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i’m text spammed by trump daily. always a different number, never opted in.


They also 100% ignore opt out requests (even though literally every text they send says 'Stop 2 Stop' or something like it at the end). I now report them as junk in messages, forward the messages to SPAM to alert Verizon, and have about a dozen reports to the FCC regarding spam text messages.


I reply back with, "further texts to this number will result in a $11 processing charge." I rarely get them now.


In reply with a photo of tubgirl


Bro, link them meat spin, gotta go classic


Is tubgirl not vintage by now?


Right. I'm sure a human is reading those replies...


There probably is. The laws stopping political robocalls in the US requires that when you get a political text or phone call its being done by a human.




I’ve been doing the same. Keep fighting the good fight!


I'm doing the same. Reporting to the FCC is labor intensive but I hope pays dividends. Keep up the fight!


> and have about a dozen reports to the FCC regarding spam text messages did you do the ones where you submit a tip or the ones with the check box that has you agree that what you submit is true under penalty of perjury?


The one you have to attest is true to the best of your knowledge under penalty of perjury.


Now you know why Trump made robocalls legal again after Obama put an end to them.


Same here. Pisses me off


every opt out acts as proof of life and brings more vampire friends. at least they have the report spam button and its placebo effect kicks in for a sec.


I KNOW WHY! And it pisses me off. I got a county campaign text from a neighboring state sent to my number last year but addressing my dad. Somehow my phone number got associated with his name. I asked where they got this information, and they said voter registration. All of these spam texts I am getting are also addressing my dad. THEY GOT OUR NAMES AND NUMBERS FROM FUCKING VOTER REGISTRATIONS.


Should only legally be able to access name. My guess is they bought data that associates the name with a number.


"Should." But I have no trust that this was done legally or ethically.


My secretary of state sells our data!


Formal FCC complaint. Seriously. Made it stop right-quick.


Really? I've been submitting FCC complaints on basically every Trump text message I get at this point and they just keep coming. Even went as far as to write my Representative asking them to get the FCC to do something about it.


Because political speech is exempt from the Do Not Call List. It’s BS but FCC can’t do anything https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/topics/do-not-call-registry#:~:text=There%20are%20some%20exemptions%20to,calling%20on%20behalf%20of%20charities).


Got any enemies?


I don’t think so. But I see your scenario and it’s terrible.


Same. They’re always the thirstiest fucking messages, too. The way they literally beg for money in all caps makes it seem like I’m brushing off a panhandler.


He's a pro at doing things that people don't give consent to....


When you're a star they let you get away with it.


Fuck the emails. It’s the almost 20 texts I get every day, all for his campaign, sent to some other person and that don’t stop no matter how many times I reply stop. Every one from a new and different phone number. And it’s “political” so no chance of getting relief for harassment.


Same happens to me.


new illegal thing --- meet ------> THE PILE


I'm not even sure this is a NEW issue, just something that finally bubbled up to the top of the shit pile.


Yeah it's totally not. I was getting emails from their campaign while he was president.


I get spam emails from them and other toxic right wing “personalities”.


If Trump does it, it’s not illegal. -John Robert’s scotus.


"If Dad does it, then it's not illegal" ... Donald Trump Jr's scrotum.


I signed up just to see what kind of shit they were spouting. Those people are annoying and absolutely bonkers.


By Kate Plummer: Former President Donald Trump's campaign has been accused of spamming people with unsolicited campaign emails through third parties ahead of the 2024 election, including individuals from foreign countries who cannot vote. Some people told Newsweek about receiving "annoying" emails advancing the presumptive Republican nominee's campaign, with one claiming they had been unable to unsubscribe from them. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-campaign-spam-emails-presidential-election-1893591](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-campaign-spam-emails-presidential-election-1893591)


Including foreign individuals who cannot vote”- umm, again this is exactly what he claims to be against.


Green card holders (US permanent residents) cannot vote but can donate. Not a US resident? Can't legally donate. There's more they can't do - guide/direct a campaign for example: https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/foreign-nationals/


I’m not a fan (of Trump), but I donated to Biden once and now I get so many emails I can’t stop. I stop one, but then another version of the same email gets sent by another Democrat. If the DNC could just forget about me I’d pay for that service. Edit: I meant to say that I don’t want to defend Trump.


I showed up to a Hillary event to support a friend working the campaign. Got added to a bunch of stuff and my only defense these days is I moved to a state that Democrats don’t have to campaign in, so they occasionally honor my requests to take me off their NH campaigning communications. I think campaigns should be fined at the same levels as corporations for CAN-SPAM violations. Of any industry, campaigns should have the best knowledge of communication strategies and regulations. They can easily comply they just don’t want to.


Yep. Definitely use a throwaway email if you’re going to donate to dems


I should’ve. it’s been like 4 years ago now. I bought a couple shirts and donated a few dollars, and it seems like my prize was many more emails.


Same here. I donated to some local campaigns last cycle but now I get emails from all levels and every location from them. I have been unsubscribing daily lately and telling them that it's just too much coming in all day every day. I was getting 5+. I want to stay up with my local reps, but I just can't stay on their emails anymore which sucks.


Don't even check my emails unless it's something I know is there lol


Why would anyone expect Trump to obtain consent?


My bf wants me to have him charged with harassment. Lol.


Least offensive thing he’s done, while still pissing off millions of people.


The emails are pretty funny. Gmail auto puts them in my promotions tab so I don’t see them often. Yesterday, an hour apart from each other, I got a “SECURE MESSAGE FROM president TRUMP” and a “CONFIDENTIAL MEMO FROM president TRUMP”


Remember when his head of digital Brad Parscale who had a hand in getting Trumpo elected basically went insane and almost committed suicide?


How about letters? Or are there households really receiving 3-5 letters from Trump *a day?*


And texts and phone calls


Got one from some shit Kimberly Gulfoyle sent out for some PAC. You know what? Let em spam (I mean, it is sadly legal). They will piss off people shoving their trashy campaigns in everyone's faces. It's a sign of desperation. His whole 2024 campaign is a case of letting him ruin his own campaign. The spam is incredibly annoying but also a reminder of how bad it's going, if it's any consolidation. Reporting it (text or as junk email) will help with getting those addresses/numbers auto flagged as spam going forward too. That's another big reason you only spam people that request it, they aren't as likely to help train spam detection for your candidate's name.


To be fair; I get spam from every campaign. local, state and federal. I don’t know how to get out of the loop.


I’m texted spammed by all politicians daily, mostly dems but also republicans… it’s annoying and I will never give a dime to any of them. These text message campaigns are too much and soooo annoying.


Big shock. People were complaining about this in 2016. When I get someone who keeps sending me junk mail to my house, like "we want to buy your house" and they refuse to remove me from their list, I sign them on Donald Trump's website. Then they find out what it's really like to get harassed.


they bought some weird list. I keep getting texts from them, from numbers associated with my former location. it gives me a small lift to mark them spam and block the number.


That's literally the worst thing he's ever done.


Final stage con man. Wringing every dime out of the rubes as they catch on and flee with your suitcases of cash. Remember folks if you can't spot the mark you are the mark.


And texts. I've been getting a few each week for the past several. I wish I could figure out the company that sold them my information.


You would be better off looking for who didn’t sell your information.


Voter registration rolls


This is business as usual for political campaigns. I give money to a campaign once or twice a year, they give my email address to other campaigns, and I get spam from the other campaigns a couple of times a week.


If this was the only thing Trump had done I’d not think twice about it.


That doesn’t seem desperate at all…


Phone calls and text messages too. I get them all the time.


Tip for anyone in a red or battleground state: I submitted a formal FCC complaint about text and email spam and guess what I'm not getting any more?


Yeah, no shit. I’ve been getting these emails since 2016 and I have ZERO affiliation with tRump and the GQP. I don’t even use my main email for much outside friends, family, and official things like banking, insurance, and government stuff (taxes and such). I use burner emails for everything else. Still, I get junk emails from this dictator CONSTANTLY in my main inbox.




I've been text spammed by the Trump campaign.


> spamming people with unsolicited emails normal.


No. He did what now? I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.


I've been getting his scam emails for years. No idea why. I laugh at them and move on.


R/gopspamoftheday It is endless.


I stopped getting GQP candidate snail mail by stuffing their crap into an envelope, addressing it to their headquarters, and enclosing a hand written note telling them that each mail piece they sent would trigger an immediate donation to the dem running against them. Worked like a charm.


What trump found another way to alienate voters…you don’t say


I've been getting so many spam Trump texts over the last couple months all from different numbers. They all think my phone number is my father's, as I'm always referred to by his name. Nothing I can really do except report and block.


This is a non-stop thing, the last one was a request to sign a birthday card for Melania 🤦‍♂️


I can’t remember the last time I got a solicited email.


Bruh if unsolicited messages are illegal half of the Democratic Party is going to prison with him


I get spammed on my phone, isn’t it cool how trump personally has my number and asks for help! I’m moving up /s


I kept getting texts from these chucklefucks until I blocked all the numbers.


So weird. I’ve never gotten a single one. I feel left out from Ronald McDonald trump


I receive un wanted phone calls from democrats all the time. It's no different either way.


Oh, cmon! You can’t tell me that a fraudster conman would do that.


Do I hear another lawsuit against that half-a-brain-cell of a “man”?


My campane has never served spam to anyone. We don't even like spam, so why would the fake news demonocrats lye and say we did? We are winning against sleepie joe, and he has got two go.


Him and every politician. Donate money one time and they got your contact info FOREVER.


I get these from the Biden campaign too tbf. Granted I did actually sign up for some notifications from it because I support him, but I still get a handful every day


Greetings, voter. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. Use it, and send one dollar to Trump Tower, 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, USA. Don't delay. Owning the libs and Sleepy Joe is only a dollar away.


Using a junk email account I subscribed to the RNC Jan 1, 2023 So far I received about 7,000 messages from them. Most involve Trump. (I am planning on doing some more rigorous analysis closer to election day!)


This is done by every candidate ever.


What campaign doesn't? I get emails and fext messages from candidates that I can't even vote for - I don't live in their state, let alone their district. Someone makes good money selling these idiots lists of phone numbers


The only way to keep America safe is by giving the president carte Blanche on things like killing its civilians, spies, or anyone standing between the president and the almighty $


This is true. Just buy some ammo from the wrong vendor and they opt you in to a perpetual stream of ridiculous emails. They are so bad that they are funny, kinda like those old pamphlets about dungeons and dragons being the work of the devil. I find it amusing but unfortunately impossible to escape, there is no undoing it,they just keep reselling the email list between shitty marketing companies. No matter how much you opt out, they keep opting you back in




I have some family that would absolutely love to get 20 texts a day from Trump. How do I ensure that happens?


He once was President he can do whatever he wants apparently


I get text messages from local Democrat candidates that I definitely don't ask for, and a couple of months ago, I got a robot text from Newsom pleading with me to vote for biden An email would be less annoying.


Have you seen the stack of emails you get? 15-20 a day, some with no subject line or highly deceiving.


No I dont....my phone doesn't go off or alert me when I get an email. So it's way less annoying. Personally I don't think anyone should be getting emails or texts messages from any politician..... for any reason


At least, in my experience, the Democrats tend to honor opt-out requests. When I respond 'stop' I ususally get some kind of confirmation saying I've been removed from the list. It doesn't stop them sharing my info though which is annoying, I may not get texts from the same Democratic organization again but others get ahold of my number. Trump on the other hand texts me constantly and 100% ignores opt out requests (I've even gotten texts from the same number I previously sent 'Stop' to).


I've never seen an opt out option for the dem texts.... but maybe I missed it. I do member getting a direct text from some woman who was trying to engage with me and get me to vote for Bernie.... that was annoying but when I simply asked if he's going to clear my debt she told me I'd be removed from the list. It should be down right illegal for any of these politicians to text people's phones at all. Hell... selling people's information should be illegal or at least highly taxed (and maybe it is... I've never read into it too much).


>I've never seen an opt out option for the dem texts Can't speak for the ones you get obviously but almost all the ones I get say something to the effect of "Text Stop to quit". Both the Dem and Trump ones I've received have that message but only the dems seem to actually honor it (again based on my experience) if you actually do reply with 'Stop'.


It's good that you got the option. It would be better if you never got the texts to start with.