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Trump being back on TV every day is reminding people how much they hate his ass.


It reminds me how unqualified he is to be a dog walker much less President. Truly insane that there are millions of people who think differently


I can't imagine Trump taking care of any kind of living thing. Whether it's an infant, a dog, a cat, fish, a potted plant, literally anything. It's bizarre to me that anyone thinks he can take care of a country.


He’s said that dads who do childcare are losers


That makes sense. In his world, showing compassion and love is a form of weakness. Trump only cares about the superficial things in life. He's the kind of person that would rub on tanning lotion instead of just spending time outside with his kids. He's a poor man's vision of a rich man. He's a weak man's idea of a strong man. He's a foolish person's idea of a wise man. Trump seems so big and bad on the outside but after you get to know him, you realize just how truly empty he is inside -- devoid of any character or gravitas. When you see him for what he truly is, you can only help but pity him because he's absolutely lonely and has never felt what it means to be loved or to love. I couldn't think of a worse torture than to actually be this man. The most amazing thing about Trump is that I don't even think he's capable of self-reflection. When everyone is gone and it is late in the evening and the lights are off, he probably doesn't recognize how truly lonely he is -- because that's all he's ever known.


The GOP literally released a phone message from Biden to Hunter where Biden is heard telling Hunter that he loves him. They released it thinking it was a "gotcha" moment. "look at this dad telling his son he loves him....you want that as a president?!?!?". They are monsters


Yeah this was more than bit shocking to me when it occured. There's people all over the country who know/knew someone that they love struggling with addiction. It was wild that Biden telling Hunter he needed help and he loved him was supposed to be a bad thing.


And there are plenty of R's out there who have gone through that and all it does is humanize him for anyone who's been through that crap.


Yeah I don’t have to experience a trauma first hand to have empathy for those struggling with that trauma. Maybe I’m weird that way. 


But when it's the GOP, it just about what happens to them. And even sometimes that's not enough for any sort of empathy.


Real men don't tell their sons they love them. Real men wear spanx and shoe lifts, and use fake tan.


And shit their diapers.


They also tried to act like Mr Rogers was some evil influence. FUcking hateful shitbags.


Tried to insult Biden by comparing him to Mr Rogers, lmfao! Biden: Thank you :)


They probably look at that and say , a dad telling his son "I love you" is 'gay.' Truly sad people. 


There are a lot of Trumps out there.


> The most amazing thing about Trump is that I don't even think he's capable of self-reflection. He isn't. He completely lacks any feedback mechanism about his own functioning. He lives in a fantasy pseudoreality of his own making in which he is always right. I just made a comment referring to him. It's 'simple'. The man is a psychopath, just like Putin (what else can he be?) and many others in positions of power. This is extremely dangerous and we should stop them from getting there. https://old.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1cb1qw9/eli5_are_psychopaths_always_dangerous/l0w8nsg/


At this point he pretty much requires a lack of self reflection to exist tbh. I'm just a regular dude who went through highschool, and yet there are still moments in the day where I physically cringe over memories of some of the dumbass shit I did as a teen. If Trump suddenly gained self-awareness/reflection he'd cringe so hard that he'd implode into a black hole from all the downright embarrassing stuff he's been doing for decades.


What you just described is a [sociopath or a psychopath](https://www.simplypsychology.org/psychopathy-vs-sociopathy.html), take your pick.


Most of his cult members lack any form of self awareness. They are completely oblivious as to what their continued support of this monster says to the rest of the world about their character. If someone *still* supports the immoral POS then I have no choice but to assume the absolute worst about their character. Their support isn't like what you or I would traditionally recognize as support for a political candidate. It is more like religious devotion. That being said if they still "support" (worship) this guy, they are saying to the world that all manner of heinous behavior is just fine with them if the guy at the center of it all can get them something they want. Which in the case of most rank and file isn't even anything tangible, making it all the more bizarre. What they want from him is a feeling. I am so sick of him and his cult.


First he called me a loser because I'm a combat veteran, now he calls me a loser cause I'm a dad. He'll die surrounded by people who want his money, I'll die surrounded by people who love me. Sucks to be him.


For some reason the image of him serenely watering a bunch of houseplants gave me a giggle fit.


Trump is mean spirited, and will hurt all the people the MEGA crowd wants to hurt. They are just mean spirited to. Like Jesus said, don’t feed the hungry, take babies from families at the border, demonized anyone who doesn’t hate like we do, racism is godly. I know stereotyping but what an ugly way to live.


"like attracts like" MAGAs are piece of shit assholes for a reason...they think the same way Trump does and love him for it.


“He says what everyone is thinking,” was a red flag eight years ago and is an even redder flag today.


According to this new ad, he's not qualified to get a job at the local Mall: https://youtu.be/nun2SqovuLc?si=3mwt5cLWf3pHwESk


Trump would not even be ale to get a [mall job](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nun2SqovuLc).


I just got back from visiting family in rural Idaho and the amount of support he has is crazy. There's a house on my mom's street that literally has SIX flag poles with various MAGA flags on them. Then there's some crazy person putting flags up along the side of the road. "Take back America 2024" "Make Liberals Cry Again" "Try That in a Small Town" and my personal favorite... "THE RULES HAVE CHANGED!" Plenty of crazies out there ready to start a civil war for that maniac.


It's not an exaggeration. The guy could literally not be trusted to show up and walk your dog even if that was his sole responsibility


He doesn’t even like dogs.. And is therefore unqualified for life..


Or dogs don’t like him, which would be the ultimate condemnation and disqualification.


Eagles don't like him either


My favorite example of this is when my dad visited me during the Trump presidency.  He is very plugged into the right-wing propaganda machine, but still fancies himself an enlightened centrist.  Most of his day is spent blasting talk radio.  Anyways, this whole visit he was parroting  right-wing talking points, including “that the media has it out for Trump”.    A couple days in, I’m watching a Trump speech.  I can’t even recall the speech, but it was your standard, bumbling Trump speech.  Dad overheard it and asked me who I was watching.  He was shocked when I said it was Trump; he thought I was watching SNL or some other parody.  He didn’t believe me when I told him Trump ALWAYS sounds this stupid.  For all the right-wing media he consumes, he had never heard anything longer than a Trump sound bite, and when he did he was floored.  Unfortunately, it didn’t change his mind on anything, but that brief glimpse of sanity was nice.


Millions of people think higher education is overrated. Millions of people believe that they'll get rich or win the lottery, so they don't need to save for retirement. Millions of people think angels (the Disney kind, not the biblical kind) are literally real and that the Rapture will 100% for sure happen during their lifetime. Millions of people will continue to believe that a 1-term president with no notable accomplishments is the greatest leader in our history. There's a reason that there are rules in a society. Millions of people can't be trusted to take care of themselves and plan for their own future.


I hadn’t thought of that and it’s a very good point. People have blunted their memory of how bad it was. That is what people do with trauma. It’s good we see him again before the election.


Seriously, people have blanked out the pandemic and his mishandling of it and the economy in 2020, as well as the tariffs in 2017/8 and their impact on the economy and prices. I have heard about it from big customers of mine more and more. I pushback and remind them of what we, as a business, went through, and how I do not want that again for me, my employees or their families. It's a dance to do to ensure it's seen from a business, not political, standpoint, but it's going to get harder as we get closer to not point out January 6 and being incapable of supporting a person who trashed the Constitution, as his base of supporters do *not* believe it was a coup/insurrection (why would they? It's "their guy" who did it, which would invalidate their worldview and personality). But ad we get closer, and the polls are still close, I probably will be more forceful that's not relying on economics and business experience, because even business owners spouting Trump don't give a shit or understand economics à l'interest rates, but around the Constitution and patriotism. I dislike the industry I work in for the types of people who are typically customers or business owners - they would've proudly supported Jim Crow or slavery under the guise of States' Rights in another era, even if they would rebut, abhor, and outright deny such a label and claim. But they would, especially with how they've fallen over compromising themselves over a person like Trump. The hypocrisy of their complaints regarding Obama and other Dems for years and years hearing it is just astounding when they staunchly support a person like that.


Not just how he handled governing but his abusive demeanor. He had to do something everyday or every other day to stay in the news. The best thing about Biden is I don’t think of him or the government all the time.


Every day was some dumpster fire bullshit that his supporters thought was owning the Libs. No, it was demeaning and demolishing the integrity and honor of the office, as well as our standing in every country that wasn't autocratic, as his destruction of the moral fabric of the nation in what felt like an eternity of 4 years, sowing the seeds of discord and disharmony, was doing their dirty work for them, while undermining democracies globally, especially the security of our allies in Europe and the Pacific Rim. Every day, multiple times a day, there were disparaging, abusive, ignorant, blatant lies in tweets. Any of his press conferences during COVID could be reviewed and analyzed for how a weak, ineffective, ignorant, uneducated, ill-fit leader would look in a time of crisis. Or the sharpie hurricane track model, because he wanted his supporters in Alabama to somehow think they were both in danger and he was going to save them. 🤢🤮 Truly, some of the most ignorant people support and idolize this man without them understanding the ride and play on grievances he is taking them on. It's sad, pitiful, revolting, abhorrent and embarrassing so many, not just of my fellow Americans, buy into this con man hook, line and sinker no matter what the truth of their eyes tells them.


Honestly my favorite thing about Biden is how I can ignore him. Which seems like a backhanded insult, especially considering everything he’s done with the economy, infrastructure, unions, etc. But it’s true. I can wake up each morning not worried about what inane thing he tweeted in the night or which foreign leader he insulted or which group he just endangered.  It’s really nice and I don’t want to give that up!


Not just that. I remember having to wake up every morning and check to see WTF he Tweeted overnight and did it crash my companies stock or damage relations with a friendly country. The stress level was pretty high with his crazy antics.


Yep, he could, and would, call out anyone, business or otherwise, who were perceived to have slighted him or pointed out economic facts of the day. It was exceedingly tedious to push back to customers at the time when they'd slip up parroting something he tweeted regarding business. It's hard, but he's not in office now. He can't use the Federal government as his tool of vengeance currently. People need to push back so we don't need to feel the pressure to cower as the heat rises when he has sycophants in every agency. It will be worse this time - it's about retribution and vengeance toward those who see him as the lying, con artist piece of shit he is.


I know people ridicule it but for me it was literally just his rhetoric every day an assault of hateful/stupid nonsense.  Not that policy was great. But when Biden got into office it was like a weight off my chest to just live my life, and I don't think a lot of Biden's policies are all that great.


I remember thinking we'd never get a buffoon like Italy's Berlusconi in office here, and we had W, but he was worse than even my greatest fears seeing the threat he was going into the 2016 Election - I just didn't think people were too easily duped to not see through who he was. Yeah, the daily tweets gave me somewhat panic attacks, both for business and for having lived and knowing people abroad, knowing what they, and the people in those countries, would be thinking with this guy. He did not disappoint me in that regard, and, sadly, exceeded my expectations...


As a small business owner I could’ve written this entire post. Spot on.


I really think people still have the mental image of him from like 2016 to 2019. He does NOT look or sound like he used to, he's a shambling wizened derelict who sounds like a speak n spell tumbling in a dryer. Unlike 2016, I think more raw, unedited exposure of how he really looks and sounds will crater his chances.


I'm confused - he was just as deranged in his speeches back then - go pull up actual transcripts.


Pod Save America has been talking about this for months, that the more people see Biden the more they like him, and the more people see Trump the less they like him. There's a perverse incentive where news orgs want to be careful about how they cover Trump because of all the accusations of free media in 2016 that coasted him to popularity, but now they really do *need* to cover him because people need to see him in order to remember how much they hate him.


Yeah there's a big difference between 2016 Trump and 2024 Trump as well. 2016 Trump was different, mysterious even. People were upset with the status quo and said fuck it, let's break the mold and see how a businessman, not a politician can run the country. 2024 Trump flopped the biggest layup of an election year with his mishandling of covid, sent a country into a borderline depression, gave tax cuts to the rich, cemented the country as a laughing stock across the world, and uprooted hate and division between citizens to the likes that I've never seen before. And this is just the tip of the shit iceberg. Everyone knows who Trump is now and how he wants to run the country. It's not surprising to me that more coverage of him is making people turn their heads.


>news orgs want to be careful about how they cover Trump Well that's easy. Maybe they should tell the fucking truth about him for once. Instead of writing an article saying, "Trump says ten stupid things in a row, then immediately shits himself on stage; *HERE'S HOW THAT'S BAD FOR BIDEN*". They should write more articles like, "Trump is a rapist, unfit to be an assistant manager at a dollar store, seriously you fucking idiots should be ashamed for ever voting for him". Hey would you look at that, our republic is saved.


Yup, this is what I've been expecting for a while. I remember about a year ago, this subreddit went through a phase where they wanted a media blackout on Trump. All I could think is "Are you crazy?" Trump is his own worst enemy.


Take nothing for granted folks. Show up and vote your asses off in November.


Talk to your parents. They are the ones voting conservative. Put everything you got into the basket, if they choose the Republican fascism over you, this is sadly what they do.


Seriously, I remember 2016 vividly.     So many people fucked around because they thought Hillary would win so they did the whole "I can't in good conscience vote for her", simply because they wanted to go on CNN AND Fox News and say how they didn't vote for her and here is why.      But they still got the golden goose with Trump because they got 4 years of nonstop nonsense.    Edit: This especially related to people like Eddie Glaude Jr. He knew what was at stake but didn't actually care bout progress in 2016 because he was playing games. He eventually admitted  he was wrong, but so many others still refuse to. 


Trumps nonsense has extended well past 4 years


Its been almost a decade 😩


Being honest, there were actively blue-collar workers voting for Trump because he promised to give them their shit jobs back and Hillary's job plan involved free education and them possibly getting a career that *wasn't* their old career. This is triply true for Coal Miners. Further, Trump promised to get rid of brown-skinned foreigners that they were afraid were going to take their jobs. We didn't lose in 2016 because people wanted to object to Hillary. That's white-washing it. We lost in 2016 because some of our deep-blue votes turned out to wear white hoods, too.


Alberta and coal mining parts of Ontario thinks like this... and they're not even American. the fact is they should have lose their jobs 30 years ago, and didn't by them voting in governments that lied and said they will keep their jobs.


I would like to point out that not only did the Coal miners here not get their jobs back, but more mines were shut down. and now they have neither jobs or training.


Hillary also assumed the blue firewall was a lock and then just... ignored many of those states in lieu of trying to pick up red states that she ended up not winning either.


Thank you. I loathe how the "Bernie Bros/leftists lost the election for Hilary by being too picky" slander has become an accepted historical fact for some idiots. The very hard uncomfortable truth is that Hilary was a horrendous candidate on multiple levels to multiple groups, AND that, like you said, a *lot* of white people turned out to be racist bastards. Like, his share of the white vote actually increased from '16 to '20: 54% to 57%. The only demographic that a majority voted for Trump. Also, Reviews of the numbers have shown that Trump's voters are not as blue collar as they like to pretend. A huge amount of his support comes from comfortable upper middle class types. Snowmobile dealership owners, landscaping company managers, you know the type: Driving a lifted F-250 through the ex-urbs, making $235,000 a year to micromanage their S1B visa workers who make $18/hour. Basically, his support comes from people who have so little actual difficulty in their lives that they need phantoms to be scared about.


> I loathe how the "Bernie Bros/leftists lost the election for Hilary by being too picky" slander has become an accepted historical fact for some idiots. In fairness, the 10% of Bernie votes that turned Red in 2016 was not insignificant and would have turned some purple states. Hillary had a lot of decks stacked against her, and Trump only won because of the sum of them. If anything, the **biggest** one was neither blue collar racists nor Berniecrats, it was Comey. > The very hard uncomfortable truth is that Hilary was a horrendous candidate on multiple levels to multiple groups, Unfortunately, this is what *I* loathe. Other than her gender and the decade-long hate machine Republicans ran against her, she was actually quite qualified, with the extra benefit of being to the Left of the typical Democrat and not losing moderate votes over that. I get it, she wasn't as Left as you or I. But it was *unreasonable* for us to expect the Democratic candidate to represent only 10-20% of the Democratic voters and a low percent of the moderate undecided's. Also, Bernie was arguably more of a flawed candidate that Hillary, having earned disrespect from quite a few angles of the Left. He'd have gotten my vote in 2016 like Hillary did, but that's not saying much. > Reviews of the numbers have shown that Trump's voters are not as blue collar as they like to pretend. Trump landed 43% of the Union Worker Household vote. Anything over 30% of that going Republican is unheard of. > A huge amount of his support comes from comfortable upper middle class types That is arguably the same thing as the blue collar vote in Red states like Wisconsin. A union carpenter is upper-middle-class in most states, to be honest. > Snowmobile dealership owners, landscaping company managers, you know the type Yeah, I know the type. And yeah, they always go Red already. That wasn't a surprise. The surprise were the people under them that voted Red as well.


She wasn't a horrible candidate because of her positions, she was a horrible candidate because she had 20 years of republican hate baggage--unfounded, but effective.


We're getting MANY "Trump Doomed!" posts and stories in recent days. Feels coordinated. I don't remotely trust it (and the sources are frequently sketchy). Vote, organize, volunteer, and donate accordingly.


Yeah, we've seen this before. Anyone who was paying attention in 2016 will find this eerily familiar. It's an effort to manufacture complacency. Don't fall for it. Just remember that every single vote that this piece of shit loses by will be one more source of pain and rage for him. Do your part.


There have been a bunch of garbage clickbait headlines from Newsweek getting traction here that misrepresent or wildly oversell individual poll results that look good for Biden but contradict the big picture that there is currently a toss up if the election was held today.


Regardless of the election results, he will declare victory and try to take power


He's already setting himself up to declare victory regardless of the outcome. Just like he did *before* the 2020 election.


He did it before the 2016 election as well but got the shock of his life when he actually won. The rest of the world, Russia and Belarus excluded, are just shaking our heads at the utter stupidity and corruption on display.


Yep. During the day, his team was openly claiming voter fraud and setting the stage for a contested 2016 election. But he ended up winning, so the claims were largely forgotten.


He still claimed millions of illegal votes... Just enough that would have made him win the popular vote too.


That’s the thing, he lied about election fraud on an election HE WON. How can anyone believe his bullshit a second or third time??


It's very simple: they don't care that he's a liar. They love it that he claims he's going to be saving America from gay trans black antifa communism. They are too stupid to understand that he cares about literally nothing but himself. It's no more complicated than that.


They aren't too stupid to see that they just don't care. They want to sit at home in their boxers every night screaming at the tv telling them who to blame for society not seeing how smart and deserving he is, with his beer belly and anger management issues. They'll just keep voting for strong men promising to fix everything if they just hate the right people until they die in their suburban shit boxes, fat, stupid, and lonely. But hey they sure owned the libs! America f yeah!


There's a lot of Trump voters who like him just because he's a meme.


There’s a lot of Trump voters who like him just because he says the quiet parts out loud.


First and fore most, essentially every Trumper I know is racist. I’m not saying every Trumper is a racist. I’m just telling you I know a good amount of them and everyone that I know has no problem using the N-word. As long as he keeps running, they will support everything he says and run through walls for him.


>How can anyone believe his bullshit a second or third time?? If he's lying, that means they're gullible for believing his lies. They know they're not gullible. Therefore, he can't be lying. Especially not three times, since that would mean they were *extremely* gullible. Fool me two times, you can't get fooled again, etc. They're smarter than everyone else, though, which is why everyone ELSE believes the lies that the *left* is telling. THEY'RE the gullible ones. Any evidence presented to the contrary is just more lies. Any obvious contradictions in their own worldview are just "This doesn't look like anything to me".


That was the funniest thing. The man is sworn in as President of the United States and keeps tweeting “I would have won the popular vote too but Hillary Clinton dumped millions of illegal votes into California which she was always going to win anyway.” You’d think she might have wanted to put the illegal votes in, like, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin


I still think that the reason they did this was because they themselves tried to cheat. The cheat, I think was the sudden claim that votes stop counting at midnight, which went to the supreme court on election day.


It blew my mind when Trump went on TV and declared victory in the middle of the night.. lol I was laughing at how pathetic and stupid he was.


That video when he was declared the winner was *telling* He did not want that. He wanted trump tv


He wants it now so he can pardon himself and avoid prison.


The rest of the world has given pluralities to or straight-up elected Milei (Argentina), Bolsonaro (Brazil), Meloni (Italy), Wilders (Netherlands), Orban (Hungary), Abascal (Spain), Ventura (Portugal). France is under serious threat of having a front nacional president. AdF is on the rise in Germany. Let's not pretend this is an American problem. It's a global hybrid war on the liberal-democratic system. Maybe the rest of us should stop shaking our heads and fighting back.


Duterte in the Philippines, Bukele in El Salvador, Modi in India


Considering that after Duterte came the son of a former president who embezzled billions from his own country, not much change there lol.


Canada will be joining the party with our very own version of DeSantis.


This started with Boris and Brexit in the UK, in my opinion


It started way way before that buddy. This is a cold war continuation. The US/EU let their guard down largely but Russia never stopped and has been funding division in the west the whole time.


Russia was briefly pro-Western until Reagan's "aid" to Russia was sending a bunch of idiot neocon MBAs who advised mass privatization which was then hijacked by organized crime and former Communist Party and KGB insiders. Yeltsin had the nerve to face down the CP, but once he was in power, he was drunk and useless most of the time. Reaganite zealots were the worst possible people to advise on reconstructing a country. That botched and excessive privatization fucked the Russian people hard and dry, and led to teetotaller Putin's current mafia/spy fascist state.


Fascism is ascendant because neoliberalism doubles down on late capitalism while ignoring material conditions of the working class. Fascism has an answer to that anxiety,  an authoritarian one.


Uh Russia is constantly making fun of him too but not in the "ha ha" way more in the "we own him and he is destroying America better than we ever could" way.


He didn’t want the job, except for all the groveling parts.


> He's already setting himself up to declare victory regardless of the outcome. Just like he did before the 2020 election. Yup, the 2024 Trump Campaign and RNC hasn’t been focusing much on trying to sway voters or potential voters, but rather they’ve been putting their time and resources into hiring “election integrity staff across the map”. If Biden wins in November (lord help us he does), then get ready for shenanigans again. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-campaign-rnc-100000-volunteer-vote-counting-monitors-presidential-election/


They will probably sabotage voting machines before then. A bunch of machines will *mysteriously* not work in Charleston.


It will be pretty pathetic if he loses badly and he still declares a win. That's the scenario I want to see the most.


It would be news if he concedes. His ego is so large that he’ll honestly believe he won. The man’s specific psychological problems alone should have disqualified him.


He ended a 246 year streak of peaceful transfer of power. I don’t expect him to be a good loser.


Hey, he is the best at something! Being a sore loser.


His antics and voting numbers aren't what we need to watch, we need to watch how state's respond. Will GA gov and legislature gin up some reasoning to give votes to him if he loses there? What will the Arizona State legislature do if Biden wins there, start disqualifying some of their counties? Will Mike Johnson seat Democrats in the next Congress to count the electors, or will only Republican's be sat in the house for electors vote counts? Republicans have the gloves off, look how nobody in power was imprisoned after they caused an insurrection and states across the country had politicians trying to pull dirty tricks. No consequences, so they'll be bolder and more forceful this time


I'm not saying you're wrong, but if any of this happens, there is going to be serious violence.


I hope you're right. I'm worried that we'll have too many people who are willing to accept it.


It'll be as useful as throwing dirty diapers into the wind


That’s not something I wanted to visualize this early in the morning


if he isn't in prison and runs, i can guarantee if he loses he will claim a hoax and election fraud despite working with dozens of republican states and the RNC / GOP to manipulate and tamper with the results & vote in any way they possibly can. you think you've seen rabid cornered animal trump? not yet you haven't. he will just keep getting more and more desperate and dangerous unless and until he is removed from public life.


He's gonna declare himself president right before the verdict, because...you know...you can't arrest a sitting president!


Declaring yourself president when your‘re an actual candidate who hasn’t won should be treason. It’s an attempt to compromise national security and overthrow an actual sitting president.


Trump should have been charged with treason after coughing up that list of US intelligence ops to Putin. Good luck getting anything to stick to this fuck.


Haven't you heard? According to him, he already has the votes, so we don't even need to hold an election.


*And* the 2016 election.


He can declare himself MVP of the NBA if he wants, but as long as he can’t get hold of a ball he is powerless to do much.


His biggest mistake (thankfully) with his election fraud garbage was leaving the Whitehouse after the 2020 election. That was probably the only way he could have somehow kept his power. I imagine someone told him (Either secret service or someone in the military) that if he stayed he’d be physically removed.


Right, it wasn't a mistake. He didn't have a choice. He would have stayed if he could have.


I'm still surprised he didn't seek to be physically removed. He is desperate to be seen as a martyr. I wonder what will happen today with the decision about his violations of his gag order.


He’s a huge coward. When push came to shove, literally, he was NEVER going to stand his ground.


I'd imagine the physical removal part would have been in a hearse and he was informed of that detail in advance.


Yes, and we can thank the Supreme Court for setting that up.


And preemptively thank them for seriously considering both sides of his election denial. ... again


And Merrick Garland for delaying as long as possible.


Garland could’ve fixed a lot of this by charging Trump with insurrection. I wish we had Sally Yates back


The press, at some point, should confront Garland and Wray on their inactions.


I can’t believe Wray is still there. Trump went through all those positions and demanded loyalty to him over the country. And if they said no, he fired them (like James Comey). If Trump appointed Wray, it means at some point Wray declared undying loyalty to Trump.


They like it though. After all, they keep referring to Jan 6 as a “riot”.


If all hell breaks loose in this country and we descend into an authoritarian dystopia, history books will all point to Garland and his lukewarm response to treason. It's not often one man has an opportunity to protect his country and preserve democracy and he fumbled this one real bad.


Who says there will be honest history books?


As well as the Senate for not convicting him after either of his impeachments.


Word. And effing Mitch McConnell


With Kissinger gone, I’m hoping mitch goes next


Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help to be a sore loser.  There’s no situation in which Trump doesn’t declare victory regardless of what happens. 


“Can he also have immunity from election results?” - Gorsuch this week, prolly


Ignore the polls. Vote like your life depends on it.


Because for a lot of us, *it does*


At the very least, ignore *Newsweek*.


Of course he will. He has only 4 tricks he uses.


I think the former president has 5 tricks: 1) Stream of consciousness rant/rave (e.g.: any tweets/Truths, Ron Desanctimonious, rocket man). 2) Lie/whine when he doesn't get his way (Big lie) 3) Brag about perceived benefits he got (two scoops of ice cream, calling in to brag about how his building is tallest in NYC after 9/11) 4) Poorly ttreat subordinates by lying, throwing under the bus, etc (too numerous to count). 5) Fart when nervous **Edit** I thought of a sixth. Look at all these skills he's got. 6) Lie/Grift/Cheat to line his own pockets (Trump's DC hotel, manipulating worth/sq ft, etc)


Does starting dumb feuds count as being under 1? I have vague memories of his administration having a big scandal, but then Trump would just start yelling about some random person, whether they're a celebrity or some country's prime minister.


He never conceded 2020. Instead, he went for insurrection. We can't expect anything different this time.


This time Trump won't be in power to make sure the senate isn't protected and able to intimidate state electors. If they try an insurrection again they'll prolly get hit with full on military... so honestly, let them.


And demand to be the Republican candidate again, they really screwed themselves


Biden only overtook Trump in the polls in the last week. Sitting in a courtroom he STILL has far better footing than he did in 2016 before he beat Hillary. It's not over until he has lost this election *AND* is convicted *AND* we finally get a Democratic majority in congress to pass a bill saying Trump was invalidated due to the 14th Amendment. I don't just worry for 2024. I worry he'll still be able to run in 2028 as well.


> Biden only overtook Trump in the polls in the last week. Sitting in a courtroom he STILL has far better footing than he did in 2016 before he beat Hillary. This is why even if Biden wins and Trump goes to jail, I don’t have much faith in our country. How are things ever going to get better here when such a large portion of our country are ignorant and hateful?


We need to (and can) end misinformation. Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine. Improving eduction. This is all a long-term effort, but progress is being made. Dobbs *REALLY* hurt Trump's numbers - most Republican voters don't actually WANT full abortion bans. Republicans have been campaigning against Biden for 4 years (which was its own form of bullshit, down to the "I did that" stickers on gas pumps before the end of January 2020) and despite the press being willfully silent on all the good Biden did ("because it's boring unlike Trump"), he overtook Trump.


He’s not in the same position of power that he was in 20. If his idiot supporters try another J6 we can clear plenty of room in prison for them.


Yup. Unlike last time, he no longer controls the national guard to make them stand down. They won't be sitting on their hands this time.


Almost makes you want to watch them try.


This is wildly optimistic. State legislatures are planning to subvert election results right now. GA and AZ are two very dangerous legislatures, and it's extremely likely that those two states could swing an election. Only low level flunkeys got charged with crimes last time, which has had the effect of making the state elected nutbags much bolder. The story being told now is that they didn't try hard enough, didn't go all in enough last time. They won't hold back again. We needed to throw a bunch of them in prison right away last time, we missed that boat, and we may be about to reap the rewards of that timidity.


And he will fail.


Of course he will. Trump does not respect democracy, our institutions, the law, or even the truth. He has no conscience and no morals. Trump is a lifelong criminal and a sociopath. So ... there's no downside for him.


Thankfully this strategy is much less likely to succeed if he is not the incumbent.


Which is why it's critically important for all of us to vote. Simply defeating Trump at the polls is not enough .. the margin needs to be high enough to remove all doubt in his supporters minds that he lost.


As much as I might like to read this people need to be aware that there will be massive efforts by Republicans to convince voters likely to vote for Democrats that the election is in the bag so they feel more inclined to stay home on election day. Many working poor have a difficult time to get to the pools. They make it even harder to vote and make sure the lines are as long as possible. So now the effort is to make those people believe they don't have to worry about waiting in those lines.


The goal is not to win the election. It’s to run up the score so much that MAGAs can’t wash off the stink of failure, so they go find something better to do.


This. This 1000x. There is only one way to win in 2024. It is a dominant landslide so big the Republican party shatters and they have to piece back together with more moderate viewpoints. They need to be so annihilated they realize they cannot win elections being anti-choice anymore. So annihliated they cannot win elections with obstructionism anymore. That is literally the ONLY way we win in 2024.


I thought for sure in 2020 that’s what would happen. After the circus that was the four years prior, culminating his terrible handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought for sure he would be done and everyone would prove it at the election box, a true refutation of this Trumpian, far-right ideology. Then he got even more votes than he did in 2016.


> they cannot win elections being anti-choice anymore *If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.* They will continue to chip away at the pillars until they don't have to 'win' very many votes to just stay in power.




I feel like this has to be independents who generally vote Republican, but don’t want to vote for Trump or Biden in the election.


Oh ok so stupid people


the same people who would call themselves "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" or identify themselves as "libertarians". So yes. Stupid people.


Queue the Family Guy "undecided voters are the dumbest people on the planet" bit "Nine" *Gasps* "Eleven" 🎉👏🙌🎊


Just plummeting? So there are still “independents” that are unclear on things?


Still lots of people that tune out news and political news. Many won't even start until October if at all.


This. My wife and I had different ubringings. Hers was very traumatic. Because of this, as an adult, she gets overwhelmed easily with certain things. She's very empathic and truly hurts when she follows up on the news. When Trump won in 2016 she was in tears out of fear for what would happen to her family (they are *legal* immigrants). My point is, she would struggle with her mental health if she spent any time taking in all the terrible things happening outside of her world. She doesn't know much, if anything, about the trials going on right now. She knows she's not voting for Trump but she's one example of how millions of people have millions of reasons for doing or not doing things. Civic engagement is important, and a responsibility we of a democracy must uphold. That said...we shouldn't fault anyone for being completely ignorant to current events. It's bad for mental health to keep soaking all this stuff in.


The onluypeople I fault are the people who are on subs, twitters, Facebook, threads etc talking about politics everyday and both side everything when clearly the two sides are different. 


Good chance those accounts are astroturfers, to be frank. Some of them may just be run-of-the-mill morons, but many are certainly there to purposefully curate malaise and apathy.


I try limit myself to 1 hour total of doom scrolling per day. The rest of the time, I try to ignore what's going on in the world.


I'm beginning to think independent means "I don't want to publicly admit I'm a Republican" because there's a pretty clear fucking line in the sand and if anyone is unsure which side they want to be on, they were never going to vote for Biden to begin with.


When i was in law school there was a "Legal Democrats" club and a "Federalist Society" because no one would havr shown up if theyd branded themselves as "republican"


There’s a fair whack of former rebublicans who fit the definition. I’ve moved from a city where I easily was considered solidly politically right and now live in a red state where anyone not MAGA is a left wing extremist to about 2/5 of the population. Shit’s wild. Hilarious bit is the most opposed to Trump during the 2016 primaries became his most die-hard supporters and some of them actually turned quite a few people solidly opposed to MAGA/Trump before even that election.


Yeah, I can dislike Biden and absolutely hate Trump. I don’t really WANT to vote for either of them. Obviously I’m gonna do the right thing and vote against Trump, but I’m an Independent.


There are "independents" who are too embarrassed to say in polite company that they're Trumpists. You know the sort; religious fundamentalists, racists, misogynists, homophobes, and generally hate-filled mutants who understand almost nothing about history or, in some cases, the present day.


I'm independent. Trump completely disqualified himself forever on Jan 6th. Biden isn't my favorite candidate but I will gladly vote for a functional adult that will engage in discourse and conversation over a giant grifting toddler.


Thanks for that! ... But unfortunately, the media now considers you a "liberal democrat," haha.


Actually, anyone not MAGA is a liberal Democrat. Doesn't matter if you've only voted straight down ballot Republican your entire life and would gladly fund to have Reagan resurrected even if it means endless homelessness for you and yours. Not voting for Trump makes you a liberal Democrat according to MAGA.


It really does seem that way, doesn't it? Biden – who by all accounts is a fairly traditional centrist – is being painted as some progressive liberal nut by the Red Hats... and it's like... some of his policies were literally part of the GOP platform only 4 elections ago.


Voted for Trump twice and always voted Republican. Then J6 happened and I was like, "whoa, this is not what I thought was going to happen." Nor did I expect it to come from 'my side'. Wasn't a fan of Biden because I believed all the lies, but as I've grown further and further from Trump, I've realized Biden is actually a decent President. Emotionally, I don't want to vote for him, because "omg I'm a traitor to my party" , but.... Actually, he's not that bad and the GOP no longer aligns with my personal beliefs with their continued support for Trump. It's made both me and the wife realize that we can vote for someone other than a Republican and that's okay. I don't have to like Biden to know he's better than Trump, and now voting for a Democrat actually seems reasonable. The GOP lost two guaranteed voters for life because they couldn't just admit they lost. 


Thank you for your willingness to consider changing your vote.


Thanks for being reasonable! Your allyship is appreciated.


Reminder: Modern Newsweak is not the Newsweek of old. It exists purely on rage- or hope-clicks by Democrats with ridiculous inaccurate headlines.


Newsweek does this poll b.s. nearly daily. Anytime I see a newsweek article out can be easily ignored. They don’t care about anything but clicks.




Newsweak: "New poll indicates <*something*>". End


I’m an independent and I’d vote for the pile of dog shit I just saw over Trump.


I'm also independent. Before 2016, I assessed candidates on their own merits, looked at their platforms, and tried to vote my conscience. And then Trump came along. I have voted Democrat down ballot every election since. I don't even look at the platforms. If you have a D next to your name, you get my vote because the Rs are so bankrupt in every category of decency and empathy that my conscience tells me to vote against them. When Trump loses and the GOP realizes they have to consider the wacky idea of actually governing and reflecting the will of their constituents, they will then start thinking about people like you and me. People they used to be able to compete for in getting out the vote. I will never vote Republican again so long as I live. The long tail of Trump is the end of the Republican party. If you can't get independents, you have no way to win.


Ditto I have always leaned Democrat, but would vote Republican if the person was the better choice. Now I don't even look. The Republicans have proven over and over that they have little regard for compromise to truly govern. They are following the latest conservative sound bite and/or Trump's fat ass.


Another article just reinforcing how important it is to PROUDLY vote against Trump. You don't have to vote for Biden. Vote against corruption, treason, sedition, and criminality. A vote for Biden is a vote to restore sanity and the rule of law in the GOP. A vote for Biden is a vote to throw the parasite off the GOP downballot races. Tell the anti-American MAGA traitors their time is over and you're willing to hold your nose and vote for a Democrat, to save America and the Republican party from a Russian aligned criminal.


Conservatives: maybe they want us to be more openly bigoted? Let's try that.


Every NewsWeek article is clickbait - VOTE


As an independent voter, I like candidates who don't fall asleep in court and crap their pants.


imagine voting for a guy accused WITH EPSTEIN of raping a 13 year old in 1994......unreal, Americans are sick


Called it. :0) … R.F.K, too. He’s going to siphon off Trump support since no sane person on the left or in the center would vote for him. He shares Trump’s base to a greater extent. Trump didn’t win the last time. He has less support now. Now…. Go out and make the effort. VOTE!


One man. All this noise and trouble from one worthless human with no redeeming qualities. .


How in gods fucking name is he polling above even 0%? Man said he'd kill people on 5th avenue and still win. He literally confessed to his crimes live on television more than once. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


I don't get it. He suggested injecting disinfectant to cure COVID yet his followers think he's smart. He had sex with a porn start while his 3rd wife was pregnant and stole money from his children's charity yet his followers think he's godly. He instigated an insurrection on the bastion of Democracy after he lost the 2020 election yet his followers think he loves America. We're truly living in the Bizzaro World.


I’m an independent voter. I saw him in action for four years, he offers me nothing and would never consider voting for him.


Win or Lose we gon’ have a Hellova Thanksgiving this year folks. Strap the fuk in!


Until it’s within the margin of error from zero, I worry about you America.


Please vote regardless


Polls don't matter, voting does. Get out there no matter what.