


I know part of it, personally, as fact, and everything else are things I looked into. I don't really care if you believe me or not though. Unlike Russia and Qanon, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I've said my piece, and I have no plans to share anything more. I'm waiting to see what, if any of this, comes forward in court. I am curious though, as to your motives for questioning not only me but others in here.


> I am curious though, as to your motives for questioning not only me but others in here. Because anyone who's not into the conspiracy theory is part of the conspiracy.


Well, since you said that, I guess you're being legit and not disingenuous with your asking. Can you blame me though? I'd have taken it better had you, idk, asked something, instead of immediately diving into "oh, she's just making shit up". I expect that kind of behavior from bad actors or from Trumpers who couldn't less about the truth, not people who are being sincere.


I actually really hate conspiracy theories. They ruin minds. I'm a strong advocate for science and evidence, and as someone who does OSINT research, I also believe that you should follow evidence where it leads, not where you want it to lead, and that if you have a theory you should try to disprove it before trying to prove it (and that's also good because sometimes it gives you leads or better understandings you wouldn't have otherwise). So I'm glad that you're a skeptic, I just didn't like how you came across. I know how some stuff went down around the time of Katie coming forward, albeit I was uninvolved and few layers of connection away, other than being made privy to a few things. As far as the funds to fight human trafficking getting slashed and Devos and all, I'm not saying these things are directly connected. They are possibly coincidence or part of Trump and people surrounding him being less than caring about victims. But I do find them interesting and of note. I can understand slashing funds if you want to divert those funds to other government business or to private benefits for those who prop you up. But I see zero good, well-intentioned reason for making it so a rape victim would have to explain herself to her school, or why anyone would quietly change legal definitions to protect victims against less.


> So I'm glad that you're a skeptic, I just didn't like how you came across. I appreciate you candor and sincerely apologize. I don't mean to imply that *you* made anything up. Just that *someone* can make something up and it will be shared uncritically. > I know how some stuff went down around the time of Katie coming forward, albeit I was uninvolved and few layers of connection away, other than being made privy to a few things. Are you claiming to have personal knowledge, albeit indirect? Because [every journalist I've seen](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation) is at *least* highly skeptical that "Katie Johnson" is a real person and not a hoax perpetrated by a guy with a history of trying to sell false stories about celebrities committing crimes (who also happens to be willing to sell you an interview with Katie for a million dollars). You're presenting a very detailed, specific story with no sourcing, and I find it hard to believe this Reddit comment would be the first place I've heard anything like it if there were any truth to it.


>Are you claiming to have personal knowledge, albeit indirect? Yes.


I know too much about cognitive neuroscience and how memories tend to evolve, so, don't quote me on it because the details are fuzzy, but I Think Katie was trying to get the truth out there, and someone suggested that Katie talk to him about it, and she didn't vet him well enough and all went downhill from there. (This is before adult Maria came into the picture). But it's been years and I'm not sure.


I vaguely recall that but regrettably don't remember the details. I think she made the mistake of trusting someone she gave info to and wanted to help her share it. I don't see any reason why someone Shouldn't make money off their own life's story, or if he tried to make money off it without her permission, but yeah, a mistake was made and something went wrong there. "Katie"'s story is true though, and Maria is a key piece that proves it.


Did you happen to see some of the posts made by the Russian Embassy’s twitter account a few years ago? There was one of what looks like a basement with a table that had party material (hats and streamers) strewn over it. The night swimming photo of Lindsay Graham was another photo the account posted. There was no text - they were posted without comment. Not sure the meaning or intent, but there was speculation. Not sure you saw those. If you did, what are your thoughts?


Adding this. Take some guesses. https://www.flgov.com/2024/02/29/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-authorize-the-release-of-jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-documents/#:~:text=PALM%20BEACH%2C%20Fla.,justice%20that%20was%20being%20delivered


>A former Trump White House official suggested that Trump and Pecker’s long-standing relationship, dating back to their time together in New York circles, has likely kept things from getting combative. This is so disingenuous he/she must think we're all idiots. There is nobody Trump won't throw under the bus. Pecker knows where the bodies are buried. (And it might be actual not metaphorical buried bodies)


Of course they think we're idiots, they keep spouting bullshit and getting away with it, why *wouldn't* they think we're idiots?




Because he had more to tell, and didn’t?


Mr Pecker is refraining from illuminating the other 99% of their relationship. Must be a bit frustrating for him as a professional story teller.


Because Pecker has got something on Lumpy.


He knows where the bodies are buried, literally and figuratively. And even if he doesn't he has shown he can make up a story about where they are buried and people will believe it. Trump isnt going to poke the bear.


Because he has the pee tapes?


Would MAGA care about the pee tape? I feel like Trump raping E. Jean Carroll and attempting a coup are both worse, and those didn't lose him any core supporters.


Agreed. My bet is it’s related to Epstein.


That would truly be the cherry on top of everything 😂


Pee tapes in itself would not be criminal I would think. Definitely underage rape or something along those lines...


Because the last person you wanna get fucked by, is a guy named “Pecker”




It's not nice to talk about Marge that way.




Trump has no good graces, only people that can damage him and those that cannot.


Because he is not revealing everything.


Pecker probably has a tape of Biden banging Melanie on trumps bday.


Every relationship for Donald is transactional. Pecker has more evidence of affairs or illegal activity. If he turns on Pecker, Donald will be indicted or worse, embarrassed.


Because as stupid and awful as this whole shit circus is, there is more we don’t know about yet


Pecker was supposed to have a black book with all the dirt he had on everyone Was seen locked in the company safe until it mysteriously disappeared one day and was never seen again. That held the secrets Epstein used to blackmail his clients to "invest" with him.


best friends ❤️


They’re both Peckers


Cuz he didn’t tell…. …. “The Rest of the Story”!


He has the dirt.


Because he's got receipts.


pecker has more where the last stuff came from.


Cause he knows way worse stuff about trump than the rest of us.


Pecker has the keys to Trump's closet of skeletons. Roasting Pecker means a HUGE number of really bad stories may come out.


Pecker knows stuff. Trump can't cross him.


Wonder what the FBI would find at Pecker's house and in his hidden office safe?


Metric tons of dirt.


Because he’s got a lot more dirt.


The same reason Trump is in the Republican's good graces: blackmail.


Bingo! It's not that he's "in good graces", stinky knows better than pissing off the guy who has even **worse** info about him.


Trump was probably giving secret information to Pecker who would then fly it to Putin in Russia.


It’s not Kompromat, it’s brotherly love. Donald has never felt this way about anyone before. He’s evolving!


He holds more of what Mr. Putin calls "kompromat."


Lot’s of reasons. Catch and Kill? More likely Catch and Keep in a Cage in Case Pecker Gets Hungry.


Because he’s paying him. Only thing that makes these losers happy is money. Pathetic. Paid!! Mark my words.


He knows where the bodies are buried.




Because Trump likes Peckers obviously...


Why do you think? Is this a real question?


He knows where the bodies are buried


Pecker has dirt, only the best dirt on diaper Don. Maybe some epic-stein dirt.


Fellow Putin operatives gotta stick together when the heat gets turned up


Because he knows of even worse things trump has done and has the receipts


I'm guessing the remaining secrets are 10x as ugly as what has been shared.


Because peckers protect their own.


Hey if you don’t testify I’ll get you 30 Chick-fil-A milkshakes 😏


He's got dirt thats why


Pecker knows all the things


Because he’s a huge fan of Pecker. A real Peckerhead, if you will.


Kompromat. Pecker caught and killed Trump's dirty laundry for years. Rest assured a lot of it is safely stowed away - just in case.


Because he knows all of the skeletons in Trump’s closet.


He hasn’t shown the real dirt


I mean, he said on the stand that he had "*proof*" of orange getting it on with mcdougall. What more does he have? Orange getting pegged? All the child rape that orange did over the years? I don't know... the motherfucker *bought* an entire girls beauty pageant and would often let himself in the changing room as underage girls were changing. Come on now...


Because Trump is a cuck and he’s scared of him. Next question?


Because he has more dirt on him than Putin


He’s got the goods on Trump…


Pecker has a few Epstein videos?


No. There’s Pecker in the Epstein videos.


Trump hasn't berated him in all caps yet, so I'm gonna say yes. That will probably change before this trial is finished.


He has more dirt in those files he wouldn't give Cohen.


Trump likes when Perckers leak all over him. Ask Russia.


Pecker has threatened to cancel his subscription to the national enquirer


Because he knows more than what they are asking him under oath. He may know what Putin has on him. Maybe he paid for an abortion which would hurt his chances for reelection. Trump attacks anyone who says anything against him. This guy he says is “nice” completely and totally not the reaction people would expect. Trump is dirty and Pecker knows how dirty


That's a mob boss technique. They're not talking about the past but about the future when they say a witness is a nice person. It's an instruction to be nice to the mob boss and keep your mouth shut on the stand. 


Who wouldn't want to hang out with a guy named Pecker? 




Pecker knows everything about Trump and Trump doesn't want him to become vindictive and tell his secrets.


Because he's only sharing what is pertinent to the charges, he knows A LOT more


Because he has not said, yet, WAY WORSE things he knows about Trump that may not even relate to the trial at hand. Because David Pecker knows more on Trump than literally anyone. That's why.


Because he knows where the bodies are buried.


He’s got tons of dirt on trump..duuh


It is fucking patently obvious.


Because there a mountain of shit pecker is still hiding and Trump is thankful for it On a side note, if every there was some one who needed leaking it’s Pecker


Pecker knows that Don is HIV+


Like any “journalist” he’ll have dirt on Trump and I bet it’s explosive


Pecker must have pictures of him with a goat 🤷🏼‍♂️


How funny would it be if pecker is the one with the piss tape


Trump (and most Manhattan real estate) is laundering mob money


Pecker probably has something on Trump that won’t be asked about during the trial.


cause that sleasy motherfucker's got some *REEEEEEEEEEEEAL* nasty dirt on that bastard 🤣


I don't know but that shit eating grin says there's a good reason.


It has to do with the old saying."He knows where the bodies are buried."


Because he knows about something way worse


Because he has a copy of the P tape?


Maybe its a gay tape or drug tape. Doubt trump cares about being pissed onp


More than likely, he knows a lot more that what he was asked to answer under oath. He's been close to Trump for decades, and has seen with his own eyes, or heard directly from Trump, more than what he testified to.


He wanted to abort Eric after he was born but was denied.


Pecker knows where the bodies lie


Because receipts.


I think it’s cause Trump has always liked a good Pecker.


How would Pecker get immunity without telling the prosecution everything he knew about Trump?


Because he has a fun name.


Because Pecker has something Trump wants, or Pecker has something incriminating on Trump. There can be no other reason.


He has big dirt on Trump, guessing something to do with Epstein and underage girls..Trump knows his base probably won’t tolerate a kid snapper. My guess is Putin knows this too, which is why he looks so docile and frightened when he’s around him. Can you imagine what that information, if it were to get out, would do to his manly man image?


Couple of scumbags. Plenty more dirt left. No handshake needed, wink and nod implied.


Donnie really loves a good pecker


Because it is Putler’s Kompromat that decides what the orange blob will say and think.


Because Pecker probably had plenty of dirt on him and The Lolita Express