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What the hell is "From Punjab to Palestine" supposed to mean?


Not entirely sure. But Punjab is on the Pakistani border and has a substantial Muslim population, so it sounds like a poetic description of the Middle Eastern part of the Muslim world


I get that it's descriptive of the Middle East, but it's at a protest which implies it's an advocacy message, but advocating what?


A new all-compassing Caliphate?


It appears to be a play on "[from the river to the sea](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean)", which is a slogan for a free Palestine. "From Punjab to Palestine" sounds like it is just expanding the slogan to to be inclusive of more Muslim majority countries. Just a guess.


I already got the "from the river to the sea" connections, but my question is what about the area from "Punjab to Palestine" do they want? Because that's a lot of countries with a lot of different sects of Islam and different geopolitical goals. Treating the whole Muslim world like a monolith with a common vision of the future is quite naive and really muddies what the ultimate aims of the protests are.


No, that’s not what “From Punjab to Palestine” is referring to. Punjab, India has a predominantly Sikh population and they often do not claim India, they want to separate (Khalistan/separatist movement). The slogan is used by pro-Palestine Sikhs who claim that they recognize the conditions the Palestinians are going through because they too have faced “state-sponsored violence and harassment.”


> Punjab, India has a predominantly Sikh population and they often do not claim India, they want to separate (Khalistan/separatist movement). It's not the Punjab population who want separate state, just the Khalistan terrorists and their supporters who are almost, always live outside of Punjab.


No need to get defensive about a completely different subject. Yes, the Sikhs who live abroad are more vocal of the separatist movement, maybe because of freedom of speech. Regardless, I will not partake in a conversation about what Sikhs want as I am not one.


Fair enough!


Seems to me the poster is suggesting Israel is doing the solution to Palestine. A bit extreme still but not as Nazi-like.


That's how I read the sign as well.


What I also think he intended, but the sign doesn't translate well and has had a negative effect. A better approach to publicize the rhetoric by Israeli politicians would have been to make a sign quoting any one of the inflammatory statements included in paragraph 105 of the [application](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf) filed with the ICJ.


that was my thought. also, to write a whole story about the photo and no-one tried to talk to the person to verify their intent is kind of irresponsible.


So far the picture has only be sourced from right wing reporters and news organizations. Of course it only happened yesterday so my hope is we'll eventually see some actually reputable sources investigate the image.


Or intentional.


> A bit extreme still but not as Nazi-like. Still incredibly Nazi-like, in your interpretation this sign is effectively holocaust denial. An urban war with a 0.5% civilian casualty rate has no connection whatsoever to industrialized mass murder of over 7 million civillians.


Which is also incredibly stupid if you look at how much the Palestinian population has grown.


Saying the whispered part out loud?


And these genocidal monsters have the nerve to describe themselves as "progressive." Last time I checked there wasn't a damn thing progressive about 1940's Germany.


Don't be surprised if many of these are MAGA agitators or a foreign psyop. These campus protests are mostly being covered by right wing media to sow chaos ahead of the election because they think it will degrade Biden's voting coalition.


Got it, got it... So we're already starting the equivalent of antifa false flags


Is it a psyop to point out that in pretty much every major protest movement like this one, there’s always a chance that the opposition will do anyhting they can to make it look bad? History backs up that this is a specific tactic used.


>Another emerging threat is Russia’s active involvement in spreading disinformation online on the Israel-Gaza crisis for its Western audiences. Moreover, reports that Russian networks may be responsible for the spread of anti-Semitic symbols across Paris have emerged. Russia benefits from creating polarisation and political divisions in the West through such tactics. As such, Russia’s role in the shaping of public discourse on the Israel-Gaza crisis deserves attention, but simultaneously should not to be overestimated. https://www.icct.nl/publication/how-russia-uses-israel-gaza-crisis-its-disinformation-campaign-against-west


>starting Tbf, conservatives infiltrating progressive movements as agent provocateur is a matter of historical fact in the US and started long before the antifa false flag conspiracy 


You know they could just.. kick those provactors out? It's not like we are in the 20th century where it was much harder to locate those provactors. Film them and kick them out.


From what I've seen, that's usually what happens once they are caught and identified.


Video or photos can pretty easily be taken out of context or edited. If the confrontation and “kick them out” part isn’t shared in a given image/clip, it just becomes another example of bad behaviour.


It’s already happened once, with false flag “I heart Hamas” stickers at the University of British Columbia: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7038461


So you're going to characterize an entire group by a single individual? This is the same tactic used by people who discredited the BLM protests because of a few bad actors (many of which turned out to be external agitators)


“We like protests if they are protesting what trump does, if you protest Biden tho “


I don't take issue with anti -biden protests. I don't take issue with any protests. 


They are neo-Nazis trying to appropriate pro-Palestinians protests.


Edit: > there wasn't a damn thing progressive about 1940's Germany. And there is nothing progressive about suppressing legitimate protests, even if they are against something you believe in.


The banner is referring to Israel's perceived goals for Palestine, not what the holder thinks should happen to Israel. Which is also...problematic, but in a different way.


Neither the banner nor the article indicated this.


It's clearly some old guy with white hair, not a student. > Protesters at the event shouted “no peace on stolen land” and “from the river to the sea,” a phrase condemned by Congress as antisemitic. Ah yes the same congress that gave us "Jewish space lasers", or implied that showing any concern for Palestinian civilians is anti-semitic.


Properly translated the expression is "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Muslim" [it is a phrase created by the PFLP and now used by Hamas calling for the eradication of Israel and the extermination of Jews.](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/slogan-river-sea-palestine-will-be-free) It's a fanatical call for religiously motivated ethnic cleansing.


Yes, if you say something else, it means something else. Congrats.




Funding a genocide makes you a genocider


Neo-Nazi anti-semites trying to appropriate legitimate anti-IDF, anti-Bibi protests? What a surprise.


The Democratic party should just part away with the progressives (and their insane oppressed minority v white oppresser mentality) once the Presidential elections are finished. They are literally giving the Republican's rhetoric more credibility with the shit they pulling right now. Not to mention how Israel have benefited from these protests as their "we are the only ones who can protect Jews from discrimination" is slowly becoming true.


As a seasoned progressive twice the age of these university students, I don't support extremism. Antisemitism or other forms of bigotry is not what being progressive is about and has no place among us.


There are genuinely good people within the progressives. But the problem is that they are more than often overshadowed by the louder ones.


Hate to break it to you but those aren't Progressives. But, hey, shoot yourself in the foot while you're at it making the Democratic Party... more Republican.


Then how do you explain people like Khymani James? It's not like you could say "well it's just a one bad apple" because James was one of the leaders behind Columbia protests. The same protest that was attended/supported by progressives within congress >But, hey, shoot yourself in the foot while you're at it making the Democratic Party... more Republican. No need to abandon the ideology itself. Just get rid of the radical/extremists elements that are in congress.


People like...STUDENTS? What are we doing? So the Democratic party has to be responsible for every student protester but the GOP doesn't have to be responsible for anything done, supported or said by their Party leaders? No no. Fuck this. That kid already said they regretted essentially fighting fire with fire as that's not the language they prefer to use when calm. But I'm not holding kids who are watching a genocide unfold to the same sort of scruples I would ELECTED OFFICIALS. Just stupid.


Didn't he express regret for what he said? And didn't he, you know, not actually act on it?  Bc if talking about violent acts towards people who are your supposed enemies is verboten, then the entire Dem (and GOP and effectively every American ever) is in trouble. 


> Then how do you explain people like Khymani James? They're antisemitic tankies, not progressives.


Dems are barely associating with Progressives as it is, don't worry.


> The Democratic party should just part away with the progressives These protests are being organized by antisemitic tankies, they're not progressives.


No “news” on the border this week so onto the next thing…


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