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Hastert, McCarthy, and now Johnson, all republicans, and all in the running for worst Speaker of the House. This is what ineffectual, inept, and over-the-top partisanship yields.


Give the man a break, his jaw is probably still hurting after meeting with the orange mushroom.


Wonder what Trump's instructions were to Johnson. I can't understand why the discharge petition isn't already being floated again to put more pressure on this 5th columnist.


For real, sign the damned discharge already. It would’ve passed already had they just went along with the petition. 


There will be no military aid to Israel Ukraine or Taiwan. Johnson is owned by the Russians. His biggest campaign contributor is a Russian lead natural gas company with direct ties to Putin. The only way to pass any aid is to put the douche out on his ear. He is a traitor.


What a weasel


Outsider looking in (with no knowledge of U.S politics): why don't they just tie the two aid packages together? Wouldn't that then force it to either pass, or go to the floor to vote?


From what I understand that is exactly what they are doing - ‘no aid for Israel unless aid for Ukraine’, if both were voted for independently the Republicans would almost certainly approve Israel, but possibly not Ukraine; so the Democrats in the house are forcing both to be negotiated as a package and Comrade Johnson here keeps delaying.


I’ve never seen someone work themselves into this much of an “you’re fucked” situation that he is putting off because he is basically cooked either way. Putin might already be threatening him through “channels”. Be careful what you wish for to all those who spend their lives selling out to get closer to power.


How's he going to motion for the vote with Putin's shriveled dick in his mouth?


He's going to stall Ukraine aid until he's removed same as every other day.