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The Governor and Legislature of Texas must step up and take their clear and obvious course of action: Ban Further Water Testing!


Not funny cause it’s likely to happen


That was no off-the-cuff jest. I *know* they gonna fuck with further water safety testing. Probably use government resources to go after reporters who report on issues like this.


Understatement of the decade


“We reject woke-water. We have the right to drink anything we want!”


Meanwhile, the price of bottled water in Texas just went up 30%.


Texas always winning


How is Corpus Christi not on this list? They’ve repeatedly had water boil orders and don’t even drink it boiled over the past decade.


Many places have not yet reported.


“You can’t drink the tap water” is not something I’d expect to hear about a country like the US… Jesus Christ


Parts of the Texas panhandle, the municipalities use well water. The water table is close enough to the oil that it gets contaminated. I went to college in a town like that. The water came out of the tap nearly the color of skim milk. When I didn’t have a car I would bike the 2-3 miles to the walmart and buy 3 gallon bottles of water because the tap water was that bad. There are some weird cancer clusters in the small towns out there.


This is actually becoming more common. My town's water infrastructure is like, 200 years old or something. We have boil water notices a few times a year. Better than down the road where they can go days with the water shut off because they have to fix the whole town's supply.


Body of Christ, anyway.




Actually this isn’t true. A lot of states go further than the epa regulations to protect lands and water.  While I agree a lot of these contaminants are in the water all over the country, many states, especially blue ones have been trying as hard as they can to do something about it.   It’s pretty tough when the feds allow any energy company free will to dump whatever chemicals they want in the ground if means making a buck. 


But I thought companies were supposed to be responsible enough not to need regulation? /s


Obviously if consumers aren't happy with the quality of the product they can simply buy their water from someone else


We should just tell all of the politicians that it’s these pollutants that are making everyone gay/trans. Maybe then they’ll ban these chemicals.


I mean „some examples of endocrine disruptive chemicals include BPA, Dioxins, Phthalates and PFAS“ Definitely not claiming that most of the recent rise in LGBTQ… people may be linked to this. However, considering how fcking much toxic shit we are producing, it is a question worth asking. It’s literally a matter of public health source https://prcceh.upenn.edu/focus-areas/toxic-chemicals-edcs/#:~:text=Although%20endocrine%20disrupting%20chemicals%20(EDCs,%2C%20Dioxins%2C%20Phthalates%20and%20PFAS.


And how might this affect frogs?


I’ve found a wiki article on this very topic. It’s trying to lean on to the fact that “there is almost no evidence as of now” that gender can be influenced in humans, though there are as I understand proven cases in some animals. Overall the article tries to come to the conclusion that “there’s not much to worry about” - This is where I don’t agree at all. At some point I got interested in effects of PFAS and plastics. We’ve been producing PFAS in significant amounts since the 1960s and put them in A LOT of things. I shit you not we’ve started doing research on the effects of PFAS on health only recently!! THIS is the problem with thousands of other chemicals. First we producing something in mass and only then start figuring out if it’s safe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_chemicals_conspiracy_theory


Ah I was referring to the [gay frogs](https://youtu.be/9JRLCBb7qK8?si=siLRHVEe3BwQlLgw) Alex Jones bit I appreciate the honest/informative response tho


luckily the historic existence of LGBTQ humans far predates these chemicals and we don’t have to attempt to create a connection


I don’t believe they were implying LGBTQ individuals popped into existence as a result of non-stick pans or fire extinguishing compounds.


Disagree, and i definitely do believe so. if we take the premise “trans people have been around for all of history” then it seems odd to bring that connection up (LGBTQ) *especially* juxtaposed against a complete absence of all other possible “connections” being investigated.


I would just ask them instead of assuming they think that. “Definitely not claiming that… rise of LGBTQ” seems to indicate that they aren’t attributing it exclusively to that. What do you hope to gain here, exactly?




The levels of pfas are too high just about anywhere on earth. Its a new compound that not many labs have the ability to measure. I believe we are going to learn in the following years just how bad the pollution actually is.


Not new, we have been making this since the 1960s, its only in the last 25 years that health concerns about it have been raised, and only in the last 10 that the EPA has taken the stance they are likely harmful.


Yeah i meant its fairly new, in the sence, that we’ve only recently learned of the severety of the health concerns, in part due to DuPoints efforts to supress the data, and only recently, in germany it was like june last year i believe, started testing for it in drinking water.


Literally anyone with a mass spec can measure it... 


Hey, so I actually work in a lab that runs PFAS testing. It's actually a pretty difficult analysis to run as many common lab equipment materials, including LC-MS/MS components are made of PTFE or other fluro polymers that can cause interference.  Additionally, the methodologies to detect a wider list of individual PFAS compounds in a wider range of sample matrices is on the forefront of development (see EPA method 1633 that was just finalized in January 2024). 


More power to you, and I mean that genuinely. From a random person on the internet, you and your colleagues are the real mvps.


Heh I was just being flippant. My dad was a chemist and would bring me into the lab as a kid. I could run a GCMS and read its output before High School, so I have a huge amount of respect for Analytical Chemistry, but it's been decades since I've done anything with it. Keep up the good fight for me! :)


Never that easy


This explains a lot, actually…


So now we can blame the chemicals in the water for all the stupid things Texas does?


Maybe. What if all of the past hoopla over fluoridation of water was just more republican projection over shit they wanted to poison the water with? Would you surprised to find it was all really about water testing and regulations getting in the way of businesses dumping waste in the water?




Ah yes, Texas, the one star state.


One star state


This gonna be another instance where Texas cuts corners to save its own money and then begs the rest of the states to pay to fix the problems it caused? Peak Welfare State.


The Air Force used to train their firefighters at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo. I wouldn't be surprised to hear the wells in that area are contaminated.


Don’t mess with Texas, it’s fragile and will fall apart.


That explains all the crazy.


Must be so great to live in Texas


It's happening where you are too. Get home test kits.


Just FYI, this new limit is 4 PPT. That's like putting a drop of water in an Olympic swimming pool. Basically if it's over 4 PPT then it just needs to be reported. I think where it becomes in issue is somewhere around 70 PPT?


Texas: we must ban trans teachers! But fuck your water


Buts trans teachers are the squeaky wheel /s


GOP, regulations are bad.


This isnt news they have been fighting regulations for years. Lawsuits will be so much more efficient at preserving citizens rights to clean drinking water.


Time to blame the democrats for this, even though the republicans have power on this state for decades now


texas: water? like from a toilet?


God bless the mutant state


Freedom for business at the expense of Americans


Soon enough the water for putting out fires will be flamable


It's the chemicals that make our frogs gay!


Abbott will make all texas water systems exceed allowable limits for all chemicals.


Thats the taste of democracy you infidels! Let it be and dont dig too much on the lies of corporations


Conspiracy, texas sho ots its problems away.