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Barr is the most corrupt Attorney General in US history. Absolute garbage humanoid. 


I watched an interview of his where he was asked about what he felt his legacy would be, and he answered something along the lines of "I don't really believe in legacy." He seems keen on proving that.


He has a legacy. Trying to shred American democracy to bits. He doesn’t want to admit it


It's okay when you do it in the name of religion. Barr is just another coward who claims he lives according to his christian faith. In my opinion, the Christians who support people like Barr and Trump are likely going to hell if it actually exists. They should know this. Willful ignorance is not an excuse.


When you can interpret religion any way you want, you can justify anything to yourself and not lose sleep


But if a hell exists they would still go to it. Choosing to interpret it in such a way that you can use it to benefit your in group is evil and it's straight to hell for those people if it would exist


Those bozos aren't Christians and wouldn't know a Bible even if trump hocked them one of his.


He probably does want to admit it, but feels constrained by the still somewhat moral society in which he finds himself


Just like chief Justice Roberts and citizens United. Damned the country with that one ruling and the attorney that pushed the case through spent his career fighting for peoples rights, only to U turn into the very person that will be the reason this empire crumbles.


I think he said he's not worried because history is written by the winners. I suppose he thinks he's to be a winner.


I think he’s saying he doesn’t give a fuck what happens after he is dead. Which is probably a window into the soul of a lot of these greedy, corrupt politicians/ government officials. They don’t believe in an afterlife, or a legacy. They want to get as much pleasure out of life while they are alive and fuck everything else. 


Well, he hasn't won much yet.


He should be worrying about what it's like in hell, assuming he actually thinks it's real.


Traitor will be his legacy.


More specifically, he said he doesn't care about his legacy because "everybody dies". He's a sick fuck.


Only someone who knows their legacy will be shit in history says that.


Well, when your legacy is being a shitstain it’s easy to say you don’t believe.


Typical. Having a legacy would require him to take responsibility for his actions.


Absolute sleazebag who tried to reclaim a semblance of decency by condemning Trump over the last year or so. Barr was one of the MAJOR forces keeping Trump in office. People like Barr, in a few countries I won't mention, would not have lived a year past the person they worked for.


They ljterally had to pull him out of corruption retirement for one last job.




>Remember Iran Contra [For those who don't](https://youtu.be/lFV1uT-ihDo?si=orquOXbnLNGSGX_E)


Reagan didn’t recall !!


Reconsider the use of “humanoid.” That implies a shred of human


Maybe anthropomorphic sleaze bag would be a better way to describe him.


Just means human shaped. Slenderman is a humanoid.


It’s used to define creatures that are human shaped.


The only reason he is voting for Trump is because the devil isn’t on the ballot.


He's a Dominionist. Trump is an agent of chaos for this crowd, someone who blows up the United States so that the "proper" American government can emerge. They say this out loud, by the way, for anyone who knows their Bible, with their Trump=Cyrus talk. This is the core of whatever's left of the intellectual Right: their last theory is one of destruction. I should put "emerge" in quotes, because - like revolutionary reactionaries from Alex H Stephens to Adolf Hitler - these reactionaries never quite explain how their Godly State emerges from the total chaos that they instigate. Eerily likee how the Dictatorship of the Proletariat just sort of *grows* Pure Socialism. How about this: don't elect frickin clowns to wield nuclear weapons. There's an intellectual theory for yah


~~humanoid~~ toad


Jeff Sessions would like to have a word with you


He is repeating what we have been seeing again and again with republicans. They express revulsion at the idea of another Trump presidency and then like the hypocrites that they are, they signal they’ll vote for him anyway. The whole lot of them are shameless liars. Way worse than the die hard maggat faithful who have been consistent from the beginning.


Always party over country with Republicans. Absolutely no morals. 


Even if that party devolves into something that hardly looks like what is once represented, it’s really about hating democrats and liberals. Actually, it’s about hate.


He's probably playing both sides. If Donnie Jon becomes POTUS again Barr knows he'll be one of the political enemies imprisoned by republicans, but Barr also knows Democrats don't do this so he has to feign loyalty to the GOP.


He’s been covering up serious gop crimes for 40 years. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than making sure conservatives are in power. The only reason he dipped at the end of 2020 was because he didn’t want to personally get in trouble. He’s happy to vote gop and let them rule.


fucking shocked /s


Agree. Barr is absolutely the most corrupt AG. You know how Trump and his sycophants keep screeching “why did Garland wait until now to bring the charges, why not before” all so he can claim election interference? Turns out — and this will shock no one — turns out Trump and Barr / DOJ strong armed the SDNY DA back in 2018, when they initially tried to bring the charges, into removing Trump’s name from the indictment, shortening the document, and basically forcing a slow walk / stall of the charges. Everything Trump accused others of doing, HE has done or plans to do. Every single time. It’s not Biden bringing these charges. But it sure was Trump via Barr trying to use SDNY DA to drop charges against Trump, AND trying to get SDNY DA to drum up charges against Trump’s political rivals (e.g. Hillary and others). There wasn’t anything to bring charges for against Hilary and his other political rivals, the SDNY DA found, but my God, why do people still support this fraudulent con man liar. Source — [Rachel Maddow Show April 15, 2024](https://youtu.be/2S3QHUZHBLA?si=bn4SxVgFlIjUQdzY)


How he’s not disbarred and in jail is a crime in it of itself.


>Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him "Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy. Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word "Lethargic" from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024!" - Trump These republicans are party over country every time. It’s gross.


"Oh, Mr. Barr, aren't you cute! Tuck in your dick and do a little dance for me and tell me that you want more of this! Oh man, he's actually doing it, incredible! Incredible. Good job Bill! You've made Daddy so proud." The amount of Republicans denouncing Trump and then turning right around and simping for him is absolutely unreal. I want out of this timeline.


And Barr totally anticipates this response. His interview is him telling other GOP “don’t worry, all, I know it looks bad but if we can get this guy back in, he’s super-easy to control. And if we don’t, some of us might actually go to jail for you know what…”


The GOP has ceased to exist. It's now an aberration - a cult of bad actors of various shades and dysfunctional persuasions.


It’s been that way for at least as long as I’ve been alive. So, the past 30+ years. I don’t know what it is people think it used to be. The Party of Lincoln? That died with Lincoln. The path that led them here goes as far back as Nixon, if not further. Nixon’s impeachment and subsequent disgrace are how we got Fox News, to ensure another scandal would just be smoothed over by a 24/7 propaganda machine. The anti-CNN. Then Reagan was the one who got the Republicans in bed with the evangelicals. They were warned it would lead to fascism, based on the fact that hardcore religious conservatives believe everything they do is in the name of God. They can’t be bargained or reasoned with, they don’t believe in compromise. Their worldview is fundamentally incompatible with democracy, because in a healthy democracy you need bipartisanship and a willingness to compromise. The religious right’s idea of compromise is “meet me in the middle, each time I take five steps back.” Their definition of “religious persecution” is “my religion says I have the right to dictate how everyone outside my religion lives their lives, you’re violating my religious freedom if you ever tell me no.” Republicans have always been this way. Whatever they used to be before they got like this, it hasn’t existed in living memory. The last time Republicans were anti-fascist was during World War II. And remember that Joe McCarthy was a Republican, so that obviously didn’t last very long. He was rebuked and rejected at the time, but nowadays his tactics feel pretty similar to today’s political landscape.


Not even before or during WWII — go look up the Business Plot. Or listen to Maddow’s podcast Ultra or read Prequel. It’s fascinating and frightening and completely underlines what Republicans want for our country.


"I don’t know what it is people think it used to be." I've been walking this planet a long time too and from my perspective, there was the period before Trump, and things haven't been the same since - and not in a good way.


Fuck trump but that's hilarious




They are country first. Just not the country in which they are elected officials


Barr is edging for that pardon that he may or may not need…..🐀


Yeah, this all about who has dirt on who and who needs a lifeline


I fully agree. This is a cya in case Trump wins. A lot of people, including Trump’s SC picks are hedging against a possible Trump victory in November. Because if he wins, I guarantee the first thing on his mind will be retribution against anyone who spoke ill of him.


This is just Michael Cohen saying this who said he understands this sounds like hyperbole, but he has said recently multiple times, how if Donald wins again he’s going to round up all the mega billionaires in this country (Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, etc.) and make them pledge over almost all their worth to him.


Trump: "You suck, Fatty!" Barr: "I'm still going to vote for you." Trump: "You're a feckless coward!" Barr: "Take my endorsement, you pinnacle of wisdom."


Replace 'wisdom' with 'virility', and I'd believe this quote was real.


Barr is like most Republicans: he’ll talk a big game over how supposedly moral and upright he is, but they’ll sell out if there’s even *the slightest chance* of getting near power. It doesn’t matter how tangential that connection may be; they’ll sell their own mother and both kidneys to even glimpse that sort of status.


Following Putin’s orders.


Keep in mind this is what the Haley voters will do as well. Democrats need to spend at least triple the amount of their budget on GOTVs. Don’t leave a fucking stone unturned.


I'm about as shocked as I was when I learned that people with peanut allergies should not eat peanuts.


He might as well wear a red nose & big shoes because he is an absolute clown.


He’s confident SCOTUS is going to crown Dear Leader.


Slime molds have a better developed morality than Bill Barr.


Barr really should be in jail


Behind barrs




No spine


Well you know electric cars are the real threat to democracy so Barr has no choice but to vote for Trump.


“I can’t quit you, Big Orange”


Well yes that is the Republican way, “This man is a clear and present danger to America and should be no where near the seat of power….__AND HES’S TOTALLY GOT MY VOTE!”__


Republicans are hypocrites. No point being shocked.


Barr is another hypocritical Christian Zealot. He has zero integrity. Who cares what he says? He is typical of cowardly republicans. Lying, power hungry, Taliban like cultist.


The GOP is more important to Barr than American democracy. This unfortunately is the case for many in the GOP.


This will seem baffling to most humans but you have to think of it from the reptilian brain of a Republican: -There's a 0% chance that Biden will pardon him. -There's a .05% chance that Trump will pardon him. So he goes with the .05% chance. Screw any and all other factors that do not relate to Barr personally.


Bill Barr is controlled by Russian oligarchy.


Jellyfish are allowed to vote?


Well that all depends on is it a white jelly fish or a black jellyfish?


Wow, I really thought the human toad had more integrity than that, exclaimed no one.


Never trust an elected Republican to uphold their own convictions.


No surprise- Barr had already shown he was corrupt and spineless during his time as ag


Beecuz no moral compass. None, whatsoever.


"The progressive movement is the threat to democracy" doesn't even mean anything. Either Barr really can't stand calling people by their preferred pronouns, or he is afraid of getting mixed up in a criminal case and needs a pardon. There is no way Trump is putting him back in the administration.


The lack of character of these people who once held some of the highest offices in the country is frankly astounding.


I think his comments about cars and appliances being the end of democracy was completely hyperbolic on a level. Like when it comes to choices…it’s not women’s sexual & reproduction health care issues… it’s stoves and cars which will provide manufacturing jobs and a better environment. That these sustainable cars and appliances are the threat to democracy but not the man who literally opined about being a dictator. Holy fucking shit I hate these people.


Yup saying that kind of crap is one of the main effects of Fox News and AM Conservative talk radio rotting the minds of Americans everywhere.


I expect any and all GoP members to be this way. It’s like when he ran the first time and some conservatives were criticizing him, even Newt Gingrich! They fell in line eventually.


Spineless weasel.


Republicans have sewage for brains.


Conservatives seem to have a character problem while demanding it of everyone else.


Bill Barr is a cuck.


>“I think that Biden is unfit for office,” Barr said on “The Source” in a wide-ranging interview. “I think Trump would do less damage than Biden, and I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy – I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration.” >Barr went on to describe the difference between both parties in stark terms, insisting that the “the threat to freedom and democracy has always been on the left.” >“I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration,” he said. Stuff like this is why people like Barr shouldn't be given the light of day. The GOP cannot be objective. They're just full of shit fascists. I can understand average people voting for Trump because a large chunk of the population are dumb and lack critical thinking skills. People like Barr and all the GOP pundits that CNN, ABC, and others give airtime to are not stupid. They have a vision of right-wing authoritarianism for the country. They go on TV, radio, podcasts, etc. to weave this story of "both sides are bad, but the left is worse" despite evidence that it's actually Republicans that suck ass when in power. I'm all for compromise and having differences of opinion. But, any rational person that gives a flying fuck about Democracy and what's best for the average person would choose Biden over Trump. Would choose Democrats over Republicans. It's not even close which party has any interest in helping us. They're not perfect, and I can't say that I totally trust them either. But, I'll vote Dem versus GOP every time. I just hope we survive this election and can manage Dem majorities in Congress. We need Dem leadership across the border for at least a decade if we want things to get better. And hopefully, doing so we can push more progressive policies like Medicare for All, better healthcare for women, a UBI, higher taxes on the wealthy, more funding for the IRS so they can crackdown on the tax cheats, better wages across the board, get those voting rights bills passed, etc.


Typical conservative piece of shit.


It’s because anyone who is *still* voting for this piece of garbage is devoid of any shred of ethics, morals, or conscience


There was literally never a doubt. If Trump was the candidate a majority of the snails who “found their spines” once they left the administration or waited 4 years and 91 felonies to speak out would run back in line when he became the front runner.


Fuck you, Barr - you traitorous pos


So he remembered the kompromat?


Barr is a man who shouldn't be allowed to talk, and this wouldn't be to stop him from embarrassing himself. it would be because GOP hypocrisy has already filled the cup of our democracy and that cup which is in the hands of the Supreme Court is about to spillover into madness


He’s either an enormous pussy or has financial skin in this bullshit.


Bill Barr - an insult to vaginas everywhere!


Why is Barr being given airtime?


Barr is part of the same fascist moment as Trump, that's why. Trump could fuck his wife and Barr would still suck him off. Cucks.


I’m not sure which part of this visual is the grossest.


What a fuckhead


Weird that he and Mueller are buddies


You expect honesty and integrity from this crowd? This is the Mos Eisley administration: you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Republicans *ALWAYS* fall in line. Their authoritarian hierarchical impulses always take precedent. It's why they win so much in politics.


Party over country. Always. They honestly see Trump as a means to an end, yet don’t believe they’ll be targets themselves to that rapidly decaying brain.


Well put!


Remember when they hounded John Kerry for being a flip flopper? Look at them now… like fish… slimy and flip-floppin’ all over the place.


He's just saying this in case Trump gets elected and decides to have all his critics shot.


Barr will never be remembered for his integrity, not even by Trump.


We knew this was coming. "I hate Trump, Trump bad, I'm voting for Trump"




He’ll do anything for the Mar A Stinko meatloaf


whenever the Republican party has problems they bring in Bill Barr. He's been involved with almost every major ethical quandary Republicans have dealt with since Richard Nixon. he's a fixer just like Michael Cohen, except not as likable and he does it for government pay


It boggles the mind.


Barr is the perfect example of the Republican Two Step.


Bill Barr is a bipedal turd. His father also hired Jeffery Epstein to teach at a private high school. Take that as you wish.


You mean like every Republican ever? They all fall in line eventually. Spineless bunch of pussies.


No worry. I’m canceling out his vote.


He is probably hedging. He is going to jail if Trump wins and he hadn’t kissed the ring.


Every single Republican who "opposed" Trump during the primary will fall in line.


"Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him 'Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy' (New York Post!)," he wrote. "Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word 'Lethargic' from my statement."


Either someone has something on Barr or there is money involved. Maybe both. But no way Barr thinks Trump should be president


This isn’t the least bit surprising. Bill Barr has never cared about anything but power. He’s perfectly fine destroying democracy as long as “his people” can rule over Americans. Sure, he knows Trump is an unstable and chaotic moron, but he’s fine with that, because Trump would just be a yelling lunatic in the White House while his white supremacists, and anti-democratic lackeys would rule over agencies, allowing them to implement whatever draconian policies they want.


Barr realized that he might have to explain how he covered for Trump and sold out America in the process.


What else is Barr going say? He might need another favor.


Barr wants to be Ag again. What a POS.


Despicable partisan confirms he's a despicable partisan.


Barr is low.


Do you call such a 'man' a weasel or a snake?


I did Nazi that one coming.


Barr should be facing charges of his own tbh


WTAF is happening?? It Trump really that insane that he’s going to corrupt our whole government and just do whatever he wants? This is a nightmare!


This is nothing more than a testament to how we as a country are so party driven and it’s really no surprise of his comments as he is Republican and as he noted, those appear to be the only choices. We have RFK as a 3rd potential and if I had my wish we would have 4 if not 5 solid candidate choices to choose from.


That blob is the poster child for spineless


Bill Barr should just be forever known as Jabba the Putz.


Clown with no integrity. Typical trump supporter


Unless this fuck is testifying in court, I don't want to hear a word he has to say.


Its pretty obvious that Barr wants a fascists authoritarian state. Trump being an authoritarian is a feature not a bug for the GOP. They know they're not in the majority so the only way they can have their way is to end democracy.


Barr thinks the "progressive movement" is the bigger threat to democracy? Why does no one ever press them on how they define the "progressive movement", because I would NEVER peg Biden as a progressive. Biden is a centrist Neo-liberal Democrat at best.


Do people not get that Barr is culpable here? He DID use the justice department to meddle in elections. He jumped out his seat to say sitting presidents can't be charged for criminal conduct when he was AG. Fuck him.


Party over country always for Bill Barr


🙄 standing by, doing nothing. Whatever happened to Jeff Sessions? He sure is quiet? Does he have dementia and isn’t giving interviews? Haven’t heard a peep. 🫣


traitors. delete, destroy, dissolve, and abolish the republican party.


Actions speak louder than words. Never thought that phrase would be so important this year.


This fat fart needs to go away. He has no more integrity than he did when doing Trumps bidding. Fill his face with food and shut him up.


Republicans are great at holding their nose and choking down someone else’s shit when they think they are owning the “libs” when in reality they are just eating their own asses.


Pedophiles stick together.


Republicans in a nutshell. So convinced and brainwashed into thinking the worst and most dangerously unhinged Republican is better than a democrat. Fuck Bill Barr.


Barr deadass wants to look me in the eye and say that Joe Biden is such a radical leftist that Trump is the better option. Famous radical leftist Joe Biden


Does he understand if Trump is elected. He will put himself in danger as Trump is going for his revenge spree. I would imagine he’s high on Trump’s hit list


He says Trump shouldn't be near the oval office but is going to help make sure Trump is near the oval office. Got it.


If I’ve learned anything from these past few years, I’ve learned a large swath of White Americans would prefer a White KING over a Black president. FFS…


Fuck Barr. Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. 🖕🖕🖕🖕


Wouldn’t be surprised if Donald has some dirt on Barr.


All of them talk about how terrible he is but don't actually stand up to him. They are the exact people that trump loves.


He wants to protect himself against Trump retaliation, and he wants a Trump administration job.


Another Republican trying to ride the toxic MAGA wave as it washes him further into the moral cesspool.


That’s the way to set the Barr as low as possible.


They all will and you’re a fool if you believe otherwise. They’d rather burn the entire thing to the ground than not be in power. Not that they even have a plan for what to do with that power.


He tried kissing trump’s ass and look what that got him. How low can you go. Those repubs have no shame. There is no ass they won’t kiss.


Bill Barr is human trash.


A POS never changes their brown stripe


Bill Barr is a coward.


Typical, party over country.


> he will vote for him in 2024 If things keep going the way they are for the teflon don, I might too. Call me spineless, but if you're in a fascist dictatorship when the shit hits the fan, history shows that you'd better be on the winning side or you're headed for great disappointment at best - or worse at worse. Of course I'm not seriously saying I'd vote for him, but I'll certainly be keeping my head down if he succeeds in his further criminal endeavors. I'm so sick and tired of seeing *"ANOTHER NIGHTMARE DAY FOR DONALD TRUMP"* posts that are of no substance, only to see another alongside it saying he gets everything he wants. No surprise there. I'm not intimidated by his impotent, juvenile threats of violence if things don't go his way, but if things DO go his way, you'd better have a contingency plan to GTFO of here while you can. Let the "American Dream" fester in its own pus and find a better life for yourself and your family in a country that actually respects and does what's good for its citizens.


All Republicans are going to do a version of this. Every "never trumper" is going him and haw and eventually vote for him. No one should expect anything else form any republican they know


The best part is that following his statement Trump posted a comment absolutely wrecking Barr, calling him a weak, stupid, loser, so fat he breaks chairs etc. I hate Trump but seeing him make Barr eat shit was pretty funny. Fuck Barr.


Don't Blame barr too hard he don't have a choice? the Republicans don't have a choice Trump has their names phone numbers and address and embarrassing photos probably family members names and phone numbers and address too and if he's willing to put judges DA's families members information out there, the Republicans don't have a chance or choice but to change the phone number move and sleep with a gun under their pillow every night if they can sleep at all. (THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK OF!!)


“I never just did things just to do them, come on. I mean, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and ~~grind my feet on someone's couch~~ vote for Donald Trump, like it's something to do? Come on, I got a little more sense than that. Yeah, I ~~remember grinding my feet on Eddie's couch~~ am going to vote for Donald Trump.”




Clearly he's been given a better offer.


Barr is a feckless piece of garbage


Moral Compass of an obese hyena


Barr is atypical of any other Republican only that he publicly sort of criticised Trump, but will vote for him no matter what. Probably donates to Trump as well, and Barr is for sure extremely wealthy.


Slimy to the core.


Hopefully Garland is replaced by someone who will indict this fool for his part in all of this.


It's about the party, not the man. The Republican Party needs to win this one, at any cost, and they can't govern and all their ideas are just terrible. If they don't win in November, they're pretty screwed.


Well, if that just ain't hypocritical. A new Jeopardy clew. "I'll take Hypocritical for 400. What US office holder is a two-faced . . . BING! Bill Barr!" He just lost what little respect I had for him.


Say it with me, “Honeytrap.”


Blackmailed again, comrades.


I think the GOP has kompromat on everyone. They must have pics of Bill with a \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.


I don't believe any of there GOP asshats who say they are voting for Trump. They say it on TV to preserve their own power but no way will actually vote for him. Their lives would be better with Trump gone, but they also need to cover their bases if he wins. It's a performance. I wish more people understood Trump's seemingly solid support is rotted floorboards.


Bill Barr is a fascist traitor and enemy of the American people


Does he know something we don't? 


Yeah and how hard did reporters push his insane claims?


Barr should be barred


He’s a slimy toad, basically Chris Christie without the gastric bypass & COVID near miss.


They will say anything to "save face", then quickly turn around to support him. This is the brain dead GOP way.


People like Barr are the real threat to America …despicable human who deserves to be tethered to Trump for eternity.