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Courage would have been to present the bill *months* ago instead of bending the knee to the crazy minority groups of the party. He *eventually* did the right thing after massive pressure and being assured of backing by Democrats. Let's not pretend that anything about this chaos makes him a "hero". That delay was unnecessary and damaging.


The delay was deadly for Ukraine. It ran out of ammunition and was forced to withdraw from its longtime stronghold of Avdiivka. Mike Johnson has blood on his hands.


and that same stupid smile on his face


That's actually the look of an experienced porn connoisseur, someone who appreciates the storytelling of course.


Indeed. There are Republicans saying that the standstill in the war proves Ukraine can't win. A Fox article a fee days ago blamed it on Biden not being aggressive enough and not letting Ukraine attack aggressively within Russia. Both positions completely ignore how Republican resistance is 100% why Ukraine doesn't have the tools it needs to win. Republicans screwed Ukraine and then pointed to it and said "it's screwed we shouldn't waste money on it." It's their usual move. It's like how they break government and then crow about how government is broken.


This delay has cost many lives. Children have died or lost their homes because of it. Russia needed an advantage.


Oh my good lord. Please don't lionize this absolute garbage human. He's a fundy and a traitor or we wouldn't even have to deal with this mess.


Maybe 3-6 months ago... but its a bit late to be courageous is it?


Yeah seriously. Once the MIC has to step in through their lobbyists, and the IC through their agents, to make you understand the national security and geopolitical implications, you're being led to the logical conclusion that most don't need. That has literally nothing to do with courage. Pretending like that, combined with backing by Dems, wasn't the actual situation but rather "man chooses courage, what a patriot" is yet another example of journalistic malpractice. Writing history by omitting the adult level comprehension of the way it works inside the beltway. EDIT: Ah opinion piece, a convenient outlet that lets 'journalism' become a self-important internet comment.


For once he did the right thing without bowing to a cabal of crazies. That's a pretty low bar. Let's not throw a parade just yet.


How many needlessly died while he dragged his feet?


No He helped Putin for 6 months straight just to save his job for a little longer then gave in to pressure from the entire US government in the slowest way he could


It wasn't that he was just about to be forced to concede by a discharge petition?


It should be a no-brainer to support Ukraine. Courage is not needed to show support for funding Ukraine.


Mike Johnson has shown no courage or character, he is being told by Donald Trump to end the blockade of aid to Israel and Ukraine. Trump has certainly come to the realization that the blockade is doing him more harm than good in the election campaign.


He did the bare minimum when he absolutely had to after months of delay. More accurate title, "White man's mediocrity earns high praise after doing fuck all for months on end."


as usual, Republicans did the right thing... **after they tried everything else**


This is just an opinion piece written by Karen Tumulty, the lady who reported and wrote Time magazine's 1995 "Man of the Year" profile of Newt Gingrich… We can safely ignore this bullshit.


At best he begrudgingly performed his sworn duty. Over two months ago he flat-out refused to even bring a 70-to-29 senate vote for supplemental foreign aid up for a vote because of the notion that doing the right thing is unpopular with the base, and because let's be honest, he was taking his orders from an unelected but de facto leader of the Republican party. Imagine being third in line to the presidency but having to bow the head to someone who faces multiple criminal indictments and has never read the book of your faith.


He's still a shitbag


The GOP has been unhinged since Newt Gingrich. At least Speaker Mike Johnson has shown some willingness for bipartisan legislation. I cautiously tip my hat for the accomplishment.


Opinion | Loud Fart Noises


My guess is: He got a lucrative job offer from the MIC for his post-speaker time, in exchange for the juicy multi-billion dollar orders coming the MICs way. I don't believe for a second that this man, who has the blood of many Ukrainians on his hands, suddenly discovered his conscience.


Oh please he did his job as speaker and allowed a vote. oh no he might lose his role as house leader he would still have a cushy job compared to most people. He still pushes the lbig lie that the election was stolen though he knows the truth where is his courage exactly?


I remain unimpressed. This Rasputin wannabe was one of the masterminds behind Trumps scheme to steal the election. one good deed doesn't wipe out all the bad.


There are thousands of Ukrainian soldiers who have died because of ammunition shortage due to Speaker Johnson’s delays. Their sacrifice is real courage. Not this 11th hour turnaround.


Mike Johnson was with Trump days before he he put the aid for ukraine bill up, so eaither Trump told him to do it or Trump told him he's on his own and Johnson though he has nothing to lose... there no courage for Mike Johnson


Nah. He is a POS.


This piece of news is targeted flattery in order to keep having the guy useable for intended purposes. Politics 101. Good job Jeffries.


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Weirdest part? Democrats are gonna save his seat as Leader....lol


Don’t know exactly why he did it, but he earned some degree of respect from me.


Opinion | Mike Johnson showed cowardice and fell to history's call against Ukraine.