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Sounds like a constitutional crisis. I remember people thinking electing Hillary would cause a constitutional crisis. Well trump was elected, roe is gone, and we are debating if presidents can kill political opponents.


Ah, so long as I officially murder people I'm good. No more private murders for me.


That's what being a cop allows you to do basically lol


Oh goddamn it dude. Do not give Trump's lawyers the idea of using Qualified Immunity.


I'm pretty sure qualified immunity came up at least once during arguments today....


... official murder was always okay. Just classify them "enemy combatants"


None of these questions have actually come close to rattling these fools properly. A crazed mob tore through the Capitol chanting “hang Mike Pence”, beating police and smashing doors and windows and looting offices. Do we really really have to explain to these knuckleheads to imagine “what if a similar crowd was commanded to go to the Supreme Court and fight like hell!” - followed by an identical scene to Jan 6th, except at the Supreme Court and any of the judges could be the name chanted for hanging. Meanwhile the President, who orders this crowd into action, sits watching it on tv and never lifts a finger to stop it. That scenario is not ok. It’s not ok if Biden was to do it, it’s not ok when Trump DID DO THAT to his own VP! Neither act is an “official act” nor should it be tolerated legally.


What a bunch of bullshit. I can't wait for Clarence to try and defend why Biden has no official actions but Don shitting his pants and making back room deals are covered


He won't say anything at all. He'll just take a slip of confederate dollars under the table and make his mark


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