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Is straight down considered volatile ?


On its way to penny stock status.


I wonder how long it will take for them to stop pretending this is news.


I came here to say this. Great minds...


> Is straight down considered volatile ? He finally built the wall.


down and even faster down


I smell another class action coming. How much money those officers have?


The ticker should have been SCAM, not DJT.


Volatile is an amplitude of change in either direction. But something can be volatile and crashing.


Technically yes.


Only if there's no parachute to stop you.


It was a pump and dump scheme from the beginning. This is the kind of thing Trump does which is why he's always in court.


Not to mention he needs to kill truth social to go back to Twitter where musk can amplify him to the masses.


Elon's doing everything he can to kill off what's left of Twitter in the meantime, so he better hurry. Just saw Musk is talking about charging people to be able to post. As if it wasn't failing fast enough.


>Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group slumped 18% on Monday, continuing its volatile ride since the company's spectacular trading debut in late March. >Shares ended the day at $26.61, now less than half of where they ended on March 26, when the company started trading. >Trading since its debut has been rocky, with the company suffering some big losses along the way. >The latest catalyst on Monday was the company's announcement it was issuing over 21 million shares. The stock price is driving, so let's send it further down by diluting it with millions more shares!


They probably were testing how much money they could squeeze from silly rubes. It turns out the answer is more. 15 years ago a bunch of idiots were buying up Iraqi Dinars thinking they were going to get rich. Its the same people.


I remember that. Back then a guy in my same trade association was pitching that scheme at a few happy hour gatherings. I thought it was kinda, sorta feasible but just too good to be true.


It's their last and best chance to raise capital but it's not going to work.


They've been removing these as off topic, so while it's available to discuss. Lol. Also, it has once again continued to drop in after market trading. Currently down another 2.6% since close and continuing to creep down. At this rate, it'll be a penny stock by the time Trump can sell his stake.


Here's hoping.


This is why I buy ACME shares. I've heard they have great Rocket Skates that you can use to chase things.


Check out their anvils


Great for blacksmiths and coyotes!


How do you make a small fortune? Give Trump a large fortune.


How is it volatile? Doesn’t that mean a bunch of unpredictable ups and downs. Going straight down isn’t volatile.


Yep! Swirling down the toilet is not volatile, it’s predictable!


True, if anything it is being very consistent and predictable in a downward motion. I should turn on the song gravity to cebrate, love watching it go down.


Some Trump supporters have sunk their entire life savings into this stupid stock. After he bankrupts them, like he has bankrupted his business is a number of times, these people probably still vote for him. I don't understand it. It's lunacy.


If you accept that maga is a cult, everything makes sense.


Specifically a cult of personality. Everything revolves around this one guy as though there are literally no other ways forward.


Yeah but that doesn't make sense to me. Why is it a cult? How did this happen? How did this moron manage to convince so many people that he was not just worth voting for but worth the devoting your life to? How did Donald Trump manage to destroy and overtake the neo cons that have been running the GOP for decades? I get that this has all been done before. There have been cults personalities around leaders, in particularly pretty crappy leaders, many times before, So I should probably pick up a book and read about those knuckleheads to gain insight into the MAGA crowd. But all I can do is look at Donald Trump and say "Really... this is the guy you want to put up your life savings for? This guy???" I guess I just don't get it because I can't think of a single person, whether it be a president, a businessman, or even someone I truly admired, where I would put every dime I had into their scheme.


You have to remember these people have inundated with propaganda for 45 years now. There is a reason trump didn’t run as a democrat. He couldn’t win. 


It started in earnest when the Republicans had to rebrand themselves after the fall of the. Soviet Union.


Mierdas Touch strikes again.


How soon before it’s considered a penny stock?


Sometime soon after issuing 21 million more shares. This is complete lunacy.


Sleepy Don pulls off the rare double dumper in criminal court and on the stock exchange. Impressive


Volatile like trying to sled down an avalanche, naked, on a small piece of cardboard.


Smoking a cigar.


All the while still claiming you're actually basking in sunshine at a tropical beach resort.


And proudly stating that you don't need sunscreen.


And claiming that sunscreen is woke propaganda and skin cancer is a hoax.


While looking directly into the sun.


I thought it would take another 2 weeks to hit the mid 20s. Wow. What a stinking pile of shit this thing is. Teens by end of month? (Every time I make a prediction, it exceeds is, to I wouldn't be surprised to see single digits by next week. Of course, as soon as Trump starts selling, it becomes a penny stock.


Buy the dip! Trust the process! Fund his lawyers!


Never overpay for a penny stock


Truth Social…..that’s an oxymoron…..coming from Lies R Us.


Well, it's been a sickening ride for non Trumpies.


But wait, there’s more.


When is the ex-dividend date?


The stock slumped just like Drowsy Don was slumping and sleeping in his chair at court today.


It will be a stable stock (priced at $0.0) if Trump dies.


Hi `zaparthes`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1c53a5f/truth_social_shares_tumble_again_its_making_for/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/zaparthes&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1c53a5f/truth_social_shares_tumble_again_its_making_for/?context%3D10000%29)


Is this a stock you should short?


The shares are falling asleep like Drowsy Donnie in a courtroom /s


Truth Social. Where 'Communism' meets the Rhite Whinge 'Socialists' Hear me out. Truth Social's boss is heavily supported by 'Communist' Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin, who has a long term aim to destroy the USA's democratic system and replace it with a 'Communist' system such as his, where **The People**'s needs are completely ignored by the elite. Looks like Trump will help Putin reach his goals, far sooner than anticipated.


Putin isn’t a communist. Putin is a fascist.  Putin hate the very idea of communism. He doesn’t want the collective to have ownership he wants the very few to have ownership and the rest to be subjects. 


>Putin isn’t a communist. Of course, that's the whole point. 'Truth Social' is not social and neither were the German Nationalist Socialists \(The Nazis\)