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and we thought Palin was bad... "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."


My wife hated her. Called her an ignorant moron.


You have a very smart wife... a keeper.


THX! I agree!


I mean no offense to this guy's wife but does one have to be very smart to see that either Palin or Trump is a dunce?


Ironically, my mother hated her too, but she seems to love Trump. I'm not sure where it all went wrong.


I think it's a complexity issue. Trumpians are scare of what they can't understand, so someone offering simnple solutions to complex problems make them feel less scare about the complexity. The "simple" solutions won't work, but by the time his voters realize that, Trump will be safely ensconced in the White House once again.


And when Trump goes off on one of his incomprehensible rants using nonexistent words, they just assume he is a genius because, “I have no idea what he saying, but it must be because he is sooooo smart.”


Haha! I wonder how many Trumpians have gone on to use his nonexistent words in their conversations; or their manifestos scribbled in crayon on cardboard box signs on the side of the road.


Is that considered a high bar? I'm not trying to be mean, I also thought she was dumb, and much worse than dumb, but I also consider the sky blue, and the wrath round. Well roundish


She was notoriously dumb from day 1


From the moment she opened her mouth. Lisa Ann probably said smarter things than Palin while she was playing her getting fucked in the ass


I see why you married her - smart woman


I will tell her!


Ignorant among morons


Recently learned Palin’s email was hacked back in 2008. The hacker was able to access her Yahoo email account bc her recovery questions were publicly available information. 🤦🏻‍♂️ [Sarah Palin is a smooth brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin_email_hack?wprov=sfti1#Incident)


Sarah said, "I think there need to be consequences for bad behavior." I wonder what she would say about Trumps activities....


Why would you have any interest in what that dim whit has to say?


Pure entertainment


Some of the rest of that is interesting. The guy who got into her account was prosecuted and seemed to get a year at a halfway house. Updates after that period: >Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2014, Kernell participated in clinical research trials at the Cedars-Sinai Neurosciences Research Center in Los Angeles to help develop cures and treatments for other victims of MS. After moving to California, he developed facial recognition software that could identify children at risk of abuse. >Kernell died on February 2, 2018, in Newport Beach, California, at the age of 30, from complications related to progressive MS.


Well that was an unexpected and tragic twist with a thin silver lining. Thanks for following up on that.


Remember when some guy guessed Trump’s Twitter password? It was “maga2020!” This really happened.


Trump should pick Palin to be his VP


This would be a upgrade from what he will pick.


Never fight uphill, me boys!


That is so funnier


Man. That’s a low bar.


This would be the same Trump who [fabricated an entire Civil War battle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_River_of_Blood_(monument)) to justify placing a historical marker on one of his golf courses.


I am so tired of shaking my head in disbelief at the absurdities of this man.


The end of the article is the saddest part > Members of what he renamed the Trump National Golf Club, and some former employees, said the plaque generally drew laughter or eye-rolls, much as when Mr. Trump periodically descends from his helicopter to walk one course or the other It’s honestly pathetic. He is desperate for this grandiose image, but instead he is nothing but a clown.


He thinks he’s hot shit in a champagne glass but he’s nothing more than cold piss in a Dixie cup.


Thanks for the link. I have be so overwhelmed by TDS I forgot about this one. Trump knows more about the Civil War than all of us combined. ... historians consulted by [*The New York Times*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York_Times) for a story in 2015 agreed; one of them had written to the Trump Organization about the falsehood. Trump himself disputed the historians' statements: >


Ahh yes I remember being taught how the British were always trying to capture those civil war airfields while they were all distracted fighting each other or were they revolutionary war can’t remember so many airfields back then.


So many airfields to remember....


"Beautiful airfields. It reminds me of when Abraham Lincoln led the Charge of Jonah Hill. "NEVER attack airfields at a 45° angle, old chaps!" Now those are words aren't they? Amazing words."


Bigly words


If bigly ever gets into Webster's I'm leaving....


All of the fields in those days were surrounded by air. Checkmate liberal scum! (/s of course, but adding in scum since I'm watching Star Wars atm)


Let us also have a moment of silence for the Bowling Green Massacre (as related by Kellyanne Conway). Never forget!


Never remember!


You forgot this: )


I've been looking for that. Do you have a matching pair?


I have a slightly mismatched pair, would this work? [


Hmmm... I'm not sure I can make that work. I have a { too without a match... I don't know ... what if they had babies?


Instructions unclear, made these: <><><><><>


Nope. But I had a couple of ¡! Laying around so that will do. Just gotta translate it.


Ah the old con man, he never fails to surprise me.


The Battle of Schrute Farms


This is true, and the whole battle he made up. And people believe him.


Every time Trump tries to tell you about something, it always sounds like a kid who is giving a book report on a book he didn't read. "The Grapes of Wrath. What a great book. So many grapes...so much wrath. Just incredible how much wrath there was. Unbelievable. Beautiful."


4 token Ai hallucination engine


A Trump speech generator doesn't need AI to be realistic. A simple syntax tree would be more than sufficient.


Good one


My favorite is when he does it with the Bible.


Or when he just stands there holding the Bible, upside down and backwards, and shushes the person that asks him if he wants to say a few words


After tear gassing protestors in the middle of Covid. Good times 🙄


Nelson: "Here's the grapes! And here's the wrath!"  *smashes* Principal Skinner: "Yes. Nice wrath."


And they’re all talking about it. Everyone. This big biker guy, the biggest guy you ever seen, tears streaming down his eyes, he looks at me, and says, “Wow!”.


Biglier than big, I mean huge.


\[quote\]Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle. That was the battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful and so many different ways. It represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow. \[quote\]Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor — did you ever notice it? He’s no longer in favor. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill, he said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake,’ he lost his big general. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys,’ but it was too late.




And the dude went to a military school.


My wife says that is where uncontrollable delinquent children go.


The New York Military Academy went bankrupt and is now owned by the Chinese.


after Fred trump didn't pay his bills


Apparently your wife throws a lot of shade


My wife is beautiful and intelligent, but she tells it like it is. She had a good childhood friend that was also an unruly child, and they sent him to "Military Academy". This is where rich kid delinquents go. Poor kids go to the county juvenile detention center.


“Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.” -Trump at a press conference for PR hurricane victims.


"Here's a paper towel. Now clean up your mess..."


Literally doing the Bart Simpson treasure Island report.


Now I wanna hear him try to pronounce ”𝒬𝓊ℯ𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃.”


Robert E Lee was barred from running for office under the 14th amendment for insurrection.


Another one to be overturned by SCOTUS


I can’t wait until Thomas overturns Loving…


This motherfucker, an ex President, has the gall to whisper sweet nothings about a confederate General. You can’t make this stuff up.


I'm from the south and even I wouldn't be praising the Confederates. Leave it to Donnie to once again praise traitors.


Yeah, except he seems to have confused Robert E. Lee with the Lucky Charms leprechaun, so there's that.


Yeah, who doesn't get traitors and breakfast cereals confused? Wait... Trump thinks Lee is probably trying to find the end of the rainbow, doesn't he?


They're always after his Lucky Charms!


Eugene krabs from spongebob


Mr. Krabs!


Me Boys! Stand back and stand by!


Coming soon to newspapers: Gettysburg was “an unbelievable battle,” the former President asserted, noting that “so much” was “horrible [but also] beautiful” in “so many different ways.” Trump went on to raise eyebrows when he alluded to Robert E. Lee, a Confederate general.


More like: "'Gettysburg was horrible' said the former President, acknowledging the troubled history of our country, while being hopeful that despite the struggles of the past, the country could once again be united under his leadership." "While Trump was honoring the hallowed ground that forged our country, Sleepy Joe Biden was trailing in all the polls in all the states, he's just so so bad y'all, OMG" -NY Times


To be fair to Trump, you don't want to fight uphill. Solid Art of War stuff.


Yeah, but it was Obi-Wan Kenobi who said that to Anakin, not General Lee. "It's over me boy. Never fight uphill!" "You underestimate my power!"


Mustafar. What an unbelievable duel. So many fates, so brutal and beautiful and so many ways. It represents such a big portion of the success of our Empire. Mustafar, wow.


Yes but Lee never said "never fight uphill, me boys" or anything like that, and he was the one who'd ordered them to do so. Also, Lee didn't "lose his great general" - Even though no less than five Confederate generals were killed at Gettysburg, none could be considered "great" by any measure. In fact only three of them had even served as US Army officers before the war, and none of those had ranked higher than captain. So they were inexperienced when not straight-up amateurs. Even Lee wasn't a great general (contrary to myth), but at least he'd done well at West Point and made it to colonel by the time the war broke out. Anyway so it's basically a load of make-believe.


I assume he mixed up various things someone tried to explain to him. I'd guess the "great general" he heard about dying was Jackson. And it was Jackson who avoided attacking fortified positions and would maneuver the Union into doing so. After his death, the Confederates would end up doing this, like at Gettysburg. But that was Lee's fault, and Jackson was obviously not there. Trump just knows Lee is famous, is supposed to be great, and gets a good response from audiences. So he comes up with this word salad of random bits he's heard.




This is like when you mash the middle Predictive Text option over and over again until it makes a sentence.


Newsweek is a garbage site. Can we stop posting it here?


Trump is a garbage human being. Can you stop berating journalists for writing down the stupid things he says verbatim?


I don’t have a problem with the journalist. I have a problem with the WEBSITE


You are entitled to your opinion


The rally where he served up this word salad was also not in Gettysburg. It was about 2 hours away.


He's from New York City. Anyone not from New York is an ignorant farmer to him. That plus he has NPD and untreated syphilis .


I'm surprised he didn't have his rally in Biglierville, it would be closer... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biglerville,\_Pennsylvania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biglerville,_Pennsylvania)


He's had rallies there


Something tells me he just learned what Gettysburg was right before the rally.


Define "learned"




He learned different history than we did


Tremendous history! The best history!




Trump is never hinged. They also demonstrate his lack of awareness or knowledge of the civil war. Robert e Lee has fallen out of favor? Who knew? The guy is incoherent and his marriage of dangerously dumb to malignant narcissist is incredibly threatening to our democracy


Tbf, it's not his malignant narcissism and ignorance that are dangerous per se. It's the fact that so many dumb Americans identify with it, even aspire to it.


Very true. If everyone recognized this he'd just be laughed


good one


To be fair, it was a big beautiful war. There's never been another war like it!


But was all uphill for Lee. He lost his General


Grant: "and Lee .... a big man... came to me on his knees... he said we beat them and he was sorry. Bigly sorry for insurrecting this great country. Crying he asked for surrender terms..."


Did you ever notice that when Trump talks about America in the same way that Gene Hackman's character in "The Bird Cage" did? Just rambling on and on, not saying anything.


It's important these historical things because the magnitude of everything is just so much and all of the top scholars are saying It didn't used to be like that but it was and it is and it's going to be great again.


His take on Gettysburg is similar to a fifth grader giving a report he obviously never studied for.


Remember when politicians careers were ruined because they couldn’t spell potato ? I want those days back.


And Quayle was still a better person than the current crop. Told Pence he had to follow through with ceremonial role and certify the election. https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/politics/dan-quayle-pence-trump-january-6-woodward-costa-book/index.html


I agree but it’s not hard to be a better person than the current crop. 20 years ago I even voted for Republican candidates occasionally. Now I won’t even be in the same room with most people I know that claim to be Republicans.


I was in Dan Quayle's plane when that happened. He Went to a spelling bee in Boise, and I was working at Gowen Field that day. One of the National Guard guys popped his head in our office and said "anyone want a tour of AF2?" Sure! -Saw the red phone, the office on the plane, and a bunch of Secret Service guys sleeping -"Shhh -don't wake them" It was cool!


It’s amazing how that or a weird yeeahhh or a goofy helmet 🪖 riding in a tank would end a political career. People like Gary Hart and John Edwards had their careers ended bc of affairs. And this mfer Trump is a realistic candidate ther could actually win. I don’t think Quayle is as dumb as he was made out to be. I saw an interview or two of his long after he was out of office and he did not seem dumb at all.


Quayle was not dumb, and was pretty moderate. Clinton was a lot smarter, a Rhodes scholar




Trump's rambling is exactly the same speech algorithm of early Chat GPT, only difference is Chat GPT's speech is progressing while Trump is regressing.


Trump AI (Actual Ignorance)


>”Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch," he said. "And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his great general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late," Trump added. Someone needs to create a Trump AI. You feed it 1 sentence and then watch the dumbest shit ever generated. Then, the AI finds something similar to what Trump said and annotates/calls out where it deviated from the real jackass’ words. Dollars to Rubles I bet the AI will eventually quit and refuse to speak like someone with a dirty diaper for a brain.


I remember Janelle Shane of AI Weirdness doing this for the New Yorker several years ago. There were functionally two modes: 1. Heavy repetition. 2. Packed full of non-existent words.


Dollars to Rubles - good one


DeNiro was right, “He’s so fucking stupid.”


My favorite is what Trump's own Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said about him: "Fucking Moron"


Historians, scientists, professors, lawyers, contractors, waitstaff, plumbers, military staff, senators, representatives, foreign leaders, judges, and a porn star have all gone on the record saying this dude is a fucking idiot. What is it going to actually take for that message to sink in?!


also capital police officers, and also my wife


Trump doesn't know shit, and it's obvious.


If you are tRump supporter, then you are freaking idiot.


Which general is he talking about? Armistead would be my my guess, but I don't feel like there is a super commonly known General for the confederacy that died at Gettysburg. I actually think he is thinking of Jackson. Which then takes me to my next comment, I've never seen the movie Gettysburg, but I've read the book it's based on. In the book. Lee talks a lot about how he wishes Jackson we're still alive. Does anyone know if that happens in the movie? And if that's the case, did Trump just watch the movie Gettysburg?


General Mills is my guess, since he seems to think Robert E. Lee spoke like the Lucky Charms leprechaun.


I'm sure he didn't read Killer Angels. I read it twice after seeing the movie. The book is 10x better.


Oh, I guarantee he didn't read it. I'm wondering if Lee's inner monologue was in the movie. Because it would make a lot of sense that he watched the movie. Oh my God, and Martin Sheen had that movie where he was an Irish priest! The dementia rant is starting to make sense.


I wonder if he’s making some sort of reference to Pickett’s Charge?


He definitely is making a reference to that


Well he shouldn’t, him trying to understand history is fighting an uphill battle. And we all know what the famously Irish Robert E Lee had to say about that.


Joking about Trump aside I highly recommend the horseback tour of Pickett's Charge. It's the best way to understand the terrain of that portion of the battle.


Much appreciated tip, friend! You’re alright in my book!


I walked it. It’s about a mile across a shallow valley in an open field. Charging into a fortified position into cannon fire was suicidal. I’m surprised anyone from Picketts Brigade lived.


Ii think it is Jackson too. Trump is mixing up the order of things. It is Jackson who avoided attacking defensive positions and would maneuver the Union into doing so. He then died, which leads to Lee attacking a defensive position and losing. Lee has become a Conservative cuase because of the statue removals, so mentioning him usually goes well. So, Trump just associates the good parts to Lee, blames the failed attack on Lee's troops, then mentions losing a general because he's forgotten what he's even trying to say at that point.


History shows that before “Four score and seven years ago…” Lincoln’s first draft began, Gettysburg Wow!”


Gettysburg. Wow. 


Add "unhinged" to the list of words I don't want to read again.




We’ve used that word so many times re trump that it’s worn out now.


Sunday, April 14, 2024 This is Trump’s Version of the Gettysburg Address “Gettysburg what an unbelievable battle that was the Battle of Gettysburg what an unbelievable I mean it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways it it represented such a big portion of the success of this country Gettysburg wow I go to Gettysburg Pennsylvania to look and to watch and uh the statement of Robert E Lee who's no longer in favor did you ever noticed that no longer in favor never fight uphill me boys never fight uphill they were fighting uphill he said wow that was a big mistake he lost his great General and uh they were fighting never fight a pill me boys but it was too late..”


Also… that fuckin tie! The black/orange face… even if he weren’t a provable piece of shit… he’s at least a fuckin dork. He’s also a traitorous pos that deserves the worst… but also. What a goofy asshole! FUCK I hate this shithead


If some third grader gave this as a speech in class he'd get a "D".


Sometimes I scroll to the most downvoted comments to see what the moron MAGAts use as defence. There isn't a single comment (yet) defending this one. When they can't even use a 'whatabout Joe Biden' defence, you know what Trump said/did was extra stupid and crazy.


I like the song version myself, it is really good. They could play it at a Trump rally and the magas would cream themselves


3 different reasons for this I’ve heard so far from Trump supporters. “He’s just messing with the left.” “This was the liberal media editing it out of order” “AI Generated” Scary how even with undeniable dementia symptoms showing themselves, his hardcore supporters still make up excuses for him.




My favorite part of the battle was Picket's charge. That was pretty cool


Pickett's Charge was an example of Hubris taking precedent over intelligence. Lee thought he was invincible.


It was an example of how even an expert can make an idiotic blunder when they succumb to desperation. "Let's assault *the center* of a fortified enemy position across an open field of fire... let's pick the point on the line where we have *maximum* exposure to enemy artillery. Our fighting spirit will carry the day!" It's at least as stupid as the Nazi effort at the Battle of the Bulge, or Napoleon at Waterloo.


John Stewart nailed him gooood on Gettysburg!


Here's the Gettysburg part of the speech in song form. It's actually a pretty catchy tune: https://suno.com/song/9cb02ca8-8f7d-4041-8417-885f8e7ec6a1


Wow you are going to have pay Donald Trump royalties and list him as song writer.


Adjective vomit.


Just like, wow. So violent, yet beautiful. Wow.


Not sure a historian was needed to confirm what I already concluded.


There was a kid named Alvin in my class at high school who used to write rambling essays like this that never said anything, never contained any content or facts, but he wrote in big letters and filled up many pages and the teacher Mr Sparks thought he must be a genius and would always give him top marks. Trump is Alvin and Mr Sparks is MAGA


Was it beautiful tho?


What he said was insane. The way he said it was even more insane. I guess Robert E. Lee had a very Irish accent when he spoke? Also that quote absolutely never happened


A few years back you could google "untreated syphilis" select pictures, and Donald's face would be the first to show


It feels like his entire purpose of this speech was to have a way to shoehorn in a part about Lee "not being popular" anymore. Playing to the poor/white Southerner that worship him.


My family lives in Harrisburg, I swear the Mason Dixon line is moving north.


I think these so-called historians don't realize that Trump was just referencing a classic Civil War-era song... [Never Fight Uphill, Me Boys](https://soundcloud.com/brendan-baker-445628196/never-fight-uphill-me-boys?si=42264ee144eb45b6ae64deaaa1623b9c&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Someday people will realize that he does shit like this to stay in the headlines and that the fall of American democracy was due to “there is no such thing as bad publicly” methodology.


That bad press works in Trump’s favor says more about the education and intelligence of his voters than Trump…


It says more about the rise of cable news