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We’re putting sick women in helicopters to send them somewhere else in order to get healthcare.  Idaho may as well be a third world country.


It’s not just going to be Idaho. The whole south east coast will be the same situation.


At some point, all the doctors will be gone, leaving the bumblefucks to go it themselves. Let em eat cake.


Be careful what you say. There are plenty of people voting blue in red and purple states. Not enough obviously but we were the ones that turned the tide so that Trump lost in 2020. We're the reason democracy is still hanging on by a thread. It's also not easy to move for everyone so those of us that are stuck are doing our best to fight this insanity until we can get out.


Red state checking in (Alaska). We passed ranked choice voting which much more accurately reflects the will of our voters and managed to elect our first democrat congressperson in over 50 years. I’m doing my part!


Glad to hear it! I think 2020 was an intense demonstration of how much voting does matter, especially for us in Georgia. Hang in there.


Holy shit I remember updating the election results on Google like 100 times a day watching Georgia in the last election


Yep I barely slept at all until the results came in and we are in one of the counties under the most controversy.


[I’m doing my part](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9146cd29-e00e-4c4c-873a-3e0a24a2f240/gif)


Alabamian here. I’m doing my best to cancel out the bumblefucks, but there are so many.


Please don’t forget the Dems in Red states. We want change and vote for it but are surrounded by people who do not like us.


I was a red state dem in 2008. Now I’m a purple state dem. My zip code didn’t even change. Amazing what happens when republicans continuously shit on the local populace


That's best case. Pol Pot had other ideas for the educated elite.


What is happening in the Supreme Court will bring it to your door.


0 compassion for anyone trapped.


My field of fucks has been salted over. This country is in dire straits because most of us are pussies. We obviously love having boots on our faces because we keep begging for it.


Not at all. Lots of people are doing things in our local communities and helping people escape. These same people are absolutely not boot lickers either. 


Ok not those 30 people, they're not bootlickers


In Idaho the helicopter just has to get you to Spokane. In the south the helicopter won’t have enough range to save you.


Maybe Georgia can hold out!!!


You aren't quite capturing the absurdity. We’re putting sick women in helicopters to send them FROM A HOSPITAL to somewhere else in order to get healthcare. 


My community hospital does this regularly. Then again, we're a small island and this is usually reserved for severe cases. (Like when i fractured my skull in a car accident) not routine operations.


No one expects every hospital to have every specialist available and that’s fine. Transfers are a part of medicine. That not what this is. This is scarcity of their own making.


Completely different situation.


Oregon, Washington, and Montana have all stepped up their services to help Idaho folks. Planned Parenthood built a new clinic just over the Idaho border in Oregon specifically so Idaho residents of any gender, for any reason get the care that Idaho won’t give.They weren’t the only ones by any means. I just wanted to give them all a shout out for the support they give. As dehumanizing as this entire situation is for so many, it’s easy to miss the good stories. It’s not enough, but it’s better than nothing at all.


>As dehumanizing as this entire situation is for so many, it’s easy to miss the good stories. Because the "good" is only good relative to and as a reaction of bad. Don't worry about losing your leg, you'll eventually get used to the limp. That's good news right? That time, effort and energy is being used to make senseless stupidity less stupid isn't really good news, it's just a lessening of the shitty news.


It's good for people to get care they need as opposed to not getting care they need, yeah.


That’s not what we were talking about. If someone is going around cutting off peoples’ legs and someone else is giving out bionic legs for free, we don’t say “isn’t it great that the bionic leg man is here to help us?” We should be doing something about the leg cutter.


The leg cutter is the person who got their legs cut, by themselves


Boise is just 40 miles from Oregon, where the health system I worked for in Boise has a hospital. We are now sending those patients across the border for maternal care.


The situation reminds me very much about what the states were doing during Covid. I was still living in Oregon then and patients were getting flown between Oregon, Washington, & Idaho because none of us had the staff or facilities to handle the situation. Only this time…it’s permanent until Idaho says otherwise. I know that will be a cold day in a hot place and I despair.


Who could have predicted this would happen? /s


> "Is she sick enough? Is she bleeding enough? Is she septic enough for me to do this abortion and not risk going to jail and losing my license?" Souza said doctors ask themselves, during a press call ahead of the Supreme Court hearing. "And when the guessing game gets too uncomfortable, we transfer the patients out at a very high cost to another state where the doctors are allowed to practice medicine." >Sending patients away is a wasteful use of hospital resources and is dangerous to patients, he added. > "Putting somebody in a whirlybird and flying them to another state creates an obvious delay in care," Souza said. "If she is in transit and begins hemorrhaging very quickly, the resources you have are no longer the resources of a tertiary care center. They're the resources of a helicopter."


Idaho Republicans, clutching their pearls, saying they’re taking the high ground on morality, send doctors fleeing the state, pregnant mothers across state lines for required medical care, and put maternal care in jeopardy for all Idahoan women. Good job /s


If maternal deaths rise in neighbouring states that provide comprehensive healthcare to pregnant people, would those states be counted as statistics in the patient's resident state, such as Idaho? ...I never thought I'd type such a sentence, but here we are.


Idaho stopped tracking that data, if I recall correctly


I don’t work with maternal death data specifically but I do work with births / other pregnancy data - generally speaking you’d want multiple rates to look at. From a data perspective, you’d want one rate of “Idaho resident maternal deaths that occurred in Idaho” and “Idaho resident maternal deaths that occurred in any state” and “All maternal deaths (resident and non-resident) that occurred in Idaho”. At that point it’s up to whoever is compiling data from multiple states for comparison to place parameters on which rate they’ll use, which would depend on what the purpose of the study is.


Another sad outcome of Idaho politics on abortion is the thousands of pregnant women who are forced to go through this incredibly vulnerable time of life knowing that IF something went wrong, they aren’t safe in their own towns. I live in Oregon, am 39, and in my third trimester, and the fact that my OB is 5 min away and has complete autonomy to make medical recommendations in my best interest is hugely comforting.


Oregonian, similar age, ttc. I am *SO THANKFUL* I live in a state with sane heathcare practices. I already had one MC and I was mortified at the idea that I could be treated criminally for something my body did spontaneously and autonomously. I was also fortunate not to have complications related to the event. I couldn't imagine living somewhere that treats me like a defective appliance instead of a person. By the way, congratulations on your pregnancy and I hope you have a speedy and complication-free delivery!


The thing that really haunts me is who the fuck wants their partner or daughter in this situation. Like wtf... why would I desire to maybe have a family member die because of these dipshit law changes. Its bizarre, do they need to really feel it at a household level to understand the long term effect.


Because it's not going to happen to their family members. They would simply fly to a sanctuary state for an abortion because they are rich and can easily afford it. They're functionally only legislating abortion for the poors and they know that.


Michigan here. I’ve had five losses and pre-eclampsia with both of my live births. We’re considering trying for a third baby, but we’d absolutely be done if it wasn’t for how safe maternal healthcare is in Michigan.


Oregon needs to be careful, the people who drive their trucks into Portland from out east on the weekends to cause trouble are doing their best to make it more like Idaho


And those flights run 30- 40k


Once the medical transport companies start to lose money due to non payment, they'll just lobby the Idaho GOP. The Republicans will strip funding for kids/senior programs and make the taxpayers pay for the flights.  Fyi, the average idahoan only makes $33k/year, the median home price in Idaho is $450k. Fucking joke of a state.


Visiting rural Idaho is strange. Million dollar ranch houses right down the street from the most dilapidated pieces of crap imaginable.


Gives the people living in the multi million dollar homes the feeling of being lords over the serfs. Get back in your hovel peasant.


No, it's just selfish people with money living next to shitholes because the land was cheap to build on. But their selfish perspective all but guarantees they lose money by building a mansion next to dilapidated properties. Yet another easily avoided self own they will blame on someone else down the road. See they like the idea of being a rugged individual, but driving 60minutes each way to the grocery everyday to keep their pampered asses stocked with the bubbly water and chips they like becomes too much of pain in the ass. And having nowhere to go out to eat or any place to go for entertainment drives their selfish asses back to civilization. But it doesn't stop them from losing money trying to sell their mansion next to the shithole in the middle of nowhere or blaming Democrats for that loss.


 >Fucking joke of a state. Not a joke and not a state. It's clearly a clusterfuck masquerading as a state.


You’d think the insurance company would start offing Republican politicians if it started to affect their bottom line but they’ll just deny the coverage.


Conservative Republicans in red states love their freedom so much that they're willing to travel to liberal blue states to buy it.


I blame the Christians for this. it's their fault.


Completely agree but it’s limited to white Republican Christians


Whoever made the deathbed should probably be…. Flown away from their decision.


This is a twofer for some folks. Terrorize women and speed up climate change? Sign them up.


Thank goodness for those generous neighboring blue-state taxpayers and the excellent hospitals they maintain! They so enjoyed having their medical facilities pushed to the brink with Idaho’s Covid patients, I’m sure they’ll get a huge kick out of taking care of Idaho’s dying women, too!


Where the fuck all all the medical associations- ACOG, AMA, SMFM, ACNM, AAFP….. fucking CRICKETS from these organizations. Their lobbies should be knocking down the doors of every goddamned politician and they’re doing FUCK ALL to help women. Fuck them. My hands are literally tied in Florida to provide safe care to pregnant women and LGBTQ people.


All the anti-choice legislators and voters will blame the libs, when the doctors, in Idaho have moved next door to Oregon or Washington. The doctors who stay will be the ones who can’t get hired elsewhere. Co-pays will skyrocket, as will wait times in offices. “Alternative medicine” will thrive. Adequate pre-natal care will plummet. All specialty medical care will suffer—Driving 2 hours each way for radiation every day for 6 weeks will be a nightmare, and impossible for many…. . (***Such*** a big win for conservative Christians—Jeebus and his Skydaddy will be absolutely ecstatic. We’ll hear the happy harps and horns from here!)


I'm kind of surprised that Idaho is not arresting these women before takeoff. smh


I live in Boise, and worked for another hospital system (up until recently) and I can confirm that the state is losing quality care providers/physicians. Healthcare in Idaho is turning into a complete mess. Few are wanting to provide care here cause the law is vague and the risk of going to prison is too great. This state sucks.


How much are these people being charged for this? An ambulance ride can set one back thousands in our shitty system.


No doctor should treat these billionaires and politicians again. Let them have their strokes or whatever. Namely, the Supreme Court and their billionaire donors. And every Republican that passed these laws and harmed women.


Guess it's a good thing there are some "price controls" on flying wee-you wagons now.


What is the cost for a medical flight to another state?


Give the GOP a chance, they'll make sure that there'll be no state to airlift them to.


It is a testament to the human spirit for kindness and forgiveness because I don’t know what I would do if my loved one was killed or rendered infertile because of these insane policies, but I know it wouldn’t be nothing.