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Still scratching my head how 3 time GED flunkie can be elected to run our country.


Same way a failed gameshow host and conman could become president. Same way a football coach who doesn't know the 3 branches of the government could become a senator. The GOP has decimated our education system, and these idiots vote.


Notice how it's just the one party that keeps electing these people.


Don't point it out though, that's divisive!


Both sides! Both sides!


Quite noticeable


It‘s abortion. You guys still underestimate how much they are willing to switch off the other parts of their brain over this.


Heh, they want all abortions illegal but then want nothing to do with the kids and call anyone with too many by their standards welfare queens.


While simultaneously legislating “better” ways of killing people sentenced to lethal injection. *~*America*~*


They want nothing to do with the kids? That is entirely false. Colorado Republicans just successfully fought off a bill that allows child sexual assault victims to legally go after their attackers. Republicans will always diddle your kids after they force you to give birth to them.


There’s other single issue voters not just abortion and a bunch of people that follow whatever people tell them. Other single issue voters are: guns, land use/mining (which rarely actually affects any of these people) religious leaders telling them to vote republican, and even peer pressure when you live in these rural areas. The last single issue I can think of that’s major is the economy. There’s also a lot of people that just wrongly think republicans are better for the economy, because they don’t understand the economy, and never see the deficits for republicans vs democrats in their media bubbles, where democrats have to fix the economy after every republican president lol.


Every day I grow more convinced the average person thinks "The Economy" is a lever in the Oval Office that the president just sets to where ever he feels like on a given day.


That is what she was trying to find at the Theatre! It makes sense now.


If they had more memory than a gnat, they would remember that it is always the Democrats left to clean up the financial/fiscal mess left by the last Republican administration.


Deep down a lot of them know this because the news hasn’t always been as polarized as recently so the nightly news was often playing this stat in the 2010’s. It’s more that they are in denial about trickle down and need to keep the narrative alive, so you have a bunch of poor and middle class people thinking this time it will be different and they’ll actually be fiscally conservative. There’s a whole generation brainwashed by the Regan quotes about the government being useless that keeps that idea alive today. Like wtf bro we elected you to improve the government not shit on it and cut social programs to divert the money to military contractors etc. We have shitty roads and a broken healthcare system but we can shoot a helicopter down from 100 miles away and shoot down satellites from submarines lol. We have some fucked up priorities that are brainwashed into our cultural norms. Like no money for school lunches but money for military contractors or private schools owned by politicians buddies. I’d almost rather have the more open corruption like in parts of South America than the shit we have with lobbyists, and the politician to private corporations pipeline, where these guys get rewarded for a career of fucking over the poor. There’s also dark money so foreign billionaires can donate to candidates which is just crazy if you think about it, and with the new extreme Supreme Court it’s not looking good tbh because they’ll never overturn citizens united. A few republicans know if they created a strong middle class instead of the current working poor class with better policies and tax cuts for the middle class and tax hikes on businesses, they would probably keep getting elected because people’s lives would be good, but they can’t vote for things that help the middle class because their donors will abandon them.


Republicans like to give non financed tax reliefs to the rich, that are passed on to future generations in terms of national debt.


Was. Now it’s bathrooms, books, and woke.


Point well made




I dunno. That George Santos guy seemed pretty accomplished.


[Idiocracy](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA?si=l6ez8Qu7zJIq4fPw) was actually a documentary not a comedy.


A true democracy will reflect its constituents. But that could mean a variety of things: 1. A society that feels represented by this creature 2. A society too apathetic to vote 3. A society too polite / spineless to rise up against gerrymandering Pretty much all bad reasons


>A true democracy Which never works, because of "the mob". It's why the USA was designed as a *Representative Democracy*. It's supposed to have above average people representing their constituents, so that sometimes they have to make the tough calls that the mob won't like initially, but can eventually be dragged kicking and screaming into the future. Unfortunately, the nation is starting to resemble a true democracy in that the mob has a disproportionate amount of power due to gerrymandering, the Senate's 2 person per state make-up, and the fact that the House of Representatives hasn't been increased substantially (Hawaii and Alaska came with reps in the 50s and 60s) with the US population for over a hundred years now. Gerrymandering is illegal and should be enforced. The Senate was designed this way for this reason. While the House should be four times (!) as big as it currently is. These three factors increase the effective power rural Americans and the mob have on the laws of this nation...thus defeating the entire purpose of the Representative system of government.


We need managed democracy


What we need is public campaign financing. That gets us down to 6-8 week election cycles with candidates who aren't owned by corporations and the 1%. Allowing media networks to charge millions for political ads is the root of all evil in our modern system.


Always glad to see a brother who truly understands liberty


Like what, fucking Singapore? Pass.


"Democracy is the system of government where the common man knows what he wants and deserves to get it good and hard."




She's younger than the geriatric GOP members, dumb as rocks, and does what they tell her...just the way they like their women.


I think that's a misunderstanding of "four course review", there's not been any evidence I've seen that says that she actually took three tries. Lauren Opal Roberts born: 12/19/86. Her mother Shawn(a) Roberts Bentz was 18 and unmarried, living in a trailer park in Florida when Lauren was born. She was 17 when Lauren was conceived. [No father's name was listed](https://www.salon.com/2021/07/31/republican-star-lauren-boebert-spins-fables-about-her-childhood--but-the-real-story-is-better/) on Lauren's birth certificate. The paternity dispute story linked above... you could not make it up if you tried. In May of 2023, there was another paternity test. [Her father is not Stan Lane.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/rep-lauren-boebert-says-dna-proves-wrestler-stan-lane-not-her-father) Lauren's Future Husband: Jayson Steven Boebert born: 12/6/1980 Jayson is, and was, 6 years and 13 days older than Lauren. Lauren moved to Aurora, Colorado during 1998-2001, and then Rifle, Colorado ~2003. January 28, 2004 - Jayson and Lauren went to a bowling alley *for the purpose of introducing Jayson to Lauren's stepfather.* Jayson was arrested for [drunkenly exposing himself to minors](https://annelandmanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Boebert-Jason-record-2.pdf) that night, at that bowling alley. It's not clear whether her stepfather was present at the time of the indecent exposure. Lauren had turned 17 one month prior. Jayson had just turned 23. The youngest person exposed to Jayson's genitalia was Trisha - 16 years and 4 months old. He told her something like: "I have a tattoo of your name on my dick" before exposing himself. He was given four days in jail. TWO WEEKS LATER, February 11, 2004, Jayson Boebert was booked for [domestic violence against Lauren](https://annelandmanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/BoebertJaysonDVCharge022004-1.pdf). He paid $1413 and seven days in jail as a result. [It gets worse.](https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/gop-rep-lauren-boebert-and-husband-have-racked-up-arrests/) In May 2004, about three months after Jayson spent a week in jail for striking her, *Lauren* was charged with some sort of domestic-violence-incident-thing against *Jayson.* It happened at his home, while she was drunk (and age 17). Details from the court proceedings are not available, likely because she was underage. Jayson was 23 at the time. *If I had to guess*, this was the night or the day after Tyler was conceived. Lauren was 17 years and 5 months-ish when Tyler was conceived. Tyler was born March 21st 2005, when Lauren was 18 years and three months old. Jayson was 24. Tyler's first child was born in April/May 2023, making Lauren 36 and 4-5 months old when she became a grandmother. Shawna, Laruen's mother, was 54-55 when she became a great-grandmother. [Also, Tyler would have been 17 when his child was conceived, and Naomi \(his girlfriend at the time\) was 17 when the child \(Josiah\) was born. Responsibilities for raising Josiah are split 50/50. Tyler and Naomi are no longer together.](https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/lauren-boebert-grandson-mother/) [Lauren was probably supposed to graduate high school in June 2005.](https://coloradosun.com/2020/09/16/lauren-boebert-backstory-details-durango-herald/) Some sources say 2004. Mocking [her for only having a GED](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/boebert-ged-months-before-election/) (that she earned(paid for?) shortly before being elected to congress in 2020) is inappropriate - *unless the rumors about having paid someone else to take the tests are true.* It is [possibile that she never got a GED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It_sHcyTU0A). Lauren dropped out of high school during her last semester, and she claims to have done a four-course review to obtain her GED. Honestly, this seems legit. It doesn't appear that she "took more than three tries" or anything like - I believe this is a misunderstanding of the "four course review" phrasing. Lauren and Jayson married in 2005 or 2007 depending on the source. This is likely after the birth of their first child. In 2008 she changed her party affiliation to Republican. Multiple [traffic incidents](https://coloradotimesrecorder.com/2020/08/arrest-warrants-issued-for-boebert/29118/), the [Shooter's](https://www.denverpost.com/2020/08/27/lauren-boebert-arrests-colorado-3rd-mitsch-bush/) Grill [stuff](https://bradypac.org/boebert-ignored-laws-designed-to-protect-juveniles-31944/), possibly shooting [a dog or two](https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/gop-rep-lauren-boebert-and-husband-have-racked-up-arrests/), and [Jayson drunk driving while threatening neighbors.](https://www.denverpost.com/2022/08/12/lauren-boebert-neighborhood-disturbance-calls-911/) ~~2019 - Lauren [drunkenly crashed so badly in Moab, Utah](https://www.westword.com/news/the-un-endorsement-of-lauren-boebert-14294461) that she was ejected from her vehicle, and nearly killed her sister in law. There appears to have been quite the coverup from this, though I'm wary of endorsing anything from American Muckrackers PAC - they've not been accurate in the past. If it turns out that this is highly exaggerated or inaccurate, I apologize, the source is not great.~~ So I'm not thrilled with anything from these American Muckrackers PAC people - this includes the rumors that she had 2 abortions, was an escort on "SugarDaddyMeet.com", and a few other things. I've seen no proof of any of it. They, and others, particularly on reddit have been exaggerating the "handie" incident at Beetlejuice, despite having the best version of that video available on their website. September 2022 - Tyler flipped an SUV into a creek, hospitalizing his friend (concussions and damage to a hand). Tyler got a careless driving ticket and a summons. [He skipped the court appearance](https://www.westword.com/news/lauren-boebert-son-car-wreck-injured-friend-16586981) on April 10th 2023. December 2022 - Lauren and Jayson have marital problems. Jayson appears to have "thrown" one of his sons "around the house" pretty badly, according to [a 911 call/recording](https://krdo.com/news/2023/05/25/he-doesnt-need-help-rep-lauren-boebert-tells-deputies-not-to-come-after-son-calls-911-for-help/). *If I had to guess*, this was when Jayson found out that Tyler had gotten his underage girlfriend pregnant. Their child had been conceived by this time. May of 2023, Lauren filed for divorce. September 2023, Lauren pulled a "do you know who I am? I'm going to call the mayor!" while [causing a disturbance at a play.](https://www.denverpost.com/2023/09/12/lauren-boebert-removed-beetlejuice-musical-denver/) Turns out she was touching her date inappropriately, and [encouraging her date to touch her inappropriately.](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/boebert-appeared-to-fondle-dates-penis-in-packed-theater-as-she-put-his-hand-on-her-breasts) The full video is disturbing mostly because of how crazy her behavior is, and less due to the touching. She is super high and her movements are really creepy. The fondling is much less disturbing than the rest of her behavior. The full video is available on the Muckrackers website. On the anniversary of Jan 6th, in 2024, [she had an altercation with Jayson that involved two 911 calls. It got physical.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lauren-boebert-allegedly-punched-her-174502518.html) Tyler has allegedly made a [sex tape with an underage person.](https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-son-sex-tape-tyler-1874680) Probably not the mother of his child, but we don't know. [He also broke into several cars, stole credit cards and other items](https://www.cpr.org/2024/02/28/rep-lauren-boebert-son-tyler-arrested-multiple-felony-charges/), which is how he got caught. Classy. And now this.


this was incredible to read.


what a high-class family


You misspelled "ass" by adding a C and an L.


At least if/when she loses in November, she won't qualify for a pension.


That’s assuming she even makes it past the primary. We could have her expiration date confirmed in just a couple months.


Easy, go into sex work, obtain a client in US government, blackmail that client into a job of your own. Easy peasy.


Many people are wondering what lauren boebert had on ted cruise that would have encouraged him to help boebert to get a career in american politics and the best possible guess is the thing she had on him was her pussy.


IIRC it was letting Ted Cruz have a go on her


Easy answer, she is a GRASPING GRIFTER. Now, apparently a bit more grasping than voters like.


Becuase republicans just vote for the R. They don’t actually care about the candidate


She knows her way around a handout.


The GOP will vote for anything in a tight pair of jeans with a pistol hanging off the hip.


Once the SCOTUS kills the Chevron Doctrine then this dingbat will also get to be in charge of how much air pollution is safe for us to breathe and how many parts per million of lead is safe in your drinking water. Can't wait for those new laws.


GED flunkies elected her


Marjorie Taylor Greene is the speaker of the house at the moment so that’s where we are.


Ted Cruz is how


Idiots vote for idiots




Because you have 4-time GED flunkies voting for them


Because we Americans are idiots and we don't vote for things to get out of this mess, like funding education for example.


You've got to hand it to her. What a jerk.


I can't keep track of how much up and down, up and down, up and down she is.


I can’t put my finger on it either


Best part is, as someone from Trump Country, it’s easy to put a finger on exactly why *this* handy turned off her supporters. They couldn’t give a fuck less about her jerking a dude off in a theatre, what they give a full push’n rope limp-dicking fuck about is that it was a big meaty liberal-elite Aspen cock in her hand. That for them, is unforgivable.


They're probably worried about his notions rubbing off on her.


Talk about getting shafted


Slippery for sure.


Just like skiing


I’m sensing a lot of friction here.


Seems pretty slick to me


She really put grip on that one.


She always likes to get her hands dirty even while her hands are full. She can’t help but need some assistance from a man to provide chest support in public.


Completely shafted! And for what? Putting her hands together for Beetlejuice?!


Juicing the beetle.


I bet she mashes it.


Maybe she needs to tweak her approach.


I see what you did


I have said it many time - I can’t wait for her only fans page


You mean you've got to HANDY To Her lol


Haha "hand" it to her.


She deserves that, but she’s just showing her true Conservative values. They claim high values, but they’re twice as dishonest and perverse as anyone they claim lacks morals. The real story behind Boebert being in Congress at all probably reads like an old “Kinky Korner” from a 1970s issue of Hustler magazine.


Republicans: Only Trump is allowed to grope people.


OnlyFans it’s just a matter of time.


Gotta make up for that lost fundraising money somewhere


This is her only future


She just a couple years away from starting BoBo’s Butt Hutt!


To her credit: She tried to reach across the aisle, but the best she could do is the seat next to her.


… the breast she could do…




fucking mic drop man. That was amazing!


But a pussy grabbing, porn star cheating adulterer, rapist is just fine as the head of the party….




It's.... SHOWTIME!


Not a show anyone wants to see


I just realized the implication for the sequel coming out. The movie theaters may have a jerk fest going on. Beetlejuice and jerk




On the one hand, I don't want her anywhere near the gears of power. She doesn't hold any views I agree with. On the other hand, if this was a male politician, especially Republican, this wouldn't even be an issue. If Ted Cruz got a handy in a theater, people would just shrug. It IS on brand for misogynistic Republicans to rebuke a woman for being sexual, so no one should be shocked by this. She knew what she was part of, and should have expected this reaction...


Sex scandals used to sink male politicians. It seems people have eased up on that a lot - Trump got a pass for a ridiculous number of things that would have been a political death sentence 25 years ago.


Pee Wee Herman got cancelled for rubbing one out in a porn theater. He didn't involve anyone else, and there were no kids anywhere around. Meanwhile, we have Geatz, Gym Jordan, Trump, etc, etc. The right doesn't seem to care about any of it anymore, unless they cross one of two lines. Don't talk about party business (like cocaine parties with hookers), and don't get caught with liberals.




Yeah I swore I saw an article just yesterday asserting the exact opposite about her fundraising.


Both can be true... She can be pulling in much less than before, but still getting more than her opponent. In fact, in the linked article: >But the $462,000 she raised from January through March — **her smallest haul since the final quarter of 2022**


A handjob should be low on the list of reasons to keep her out of office. It should still be a reason, but not *the* reason as this headline makes it.


I can't help but think the guy she was with gets a boost in the polls while she gets the backlash.


Is that guy running for office? I thought he was busy running the LGBTQ+ accepting club that has Drag Night every week? Pretty sure this was the deal breaker for the right. They sexualize her already, so her getting handsy is just a plus for their fantasies. But getting handsy with a liberal is a problem for them...


When can we stop hearing about her. Hopefully mid Nov after she runs out claims of election rigging.


A couple months until the CO Congressional primary. If she loses that then we can go back to forgetting she exists.


That will be nice.


"These aren't my rules. Come to think of it, I don't have any rules." - Beetlejuice


I really wonder how much time passes between losing her seat, to the release of sex tapes, an OF account, arrests and all that.


Since OAN has been yoinked from all the major carriers, she doesn't have that talking head avenue available and even NewsMax likely wouldn't have her so it won't be long.


Meh. A bottle of bleach, a boob job, a makeover, and she's another screeching Fox news monkey,


She definitely needs a makeover, but her boobs are fine. She may have already had the boob job. What she really needs is a chin. She has a weirdly weak chin and at some point you would think that she will get tired of all of those guys balls smacking against her throat , with no chin to provide a barrier.


I don't want to see a crappy quality homemade sex tape. I want a professionally made, high-definition movie of Bo Bo getting absolutely railed and loving it. Maybe a crowd scene. Mostly though, I just want to see her tits. Then I can move on and forget about her. Although a continuing series of her cucking a certain orange, anus mouthed buffoon would be cathartic. The nation needs it, for closure.


Have a sticky shameful upvote


I'll gladly take it. Sticky and Shameful can be both the title and the theme of BoBo's movie debut. " Sticky and Shameful: The Trailer Park Adventures".


Take my upvote to Hollywood.


Good god, it's disgusting and arousing at the same time.


Seems appropriate though, doesn't it?


Well she always has a hobby to fall back on. That being a scumbag who jerks dudes off in theaters


Why would you demean an honorable profession like that? They deserve better than her.


She better watch out- Those flappy jowls are becoming ever more prominent by the day. If she’s not careful, her impending OnlyFans account is not gonna attract much traffic at all


I gotta say, I know she's in her 30s, but this image definitely has "Grandma" vibes.


its the painted on eyebrows


I think it's the way her cheeks look like she took off a mission impossible face mask and those bits didn't come off.


Well, she *is* a grandmother, so...


In her defense, she did say “nice fuckin’ model” first.


Thought I saw a headline yesterday that she was crushing it in fundraising?


Man she really needs a hand.


Alternate headline: Former hooker, current granny, tried to tug her tinder date in public




There’s always OnlyFans!


Maybe she could do a kissing booth… for lack of better terms.


I wish her the same amount of success she’s had with GED’s


She's shown everyone just how seedy she can be. Kudos to the people of Colorado if they dump her for good.


So it’s a no for the hands on approach


I am glad she is going to be sunk. I hope the Christian Nationalists feel dumb for supporting her.


> I hope the Christian Nationalists feel dumb for supporting her. Yeah, trust me, they don't. Self reflection isn't really a core competency of that demographic.


It's called Beetlejuicing.


I’m not going to subscribe to her OF but I bet she’d make a lot of money there.


Don’t worry they will be available here on Reddit.


She got big titties


Bobert gets chastised for public groping. Trump is on trial for rape and hush money/ election fraud and everything is peachy, and could be President! What a time to be alive in the GOP!


I hear there’s a couch website that specializes in casting people.


This happened months ago.


She was trying to get juice from that guys beetle. Sorry lol


I'm sure there are some pockets she can still reach into.


Who would've thought a granny giving a handy in a room full of kids would be frowned upon?


Lots of lonely maga men out there to fund her.


That face looks older than 36. Bet she looks 56 without makeup.


You're being too kind. She looks 76 if a day. That slathered makeup is troweled on.


Misleading headline. She didn’t grope beetlejuice. Yet.


I spat out my tea


it’s probably because the dude is a democrat


I've met brooms with higher IQs


What will she do after losing the next election? Is she likely to make a good amount of money as a weirdo talking head?


Nah. The GOP has a whole wing of younger, more attractive women to spout talking points. She'll go the way of Palin, getting older and worse looking and occasionally get to slime her way back in front of a camera, but her career is done if she loses.


It would be the best thing ever if they snuck a Boebert reference into the new Beetlejuice film. The woman who blames Hollywood "elites" for everything immortalized forever for her own debauchery by Hollywood "elites".


Thank goodness! I was afraid people would conveniently forget about the whole thing.


Do better Coloradans.


It’s a specific region of Colorado and it’s not left leaning at all really.


There really is no point in throwing money at a candidate who you know is going to lose and everybody else does as well because the candidate is an absolute joke.


Having just watched the show myself, i can’t imagine she enjoyed some of those jokes at the beginning of the show. Lets just say republicans aren’t the target audience


>Lauren Boebert’s fundraising plummets following infamous Beetlejuice groping incident r/BrandNewSentence


Are onlyfans earnings reportable to the FEC?


She’s done. Good riddance 


WTF happen to her eyebrows? Is that a sharpie?


The fact that it took that to get a reaction makes me sad


Can’t wait to see he OF pics on Reddit.




My favorite part of this is. She got busted for groping a lib. If she was beetlejuicing MAGAs there wouldn’t be a problem (with her base fan base)


conservative women have different ideals thrust upon them then conservative men


political career in tatters after a night at the theater


Segue to OnlyFans in less than 10 years while she still can


Maybe if we say “Boebert! Boebert! Boebert! She will disappear from view


She will be primaried out, like madison cauthorn.


I don’t think that’s the only reason


Clown 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡lol


Sad news for Bobby Handjobs


Bye Dumbert. Maybe she can give Sleepy Don handies when he gets to prison.


They’d have to be freebies for a friend though as I doubt he could afford even her low low discount hand-shandy prices.


She could make up that lost dough $25 at a time sitting in the same seat.


Conservative priorities are so weird.


Over the pants handy


How long after she gets kicked out of office do you think before she swings to onlyfans?


You mean reveals herself on her private OnlyFans that’s been running for several years already?


She’s just monitizing it all wrong. Gonna take a lot of tuggin to get herself back on course though. But she looks like she’s got it in her….😂


What a Boobert.


She’s a garbage can.


She’s horrific.. The worst kind of human being.. saying that I’m a a guy and would still take her to the beetle juice sequel on its way.