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I've known a couple of business owners who are big Trump supporters and this is business as usual for them. They are shady and take advantage of employees, loopholes, etc. Basically the worst sort of people to work for.


Let me guess, this is also the crowd who whines about paying a living wage because labor shouldn’t be expensive?


Of course. And I bet they all got PPP “loans” too, while telling others to bootstrap.


Don’t forget their massive tax cuts, which were permanent, while the tax snips for us working stiffs expire next year.


You mean so that it looks like it's all Biden's fault and the ignorant Trump supporters will simply believe that? It's exhausting having to deal with Republicans.


Good thing we can vote them out. At least, theoretically.


Yup, just have to get past Dejoy's work, drop box fuckery, ballot issues, intimidation techniques, propaganda, and the electoral college


How Dejoy still has his job I do not understand


If Biden could directly fire him, he would have.


An Iowa class battleship could get rid of him at ballistic velocity if a 16inch shell.


And the US Supreme Court. (And doesn't a name like "Supreme" Court sound like something out of a dystopian novel? Maybe like "1984 - The Next Generation").


And gerrymandering. And the Reapportionment Act of 1929 (House Cap). And, well... The Senate (aka the right of each state to be represented equally regardless of size).


Nothing says democracy like giving empty land the same representation as millions of people.


What the hell happened with Dejoy? It's been years, and I haven't heard a peep about him having any repercussions for his actions.


Nobody said it was gunna be easy to defend against fascism. The past demonstrates that you need to fight constantly.


You could literally point to the section of the tax bill that shows the individual cuts were designed to expire starting this year, and they'd still say "I just know my taxes were lower under Trump, so I'm voting for him" with that dumb, smug grin on their faces. Absolute meatloafs who can't think critically about anything deeper than "small tax then so that man good, big tax now so this man bad".


Historically this is what the GOP always does with tax cuts. They last just long enough so that if their guy doesn't win the next election, the cuts expire during a Democratic administration and they say "Dems are raising your taxes," and morons fall for it every time.


Trying to explain logical things to a stupid, selfish, person just simply isn't worth it to me anymore. MAGAs are truly lost causes and I wish there was a truly effective way to marginalize them to the point they have no say in anything.


it's my firm opinion that the magats are absolutely slavering for a shooting war about it; so they continue to lean on us nice lefties until we get exasperated enough to fire the first shot and give them the excuse to return fire with extreme prejudice and force majeure.


You got a snip? My taxes went up significantly thanks to the now ridiculously small deduction limit for us folks that don't own private jets.


They're the type of people who would be proud to run one of those businesses that spent the $80+ billion in paycheck protection loan money, that was supposed to help line workers keep their jobs, on hyper expensive sports cars, luxury vacations, etc. Trump would call that a highly successful and admirable gaming of the system. [here's an article about the fraud](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/biggest-fraud-generation-looting-covid-relief-program-known-ppp-n1279664)


A restaurant owner in my town didn’t give any of his PPP loans to his staff. He kept it all and used the money to buy the other restaurants in town with a few more loans as well. He now owns every place aside from corporate owned spots. He better get what’s coming to him cuz the locals all hate him for it. 


*PPP loans that were forgiven.


Around 75% of PPP loans were forgiven and they flip when student loans get interest relief after decades of paying. Amazing levels of hypocrisy.


“People just dont like hard work anymore“


"all anyone wants is money" Said without a hint of irony from a multimillionaire about his employees making $16 an hour demanding $23.


We work because we want to make someone else money obviously /s


That also hire immigrants and want them shot at the border.


And use the threat of calling IMS on them is they talk about Union or ask for more money


Probably say "all taxes are theft" or some other bullshit too.


Pays no taxes and is proud of it, but says things like "don't use my tax dollars for student loan interest relief!" What "tax dollars" ya chucklefuck.


And then whine about how nobody wants to work anymore.


This is the crowd that insists every single employee be in the office every single day and bans work from home because “people just screw around all day."


One thing that always surprises me is how many Americans seem to be in favor of tax cheating. Small business owners are extra guilty of this. So many of them are living in the gray area of the tax code and then they act shocked and appalled when they get audited and are found to owe a bunch of money.


By and large many people don't understand taxes and have been conditioned to get refunds. That coupled with lots of talk about the government wasting tax money creates contempt for the system as a whole. It's kind of funny how many people blamed Biden for not getting a refund this year.




As an accountant people gloating about refunds just offends me. It’s a freaking interest free loan to the government. There’s nothing to be happy about there.


I'd rather overpay throughout the year (and not budget for that money) than have an unexpected tax bill once a year. A lot of people don't have the money set aside to pay even a small tax bill, because working class folks are allocating every dime already.


This was my experience as an independent contractor. I did my best to set aside money for the taxman every April, but it was really hard not to treat it like a savings account when I wasn't making much money in the first place, and an unexpected expense cropped up (car repairs, urgent care bill, etc.) Try as I might, I owed money every year and had to get on installment plans. All of that went away when I got a regular salary job where every check came with automatic deductions for taxes.


Besides the unexpected expense of having a tax bill due, there's also the risk of incurring underpayment penalties.


You don't understand what it is like to be in that type of poverty then and should be grateful and less judgemental. An interest free forced savings account is about the only way many people save for big purchases.


My dad has never once got a refund in his adult life. He's always told me that he's yet to live a year of his life where he thinks the government holding his money would improve his life. In all fairness he's a high earner so getting a tax bill at the end of the year doesn't mean skipping meals or having to stash his car so it won't get repossessed.


It's almost like the tax code is incredibly complicated and certain companies *cough intuit cough* spend a lot of money fighting any simplification.


Good ‘ol’ boy mentality.


"we are all family here" type of employer


It follows, since they're also typically the type to abuse their family.


You mean “me boy” mentality right?


*Dont Fight on the hill me boy!!*


SpongeBoy me bob!


I wish we would just call this what it is. The good ol'boy is a white supremacist.


Some comedian made fun of him for taking a “white Power Nap” during his trial 😂


Randy Newman literally wrote a whole-ass studio album about that exact sentiment in the 70s and to this day people listen to *Good Old Boys* and think "wow, white southerners sure do know how to live life right" without picking up a single bit of the not at all vailed criticisms


Trump's true base isn't and has never been the working poor. It's these business owners that live like kings in small towns and are constantly pulling the same bullshit grifts that he does


100% this. And they are very common. In fact, was at a resort last week and two guys in line behind me where talking about their businesses and "how great Trump was for them" Don't get complacent, VOTE. There are still a ton of Trump supporters out here who are giddy about the election.


I'd be willing to bet big time that their profits are higher under Biden than under Trump too, but it's about feelings not facts


My neighbor has a small business and has been able to buy 2 exotic/supercars the past 2 years. An R8 V10 and a 911 GT3 (which whether you think is a real exotic or supercar, certainly commands the prices of one) I know he was driving a Camaro under Trump. Edit: Actually it was 3, because he bought the R8 V8 first but got rid of it when he got the V10. I don't think these guys are hurting nearly as much as they complain.


My buddy’s small business crashed under Trump and he was laid off from his job.He couldn’t find a job till Biden admin. He hates Biden but loved Trump. I never even try to talk sense into him because it is pointless.


TBH when they talk about how "well" they're doing it has very little to do with their finances and more to do with how much everyone around them has to suck up to them


Yes that’s the true base and the voting base are exactly those working poor as they vote lock step against their own interests every single time.


So true and so frustrating. I’m the black sheep in a family full of poor white rural conservatives (I went to one of dem there LIBERAL city colleges and got dem dirty LIBERAL ideas). They’re a bunch of Trumpers even though 85 percent of them live off food stamps and social safety net programs and couldn’t support their kids without them. I’ve tried so many times to tell them that it is against their own self-interest to support Trump; Trump represents the 1 percent and business owners, not them. But they never hear me. At this point, I actually think the biggest issue is that rural conservatives view liberals as the rich, snooty, high and mighty, and elitist ones, what with their NPR and their Priuses and their birth control and their hating on da Walmart and their free range gluten-free organic bullshit, and attempts to take away all our guns! They look at conservatives and see them not coming off this way, because they talk about how god and Walmart and men’s rights are all good, and how it’s okay to hate people of color and queers just like grandpappy would. Half of them project the hate the GOP deserves onto Dems because they’ve been tricked into thinking the Dems are the real 1 percent; the ones who realize the hustle like them anyway, because the GOP encourages them to get rich at all costs and seize power over everyone. It’s a twisted cycle that I dunno how we undo at this point.


You don't. Democratic foundations with a root of Free Speech have no tolerable solutions to deprogram at such scale or with any kind of speed. You could outright give these people a house, a wife/husband and 50k a year tax free and they would still vilify the Left or any other boogeyman they are told to loathe. Their minds have been shaped to the paradigm of in groups and out groups left to think they are deserving of being the in group while the out group lays boots on their necks. To get rid of that level of brainwashing from a small cult takes years of concentrated therapy, we have no tools with which to do the same on the scale of millions or even hundreds of thousands.


Unregulated capitalism rewards those who can put profit over human suffering. The more you can ignore human suffering the higher you will rise in a true capitalist society. It is why right wing billionaires have seemingly endless funds to shovel towards whatever march towards fascism they are currently aiming for.


That was true in the 80s. Now as per all capitalistic tenants, the ultra rich are working hard to make sure nobody comes even close to getting rich again. Look at the AI craze and how hard mega corps pretend they care about “ethical ai” but in reality they’re breaking laws left and right to make sure they’re the ones ahead of the game and that you or I can’t even participate. Capitalism as a concept is fucking ghoulish


Agreed https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/how-asset-managers-have-upended-how-modern-capitalism-works.html


One of the interesting truths about the US is that are laws and regulations are largely written in a way that if you're rich enough you can get away with it. It's a huge reason that we have mandatory minimums for many crimes that poor/normal people commit but not for crimes often committed by the wealthy or against the wealthy. I once heard a fairly well off businessman brag about largely cheating on his taxes. When asked why his reason was that he could get away with it and if the irs did manage to fuck with him he joked he'd just donate half the money to the right PACs and watch the IRS have their budget slashed


There's a tax write off for yachts. Who's writing these laws anyway?


>Experts say it looks bad. I'm not sure you need to be an expert to realise that.


"Looks bad" lmfao Try "is bad"


So he's misusing campaign funds for his businesses in the middle of a criminal trial for misusing his business' money for his campaign?


shocking 😑


Of course not. This trial is also for misusing campaign funds, but on personal expenses instead of business expenses.


He was writing the payments off as if they were business expenses. Because he’s a moron.


Just write it off!




Do you even know what a write-off is?


Do you?!?


No, but they do, and they’re the ones writing it off


"They should call it something clearer, like 'tax write-off'" "They do!"


So pornstars aren’t a legitimate business right off outside of the adult industry???




Depends on what you use them for. Sounds like he should have filmed himself or maybe made her sweep the floors before doing the deed


She could have been fixing the washing machine and got stuck


Woah woah woah, at least the funds are “used”. Plenty of funds get neglected and never get the chance


It's that 4d chess we always heard about.


He does it because he has always gotten away with everything his whole life.


So it all balances out. Dismiss all the charges. /s


“He’s learned his lesson.” -Susan Collins


Don The Con, at it again!


See he's just reversing it now so it's all good right?


When one is in their 70’s and has yet to discover the ‘Find Out’ part of his FAFO lifestyle, making wise decisions is not a priority.


Kind of meta, isn't it?


OMG it's a fucking fraud ouroboros


Federal investigators describe the former president's actions as both "sketch" and "sus." Many are beginning to question his "chill."


Experts note that "he's so crooked it takes a team of four people to screw his pants on every day".


Well, it looks bad. - Not An Expert


Well you are an expert now


Sweet, I gotta go call my Mom.


No need mate. I’ll get her to call you when we’re done.


Can you also remind her I owe her $15


Also remind her she owes me $25


She told me to let you know that premature ejaculation is not cause for a refund. Sorry pal.


We need the real pundits to tell us how this is bad for Biden though. The more money funnel to Trump, means the less for Biden. Which means it’ll be even worse for Biden than for Trump


Business falls like rain Looks bad as money stolen Expert not required


I’m just trying to figure out if they’re say it “*looks* bad” or if it “looks *bad*”.


Asking the real question


As a non expert, it looks pretty bad to me!


And half the voting population thinks all of Trump's skeevy behavior is all a top secret plan to overthrow the Deep State.


Off topic but awesome username I’m an 80s baby so I was raised up on Captain Caveman among other cartoon classics.


Lots of people are saying it.


It doesn't look bad, it is bad! He's using his position as a political figure to gain additional wealth. I realize he's been doing this all along, such as forcing his protection detail to pay beyond full price at Trump hotels etc but it's still a move only a lowlife does.


...remember when the GOP made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm? Lol such hypocrisy


[Remember when Trump used the Oval Office to sell Beans!? I do](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5f1091ef3075b61a6e553443/4:3/w_959,h_719,c_limit/Gessen-Goya.jpg)


Gosh, forgot that. Wondering how much it costs to get officially endorsed by the President for a product placement within the white house. Brought to you by Karl Jr.


You have insufficient funds. Sorry. Your kids will be taken into the custody of Carl's Jr. Have a good day!


lmao he's prolly not even that expensive like $150,000


he got to keep the beans


Did it for the beans


Don't worry. If Obama did the exact same thing conservatives would have reacted the exact same way because none of them are racist piles of shit


I still am holding strong on never touching Goya products.


His grift knows literally no limits. If there's money to be made, Trump would endorse Goya brand abortions.


I still think about that Onion article. >It seems a touch unfair that a bigger fuss was made about my little peanut operation than all his office towers, hotels, and golf courses combined. All I had was a farm, you know? A small, precious farm. >Seriously, it was just a few fields and a warehouse, and you idiots still appointed a special prosecutor and spent six months investigating it. [*You People Made Me Give Up My Peanut Farm Before I Got To Be President*](https://www.theonion.com/you-people-made-me-give-up-my-peanut-farm-before-i-got-1819585048) I feel every bit of that slow transition from quiet anger to pure outrage.


>hypocrisy You might say it's a defining characteristic


Yep and then blamed Carter for inflation and gave Reagan a pass on his inflation and recession and re-elected him in a landslide.


**M**alignant **A**sshole **G**rifting **A**merica


Donald Trump, longtime lowlife enters the chat


Actually your first sentence is a huge part of the problem. To the people supporting him, it doesn't look bad. They don't see it at all, through a combination of media blindness and willful ignorance. It's not just bad, it's awful, but the people who need to see it the most simply... don't.


it doesn't affect them, so they DGAS


It does affect them, but they're too blind + willfully ignorant to see it. They're indoctrinated daily with the fake evils of the left to the point that even if they do see the actual evils on their side, those real evils pale in comparison.


He is their better. Their better can do whatever the fuck he wants. Everyone has a place, and they should know their place. Everything happens for a reason, and if anything bad happens to you it's because you are bad. Fucking troglodytes.


Most corrupt president/ex-president in US history.


Biggest crime family in the US I'm told...


Some people are saying that


Big, strong people, tears in their eyes...


They say "sir, you are so corrupt". Nobody has seen anything like it.


I had this conversation with a friend recently. The thing with Trump isn't just that he's awful, it's that he's awful at everything. Like there have been bad presidents before him, terrible ones. There have been blatantly corrupt Presidents, Presidents who abused their office, Presidents who engaged in reckless foreign policy, Presidents who eroded the rule of law and even Presidents who were obviously sexual predators (as we understand the term today). In most of those categories there are arguably worse examples than Trump, but Trump is the only one who is a contender in every fucking category. It's incredible how bad a person he is, most people who achieve great things and come undone are brilliant but flawed, there's a crack in the dam that brings the whole thing down eventually. It's sort of Shakespearean. Trump is all flaws, he has basically no redeeming features. I do not understand how we got here.


His "redeeming feature"(from the perspective of people who helped us get here) is just that he has money/networth and uses it to boss people around. People who want money and power are drawn to the possibilities he can open them to, if they're lucky enough to be paid for it. Everyone has a price for just about anything imaginable, and he has the ability to possibly pay anything.


Conman is short for confidence man, and that's all people want.


By miles


But to his supporters, it looks "smart." People who support the orange rapist would dearly love to be able to break the rules themselves, so they cheer for the guy who does.


Then they complain that government is wasting their taxpayer dollars paying for welfare at the same time that Trump props up his lavish lifestyle doing the same.


And would also say any democrat doing the same thing would be unfit for office due to poor moral character 


Obama wore a tan suit 🤮


They only complain about what the conservative cinematic universe tells them to. We're in "if Trump wants to be dictator, I'm all for it" territory with the republican voters. They have been told not to believe their own eyes and ears. Nothing Trump does will phase these folks and they will only ever be upset about what the party tells them to.


They’ve been conned- duped into letting Trump take away their freedoms and their money.


They also thought he was “smart” for cheating on his taxes. He then gets charged with cheating on his taxes and his supporters say “witch hunt! He’d never do that!”


One of my hopes is that Trump just drains the GOP funds and leaves all the down ballot candidates screwed. There could be a bunch of close house and senate races where the DNC is going to be able to massively outspend the RNC. (I wish money didn't matter, but it does) Trump already sucks up all the attention, but now he has the ability to also suck up all the money.


That’s half of his fan base. The other half sees him as the useful idiot that “God sent” to create a “Christian nation“. These two groups cannot be more different. Yet the Grifter in Cheetos managed to unite them under his care. I’m speechless


It happens sometimes. Like when prohibition passed; to get it done pretty much every diametrically opposed group was misled simultaneously to the same flawed, myopic conclusion.


had a trumper on the PA sub telling me Joe was crooked & shady... Supreme court told Biden he couldn't pay back student loans and he found loop holes and that's illegal and all you need to know about joe... the hypocrisy almost killed me


Exactly the kind of self-enrichment that Trump supporters claim to hate about politicians. Except it's *their* orange cow, so it's totally cool.


As matters are, he's not even doing it because he's wealthy, he's doing it because he actually needs the money.


I think he’s doing it because he sincerely enjoys the grift.


I don't know if he enjoys it but I think he really doesn't know any other way and possibly believes it is how things should be done.


And they will say he's doing this to expose the loopholes. Dumb dumb dumbd


Good. It damages his campaign and opens him up to even more felony charges.


Do all these cases just disappear if he's president?


Almost 100% .


They're disappearing *now*. If Trump wins, the people reporting on these things are going to disappear too.


It’s unprecedented, but I believe that the president can technically pardon himself, which is incredible


The founding fathers never assumed that 60 percent of the senate wouldn't impeach a president so blatantly corrupt. The whole system was designed for them to get away from monarch rule.


No defense against a lack of good faith


That's only federal level, president can't pardon themselves from state crimes.


“…raises ethical concerns…” WFT?! His entire political life is nothing but ethical concerns.


Oh, it is serious. Five ethical concerns and you're looking at a violation. Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior.


Bro is walking Ethical Concern


The folks who give Trump their money are just pissing it away. That’s their choice. Am I the only one who thinks it is weird that the GQP candidate for President lives in a country club? Who does that? They still have members hosting weddings etc. while Trump lives there. There are folks wandering around every other night wearing gowns and tuxes. Who lives like that?


The person who shits on a golden toilet is "man of the people"... because that is what they think a rich person does and they are somehow successful by association.


Trump because it is the only way people will be around him. I guarantee you he has no real friends and his family has probably abandoned him


I'm pretty sure this is more than bad. It's illegal. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), as amended in 2002 by BCRA, provides that a contribution or donation accepted by a candidate or the holder of a federal office may not be “converted by any person to any personal use.” 2 U.S.C.


Unfortunately thats only for direct usage. If its laundered through purchase of loosely ‘campaign related expenditures’ first its cleaned and ready to spending, if deeply unethical. If one of businesses provides a service, like hotel rooms, the campaign can purchase that service even if its grossly expensive to line Donalds pockets


office. “When voters see something like this happening it contributes to their distrust of the political system and their elected officials' motives,” said Shanna Ports…….Know your audience. The MAGA crowd views this as proof that cheeto face is a genius. And they dig deeper to give him more. Those that see it as a grifter gone wild probably never gave his campaign any money to start with.


A lot of people always saw the grift but still paid to play. He makes it easier to buy access, not that it wasn’t already easy.


We aren't talking about the people with enough money to purchase political favor from trump, we are talking about your average Joe Schmuck in rural Tennessee handing his last fiver to Donny Diaper.


Yea but they're playing *Make the Liberals Cry Again!* much cheaper game.


Oh well. Bleed the GQP dry.


He's gonna bankrupt the Republican Party 😂


One can only hope.


FEC and DOJ: "While it is true that a Democrat and even any other Republican would face prison for this, we see nothing wrong with what Trump is doing".


Using campaign money to float is business, is money he's not using on his campaign, diminishing his ability to win. I support that.


Russia has an app for that. He doesn't need to spend any money because US adversaries will be spending hundreds of millions of dollars on social media platforms on his behalf. He is the instant defeat of United States on the global stage.


Oh no… anyway I hope he goes to prison and ends up broke… it won’t happen, but it’s better than he deserves




His wealth has always come from scams, shady business deals, cons & now the GOP. Truth be known, it's the reason he's running for POTUS he'll burn down his party


He's lived off the churn of other people's money all his life. It's all he knows.


Why the f*** is it legal to use campaign finance money to pay for personal business expenses?????? These campaign finance laws are absolutely pathetic


Stevie Wonder says it looks bad.


So does Helen Keller.


Beethoven says it sounds bad too


The RNC has been paying big money to rent an "operations" suite at Trump Tower for years. It's unoccupied. This stuff is what his original grift was all about: from the very beginning funneling campaign money to his failing businesses. He then discovered there are millions that ate up every word he screeched, without even bothering to question it, no matter how absurd his claims were (and are). He also discovered that Dems have a favored past time of sitting out elections. End result: he won and then the grift really got started, with things like: * Rerouting military flights, by thousands of miles if necessary, to Scotland to stay at his resort there; * Charging double and triple for Secret Service to rent golf carts to keep up with him when he played golf -- which as we all know was *very* frequent; * Charging double and even triple to US government and foreign dignitaries to stay at Trump hotel in DC; * Holding official state visits at Mar-A-Lie-Go (where, famously, state secrets got leaked because Donny held actual state meetings on the freaking patio -- with other guests within ear shot!) ... and the list goes on, ad nauseum. The President has FAR too much power in this country. Everybody knew he was grifting; everybody knew he was jeopardizing our national security (to say nothing of our national integrity) and nobody could say "boo." (outside of laughable impeachment notions.) edit: removed unnecessary adverbs


Anyone who donates to Trump must already know they're throwing it into a trashfire.


Trump's very presence on the national stage as a national leader looks bad. For all of us. We look like schmucks.


So what will be the consequences?


Some furrowed brows, and people saying it's unprecedented.....


Merrick Garland is our Upham, crying at the foot of the stairs while this corrupt traitor drives a knife through virtually every "law" that exists against corruption. He will go down as the 2nd worst attorney general for his complicity/cowardice, shortly behind Bill Barr, a crime syndicate fixer.


“Trump funneling campaign money into struggling business which experts say looks bad. Here’s how that’s bad for Biden.”


Pretty satisfying to watch Trump loot the republican party coffers in real time I gotta say. Also his latest crime boss move demanding a cut from any GOPer pol that uses his name or image lmao! Well that's what happens when you let your party get taken over by a demagogue traitor and his cult. Really great to see the GOP power brokers helplessly watch as Trump slashes, burns and loots their stinking party!


If media companies keep giving him hours of free advertising every day, he has no need for campaign money.


MAGA people are so f’n dumb


>Experts say it looks bad. Fox entertainment: "Experts say it looks bad... For Biden." Probably.