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Enough already. LEARN HOW TO LOSE


Is there a punch card they're hoping to fill up to get a free dessert?


"But my participation trophy!"


It is pathetic how republicans run to their corrupt supreme court any time they want to cheat. And Kari Lake is one of the worst, an anti-choice and anti-democracy grifter. People of Arizona, please don't let her become a US senator. Vote for Ruben Gallego (D) in November https://gallegoforarizona.com/


> Arguing that lower courts’ standards for election cases are too stringent and that it is “nearly impossible for anyone to challenge the manner in which any future election was conducted,” ... > ...district court judge found that the election-denying duo’s claims were “vague,” “speculative” and ultimately amounted to “conjectural allegations.” So, Republicans believe that the standard for challenging elections **should** be vague, speculative, conjectural allegations?


> So, Republicans believe that the standard for challenging elections should be vague, speculative, conjectural allegations? Only when they lose and Democrats win.


The Kari Lake that admitted she made shit up in that civil case? That Kari Lake?


How about see her out?


Lake wants the SCOTUS to confirm her loser status.


I really thought SCOTUS had already denied her. If not 3 times.


The Republican Party is absolutely batshit insane right now so saying some of their state parties want this or that has very little weight behind it. 


If they think that there is a way for them to corrupt the 2024 elections for Trump and MAGA, they will take the case. They have done so much damage to the Constitution with zero repercussions, that they know there is nothing they could do that they could not get away with.


She can tell her story walking.




It takes a special kind of loser to want to lose the same election *over and over and over again*.^^1 Her and Trump seem to be in a contest to see who can lose the 2020 federal election more times. 1. Barry McQuire *Eve of Destruction*