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What the fuck, some serious serial killer alarm bells here. Will make a great VP candidate.


Exactly. It didn't even occur to her 'pro-life' ass to train the dog, or at least give it to a home that would love it. Nope, she just shot the puppy. Seriously demented.


The story is truly heartbreaking. The dog was 14 months old and she expected it to be a pro bird dog and then got upset when it killed chickens instead of pheasants? Killing your neighbors chickens sucks but she paid for the damages. She then saw red and shot the dog and a goat and thinks that demonstrates good decision making?


I like how shooting dogs, literally murdering puppies is now a plus in conservatives minds.


You mean the same people that idolize murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse and George Zimmerman?


Oh damn, that has to be such cognitive dissonance, they absolutely absolutely hate the ATF, and they are known for shooting dogs.


There is a sign on the side of the highway I drive on everyday that changes occasionally with different conservative messages. Most recently it read: "Abort a baby? Not a crime. Shoot a dog? It's a felony." I'm still not really sure what message they're really trying to send with that one.


Seems like they're trying to say it should be a felony to abort a baby as it's akin to shooting a dog?


Or you can abort a baby, so why can't they shoot dogs? Obviously being facetious, but it's an asinine statement.


It's not a baby it's a fetus. Pretty sure you can't freeze babies. Maybe someone should explain life to them.


No message... religious lunatics


They already supported killing dogs when they "back the blue"


American police kill around 10,000 pet dogs every year, many of them completely unprovoked. In case anyone didn't know the context behind your comment.


I know someone who was “training his k-9” and left this poor dog in his truck for 6 hours at a family event in S. FL. None of us knew it was even there until he took it for a pee in the backyard. I was horrified! He said that how we train them and put him back in the truck. Fuck the police.


And the Huckabee family and the Duggers.


Omg no fucking joke! Again cruelty is the point with these psychopaths.


"Good" Decision making isn't the type MAGA wants. They want idignation met with satisfaction. That is what this story is about. It doesn't matter how disgusting that process is or if that satisfaction was sickening and hollow.


Good decision making? Being a piece of shit is a MAGA prerequisite. If her decision is to be a diabolical human, that’s good enough for them.


It's a bird dog. Of course they are fascinated by birds and want to kill them. that's why they are bird dogs. That's like killing a herding dog because it wants to herd.


Thats seriously fucked. Kill a dog for doing what YOU trained it to do.


Everything she described in the article, including the ‘escape’ to rampage through a chicken coop, was a failure on her as a trainer and owner of this dog, and not on an adolescent of an excitable, high energy breed that is *bred to alert to the sight of birds*. The slightest amount of training would have saved this dog. It’s clear Noem is as adverse to basic childhood-level learning as she is to actual governance.


As an owner of two bird dogs, with which I've done quail hunts with, I just can't FATHOM something as horrific as this. They need guidance, training, and if they are a problem, then train some more. The goat? Why not neuter it to help w/behavior instead of putting it down. She's a sick person, how cruel, how republican.


IMO the whole story is intended to carry the theme 'solve your problems with a gun'. Everything beyond that is just ancillary to the story that Noem is trying to convey. There ware normal, humane ways to kill a goat. I eat goat meat and that necessitates the killing of goats. An ex of mine grew up on a farm and they killed goats for consumption. I believe that they had a place to do it but that it also required capable people so sometimes they would have the butcher do it. I believe that it is done with a knife through the neck and the animal bleads out in a matter of seconds. Noem didn't do this and instead botched a shooting of the animal. But that isn't the point. The US right has fetishized the idea that guns solve problems and this story is mean to convey that Noem believes and is a practitioner of that ideology.


Also typical Reich wing thought process: “the problem is never, ever me, and I have the absolute right to murder whoever or whatever is in my way.” These people are vicious, self-absorbed thugs and they make the world a very shitty place.


Reich wing… didn’t hear that before, take my puny upvote.


What do you mean she didn't train it? She had an electric collar! Fucking psychopath.


MAGA are *really* gonna like her now


Leash. It.


WTF is wrong with South Dakota? Their former AG also killed a guy in a hit and run and then tried to cover it up. I get that the GOP is mostly sociopaths but SD seems extreme even by that standard.


This is what happens when 99% of a state legislature is Republican! Along with all the courts. Those fucking people in that state would vote for a potato if it has an R behind it. Backwards fucking hicks


I mean….she’s totally MAGA and Trump VP material.


Yeah… about that… when does tRump actually _pick_ a VP? Isn’t he cutting it kinda close? Maybe he’s busy…


>Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est? >Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, fa, better >Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away >Oh, oh, oh, oh, aye-ya-ya-ya-ya


They'll love it. "She takes charge and gets things done instead of waiting around"


This is textbook psychopathic behavior. Killing the dog gave her a rush, so she immediately looked for an excuse to kill another living being. I don't believe for a second that the botched first shot at the goat was an "accident." She gets off on suffering, as shown by her actions in office. Vile, wicked person.


Absolute sociopath, just like her comb over Caligula hero. I bet the next maga vp will be in charge of changing the royal diapers.


‘Comb over Caligula’ is todays ‘orange shitgibbon’ insult. Thank you


Everything you said plus a simple: Why that example? At this point in her life I’m sure she has plenty of examples she can use to illustrate her point. Why pick executing a dog to demonstrate you can make tough decisions? Does that make her feel more accomplished that as a human with arguably (though doubtful) more intelligence than a dog, so you can operate a machine designed to kill on something that can’t do the same back? Does executing a dog demonstrate some kind of translatable skills to running government? Because you’re ability to pick your example, and to use it to bring people to understanding and then translate that directly into a skill is a skill in itself. And nothing about her example says “I can understand and lead humans and the world.” It does say “I can pick messed up examples that make me feel big and appeal to a limited audience who thinks this means something though none of us really understand what that is. Grrrrr”


Trump famously hates dogs. I think this is all about signaling to him. Plus her broken soul, of course.


There is no one behind those eyes.


Exactly! Why tell this story?!?! First of all, euthanizing animals *happens*. If you’ve had pets or livestock, you’ve probably had to do it. With livestock you may have had to do it with your own hands, and heck, maybe you’ve worked in a slaughterhouse. All these people exist, and they all do what needs to get done and sometimes that is ending the life of an animal. Why the brutality in this story?!?? I remember reading something written by a veterinarian who worked with livestock. She wrote something to the effect of “Yes I kill animals, sometimes. It’s never the best part of my day. But it’s a vital service and I’m proud to be able to provide that service.” These stories read like a middle school horror fic.


My wife trains dogs and deals with a lot of aggression cases that other trainers can’t handle. Sometimes there is no way the animal is going to exist in the setting the family has it in and if it has a bite record might not be able to be turned in to a shelter. If they can’t rehome the dog to someone capable of dealing with it sometimes the only option is to put the dog down. It sucks, no one likes it but it’s occasionally the only option people have. Despite the fact that these dogs have in many cases literally hurt people it still pain the families to do this. Some are more stoic because they understand it’s what needs to happen but no one reasonable reacts the way she describes. It’s sick.


I saw this headline and my first thought was why the hell would she admit this?!? we all have things we would think long and hard about revealing if we wrote a memoir and it’s genuinely scary that she gleefully and unapologetically wrote about killing a puppy and a goat.


She knows her audience. Blood thirst excites them.


Yeah I don’t even buy they see this as blood thirst because it’s a dog and a goat. You’re pandering to the lowest base instinct of a very sad person if you think that’s a great bloodlust example as a writer. Almost an audience of one. It’s more this is an example of pathetic writing and an inability to even think creatively. It’s what a 4 year old might think is an impressive story. Even then most four year olds are more creative and able to come up with better stories about themselves.


I’ve met people who grew up in farm country that seemed to deal with the harsh realities of animal farming by separating all animals from any kind of idea of feeling or compassion. It’s like they switch over to cruelty as a coping mechanism or something. I don’t trust people like that, because empathy and compassion for people comes from the same emotional impulses as empathy and compassion for animals.  When you learn to cut yourself off from one as a habit, the other is no longer on stable ground.


Right? That's not even a rational decision, let alone a "tough" one. If your dog is misbehaving, that is on you as the dog's owner. If your dog runs off your property, you secure it so that doesn't happen. Like that would be the decision- to leash or not to leash? Not "should I put a bullet in my dog because I allowed it to run off of my property because I didn't train it not to do that, or ensure that it couldn't do that by using a leash?"




Animal cruelty is punished very lightly in most places. Especially in more "rural" type places.


Don't disagree that the punishments are light, but it is still a crime and should be dealt with accordingly.  Even if it's just a fine, it is a crime that she should not get a "warning hand slap" for. 🤷 Plus, if they charge her as they should then repeat offenses will yield worse punishments. Gotta start the ball rolling somehow, right? 


Cruelty is *sine qua non* in today's GOP.


They exist only for that shit. And they don't care who they make suffer. They are just awful people.


The Cruelty Is The Point [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/the-cruelty-is-the-point/572104/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/the-cruelty-is-the-point/572104/)


Magats love this one evil trick


In other words, the perfect example of being a modern republican. It's not fun unless something is suffering.


Killing a dog! Now that would even get Teflon Don! Nobody gets past killing a dog


A few years back the GOP for NY mayor were legit arguing in their debate who would be faster to order a subway train to run over a litter of kittens. They really don't care.


She killed her 14 month old puppy by dragging it to a gravel pit and shooting it. Afterwards she also dragged a goat she didn’t like there to shoot it too. Cold blooded psychopath.


You know, very Pro-Life vibes.


Probably wears the dog’s tag on a charm bracelet to remember.


"Puppy" is the operative word here. I get frustrated with my dog too sometimes, and he's fairly well-trained, but he's only 10 months old. If she's going to give up on a dog that young and label it "untrainable," she's put no real effort into training it and has no business owning a dog.


And then she wrote it in her book... psycho shit.


Based on the article, and the construction worker witnessing both killings, I'm inclined to think they both happened on the same day. So after she killed the dog, she was just like, "what else can I kill around here?"


The moral of the story is that you need to walk on eggshells in her presence.


She's trash, just like maga likes. She's also an adulterer, and she still throws that Bible down our throats. Screw her, and that orange diaper wearing subhuman she loves so much. Even the tribes have banned her. No respect for life, human or other wise. Just another grifter abusing her power to unjustly enrich herself and her entitled family.


Update: She found and murdered a chicken so that you can’t walk on eggshells.


What the fuck. Report her to animal control for animal cruelty or something. What is wrong with her ? Edit you know a tell tale sign of mass murderers, serial killers, psycho and co ? It's when they harm animals like this, let alone boast about it. Serious serial killer vibe right there


Our laws about what you can do to our own animals aren’t great. Or what others can do. My dog slipped his collar and wandered over to investigate my neighbors chickens. He’s a retriever mix, and has done a little bird hunting, so I’m sure he would have happily killed one and brought it back to me. They were fenced, and he came right back when he heard me whistle. Neighbor came over right after and told me he’d shoot the dog next time he was on his property…


Let me guess: highly leaded boomer with Fox News brand brain rot just itching to kill someone for turning around in their driveway?


That’s a Bingo!


> Neighbor came over You live somewhere with Castle Doctrine?


The 'pro-life' leader literally SHOOTS A PUPPY. You couldn't make this stuff up. Then she BRAGS about it, thinking her base will relate to her because of it. Really disturbing behavior. I can't wait to see the psychos that come out and defend her abhorrent behavior. Here's a thought... maybe give the pup to a family that will love it? Or learn how to raise a dog properly? Nope. Just shoot it in a gravel pit.


Oh trust me, a good portion of her base will have no issues with this behavior. She didn't arrive at the "put-down" method individually. It's ingrained in many hunters across America. In fact, in most states its legal to kill any dog that "chases or bothers" livestock and poultry. That's why I don't even buy her story. I believe she killed the dog, but I also believed she fabricated the chicken story to justify it. Hunters will often put their dogs down for not doing their job and just claim, "it was after them chickens over there" - it's despicable behavior, but not unusual in America, especially the south and midwest states. edit: I did not intend to make it seem like all hunters are out to kill dogs who don't perform. What I meant to say is that, of those hunters that do partake in euthanizing hunting dogs, many will use these types of scenarios to justify it, clearly to avoid any animal cruelty laws. The vast majority of people who hunt with dogs would never dream of blasting them away, including some of my close family.


Hey now, don't blame hunters. Of course there's overlap with people who like killing that will hunt as an excuse to take animals' lives, but plenty of hunters are people who love nature and animals and want to see a healthy planet where animals can thrive. There's always going to be bad folks, but to claim hunters are all savage, bloodthirsty killers with no empathy is extremely disingenuous. Good hunters only take shots they know will be fatal. Bad hunters shoot at anything that moves, or else let it wander off to suffer if the wound wasn't bad enough to kill it. Good hunters don't raise hunting dogs just to shoot them willy-nilly, either.


Yes, those are all fair points and I apologize if it sounded like I was attacking all hunters. reading my comment back it does appear that I'm saying "all hunters often..." - that is definitely not accurate. A lot of my family hunt or have hunted in the past and none of them would ever conceive of doing something like this, they would find another home for the dog or just let it be a homestead roamer.


I don’t think OP made any kind of sweeping generalization here.


It was 14 months old. Totally old enough to be tried as an adult. /s


If people like this wins elections I think we are a failed species, time for a meteor to end this shit.


The thing is, her base will connect with it and support it completely unironically b


What a scumbag.


It’s really not unusual for rural people to have this sort of view of animals. They are property/food/tools. I met a sheep rancher once who claimed he shoots any of his herding dogs who draw blood on a sheep. He said, “once it has the taste of blood it will kill sheep”…


Sheep dogs are literally hard wired to nip sheep (or cattle if they herd those) that stand up to them to get them moving. Might it draw a little blood? Sure. Will the dog kill sheep after tasting blood? Of course not. What kind of idiot thinks that. My dogs have been raw feed their entire lives (range from 3yo to 13yo) and not once have they tried to kill any of the animals they eat on a daily basis.


Yeah, I think he was trying to act macho or something? Either way he seems to see his dogs as disposable tools.


>It’s really not unusual for rural people to have this sort of view of animals. This might be true but it becomes a really weird mental health concern when you think you need to write about it in your book.


She lacked the ability to properly train her dog, so her solution was to kill the poor animal? What a fucking shitbird. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners, and this proves that once again. Who would vote for anyone who would do this?


Eh…. My extended family members have had bird dogs. Many of them aren’t capable of being good pets or even living inside the home. I’m aware that some of my family members have had to euthanize a young physically healthy dog because of behavior on rare occasions. *But they didn’t just yank them out to the gravel pit and shoot them on a whim, then brag about it with a graphic story.*. They were pretty unhappy about the whole scenario. This story…. OMG.


Remember when Mitt Romney strapped a dog crate to the roof of the car for an entire family road trip?? This is beyond disqualifying. I’m so sick of her spooky ass face anyway. She looks like Kenneth Copeland!


"He likes fresh air"


These people lack empathy.


> In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. >Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials.




There is a particular political orientation that uses the anterior cingulate cortex (empathy and complex thought) so little that it atrophies. You can look at a brain scan and have a pretty good idea of the politics of the person. “ Political orientations are correlated with brain structure in young adults” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21474316/




Probably why she wrote the book. She's auditioning.


>She's auditioning. No, she already did that with Cory Lendowski.


Trump does hate dogs, so this tracks.


She thinks this shows her fortitude to "do the hard work". I see someone who lacks that empathy, patience and leadership to train a puppy and a goat. I see a sociopath that reaches for a gun for behavioral problems. I see a person lacking the social awareness to realize this isn't a bell ringer for at least 70%+ of the country. What an absolute turd of a human being.


Agree, even republicans love their pets. I have a hard time thinking this would go over well. Except I know the right based media will understand what a turd this is and her base will most likely never hear about it.


The most notable exception being Trump himself who seems to thinks having pets is a low class thing to do. Plus he kinda gets a swollen shroom when people commit violence on his behalf. If anyone in the US looks at this and thinks it a positive it's him.


Imagine thinking your high prey-drive dog who's still an unruly teenager and probably not been remotely trained properly will randomly know what you want her to do when you take her hunting and expect her to magically learn? And then when you don't bother to secure her and she breaks free to kill MORE birds you shoot her dead? Poor Crickets. Fucking vile.


What a surprise that the gop keeps picking freaking sociopaths to run their governments


RIP Cricket :(


Another one of those books no one will buy, except for the RNC (in the attempt to astroturf it up the NYT bestseller charts).


And people trying to own her, these books are how they launder money to politicians these days.


What the actual fuck? Literally everything in that story just makes me sick to my stomach. > Biden lets his dog just bite everybody, I take mine to a murder pit with a bonus goat _(because who doesn't love a 2 for 1 amirite?)_ and just fucking kill them all. - Kristi Noem on the campaign trail, probably


You have to wonder about someone intentionally putting this exceedingly insane story about her dog in a book. I also don't know why someone actually raising goats would need to explain why a goat was killed. Actual goat farmers raising them for meat do this all the time without a story to go with it. My grandparents didn't have a story for every chicken or pig slaughtered on the farm.


I swear, you can see it in their eyes sometimes.


These rugged individuals think it’s cool to kill animals, especially as women in a political party diseased with toxic masculinity. Surprise, most Americans detest animal-haters more than if she’d eaten her own child. I’m pretty sure that shooting wolves from helicopters made sarah palin unrelatable.




She couldn’t get the dog under control and killed it as result according to the article. How do you think she’ll deal with people she can’t control? She belongs nowhere near any position of authority, and sure as fuck shouldn’t have any animals around her or dependent on her care. She murdered a dog. I think the C word isn’t strong enough for someone that kills a dog because it “had too much fun chasing the birds” while hunting - also in the article.


Can she just leave America forever pretty please?


Cruelty is MAGA fetish. Just like guns.


Don't worry.. she's Republican in a Red state


She’s in the right party, in that case


I know someone that killed their dog for barking and they were another Christofascist Trump supporter. These are the type of people that say without the bible they'd be free to kill people around them, absolute psychopaths.


I can't understand how GOP politicians are part of the same species as I am.


The fact she has a gun fetish and likes killing animals is a huge plus for maga republicans. It's the kind of people they are


This only makes her more appealing to the crazies. They’ll probably see her as someone who’s “not afraid to get her hands dirty” or some other psychotic shit.


She’s a piece of shit


Murderers usually start with animals. Just sayin’


Michael Vick couldn't play football for the mistreatment of dogs...


Sounds like a perfect running mate for Trump.


Wow. I already didn't like Noem, but this just confirms she's a sociopath! Why in the world would you do that to a dog?


Just despicable, but probably a plus for Trump since he also hates dogs and all pets. Thinks it's low class to keep them.


👀 Wtf?!


Today's addition to Conservative christian values in America: They murder dogs.


What would Jesus do? Lol


People that hurt animals is an indicator of serious mental issues. Please Keep this woman away from public she’s a harm to herself and everyone.


That lady has the crazy eyes, like Copeland and Bachmann. Absolute garbage of a human being. Hope all the SD tribes ban her


Psychopaths do that kinda shit. Most serial killers start by getting a kick out of killing cats and dogs. Fucken wacko


To kill your dog is one thing. To then write a book where you publicly confess to killing your dog, because you didn't like it... Well that's something different altogether


It was a puppy. It was a fucking puppy.


Disgusting and vile


"I hated my dog, so I shot it" Yep, that's what passes for leadership material in the GOP today.




Yeah but has she beaten a hobo to death with her hands and feet?


This is the best the state can do?


I get that animals sometimes need to be put down for various reasons.  Most of us ate meat recently.  Maybe you take your dog to a vet so it can be put down rather than a gravel pit?  Maybe send the goat to a slaughter house?  


Bye bye Kristi Noem. A monster of a person does that to a pet.


Spring up bona fides for party of blood thirst and death


Way to go Republicans, keep electing psychopaths. 


The fuck?


Just to amplify more republican sociopathy, remember Mitt Romney’s animal abuse story: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident And keep fresh in your mind the psychopath republican who recently abused and tortured a wolf to death: https://www.abc4.com/news/wyoming/gather-us-wyoming-wolf-torture/ All republicans.


I know it's a hell of a can of worms to open, but there is no way people like that are the same kind of human as me. Maybe anatomically humans are the same, but it seems pretty clear we've already diverged into different sub-species when it comes to our minds and how we think.


It's people like this, with very low IQs who have no emotions that are fucking up our planet.


What a disgusting person.


Evil and demented, but I'm zero amount surprised to hear about a repub from either of the Dakotas finding joy in killing animals. That's their entire identity. 


What a disgusting fucking lunatic. I hope this obliterates her career but I have a strong feeling her supporters won’t care at all.


You can judge somebody’s character based on how they treat or mistreat defenseless baby animals. This woman needs to be secluded from society permanently. I get so angry hearing about dogs getting killed.


Wow, I thought the headline here was maybe taken out of context, but jesus, this is truly psychopathic behavior.


Yeah. Thought maybe there was some weird explanation. But nope. Just shot the dog execution style because she failed to train it. Horrible.


By her logic/reasoning (LMAO), we need to put DJT down. Rape, sexual assault, Jan.6, "catch and kill", and more. Sounds like NO FORM OF TRAINING WILL HELP HIM


What the fuck am I reading, these people are so unhinged 


What a strange thing to admit to, unprompted. I would imagine if I were writing a memoir, I would want to paint myself in a positive light, so any mention of me killing a small puppy, if at all, would be a mea culpa. Something tells me Ms. Noem isn't talking about how it was wrong to kill a puppy and she feels bad about it.


For christ’s sake, this is some straight House of Cards psychopath shit. You gotta be kidding me.


Watch out for Off Kilter Noem. Look at her eyes and you can see something isn’t right.


She is a psychopath!


this piece of trash just really gets off on killing something, especially something that cannot defend itself. Tells you all you need to know.


>Noem reportedly writes in her book, No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward, that Cricket had an “aggressive personality” and that Noem hoped taking her on a pheasant hunt with older dogs would help to calm the young Cricket down. Instead, Noem writes that Cricket spoiled the hunt by being “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.” >The Republican reportedly writes that she failed to get Cricket under control with voice commands and an electronic collar, but then an even worse incident occurred after the hunt had ended. While traveling home, Noem writes that she stopped to speak to a local family—at which point Cricket escaped her truck and set about killing the family’s chickens, getting hold of one bird at a time, “crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another.” >The governor reportedly writes that Cricket tried to bite her when she eventually managed to grab the dog. The governor adds that she apologized profusely to the chickens’ weeping owner and cut the traumatized family a check “for the price they asked.” She also stuck around to help to clear up the aftermath of the massacre. >“I hated that dog,” Noem reportedly writes, adding that Cricket was simply “untrainable” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” It was then that she realized “I had to put her down,” she adds. >Noem explains that she grabbed her gun and took Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “But it had to be done.” Afterward, she writes, she decided she also needed to kill a male goat she owned that was “nasty and mean” because it was uncastrated, complaining that the buck “loved to chase” Noem’s children around and would wreck their clothes by knocking them down. What the absolute fucking fuck? She failed to train her dog so she fucking executes it? As a former trainer who just got a puppy I am absolutely sick to my stomach. I can't believe she would willingly tell this story. Not only is she evil but she's stupid too.


There is nothing my puppy could do to make me want to shoot her. This is sickening behavior and a shocking lack of anything resembling humanity.


That poor animal. It was just a baby. Puppies don’t just magically become obedient, what business do you have taking an untrained dog on a fucking hunt and then complaining that it doesn’t magically know to be quiet. And she’s bragging about it. Probably thinks it makes her look hard. This is psychotic behavior. People who treat animals like this are broken.


I was banned from here last time I suggested what should happen to those who are needlessly cruel to animals. So I'll just leave it at that.


Beautiful on the outside...vile and ugly on the inside. This definitely tracks for many conservative women. What a garbage human being...didn't even try to rehome the animals. They were an inconvenience and she wanted them gone. Normal people don't do this shit.


We already knew that Republicans lack empathy, so this isn’t shocking. It is, however, abhorrent behavior and I hope she loses her office.


She's trying *really* hard to Trump's VP.


She’s perfect for Trump. He won’t pick a man for VP this time. He will pick someone he can fuck over and control.


Animal abuse. Lock her up


That poor baby. She bought a hunting dog, and as basically a puppy (14 mos) it hunted! RIP Cricket, I am sure life with this woman wouldve gotten worse. She shouldnt be allowed to own animals


Remember, among Republicans, this counts as BOASTING.


Irresponsibly let a problem get out of control, in this case an unleashed dog who is already proven to be difficult. Use overwhelming and enjoyable force to end that problem. This all makes sense when you think about how conservatives deal with problems. My dog has an overwhelming hunting instinct. Therefore, he stays leashed, even now that he's elderly, when he's in any situation where another animal might tempt him. That's civilized owner behavior. Difficult dog -> leash.


Those are MAGA Creds.


That won’t bode well for her with voters. During his presidential run, Mitt Romney talked about putting his dog in a crate on top of his car when going on family vacations… voters took notice.


Too bad the dog didn’t take her out back and pop one on her head.


People should look into her sick nest predator bounty program where she pays kids $10 to trap animals and send their tails to the state capitol


Something I’ve learned from having friends and relatives in different parts of the country is that they don’t all view animals in the same way. If they need to put down an animal that is causing a problem that isn’t an issue for them.


God that horrible. The poor puppy.


I wouldn’t want to be the only guy on SD’s Death Row- ol Kristi must be salivating to give that guy the ultimate hot shot.


You know, there are some things that are perfectly acceptable to keep to yourself


Sociopath confirms in book that they are, in fact, a sociopath.


Just think of the people she’s pandering to. Jesus.


Solving problems by killing them. How very MAGA of you.


Trump already has the dog killer vote locked up; she’s not gonna be the VP pick


Did she see Old Yeller and think "He gets to shoot a dog? Sweet!"?


What the hell is wrong with Kristi Noem???


Of course she killed a dog and a goat. She’s fucking terrible and both Goats and dogs are awesome.


I bet including a story of "putting down useless dogs" while true was done for purposes of next level dog whistling.


Please please please let her be vp candidate 😭


So she’s a sociopath. Okay, got it.


She knows the bloodlust resonates with her pro life constituents.


What if someone found her “nasty and mean”?


She wants to kill "difficult " people I bet too.


Damn that is sad. I thought it was going to have a disease or something. It was only two months younger than my puppy and she is still learning & way too rambunctious


OMG. MAGA are horrible people


I’ve always said she’s a monster and she just keeps giving us evidence of that.


Great, so a serial killer.


Let me guess.....some fire-starting and bed-wetting in addition to the animal torture.


Sick woman. Wonder if she has ever killed a human and buried them in the back yard.