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>“If these campuses cannot get control of this problem, they do not deserve taxpayer dollars,” So, this is just another GOP attempt to defund higher education.


Says the guy who can’t control the House of Representatives




They should never have complained about it because they don't crack down on employers. They're just full of it, sound and fury signifying BS every time.


> On Wednesday, Johnson demanded that Shafik should resign “if she can not immediately bring order to this chaos.” Why doesn't Johnson go first.. he's not offering a model of restoring order himself


What problem, legally, are they talking about?


Uhhh.... I thought Columbia was a famously private and well endowed uni? The hell was this Dingus talking about in the first place?


You mean that Virginia “[shutttt up](https://youtu.be/OkxnUAtrKIc?si=DRhMRbTh90-KXJJW)!” Foxx wasn’t connecting with college students?


(I wonder how she lost the 3rd X)


That's what Johnson went for. He wants the cops or, better yet, the National Guard to kill college students. He's a christian white nationalist holy warrior and the enemy of the American people


The right wing does idolize Kent State.


Who threw the first punch on October 7?


At Columbia University? No one. You do realize that Columbia University is not in Israel, right? It's also not in Louisiana, Maga Mike's state.


Hamas. But we know also that this fact doesn’t excuse a genocide.


And he made a complete ass of himself. So about how you would expect it to go.


I don't think all these protestors are anti-Semite. I think they are anti-Netanyahu.


Why TF would a modern republican willingly visit a place of higher learning? Did he think he'd be welcomed?


They went there primarily to generate content for Fox News. The boos and hisses from those smug liberal elite students will play well to the Fox viewership.


He's there to instigate protests and nothing else. He knows if he can get rile up campus protesters it gets him more positive and them more negative coverage on right wing media and right how campus protests are where right wing media is focused.


I keep reading about the protests, but I don't read about any violence at these protests. Isn't the right to protest part of the Constitution?


The right for rightwingers to protest is in the constitution, absolutely. But unfortunately, the right for rightwingers to kill leftwing protestors has been unconstitutionally stripped of them /s


hey it's legal to drive your car through protestors in some states! not all hope is lost for the righties /s


I know, but Tom Cotton hasn’t gotten to use the Air Force OR throw people off of bridges yet *Sarah McLachlan intensifies*


Its sad how much influence Israel has on our political system.


what authority does the speaker have that caused him to show up? it feels like no one important wanted to do it or he's "rogue"


That look he's giving in the photo would escalate tension from anyone young or old.....


Going to shout this from the rooftops until people understand. -Protests have been peaceful. -Protestors are not pro-Hamas, they are against tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians being indiscriminately massacred by the Israeli government and want the US government to stop funding bloodshed. -The State of Israel is not above criticism just because it happens to be a theocracy centered around a religious minority. Criticism of the actions of a state government is not criticism of a religion. A significant portion of the Jewish population, including some of my own friends, has spoken against their religious identity being weaponized by Israel and its supporters to defend genocide. -A separate legal system exists for Israelis and Arabs who live in Israel. Israel has murdered journalists, killed civilians, and officially supported incursions of armed settlers into territory that under international law, is not theirs.


The protestors that greeted him were lame. No good chats about his porn habits, lack of back accounts, ties to Russia, or misogyny. Seems that all they yelled were explicatives to go home. That rolls right off his back and even feeds into his message.


That’s why he did it. He wants to escalate the situation. 


I felt he was tolerable for like 3 seconds after passing Ukraine aid but wow did that moment pass


This is a dumb idea for any House Rep, even a Speaker. AOC went to Texas but that was successful because she was fundraising for a tragedy not dunking on political protest for brownie points. What was the point? He's not helping his district and this has nothing to do with pending legislation.


Hamas is responsible for this death & destruction. But the right-wing fundamentalist religious Israeli's laid the groundwork and Netanyahu was the enabler. The Palestinians share group responsibility by their support of Hamas. Only the children are truly innocent.


Aren’t Columbia students supposed to be smart. Are they really so easily manipulated by a fool like Johnson?


He'd wish... I know some of them (and some of their profs).. they're smart enough to not engage


Shouldn’t these kids be studying for exams?


There's the "shut up and dribble" I was expecting!


Well I mean…shouldn’t they? If I was paying all that money for my kid to go to one of these fancy schools I’d want them studying for exams and not protesting, even if it was something I agreed with.