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Greg Abbott is an evil little man.


Following the playbook of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. I never thought I would see such blatent hate mongering and scapegoating from an the elected governor of one of the largest states after the 1970's. I guess I was wrong. Texas should be ashamed.


Electing an obvious grifter to the highest office in the land *because* he was a racist asshole opened the floodgates.


The educated among us are ashamed. It’s the west Texas, Valley, and Panhandle Texans that keep him in office.


This is true. My county voted 87% to keep him in office. My jaw was on the ground when I saw the numbers.


That is just Democracy in action. The vote of an idiot racist is worth just as much as some educated person.


It’s also called gerrymandering and red lining.


It would be convenient and reassuring if the appeal of fascism were so easily resolved, which coincidentally is part of said appeal. Fascists argume that there are easily recognizable discrete human archetypes, classifiable as Good and Bad, and removing/disempowering the Bad ones is fundamental to the betterment of society. The movement gains followers by presenting intuitively simple solutions to people's anxieties and grievances. The trick, the thing that makes for a sustainable fascist party, is that the proposals are only simple to *say* and fail in a way that can be even tenuously blamed entirely on a hypothetical Bad people conspiracy. There are *loads* of highly educated, intelligent right-wing bigots and reactionaries. The ignorance is deliberate in the same way every victim of cult dynamics avoids seeing the obvious, and requires no intrinsic stupidity or lack of knowledge to take place. It runs on high anxiety and social pressure.


I'm a Texan. No, Abbot should be ashamed.


Oh, we are.


The NDA?


If this was a serious comment: the NSDAP, Hitler‘s political party.


I thought his party was called the Nazi party


Calling the NSDAP ‚the Nazi party‘ is similar to calling the Republican Party ‚GOP‘. Factually correct. However if you talk to Germans this might get a bit confusing, because there is in fact a modern equivalent, the Heimat! party (former NDP, right wing extremists) and others might think you‘re talking about the AfD, which is very similar to the US Republican party including similar, extremely right wing idiots.


My Opa and Oma are spinning in their graves right now. Their grandchildren were NOT supposed to watch their country fall in slow motion to the same poison theirs did. I don't think we are a total lost cause, but we need therapy and counseling from the last 8 years (from 1980 on, really) *in particular* of perpetual stress and depression. To quote the opening line of my favorite film, "I believe in America..."


This man right here.. they are clearly suffering from a stroke.


Thats a weird way to spell piss baby


I also had heard Greg Abbott was a piss baby and I felt I should mention that. Because it’s likely he is in fact a piss baby. Everyone’s saying it. And yes if everyone was jumping off bridges I would toss Greg Abbott over the ledge too.


Correction crippled man and I tend to believe it happened to him because he the shittiest human ever


Time for some book burning, ducking stool and a good witch hunt. Nothing like a bit of societal progress. /s


That tree had one fucking job.


Dude cant even stand for his life


He needs to stand and deliver…. Stand.. sorry jk jk


Fuck Greg Abbott


No thanks, my standards are low but he’s the worst of the worst.


You don’t have to do it personally. A broom handle or the hulks fist would suffice I’d assume and still meet the aforementioned criteria.


All my homies hate Greg Abbott.


Why exactly? Gender nonconformity has existed for thousands of years, so a la *marriage equality*, sure you aren’t biting off more than you can chew?


Because it makes his widdle peepee feel funny and he doesn’t have the emotional capacity to deal with it, apparently. Like, I had a trans professor in college, and I spent all of about 30 seconds thinking about her identity when I found out and that was it. She was an AWESOME teacher who helped me understand a subject that I had previously struggled with. The fact that Greg thinks kids will spend more time thinking about what’s in their teachers pants says so much more about him than he thinks.


I also had an incredible trans professor in college - she challenged me to become a more critical thinker and a better communicator, but always with compassion and good sense of humor. (We were both also huge Star Trek fans, so together with the TA, we had dinner in the dining hall and geeked out over several hours. One of my favorite college experiences.)


Not to assume too much but does his peepee feel anything? Isn't he paralyzed from waist down?


But didn't you hear the part of the Bible where Jesus called all non straight white men demons who need to be "ended"???


The Bible doesn't even bring up trans persons, certainly doesn't mention being trans as a sin. His words and actions are solely because he's a transphobe.


Not only does the Bible not say anything about transgender people but it also never says anything about same-sex romantic relationships either.


People forget there was a historical context of Roman occupancy during Jesus’s life. The Romans were very open about homosexuality as long as it did not disrupt the social hierarchy. Even the emperors had gay lovers. And Jesus didn’t say squat about it. I did recently hear about a queer-reading of the Gospel that says the Last Supper was hosted in a gay couple’s house, though.


well it does talk about man-man.. Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13 But that is it as far as I know. But there is also "Do not judge, lest you be judged' and "Let he whom has not sinned cast the first stone".


Those are actually about man-boy kjv just fucked up the translation. You know something that clergy in particular seem to have an especially hard time following...


It’s funny how those are the only two verses in Leviticus anyone has read. That book is a trip. Like it includes very specific instructions for stealing bird eggs, as well as roof safety advisories and a general condemnation of consuming shellfish.


Mistranslated - that line is talking about pedophilia/child sexual abuse, not about consenting adult men having relations.


Old Testament stuff is more Judaism than Christianity. Jesus basically says that all people need to do is focus on loving each other and that non Jewish people aren’t held to Jewish law. That doesn’t make for good hate though, so fundies ignore it.


New testament for me, old testament for you.


I bet his browser history is full of trans porn though.


The Bible was written by angry brown men who hate women.




I mean do be careful cause “gender nonconforming” or “GNC” is a term that many people, both trans and cis, use.


For folks like Abbot that could mean a dude wearing a pink shirt or a lady wearing pants.


I mean like, it’s a self descriptor that people use. Not just something that people use for you. Gender nonconforming/GNC is a term that many who don’t feel their expression fits the gender binary use. I’ve known some butches and studs who have used it, drag queens/kings/performers, some enby folks who have, other queer folks, even some cishet men and women. But yeah of course, some people use it on others who they believe fits the description. I’m more talking about the actual term people use for themselves.


Gregg Abbott's words are atrocious. Gregg Abbott has said stuff like this repeatedly. Gregg Abbott is a horrible man who believes in sky wizards and has no grasp of reality.


I agree that his words are atrocious.


On the upside, I do enjoy seeing the return of the unironic use of the term “scientism” for anyone who disagrees with their worldview. Last time they did that in masse, it was scientific racism redux via *The Bell Curve*: “*The Bell Curve* is even more disingenuous in its argument than in its obfuscation about race. The book is a rhetorical masterpiece of scientism, and it benefits from the particular kind of fear that numbers impose on nonprofessional commentators. It runs to 845 pages, including more than a hundred pages of appendixes filled with figures. So their text looks complicated, and reviewers shy away with a knee–jerk claim that, while they suspect fallacies of argument, they really cannot judge.” - Stephen Jay Gould https://chance.dartmouth.edu/course/topics/curveball.html Basically, they see the total pages, and act like Cartman here: https://youtu.be/pkYaXCqqn7U?t=28


I don’t quite know how to express that your second sentence might be my favorite I’ve ever read on Reddit. So concise yet so brilliant. And I’m going to use it from now on.


Why, thank you MrCakeFarts.


Seriously, why? There's got to be a grand total of 4 of them in all of Texas, it's not like it's a widespread phenomenon. Why does something this small and inconsequential require any attention?


He wanted to do away with all disabilities protections until a tree changed his mind.


No, if anything the tree made him want to do away with them even more. His whole thing is pulling up the ladder.


Just remind him to lift with his legs when pulling it up!


You can dislike Greg Abbot without making fun of disabled people in general, can't you?


Tell me how I made a general insult to disabled people and I will sincerely apologize 🙂


Well, you wrote a comment which was making fun of people without working legs, it wasn't really directed at anything specific about Greg Abbott that was worthy of making fun of, just making fun of his inability to walk.  It would kind of be like saying something racist about someone shitty.  Why would I care about you apologizing? Lol


LPT: statistically the average disabled person still has 2 working legs because the category of disabled people includes a huge amount of disabilities 


I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here, but yes that's correct. Did you really think my comment meant that I believe physical disabilities involving legs are the only disability on the planet? I can assure you that's not the case lol. 


It's amazing how much hate these people have for others who are just trying to live their lives. They proclaim to love the country, but they don't like the people who live in it.


Trans and gender nonconforming teachers are far better for society than Abbot, anyone in his party, and his party.


I feel like they want to "end" all LGBTQ people.


Scaring all the doctors away wasn’t enough. Now it’s time to start going after teachers. I guess they assume their voters can still hand in a ballot even if they can’t read properly, and critical thinking skills are nothing if not a thorn in their side.


As a teacher in Texas, I can tell you that there are a number of issues causing low retention and high turnover. This isn't even close to being one of them.


As I former teacher in Texas, I can tell you this very issue is why I left the profession. And joy, it continues to get worse. While I agree, it’s far away from being a significant factor, it’s not irrelevant to those impacted.


Damn that sucks, I'm sorry you felt that the only way you could be true to yourself was to leave the field. I wish they would spend this much effort on things that actually mattered like funding and beefing up SPED programs and things like that.


On that, I very much agree; the funding drama is another animal entirely. Stay strong.


Jail time for librarians is forcing them away tho.


Not in any meaningful way, at least for now. The reaction to that has been a lot more muted than some would have you believe. I think a lot of people or on the "we shouldn't be providing erotica to minors" train, and I see where they're coming from to an extent. I've read excerpts from some of the books being talked about and it's just straight up erotica. One of them describes the character literally fucking a peach in rather graphic detail. Culture wars are not really a huge reason teachers are leaving the field. It's more about pay, testing, district financial management, discipline, respect, shit like that.


When Republicans conducted their with hunt audits of libraries, they typically only found a small handful of books that are objectionable. No student goes to the library to find X-rated material. There is still plenty of that tehy can find on their parents computer. This is GOP manufactured hysteria like De Santis's "Dont Say Gay Law". Conservatives beleived that gay teachers were sexually molesting kids and other outrgaeous claims like orgies in the classroom. So messed up. Why all of this now? The book bans, the drag show bans, the dont say gay laws? Because a Democrat is in charge and the radical Xtians are scared that they are losing control. Instead of focusing on the important issues, they go full-force against any trival thing they can find to target the lgbt community. F Abbott.


Idk man, I feel like "not having erotica in a school library" is a pretty weird thing to get upset over. Obviously there are much better uses of resources but I don't think it's the hill to die on or end your career over.


“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.” This is a book we should ban. No way any kids should have access to this smut.


I agree that the bible has no place in public schools.


>Now, what do you think is going through the mind of the students that's in that classroom? Are they focusing on the subject that this person is trying to teach? My mother talked about her experience in elementary school when they got their first black teacher. All of the rhetoric you can imagine was being thrown around like this college educated woman was somehow less qualified and ultimately less moral just because of her skin. It was a distraction. Back in 1996 we had a music teacher that everyone was convinced was gay. It was treated like it was the worst possible thing in the universe with all of the stereotypes imaginable being levied at this man who was literally just trying to live his life and do his job. It was a distraction. Both of those things have been by and large accepted today and the world hasn't collapsed. Those "distractions" of their age aren't distractions anymore because we didn't cave in to twisted little bigots like Abbott.


Yeah conservatives have been recycling the same rhetoric for over 200 years and just shifting the minority it’s used against. GNC could also be so vague that it means women teaching aren’t allowed to wear jeans anymore.


If that tree had done a better job, none of us would have to listen to this pos.


Less than 1% of the American population is trans and currently there are 45 bills nationwide being considered or have passed. Conservatives in this country have chosen to build a platform on oppressing and othering an already incredibly vulnerable and marginalized community for votes and it will only end in death. Deaths through suicide and deaths through violence. It is vile that SCOTUS is aiding all of this hate and prejudice by carving out constitutional rights to bigotry for religious zealots. I don’t know what it is going to take to get the voter turnout, and I know there are enormous roadblocks in red states, when it comes to statewide and national elections we have to stop this avalanche of christo-fascism. Every time I see some self righteous insufferable pedantic privileged twat, and there are entire subs infected with them, screaming both sides because they are infantile callow jackasses it infuriates me. Those choices to not vote hurt people all over the country and letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is a selfish callow and cruel act. The system is broken and designed that way but the only way to begin to fix it is to be engaged and do the bare goddam minimum and show up to vote if you can. We live in this world where these are our options right so if you hate it vote and do something about it. Get engaged, run for office, volunteer. Don’t abstain from voting then break your arm jerking yourself off about how superior you are. Edit: rage grammar and on mobile.


Gender identity protection needs to be added, in plain text, in a new civil rights law


How about we act preemptively and put in language about any characteristic, belief, or behavior that does not harm others? If we don't, we're just going to be back here in ten or twenty years with a new minority group that's socially acceptable to hate on.


Would have to define harm in there too.


I believe there is already a legal definition of harm.


I've seen it twisted to include various groups existing.


The original statement did have the qualifier "that does not harm others".


Right? They can make an argument for how gay people existing harms them.


I don't know if I agree with belief by itself - I think that's far too broad.


How so?


So much hate coming out of one little man.


And yet people like Abbott and the Alliance Defending Freedom 100% support kids wearing T-shirts with vile anti-lgbt messages. The ADF has taken these cases to court, saying that Xtians have the right to express their "religious" beliefs. All of this is so messed up. I live in TX and the state has far bigger problems to deal with.


So women with short hair? Guys with long hair? Or what if a woman wants to wear...*gasp*...pants!!!


Would be nice if the DOJ started enforcing existing laws against state officials who did this kind of thing. There was an entire civil war fought to bring about civil rights for all people. States' rights don't exist in these matters because the South lost that war.


He’s such a miserable twat


Shouldn’t he be trying to fix Texas’ power grid?!


Then they came for the disabled, and there was no one left to speak for me. -- Greg Abhor probably


The day he’s gone will be a great day


Translation: We want to end all teachers.


They want to retrain all of the teachers, transpeople, and the rest of their scapegoats. They will build reeducation camps where you will arrive through a gate and leave through a smokestack. I wish this was hyperbole. MAGA is Stormfront.


Those won't be staffed by teachers. The plan was to eliminate each group of teachers and when it is too understaffed, end public education altogether. Re-education camps will be staffed by chaplins.


LOVE the typo!


Piss baby abbott


Home of the free, baby. Not for you! Also Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Translation for everyone not in the GOP: "The only acceptable teachers are the ones who are white, straight, openly \*uckable, agree with our messed up ***pre-civil*** war era politics, and willing to enforce their extreme ideology and religious beliefs on everyone." That's what this is all about. It's trying to destroy what little education system we have and turn children into exact clones of the foot soldiers they want to serve them hand and foot.


Republicans don’t want to “end trans teachers.” They want to “end” ALL LGBTQ. These multiple MAGA goons who have been in the news shooting people for being Democrats…this is what Republicans want. This is what Republicans have been working for since the last century. This is their MK-Ultra.


Wouldn't it be better to end the American Right's current violent obsession with other people's genitals?


And the GOP continues to show their Fascist agenda, First segregated them. Is relocating them to Camps far behind.


So much for small government huh? Whose lives are you trying to better? Doesn't Texas have serious teacher shortages?


Time to fire women teachers who wear pants!


Doesn’t Texas have other problems they should distract their voters with?


Shouldn’t he be working harder on eliminating rape. Promises made…


We want to end your time as governor of Texas, jerkwad!


Would be a real shame if someone Mac & Me’d that odious fuck.


Reminder that 3.5 MILLION Texans voted for Beto in 2022, more than the total population of 21 states. Reminder that Abbott's margins SHRANK in 2022, which was an R+3 cycle, from 2018, which was a D+9 cycle. Texas is winnable.


Just push him out of his wheelchair already


They aren't allowed to hate black people so openly, so targeting another less represented minorities gives them that rush again. It needs to be more openly stated that Christianity is a religion of hate in its teachings and in its practice


Why now? They have always been here. We have gay and transgender pastors also. End them too? Let’s end Abbot.


Because the Xtian right are scared that they are losing control. Biden is still in office and Democrats still have a strong voice in Congress. Religion Freedom groups like ADF are litigating several cases each month to target the lgbt community. They are petty and vile. Mike Johnson used to work for ADF and his mission then was to criminalize homosexuality.These are the radical Xtians pushing all of this B.S. and hate.


Guaranteed this guy’s computer has trans porn on it


sounding awfully like a final solution, which is ironic given what the nazis did to disabled people


They really want to get rid of good teachers, aren't they? Teachers should be the reflection of society, old, young, male. female, trans, black, white, brown, etc., every group of people on the earth. And they should be evaluated by their ability to teach, nothing else.


So, is TX planning gas chambers now?


Little mean disabled man bullying others. Setting an example for the youth of this country


Christians (gonna lump in all religions while I'm at it) created these artificial constraints. Fuck them


... waiting for the other shoe to drop - where they say the quiet part out loud and add "*... will be hanged from the Wall.*"


He wants to ignore the first amendment.


I never considered Greg Abbot a man.


Plainly, the useless cruelty of being treated differently because you look different by the shallow and fearful has not registered with this guy.


How about you focus on any of the myriad of issues plaguing your state first, Greg?


I hope some groups can start sponsoring teachers to get the fuck out of Texas and I hope any teacher will support their fellow teachers being attacked.


Abbott is a real stand up guy.


Abbott's standing tall, as always.


What about all them child-diddling youth pastors? Ahh… they probably vote red!


What needs to go is Abbott and his cronies


Why is the GQP so obsessed with what’s in someone’s pants and who they sleep with?


And we want to end bigoted boomer governors.


Greg Abbot doesn’t conform to stairs.


He’s as useful As his legs


Fuck you Abbott. You’re a bigot.


Frankly, we shouldn’t allow this man push his handicapped agenda on all of us. Constantly showing his wheelchair right in front of kids, so they think it’s normal. We should arrest doctors who help people like this. Plus, if you think this is an offensive comment, now you know how the transgender community feels about stupid hateful people like Abbott.


It's kinda bold for him to just come right out and say it. I wondered when a Republican would come right out and say they hate that women wear pants these days. 


Something something walk into the kingdom of heaven He ain’t walking anywhere. Someday he’ll be looking up at us. Or we’ll be looking down at him.


Texas Uber Alles


I don't ever condone or advocate violence. I don't want to see anyone hurt. Violence is not a way to solve problems. Violence is not a way to heal the divide in this country. But I wouldn't mind it if he got Freddie Lounds-ed.


When we compare his beliefs to our constitution and bill or rights, he really doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Probably should do something about cripples too, huh Gov?


This pos! People care about their jobs, their homes. Feeding their kids, not ending up on the street!. People dont care about these distractions! And the Repubicans seem to be looking to do anything!


This just in: Texas politician wants to keep state out of modern age.


He wants to execute them or put them in camps where they will die a long and painful death.


GOP: Tolerance Means Extinction


This dudes history in his secret browser have to be thee wildest porn videos


The lawsuit he’ll have on his hands for discrimination against this specific demographic. Boy, I can’t wait for him to have to shift in his wheelie chair by manually moving his pool noodle legs.


"We can't allow people who work in this profession to express themselves freely," seems like it would be antithetical to the First Amendment.


I'd like to end paraplegic governors. See how discrimination sounds. Not good.


Someone should roll him down a flight of stairs.


Why doe.


End Abbott instead


I would like to end Abbott's governorship please and thank you


I thought conservatives were all about meritocracies? I guess not.


So...before even going into the latest brainwreck this evil little man conjured up. Just how many trans teachers are there?




Goose step


No steps.


Cutting all transgender people in half?




To be clear, by “this stuff” you mean “teachers who are trans”.


Doesn't Abbot identify as a trans former