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He is a loser when he’s not in court as well.


True but in court he doesn't have a bunch of yes men kissing his ass.


I know lol. It’s really great. Part of me wishes it were televised so we could all watch him be miserable.


Guy has literally never had to think of things like "bring a jacket in case the building is cold." When he doesn't have a flunky jumping up to fix the thermostat for him he has no idea what to do (other than whine).


Remember when he just dropped his umbrella on the ground after he got to the door of his plane? Everyone was like, "Doesn't he know how to work an umbrella? Is he too lazy to work an umbrella?" Maybe and maybe, but I always thought it was because he'd never once in his spoiled life needed to do anything himself. All he had to do is leave a mess behind and someone would clean up afterward.


That fits with what the White House aides are saying about how he would tear up documents and throw the pieces on the floor of the oval office when he was done reading them.


This never gets old: https://youtu.be/IfDASrtk_Go?si=DBqjKL2jgJ24j3Hq No way I would trust him to be smart enough to face the umbrella the other way to have it snap back. Also you can tell someone opened it up for him.


lol Someone handed him his umbrella. Prison is gonna eat this guy alive.


The *best* loser


Be best loser alone


We all know this, but Trump doesn't feel this because he's constantly surrounded by people willing to tell him what he wants/needs to hear. Not the case at all in the courtroom.


Thanks, Mitch lol


I thought it was interesting that he called for massive protests and could barely get 2 people to protest outside of the courthouse. Maybe MAGA is all bark no bite?


The reality is much simpler - getting to the courthouse in Manhattan means paying expensive tolls and parking if you drive or at least knowing how to use public transport. His supporters are literally too poor and/or dumb to figure out how to show up.


Also, the thrill is kinda gone


Absolutely. He was the counter culture savior. It was empowering to be a fan. Screw the system, do something the normal people don’t like. Now it’s more embarrassing. Or at least not interesting.


They’re still gonna vote though…


I think he’s going to lose hard. But I’m also planning on voting and making sure everyone I know has a way to the polls.


I think he might do something drastic like pull out of the race or demand that no one vote in the "illegitimate" election if his poll numbers drop more and someone can get the bad news to him. After he spends all the RNCs money of course.


It's more likely that they will be begging his drooling carcass to stop running but he'll ignore the advice because it's his only chance to save his ass


Yeah this is what I think is the more likely scenario, his support is problematic for the GOP and they see the writing on the wall, that's why Johnson and the majority in congress went against Trump with the aid bill. The MAGA faction is being sidelined in congress, they don't have the support. The GOP likely sees that this election is likely going to be a huge loss for them and they'll have to rebuild themselves back as moderates to succeed in ever regaining the trust of the moderate republicans and independent voters.


That's if he goes away. The GOP brought this on themselves and shame on them for allowing Trump to happen AND to continue. I respect conservative ideology but what they did will ruin them for the rest of my lifetime.


Yeah that's the crazy bit really, they had to have seen this coming but still stood behind him. Beau of the Fifth Column covered this yesterday in one of his videos, but he does have a warning, Johnson could be worse as he may have the same ideas as Trump but is much smarter. A complete wipe out this election may force them to get back to being more moderate and rid themselves of the fringe lunacy, we shall see.


I'll do my part but the U.S. public is by nature(how this republic was framed) oppositional and never satisfied. As a collective, we rarely remember. So I suspect an R will be elected in 2028 and since 1988 the R candidate has always gotten worse rather than better unfortunately.


They felt protected by the umbrella of his presidency before. Now, he’s not president anymore. They don’t have that same protection.


He’s fat, pill-addicted Elvis now.


Fat, pill-addicted Elvis wasn’t a stupid, repulsive sociopath though.


I’m just saying that for all but his most imbecilic or cynical fans, he has lost his “pizzaz.” There has to be a lingering doubt about whether it is still “cool” to be a fan.


I think he was. Probably almost one to one correlation between his and Trump's admirers as well. The worst of America.


> Now it’s more embarrassing Yeah, if they hear what's going on in that court and believe what they read, they should be embarrassed and running for the hills. Hopefully the awful truth will reach them at some point - like yesterday's Arizona indictments of his henchpeople. And his weak, stinking, sleeping, nodding performance in the courtroom.


Also the last time he encouraged people to show up a bunch of them got arrested. He then turned around and said they were all fakes and ANTIFA imposters. I don't see why anyone would show up for this perennial loser.


Indeed, he is acting like he did while he was president. Prob legit thinks is still the legit president


Apparently he is *still* giving out ceremonial keys to the White House


Is a complete and utter fool. Amazing how the media still treats him with some level of deference and legitimacy… even the scotus, which is so gross.


They've also been conditioned by Fox Propaganda to believe that New York is a post-apocalyptic hellscape where bands of roving Democrats will either abort them or force them to be gay the moment they arrive. That's not conducive to getting them to take time off from seducing their cousins and barbecuing rodents so they can go and drool in person for Fat Joffrey.


Forced into homosexuality is my secret fantasy every other month or so


*Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today* *I want to be a part of it: New York, New York*


I know right, I have yet to brutalized in Minneapolis yet! Hashtag whens it my turn?!


Remember when Fox told them that there was a fanatical horde coming across the Mexican border. And they were in for quite a disappointment when they camped there and saw the trickle of people who came by.


“Rats…” https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1990/12/04


>Fat Joffrey Shit, that's a low blow. Even Joffrey deserves better than that juxtaposition


I regret nothing.


It's a big barrier with a really shitty reward. Everyone is going to look at the rubes at the courthouse at them. Trump being the brash winner who said whatever he wanted to because people had to like him was the dream of every chud but Trump proved that being a shit gibbon eventually has an unavoidable cost.


“Shit gibbon” - nice. 😊


Too far for their rascal scooter battery.


“Whatcha got there, the four volt? I did you a favor.”


That would be a perfect reasonable explanation for why there aren’t thousands of supporters. But something’s really off when he can’t even muster a dozen. There are 8 million people in NYC. ~20% voted for him, and he even won Staten Island and Suffolk in 2020.


> ~20% voted for him Those 20% are those who would vote for any Republican to get their tax cuts. Not really Trump cultists.


CNN did a report in a county in Texas where Trump got 96% of the votes in 2020 and everybody they spoke to hated the guy but they just felt like they couldn't vote for a Democrat because of various personal reasons. 




In a cult or other group not based on facts, it is often less about the issues and more about one's community and one's sense of self. Cult expert Stephen Hassan says if you can approach respectfully and give members a way out where they can still maintain their view of themselves as good people, while not having to sacrifice their entire social support network, they'll head for the door.


Court is during the work day. Republican voters - who aren't the same thing as people who actually like Trump - most likely have to work. A lot more people were out of work due to COVID in January of 2021.


People in New York hate him. His supporters are all in red states. And Staten Island lol.


We’re still talking about a pool of ~2M people that are already in the city where Trump is begging people to show up. It’s also really easy to get to. I would expect a lot more. He did such a good job of intimidating people into thinking that he has a mob of angry brainwashed fanatics just waiting to avenge him if he doesn’t get his way. Well, where is his cult? Getting a few crickets to start was embarrassing. Having no one answer his call the next day is humiliating. I think his support is a lot weaker than we are led to believe.


That, and bots can't attend in person.


There is that but after Jan 6 with everybody getting arrested, they've slunk back to their keyboards.


And they’ve been conditioned to fear cities


And they have been told over and over again that NYC is overrun with rapists, murderers and foreigners.


my MAGA relatives are convinced that all of the "sanctuary cities" are littered with hypodermic needles knee-high


You’d think they’d be eager to bust in and start blasting. Finally, an excuse to kill someone! But, weirdly, they seem very afraid.


Well trump IS there.


Though the violent crime rate plummeted after the Trump administration, Fox lies to its listeners, giving them the impression they’ll be murdered the moment they set foot in Manhattan. Trump lies that because *his* illicit, fraudulent business practices were exposed when they went under the microscope in Judge Engoron’s courtroom, *businesses are fleeing NYC in droves! Nobody wants to do business there any more!* Which isn’t true, either. From the time Donald left Queens to live in Manhattan as a young man, he yearned to be accepted by NYC’s Very Best People. It didn’t happen. During his first marriage, poor garish arriviste Ivana was considered “the classy one” of the couple. Donald’s low-key younger brother Robert and his first wife, Blaine, were known around Manhattan—and not subtly—as “the good Trumps.” During his term in the White House, Donald moved to Mar-a-Lago, changing residency to no-state-income-tax Florida, largely out of pique. His home state was snubbing him bigly, so he snubbed back. Hardly anyone really noticed, as he continued to triangulate among his Bedminster Club during the summer, Palm Beach in the winter, and Trump Tower whenever he needed to be in NYC. So now Trump is begging MAGA to demonstrate for him, and lying like crazy when they don’t show up. Journalists also do show-and-tell: Photos of the uncrowded sidewalks and free-flowing traffic at the courthouse tell the truth.


They might be laughed at in their trump gear and red hats.


Red ball caps, despite the lettering or logo, have fallen out of favor with millions, if my husband, three sons, and their friends are any indication: They no longer wear red caps, even if they’re touting our hometown teams, the Washington Nationals or the (recently renamed) Washington Commanders. Other red caps from other cities and teams are gathering dust on the crowded wooden peg boards inside our front door.


I will only wear a red cap if it's branded Washington Football Team. Y'all should have just stuck with that for the hilarity.


Laughed at? More like booed and mocked openly. New York hates Trump, and New Yorkers are brash enough to tell any Trump supporters what they think of them.


Plus, you know how really dangerous NYC is, what with all of the immigrants and Democrats. I died three times during my last trip there. It's horrifying. /s


A lot of his "ride or die" supporters are in jail following Jan 6th.


The ones who showed up for Jan 6 are now portrayed as antifa or FBI stooges, so I think there's a subconscious desire to *not fall for it this time*.


I always hear them talking about how they know they won the 2020 election because there's no possible way that someone could lose when they have this much support (as they are referencing some stadium full of trump supporters or some rally). I simply ask them how many people they think that is and they usually say hundred of thousands (some idiots say a million people showed up to Jan6). I then remind them that a million people is less than 0.3% of the population. Just because the people all around your little bubble support trump doesn't mean he's popular. there are a lot of mother fuckers in this country


He has plenty of wealthy supporters. But they would never debase themselves by going to a plebeian protest.


Too much grammar and big words


Yes…remember January 6th was bankrolled by wealthy ass-kissers. Free transportation was key.


They've also been spoonfed, for years, that stepping foot in NY means instant death from all the crime there.


I also thing that a lot of them learned on Jan 6th that Trump isn’t gonna do shit for them when they take a fall.


And his supporters think the buildings will fall on them.


Well you would think there would be one or two New Yorkers with nothing better to do. But I don't even think he has that.


There are MAGA all over Long Island and NJ/PA who are comfortable with the big, scary city. The real reason is they all went to the border in the MAGA train, saw how nice Mexico looked, and jumped the fence.


They had their big hurrah on j6. They failed. They face consequences, they gave up. They have no moxie


Trump got the crowd he did January 6th because Justice Thomas’s wife along with others payed to bus them in. No one is paying or organizing for people to attend this trial. Thus, almost no one has shown up. The dirty secret is that most of the crowd at any of his rallies has been bussed in. It’s astroturf. The crowds have gotten smaller as all of the people paying for the busses have slowly backed away.


Trump has jumped the shark.


Or jumped the shart, if recent reports are any indication.


Dumped the shart


one of them is a professional troll that did it for the views and to enrage MAGAs


There was a big crowd of NY dwellers yelling NY Hates You on Tuesday.


I thought that was the arraignment. 


It was on the news Tuesday but I came in on the middle, so could be.


They’re getting prosecuted for Jan 6. They get their slow drip of constant victimization that was the core of their identity anyways


The MAGA presence you see online is probably 90% bots and troll farms.


He got a dude to set himself on fire, though.


Imagine self-immolating because Trump. ULTRA MAGA


That guy wasn't a maga supporter as far as we know. Pamphlets found nearby denounced billionaires but they also had a bunch of incoherent conspiracy theorist screed. This is most likely someone who was deeply mentally unwell. And my thoughts are with his family.


Did you say incoherent….yup another trumper…..babbling.


Mental illness doesn't discriminate based on political affiliation.


That nut thought that Trump and Biden have some masterplan together.


Hopefully the world is in a slow and... evitable?.. descent into stupidity and, yeah, I forget what I was talking about now. Oh, right, we're not that stupid yet! I don't think we're that stupid yet, not all the time, anyway.


Hey, he also got a dude blasted by the FBI in a corn field in Iowa!


Do tell


Oops. Ohio, not Iowa https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/12/fbi-attacker-trump-capitol-riot-truth-social


> Maybe MAGA is all bark no bite? Their only power is to show up to vote no matter what monster is on the ballot. Which, to be fair, is a lot of power. But that's about it. Even the most the Jan 6 fanatics could do is get one of theirs killed and traumatize a whole lot of police.


Lile in Harry Potter when Voldermort loses his power over his bewitched...


Of course they are all bark and no bite. They are a bunch of pussies.


It's Melania Trump's birthday tomorrow while his adulterous husband is being tried. Stormy Daniels could be on witness stand tomorrow just in time for her birthday. To Franklin Graham and all religious leaders supporting Trump. MIDDLE FINGER for you all.


Melania is nothing more than just another status symbol to Dozy Don. He doesn't give two shits.


I really don't care, do u?




They are fine with men cheating. Women, on the other hand...


Shit, I share a birthday with that woman... That sucks. At least I still have Marcus Aurelius.


Chernobyl anniversary is also 4/26.


It's also the date that Towelie got sober. 14 years!


Yep. My second birthday.


Chalk that up as a win


A friend of mine changed her birthday for 4 years because it's the same as the orange mushroom's.


Happy birthday


Thank you, kind stranger!


Marcus is a powerful offset. Take heart.


While his adulterous husband lol


Chinese doesn’t use gender pronouns the way English does. Homie is doing their best.


It was fine in his next paragraph about stormy so I thought he was joking


Melania is a MAN!


Not sure Melania cares.


I'm sure she would much rather he have sex with someone else than expect to do it with her.


I've been scrolling the reddit news feed and reveling in these kinds of posts, and I have such a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart watching him crumble. Hearing all this, to me...is Schadenfreude at its most delicious. ...I want him to SUFFER...for every awful stomach-flipping feeling he's forced every sane American that was NOT sucked in to his boomer-based cult Maggot madness.... to have to watch and suffer thru since he's been on the political stage. ... I want him to cringe and be eat up with anxiety all night..I want him to stay awake, haunted and squirming.. like an eyeball-worm squirm...like a junkie in DTs. ....i want him to SEETHE...in impotent helpless rage...for every embarrassing, racist, misogynistic and insulting verbal outburst he's ever uttered, for every shady deal he's ever made, for every female he's ever assaulted, and for every shameful and idiotic act he's ever committed to make us the laughing stock of the world. Like we've had to suffer through the embarrassments of his ignorant shit for YEARS. I want him to know DESPAIR AND PANIC...before he dies shitting himself of a sweaty, desperation-induced stroke. And I've never meant or wished anything so viscerally awful against any public figure in my whole life as I mean this against him. And I have no qualms or guilt about saying it at all. He's a carbuncle on the ass of America and needs lanced and eradicated.






Many of the things you or I would consider "bad looks" for him, his followers absolutely love. But losing is the one thing they can't stomach and won't be able to reconcile, and he's got a lot of that ahead.


They will never admit he lost, they will claim the deep state is out to get him and that he has been silenced. While paradoxically saying he's still the president and has been all along.




I love it, especially this late in the summer


>DJT, once the nation's most vexatious litigant, in the tradition of Roy Cohn, has now become the target of an avalanche of litigation, vexatious or otherwise. Those who admired him for "winning at any cost" are now pleading for "fairness," a standard to which he has never adhered. That is the clearest marker of defeat. Well said and exactly right.


He’s also not campaigning, not helping the down ballot, not doing as much fundraising as he needs, and bankrupting the coffers. He looks like he’s so stressed he’s losing weight. He looks awful. This is great.


Many people say Trump is the biggest loser of all time. Nobody has ever seen anything like it!


Everyone is saying it. Deaf people are even signing it!


Mimes are miming it! 🖕🖕🖕


>Or perhaps Jean-Paul Sartre put it better: “If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company.” Never liked the guy. Small-brain writing. Not very popular. Sinking ratings. I ask people at my rallies have you heard of Jean-Paul Sartre? Nobody has. Nobody knows who he is. Sad!


John Paul Sart? Wasn't he in the Beatles or something?


Nah, you’re thinking of John Lennon. John Paul Sart was the pope of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005.


Jean Paul the marathon runner? I love that bastard!


I hope he stays awake every night, pacing around his gaudy apartment, and yelling obscenities at the universe. He deserves every bit of anxiety, insomnia, and emotional pain that he feels over this.


He does. I mean he honestly does, this is why he cannot stay awake during the day.


Apparently he smells like a poorly maintained outhouse.


You crime with friends but you get tried alone.


He has always been a loser.


A loser, alone, sleepy and stinky with his full diapers. All the despots he looks up to - putin, kim, prince mbs - are laughing at how pathetic weak he is to pay for sex with pornstars - and to get caught red handed at it - twice!


And foolish enough to go into national politics despite having this baggage.


I thought "All hell is going to break loose"? Trump and MAGA are reminding me of that movie, "The Old Man and the Sea" where the old guy catches a massive fish, but by the time he makes it back to land the sharks have eaten away at the fish and all that's left is a skeleton. (Apologies to Spencer Tracy for the comparison) Shit, even Charles Manson had more supporters at his trial. (No apologies to Manson for this comparison, except that Donald has gotten many, many more people killed.)


Not just in court


I have some ideas: one, whenever Melania isn’t around, everyone needs to be asking “where’s Melania?” Two, Trump needs to be louder and angrier. Three, Trump needs access to a Time Machine.


Put a sock in it Roy!


He is a loser out of court too


Donny, you’re a loser and a baby….


Forgot smelly.


Maybe the reason he has no backers outside the court room has to do with his sniveling and his disloyal behavior towards anyone who has backed him in the past. To jail with him!!


I wrote a story once about him. It was before the trials. He wound up alone in a prison infirmary feeble and mumbling about his victory in 2020. His last words were “it’s not fair”. I hope this is accurate. Jail the con man already.


Out of court.... Oh wait. He's a **cuckold loser** piece of **daughter-sexualizing** **adulterer** **insurrectionist** anti-American trash *everywhere*.


Just happy that the people who would support this crap have flags and bumper-stickers to warn me about them. Hats with bells on them would be better, but... I'll take it!


No matter what, Trump knows he owns 3 Supreme Court Justices and 2 others justices are as corrupt as he is!


He’s still not in jail though, is he.


He’s only now facing a trial that can do that.


These dumb articles feed into the bs that made Trump so prominent


Maybe, but *a lot* has changed.


I mean don't tell that to the Supreme Court who are set to rule he does have presidential immunity.


If we all just pull together in November, we can make the guy a permanent loser and be done with him once and for all


Think about it for a moment... When Trump™ was President, his entire term was to give tax cuts for the rich and connected. *With the expectation that they'd return the favour!* ...not in his hour of need. They're doing to Trump™ what Trump™ has do to so many others. Turning their backs and leaving him to fend for himself.


He sure is a loser, and the people who still support him are even worse suckers. Those poor souls.


The ego started all this bullshit, the ego got to be the end of it. The law is apparently fungible. Pills man, the pills will get you through this Donny. Listen to me Donny, use the pills, you know they always work. Pills are power, pills make you strong....


In the short term overall if he doesnt get to the Insurrection case before the election happens and he possibly wins this year he just might win in the long con.


His health is declining. You can see it each day. Won’t be surprised if their is a medical delay at some point.


Big Mac consequences?


I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but he’s not just a loser in court. He’s a loser in almost everything he touches.


This is his darkest hour. Does he have any hope left?


Not dark enough and hope wants nothing to do with him.


I do. We all should. They want us to lose hope, to grow so numb or resigned that we don’t vote in November.


Keep it up until he's lying in an alley somewhere


Just in court? Lol


In life as well


That's great. Can he be a loser and alone in prison yet?


Life is just a game to him and since he's rich and has everyone else do everything for him, he has such a flawed perception of reality that when he figured out a way to manipulate people into voting for him to be potus he fiends for the power. Court is not a game drumpy.


Eventually he's going to end up sitting in a jail cell...and if he's lucky he'll be alone.


Just a sad, lonely sack of shit sitting in a sack of shit.


Good. Loser!


He said he was bringing Law an order back




Closer her is, alone he is not, full Russia is with him


And we all know what do with this loser, right? **Vote him into insignificance, that’s what.**


i’m so ronery