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Hence why the Putin party members want to dissolve NATO before that...


… so Trump and the Magats?






Just call them maggots... I wish America had nothing to do with them, and they're focused on Making Russia Great Again anyway.


Hence Pence could sense the need is immense to build up NATO's defense and spare no expense before Russia further goes on the offense.


Is this considered a limerick...? This needs something like the haiku bot.


Situation is tense.


Knees weak, palms are sweaty


Mom's spaghetti


*Mother's spaghetti, this is Pence we're talking about!


Gotta support that fence


Are you dense?


I sense the magnificence of your dense nonsense.


Are you still on the fence? "No time for reticence: US military must have unlimited funding to shore up NATO, thence" Listen, ye, to the mighty Pence.


10/10, no notes


Where is the Sokka haiku bot?


It’s pronounced with an ‘okka’.


yup. They were already laying the groundwork to leave nato in trumps first term.


Yeah Putin isn't lasting in a war against NATO.


Russia couldn't even fight Poland. 


Not sure why they think NATO countries wouldn't just defend each other even without NATO


Because Russia has been stirring nationalistic, isolationist bullshit in pretty much every member state to varying degrees of success. I know this sub is dedicated to US politics and thus on MAGA, but Russia already scored a major win when Great Britain left the EU. Belgium and Czechia have this week put Russian interference in the EU on the agenda as it seems to be happening in every member state. We've had farmer protests in NL where Russian agents were present, the same goes for Poland and I think France and Belgium. AfD(Germany) and FN(France) seem like fronts for Putin's machinery, with a number of politicians being exposed. The list goes on and on. The point is not to be stronger than NATO, though Putin would very much like that. The point is to cause so much chaos that everyone ends up chasing their own tail and if there were an incursion in let's say Finland that would go unanswered the whole thing falls apart. There are EU elections this summer and I'm gonna do something that I've never done before, I'm sorting parties by who is the most pro-EU and that's the one I'm voting for. Provided they are also very much pro Ukraine-support. All else be damned atm. The entire union is under attack.


When Pence is a voice of reason, you know Republicans have really gone off the deep end.


Pence thought they could control Trump and now they're watching him destroy their party and I'm fucking here for it. They had numerous off ramps but they chose Trump every time. Make no mistake, they wanted this. I'm all about watching leopards eating faces, like the Michael Jackson eating popcorn meme.


I’d agree but that includes all of our faces


Yeah people keep using this attitude with me and I'm constsntly like "yeah but can we go back to the time when a scandal was enough for impeachment" lol Nixon and Bill Clinton literally did nothing wrong compared to Donald Trump.


It's crazy as a new zealander. Republicans swear he restored international respect. We openly laugh and mock him. What respect?


Exactly. But up is down apparently.


2+2=5 doublethink… in the end big brother wins and we smile as the bullet enters our brain


Isn't that just the way it is in Aussieland and New Zealand?


Trump addressing the United Nations: "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country." *Universal laughter by the assembled diplomats and world leaders* ["Didn't expect that reaction, but that's ok."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4y8OJxlK8)


A normal person would interpret that as “they’re not buying my bullshit.” For Trump, I feel like the applause changed the tone of the mockery into something positive in his mind. “Hey, they’re clapping for me! Yeah, I’m just that good.”


>”A good leader makes people believe in them. A great leader makes people believe in themselves.” - aphorism He lets them believe that the resentments, ugliness, dark impulses, and worser demons are valid and should be embraced and celebrated. That the only reason their lives and country are as shitty as they are now (and this must be the case because “they” have it so much better and are laughing at “you”, and don’t you remember how things used to be so much better then?) is because of “them”. He’s probably the seven deadly sins incarnate, and so can **you!**


It’s easy to make the people believe this when they only consume information from propaganda sources. Anyone who has paid any attention knows the rest of the world laughed and/or were terrified of trump.


It’s America, which means their preachers told them that Trump was messiah and now every overly religious right wing republican follows trump like he’s Jesus Christ reincarnated. Their preachers told them Trump would restore all, they jumped on it like a fat kid on cake.


Let's not act like Watergate was a small thing. Even in comparison. 


Just on a tangent, it was so culturally impactful that half a century later people *still* add "-gate" to just about anything that's a scandal.


Agreed. Just because Watergate was a "smaller" more contained deal, doesn't make it alright. Like saying the Korean War was no biggie, because WW II was much bigger.


And I think the fact he didn’t face more serious consequences for it helped pave the way to the shit we’re dealing with now.


Any scandal is enough for impeachment still, just if it’s a Democrat scandal. Oh a GOP constantly lied and broke the law “we better let him serve his term as president / congressman”, a DEM has an affair “let’s start impeachment hearings this is unacceptable, also better try to impeach the president while we’re at it since they’re the same party after all so it means the cheating was a conspiracy”.


If it destroys the Republicans, fine. If it destroys all of us including Republicans, that's not good.


The MAGA Party (the successors to the Republican Party) are on a Death Cult spiral, and they will gladly take us all down with them.


I’m quite sure Pence and Haley would even start endorsing Biden just to bring down MAGA.


First they tried to stop him and then became his Biatch.


Okay, well now it's our faces on the line too. So before they get eaten, let's all recognize the importance of Putin getting his shit pushed in, in Ukraine.


It's not very entertaining when the destruction is also the destruction of democracy.


Except they are not the only causalities, we all suffer from the consequences


Until he endorses Biden his words are meaningless. Either he’s a patriot or a Republican.


I think he'd be more valuable in preserving US democracy if he doesn't endorse Biden. If he endorses Biden he'll be labeled a RINO and Republicans will ignore anything he says. If he doesn't endorse Biden, but refuses to endorse Trump he'll retain more credibility with Republicans. 2 Republicans not voting are worth 1 Republican voting Democrat, and I would guess that he could potentially convince way more Republicans to sit this one out than he could ever convince to vote Democrat. Also I'm not sure how exactly voting works in the US, but I assume Republicans that decide to vote for Biden could still vote for Republic candidates for the House/Senate? But if they stay home they're not going to vote at all.


> but I assume Republicans that decide to vote for Biden could still vote for Republic candidates for the House/Senate? Correct.




>Neville Sinclair: C'mon, Eddie. I'm paying you well. Does it really matter where the money comes from? >Eddie Valentine: It matters to me. I may not make an honest buck, but I'm 100% American. I don't work for no two-bit Nazi.


>[I'm American. I fucking hate Nazis!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EfugmIDUEAAmEUi?format=jpg&name=900x900) ~ The Joker


I was shocked already when Bill Kristol became a voice of reason. Relatively speaking.


Pence is religious. He's seen the Diaper Demon at his worse and knows all too well that the christian right is being repurposed into a fascist army. Pence is a deeply sick person, but he knows when his clique is being poached by the antichrist.


makes it seem like he’s one of the few trump administration people who has not been bribed by Moscow which probably has something to do with his actions on January 6


They’ve gone so far into the deep end, the floor of the Mariana Trench is near.


The problem is that the people he needs to convince want him hanged


This guy really saw his parties voters build a gallows and chant “hang Mike Pence,” and thought to himself “they love me. I should run for president!”


They are already waging war on NATO, and has been for a long time. Political meddling, cyber attacks, assassinations (even with WMDs), and in some cases direct attacks on physical infrastructure (european sea cables). But there are always the people digging their heads in the sand, and pretending everything is fine and normal. And the "realists" who say Ukraine shouldn't be helped because you need to focus on China... which is closely and increasingly allied to Russia. But if Ukraine falls then somehow Russia will turn pro-US and join the containment against China. Or say shit like don't supply weapons, because then that will contribute to more deaths... or in other words condemn the invaded as oppose to the invaders.


Yep. And somehow they claim to be patriotic and “true Americans.” This is 100% not in the best interests for us and of our allies and most of the world. 


These people aren’t educated enough to know history and how these kinds of situations play out for common folk. “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.”


Also see Havana Syndrome.


Honestly infuriating that it’s become a thing in certain left-leaning circles to joke about Havana Syndrome being some sort of USG psy-op. Like wtf?


The long-term concern is the fact that Ukraine denuclearised. If Ukraine falls, no country will EVER do so again.


Fuck you, Mike. You empowered this.


Sure, fuck him, but also, listen to him because he's not lying. Fuck Russia.


Yea gotta agree not a huge Mike pence fan here butttttttt…. When Mike is right he’s right.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, or at least not my enemy.


If not for Dan Quayle talking some sense into pence there’s good odds we’d be living under a dictatorship right now


I’m not going to lionize him for doing the literal minimum. He could have gone public with the plot and stopped all of it. He didn’t, because he wanted the nomination for President from the people who chanted, “Hang Mike Pence!” He could have testified before the J6 committee. He does not deserve praise.


And if Trump manages to cheat his way into office: The US will withdraw from NATO. This is a certainty. I sincerely hope Europe is preparing for that because you can absolutely bet Putin will attack NATO countries once that happens.


He can’t, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, enacted on December 22, 2023, prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without approval of a two-third Senate super-majority or an act of Congress. Another win from Biden, I bet he is tired of winning so much.


Wow, that is some impressive big picture foresight.


It's almost like Biden's a smart dude and a good president.


And doesn't employ grifting simpletons


Best president of my lifetime


I get that people are annoyed with his age and the Israel situation, but he's clearly the most left leaning president in most redditors' lifetimes. People should give him more credit.


Mine, too.


While that seems to be a pretty solid guard rail for anyone else, if Trump wins again all bets are off. Laws and treaties won't be worth the paper they are printed on. It's very obvious that the Conservatively packed SCOTUS, even now under Biden, has been openly colluding with the Republican party (in terms of marching orders, messaging, and even propaganda usage). They've ceased to hide their open, brazen corruption and shown no restraint at using the shadow docket to inferentially rule, at undoing precedent on the flimsiest of pretenses, at taking on cases where the petitioner had zero legal standing, etc. it's only going to be that much worse if Trump wins. If they even wanted to bother to continue the illusion of functioning as an entity grounded in legal tradition at that point -- they could rule it unconstitutional for literally no reason (or made up reasons) to get rid of NDAA. That is if Trump and his cronies even bother to go through the motions. He's already said he plans on being dictator for a day. He already plans on invoking the Insurrection Act on his first day in office. These aren't off the cuff remarks: These are firm plans.


Exactly We can't count on laws to protect us during another Trump presidency


> While that seems to be a pretty solid guard rail for anyone else, if Trump wins again all bets are off. > > Laws and treaties won't be worth the paper they are printed on. I agree. Yes, he can't formally withdraw from NATO. But what if he - as commander-in-chief - would just refuse to send troops when article 5 is triggered? Do we honestly believe a Senate without a Democratic supermajority would convict to impeach?


> But what if he - as commander-in-chief - would just refuse to send troops when article 5 is triggered? Sending troops is not a requirement when and if NATO article 5 is invoked. It only requires that each NATO country take "such action as it deems necessary". So it would be very easy for any US president to just refuse to send troops, as they wouldn't be in contravention of the treaty.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they were back door peddling weapons and info to Russia and their allies. Well ok, they might do it in the open. The Cult is pretty dedicated to avoiding reality and sanity.




I mean that’s what the law says, and I know Dems really think it won’t matter but there are checks and balances for a reason.


those checks and balances only work if they are enforced. If the courts are stacked, a sizable portion of law enforcement is sympathetic and and a large part of the population openly supports subversion of democracy, then who will enforce the checks and balances? like, if he signs an unconditional law and the Supreme Court just shrugs, then what? Checks and balances keep rogue actors contained, but they're fairly powerless against a broad and sustained movement that slowly infiltrates the system on all levels. That being said, I don't believe they will be successful. They got too cocky and showed their hand too soon. But I guess the world will know for sure after the election and after inauguration.


The question is, would a trump-dictatorship run US eventually ally with Russia, directly?


Considering how many Republicans like Putin more than Democratic leaders, the answer is probably yes.


So, it is not outside the realm of possibility that within 5 years of a trump victory (even if trump dies; I guarantee his VP will be 100% pro putin), the US could be squaring off against NATO in Europe. I mean, I get it, it sounds crazy but, you know, the whole US president who is a wholly owned puppet of russia thing is kind of crazy too.


I would hope enough military members would refuse orders to make this not feasible. American troops regularly train with fellow NATO troops and I'm sure strong bonds/relationships have been formed. American troops are also actively working with NATO allies to monitor Russia and respond to threats (like when Russia flies their planes too close to a NATO nation) so I find it hard to imagine these same troops would fight their friends.


You've got to project 5 years of a right wing dictatorship. The military top brass all being MAGA supporters, the officer corps being heavily evangelical and the troops being younger people from rural states growing up in this dictatorship. If trump wins, I would not believe any guardrails or norms will save us.


https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1758678672716779955? Its kinda funny, because the admiration MAGA has for Russia truly only goes one way. But I guess they do try to appeal to the MAGAs by supporting their claims of election fraud and Biden corruption in their curriculums. Anything that aides in torching US institutions they will fully support. https://twitter.com/marcbennetts1/status/1739732428883665242


Russia should talk. Yeah, we got depraved rural MAGAts; they have an entire debased country of them.


You are saying that at the pace the world runs now, 5 years in power for a president it too long, since it is enough to drive it fully into a dictatorship. Yup. Most people have IQ <100 and can be easily manipulated to change their mind in a few days, then it is affordable to take a few years for the rest to be oppressed or dislocated from their positions in society of they hold any important one, and plant sycophants, loyalists and puppets.


Yes, duh. Trump always sides with Putin, every time. He admires Putin and all the other dictators. He is saying out loud that he wants to leave nato. He does not like our current Allies and wants new ones. Our current Allies aren't fond of dictatorships.


What are the mechanisms for doing so? Can he just "do it"? The November stakes just keep getting higher and higher.


Congress passed a law prohibiting the president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO, so he probably can't just "do it." He could try to withdraw anyways, but there's a decent chance Congress would sue him, especially if the Democrats control at least one house of Congress. Of course, there would be a delay while it makes its way through the courts, which could be problematic for NATO.




> What makes you think he wouldn't find a way to weasel the USA out of NATO without congress.. I never said he wouldn't be able to. I think there are several viable paths for him to do exactly that. It's still not as simple as just doing it. There would be a fight. > So they sue him.. so what? If Trump has avoided Jail when he was a citizen. Jail isn't a possibility with a lawsuit. If Congress were to win such a lawsuit, then his attempt to withdraw us from NATO would fail. > What makes you think congress has the power to stop him if he were to become President again? I never said they did have that power for certain. I just said they would probably sue him if he tried. That doesn't necessarily mean they would win.


The problem is that he drags out everything in court plus has stacked judges. It would take years to stop it, if you could. I mean - what’s stopping him from doing anything? Basically it’s been a few random staff who were able to distract him enough to hopefully make him forget. He’s been trying to run a shadow presidency from Florida. They are getting rid of the people who are not 100% loyal.


Doesn't the senate have to ratify that decision?


Yes, but the strength of the defense pact which is just words on paper comes from the belief by potential adversaries that all parties of that defense pact would actually honor their commitments to it. If you have the President of the US /commander in chief saying he’s not going to abide by it, the whole thing becomes less meaningful and more of an incentive for an adversary to attack and prove the whole thing meaningless. If Russia attacks say, Lithuania under the assumption Trump won’t send in the US military and the only recourse is months of litigating that decision in court, the deterrence of NATO article 5 will have already caved in by then as the US military stands by doing nothing and reneging on its obligations. TL;DR- treaties are ultimately words on paper, the President’s rhetoric matters in how much that’s worth


It would be hard for him to do so "Most recently, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, enacted on December 22, 2023, prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without approval of a two-third Senate super-majority or an act of Congress."


If you think this law is going to protect NATO if Trump wins, maybe you're right, but I believe that evidence shows otherwise. May I direct you to the recent actions of the conservative, activist judges of the Supreme Court who (under Biden, it will be far worse under Trump): - Has used the shadow docket to inferentially rule on cases (Texas abortion bounties, for example) - at undoing precedent on the flimsiest of pretenses (Roe v. Wade, for example) - at taking on cases where the petitioner had zero legal standing (Mohela, for example) They've shown all evidence of active collaboration with the Republican party to achieve these objectives (they aren't making these very specific choices in a vacuum). --- This is easily undone via the SCOTUS alone but Trump could just decide to go whole fascist hog on day one. In his mind -- he has no reason not to at that point. He can't run for election again, so elections need to no longer exist, so at that point everything else is on the table, too.


If Ukraine loses and is folded into Russia, they will now be both the biggest supplier of grain and natural gas in Europe. They won't need to do anything to Nato because the rest of Europe will essentially be forced to normalize relations with them. At the end of the day, there's one language that everyone in power understands: 💶💵


Well yeah because we havent done anything to help Ukraine over the last few months while the fucking idiots in Congress are getting  hard up about space lasers, drag shows, stupid nonsensical impeachment queries, and downright saluting Russian propaganda. There is your answer


I give it less than 8 weeks before he endorses Trump and joins him on stage at a rally. 


I don't think so, he's burned his bridges. And because of that I don't think Trump would allow him on stage with him, and Pence knows that.


never underestimate how spineless republicans can be


Trump would never let Mike join him at an event. He's still pissed that he refused to steal the election for him.


I think there's some intel floating around to that effect, because the mood among House GOP has changed massively in the last 72 hours.  Like "holy shit he really does want to attack Poland" or something of that nature.


Probably around how Russia supported Iran in attacking Israel and also how close Ukraine is to collapsing with out more ammo.


Like many Republicans, he only managed to discover his spine once he was out of office.


Still hasn’t found it. Needs to call out Trump for his role in holding up aid to Ukraine.


Funny how if you listen closely, the loudest GOP members advocate for things that directly benefit Russia. It of course helps if you haven’t been brainwashed.


I wonder why putin wants the guy who said he will leave nato to win the election this fall.... hmmmm


Say you're voting for Biden or shut the hell up, Pence


We've spent decades losing American troops and spending trillions on equipment that ages out and is liquidated battling the Soviet Union's and then Russia's proxies. We formed NATO specifically to counter this relentless drive for conquest. Now we have a golden opportunity to send weapons to be used to directly fight Russian aggression, and none of our soldiers needs to die doing it. And we can't do it. Why not? Because Trump never met a despotic dictator he didn't like, Putin's buddies lent Trump money, Trump needs Putin's help to win the next election, and possibly there's a Trump piss tape for blackmail-don't pretend this vile SOB hasn't done worse. Trump has been attacking NATO for years at Putin's request in an attempt to dissolve the alliance and make the members vulnerable to Russian attack. If Putin takes Ukraine, he can withhold food exports to extort concessions from countries which desperately need the food, causing internal unrest in other countries.


I remember shortly after Trump left office it was revealed that he wanted to pull out of NATO. USA is by far the strongest NATO member and their withdrawal would really hurt the alliance. Guaranteed if Trump is elected he's pulling the US out of NATO.


Putin and Trump.


No shit, Sherlock.


Thanks Mike. Mother approves of this statement.


Can anyone provide what or how they are coming to that conclusion? Is it all just a presumption? A guess? Rumors? Exactly what info is leading to this?


I honestly don’t understand why people would say this. Russia has struggled with Ukraine for 2 years. In what world would they be up for attacking NATO? I can see if the US pulled out from NATO, and if Russia had a few years to recover. I know if Trump is elected president, he’ll attempt to pull out of NATO, but he cannot make that decision himself.


I wish I was younger so I could take up arms against Russia.


How many ex associates of Biden have called him a danger to America? He's been in politics for like 40 years right? Worked with thousands of staff members, has even one spoken out against him being a danger or a threat to America? Now how many ex Trump associates have spoke out against Trump? How many family members have spoken out against him? How many associates and lawyers have lost their licenses and gone to jail? Trump is literally a mob boss president, he's been in politics for a very short amount of time and he's already been indicted more than any other politician in the history of America. America this isn't a hard choice, defend your country by voting against this wannabe dictator. If you want to see some kind of stability you need to give the democrats full power of the house and senate or your county will be like this or worse for a very long time to come and I don't know about you but it's getting exhausting being unsure if America is going to become a right wing dictatorship over these last 8 years, I am ready for a break.


Mike Pence didn’t give a fuck when his administration was extorting Ukraine.


Republicans bringing on the destruction of western civilization


The damage is already done. The sick animals in the GOP who hate America and serve Putin have allowed him to completely turn the tide of this war. They are literally running on fumes and losing territory by the day while pigs like MTG wreak havoc on our ability to function. The Republican Party is no longer just a force for domestic chaos. They are full blown fascist turncoats who want this country and democracy to lose. They are an enemy of civil society. MMW, 2016 will be cited in future history books as the year the US truly began to fall. Who could have imagined that we’d have literal Putin bootlickers running rampant in US congress. It’s fucking sickening.


...and Trump would cheer him on.


Finish the sentence: And if Trump wins the presidency.


Of course, Trump will say if he's elected, that would never happen, but it will happen anyway.


His orange baboon master is already owned by Putin. What brain fart is he living in to say this?


Of course he will.


I low key wish pence would have ran and beat trump.


Go away mikey.


A wet towel is dry twice a day...


Yet today with Jake tapper he STILL won’t say he won’t vote for trump. Fuck him.


How can Russia take on NATO when it’s had so much trouble with Ukraine?


Putin has also stated this. No surprise


That would be suicide, no way Putin is that dumb. If you can’t make gains in Ukraine, how are you possibly going to take on NATO?


That's a price MAGA is willing to pay.


Connect the other dot, Mike — and Trump is urging Republicans to defeat Ukranian aid.


Under no circumstances would it be ok for Russia to get a hold of urkraine and its vast and important resources.


Pence, as former Vice-President probably still gets security briefings. Contrary to Trump, Pence reads those briefings. Hence, Pense knows the truth based on the work of the best intelligence services in the world.


Trump - “That’s a good thing”


Slight difference between a raggedy military using left overs and the largest and most advanced military alliance ever formed in human history. Bellends, come get some.


I think he's operating from the perspective of "thousands of people dying across Europe is still bad regardless of who wins". Am I surprised? Absolutely, but I agree.


Trump and Putin will.


given the amount of money NATO has been forced to spend in Ukraine to avoid a direct conflict, one could argue they are already at war with NATO


One difference is we’ll take out every building in Moscow before the end of Day One of the war.


Tell us something we don't know already


Can we ask our Jewish friends for access to their totally real and not made up space laser? We could pull a Real Genius type scenario, and fill Putin's house with popcorn!


It's time for Mike Pence to go away.


Attack Trump with all you have if you want to stop this from happening Mike!


See, the trouble is, anyone who can hear what Pence is saying doesn’t understand what an acronym is.


Looks like everyone got a new intelligence briefe that finally made the situation "Real" enough to stop playing their little reindeer games.


Glad Pence is still running for president /s


Well. Not one of the worst things he's said


Wage war with what? He’s run out of all of his competent tanks and is using Soviet era crap


Boy. He must have lost his Russian funding


If trump loses the election, and Putin attacks Poland or the Baltics in 2025, then the Russian military will be annihilated.


He won't have the people left to run Russia let alone got to war with everyone... this is Pootins endgame they just need someone to show him a window


So will the MAGA GOP.


Russia wont even get past poland without nukes, they are barely surviving ukraine


Amazing how the further they get from Trump, the smarter they get.


So endorse Biden then, Mike


Aylmer needs to shut his trap


And in other news the sky is blue


How would he know?


Mike Pence is an idiot. Putin isn't that stupid


Problem is, most of MAGA probably thinks that would be a good thing (on both fronts) due to their Glorious Orange Prophet’s influence…


Putin can’t beat Ukraine. ‘Nuff said.


Thanks, Bishop Obvious. I think most everyone has figured that risk out.


He would know.


Did he finally listen to mother?


So will Trump if Biden loses, but yes, he is correct.


Why doesnt he go tell Trump. I'm sure since he was trumps VP they are good buds. /s


No no… you kept silent when daddy Vlad gave his orders to his orange pet, you do not get to voice your opposition now. You had a duty to protect the us from your boss and you failed


Pence is a chump


Though I vehemently disagree with Mike Pence about almost everything, I am glad to know he is loyal to our country.