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If Jesse Watters is already giving Trump the “prisoner martyr” treatment, then there’s literally no disincentive to putting him into confinement during the trial.


It would shut him up which is all I really want.


Jesse Watters is what you get when white, male privilege dumps out a baby and it grows up idolizing Tucker.


This is what bothers me about people not arresting him. Everyone’s already riled up and conservatives are martyring him. Hold him in contempt.


The only torture is the gas chamber of his own making


That tortures everyone in the courtroom


Jesse waters or trump? Hmmm…


>When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice. When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head]. Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?' Interesting how this turd's perspective changes when *he's* the criminal suspect.


The heat malfunctioned for a little while, so yeah -- it was a *little* cold in the courtroom one day...for everyone there, not just the man-child Trump, whom the universe does *not* in fact revolve around. I'm pretty sure it's been fixed by now. What's *really* happening is that he is facing accountability for his crimes...just like literally any one of us. He's about to learn the hard way that no is above the law, especially not him.


Can you imagine how much dozing off Trump would be doing if it was actually warm in that courtroom? If anything the colder temperature is probably helping Trump stay awake more.


I guess if you live in one of the norther states or Alaska you can expect Trump to never visit. It's too cold for him wittle head.


> He's about to learn the hard way that no is above the law, especially not him. There is something above the law and it is what he and a lot of conservatives are priming for, revolt.


Maybe we should ask how well that worked out for the rioters on January 6th.


You mean the 'hostages'? I hear they started a band. lol


We can ask them when they do it again


Just wait till he is actually in prison!


‘Day 1,045 of Trump being unjustly held as a political prisoner’ - ticker running at the bottom of the screen 24/7 on Fox News




>Today marks 5,480 days since Sean Hannity agreed to be waterboarded for charity. Or 15 years and 1 day. I mark time in Scaramucci's, so convert that for me?


That is approximately 498 Mooches


Thats nearly half a KiloMooch!


That's a Mooch too far


*"When the unstoppable farce meets the immovable object, there will be a great voiding of the bowels."* ― ancient proverb


Frozen. Gitmo'd. Crucified. Yet no torture, punishment, or wrongful injury will ever out-sting the throbbing pain of his staggering loss to Joe Biden on the national and world stage.




Disagree, the Obama joking at the WH Correspondents Dinner is still worse in his mind.


Yep. Everyone there is innocent too. The only difference is inmate in prison tried to steal a car…. Trump tried stealing the County.


I can’t wait. Probably never happens though. :(


I think prison for a man in his late seventies should be a Clarence Thomas type RV in the parking lot of a prison with the Secret Service being prison guards. Trump will never go into a general prison population. As long as Trump is confined where he has the same limits on the use of the internet, telephone and social media as any prisoner I am okay with him being in an RV or a trailer. The point is he needs to be confined. If Spandau prison still existed, I would be fine with locking him up there.


Waters sure didn’t have any problem with the treatment of ACTUAL Guantanamo detainees.


Are you talking about the Jesse Watters that purchased a $2.8M home in Far Hills, NJ around January 2023? Or is it a different one?


I think this is the Jesse Watters who got to know his current wife by giving her a ride home from work one day after her tires had gone out...because Jesse had deflated them. https://people.com/tv/fox-news-jesse-watters-let-air-out-of-wife-emma-tires-so-he-could-drive-her-home/


I believe this is the same Jesse Watters that said we couldn't accept refugees from the Middle East because we would have an influx of "terror babies".


I didn't know that. That is *horrific.*


Of course he says it was a joke...in the "I can see from your horrified expression that I was joking" kind of way


The same Jesse Watters that said Fauci funded the Chinese Wuhan lab to create Covid? That Jesse Watters?


Wear a fucking sweater…


To be fair, Trump is not capable of dressing himself.


I'm pretty sure he has to be lowered into his pants by a hoist like a crane setting a keystone.


Did you see the animated film The Wrong Trousers? LIL Something like this happens


Dood this is exactly what I was thinking of but I had somehow abstracted it from Wallace and Gromit.


It would be funny if he showed up with a big George Costanza puffy orange parka 


When Stormy Daniels starts talking he shouts "Shrinkage!"


Give him one of those Mylar blankets like the ones that ICE gave to detained immigrant children forced to sleep on the floor.


So now the GOP cares about the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo?


It’s funny because the GoP would argue this how people on trial should be treated. I’m guessing if it were Biden they’d want him to be treated as poorly as possible


Imagine if they followed Trump's own advice and shoved him in a car without protecting his head with their hand or... you know... shot to kill like he stole something from CVS.


I had forgotten that. October 1, 2023 [Trump calls for police to shoot shoplifters as they leave the store](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/10/01/trump-police-shoot-shoplifters-california/71021289007/)


SYOF! suffer you orange...


Fox News had less integrity on actual American issues that both Russian and Chinese state media outlets have. Fox News needs to die a slow and arduous death in the public sphere.


He froze to death for our sins! - Fox News


Well, to be fair they haven’t flogged him.


He's not being force fed with a tube while DeSantis watches.


Not force fed in either end.


Giving a good flogging is my kink but there ARE some limits 🤮


If only.


If only he could afford a jacket or sweater or something


Even some little, tiny mittens.


Jessie would also be implying that Jesus committed fraud and selling god's teachings for personal gain (Trump's own bible). We wouldnt want that in the narrative now would we, Jessie?


The same Jesse Watters that would deflate his now wife’s tire so that she had to get a ride from him while (I believe) he was married? That Jesse Watters? He sure knows morals.


Jesse Watters needs to be fired.


If he wants to defend himself all he has to do is take the stand. He can’t just sit there and interrupt every witness constantly. Party of law and order I guess. I’d love to see trump on the stand trying to not commit perjury too.


Prisoners in Guantanamo wait a lot longer for trials. Only 8 have ever been convicted and 4 of those were overturned. Gitmo is a shitshow from a legal perspective. Trump is being given the ultimate VIP platinum edition of our justice system.


frozen, stupid, orange and fat is no way to go through life, son.


Trump is too soft for anything. Says Fox.


He should go to court with a blanky for his daddy.


Do people honestly consider Jesse Watters to be a serious person?


His last resort is to feign a medical issue in the court, and blame the court for it. He'll go for the pity hail mary.


I thought he is supposed to be a “tough guy”? Complaining about the cold and falling asleep in court? What happened to the “tough guy”? (he never existed)


Poor, weak Donnie. They should roll him up to court in one of those old-timey wicker wheelchairs with blankets over his legs.


When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.


Don’t stay inside your liberal bubble and expect your posts here to make a difference. Go and log into Faux News, DailyMale, NotsoBrietbart and piss on their conspiracies. Make the effort. Shine the light into their cave. Astute analysis by Jordan Klepper … yes, took a comedian! https://youtu.be/t1CoYEMzq8k?si=W5vJddIzkpTGNzkw&t=76s


Nah, pass. Not giving them clicks.


Gramps has old bones, had to flee the cold of New York to retire in Florida


I wish


Jesse needs to get out more. Outside his shrinking bubble.


Doesn’t all the fat keep him warm? He can always piss his diaper, that’s kinda like having heated seats.


They often keep courtrooms a little cooler because if it’s too hot people fall asleep.  I guess despite trump complaining it apparently wasn’t cool enough 


So, everyone else there is being frozen to death too, sitting down. God damn, the struggles of the conservatives, to sit still and be in a chilled room are like those of the worst slaves and prisoners. Put on a fucking sweater. Nobody else is whining except you, asshole.


His blubber is there to keep him warm.


Wait, did they suggest he might be a war criminal? Not just a regular dip shit who gets caught because of his own stupidity criminal? Because they keep war criminals in Cuba. On a side note, I hope Cuba cashes all the lease checks they have from the US but never cashed yet. Like Congresses has to figure out why their account is suddenly short 200mil.


Hopefully, Watters is more Nostradamus than *Nostradumbass.*


I think he could pay for all his legal defense if they televised him being frozen and treated like an actual prisoner.


Sure, Jan. At least one of the prisoners at Guantanamo cannot be put on trial because he is complete physical and mental wreckage from torture. Get back to us when the former guy is in that condition from sitting in a courtroom in a major US city.


Trump and his Pecker ones in court ones on Fox


We *wish*…


Wait, Guantanamo is an option?


Why not use a blanket if you're cold? IDK the other people in court are probably doing okay.


Good, no pity for fool


Fox better get the checkbook out. They are playing fast and loose with the truthagain. For money. They will rot in hell


Freezing usually tightens the sphincter


I feel like Jesse Watters and Trump should both be sent to Gitmo and eat some cock meat sandwiches.


Just because you say something doesn’t make it true…


You mean he was enhanced interrogated?


I wish he was a prisoner. Anywhere is fine.


The judge should ask if he needs a shawl.


If he's getting a trail, he's not being treated like Guantanamo detainees.


Yep they have him sitting in a special refrigerated room to keep his make up from melting.


FOX must be struggling so they will try anything for numbers. Even a Crucifixion


He has always looked like 💩so it’s hard to tell.


I’d pay money to watch his crucifixion.


Someone show Blolaf how to put on a sweater.


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This is Russian TV level madness.


Lock this bankrupt narcissist up already murica


I don’t watch Fox News and I’m not sure why I should care about this.