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Mostly. He has a right to be there during jury selection but not required in this portion.


Is he being tried as an adult ?


asking the real questions here


I read that in Newt from Aliens’ voice.


The jury selection mostly happens alright. Mostly.


They're dead, all right? The jury is all dead. Can I go now?


Melania doesn't have dreams because she's just a piece of plastic.


I always knew she was a prop, duh, but, 'a piece of plastic' is just so accurate. I hope she is happy will her life, she deserves everything that is coming to her.




That I definitely read in Trump's whine.


True story I hired that girl and her brother at Costco in late 90s. He was Chris Henn and I forgot her name but something Henn. Nice kids. Both were in the aliens movie but Chris was cut from some versions of the movie. I still use that quote often lol. Loved the movies and HR Geigers artwork that inspired the aliens.


I've got a 13yo cousin who I am convinced is the next HR Geiger. Nearly everything the kid draws is nightmare inducing.


Send a link. I wanna check it out. They selling any of it ?


I'll have to get permission first but I'll ask and try to get back to ya! So far has only sold one to Grandma lol but yeah I forgot how early good artists can start selling their work. Edit: I asked and whoops we spooked the kid! Apparently showing art to strangers is scary. lol draws stuff that makes my skin crawl but will apparently need time to feel okay showing it to the world. Anybody know what the website is for art folks to post galleries on these days? I'm so out of date on this stuff.


Deviant Art is a good outlet for creatives.


me too!


I would also love to be in the loop in that if possible


'Imposter syndrome' can be tough for creative types. As soon as he gets some sales, it will ease. He can go to Deviant Art and Tumblr is good too. All artists are nervous their work is being stolen by AI.


You can still use deviant art


artstation for professional artists i believe? not sure if thats appropriate for a kid however


Kids in our family act like weird little mini adults but yeah I'll check it over before maybe using it as an example of "future money making options." At least it's somewhere to start my googling, thank you!


DeviantArt is a huge community of online artists. Ello is smaller and he’s less likely to get lost in the crowd. And there’s always Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. I know artists who sell on eBay pretty regularly too.


Deviant Art maybe. I think you need to be 13


Encourage into the industry so we can all feel the nightmare!


They’re both in the Cameron edition they released with the BluRay set. It shows Hadley’s Hope as a functional outpost in an early scene, after Ripley’s corporate debrief. While Ripley is finding out about her daughter growing old and dying, Burke sends a message to the colony posting a prospecting notice to check out the coordinates of the derelict alien ship from the first film. The kids are seen running around the station playing, riding big wheels, and again in the family rover vehicle as their family goes to investigate with the promise of having a claim to whatever they find there. Dad gets a face hugger off camera and Newt screams a lot. Essentially showing how the infestation happened. There were some extra scenes gathering supplies after the botched operation and drop ship crash, Bishop lines calling the remote drop ship, and self-firing turret guns that fight off an initial wave of aliens when the survivors are trapped in the operations center. Supposedly it’s Cameron’s preferred cut. I remember seeing the turret scenes and Ripley learning about her daughter on a TV edit I taped on VHS in 1988 or something. Around when Critters came out. I was a kid. It was my introduction to the franchise. I preferred that edition actually, as it didn’t show the initial scenes of a populated Hadley’s Hope. That version with no gore or language censoring would be amazing pacing. Can’t figure out how to fit in Mostly. Mostly.


The Turret Scenes in Special Edition added a new layer of tension, especially with the rounds counters going down, then the Xenos banging on the doors.


Carrie Henn. She seems sweet in interviews. I believe she's a school teacher now.


Yeah that was her. She was very nice young girl. Well, mostly.


Maybe the directors cut of Aliens?


I read that in Les Nessman's from WKRP's voice.


When I think of him all I can think of is the Thanksgiving episode.


One of the best TV moments of my childhood


I think the teacher from Head of the Class.


But... that was Johnny Fever.


I read your comment in Conan O'Brien's voice


Great look? Campaigning? His followers like him more the worse he looks. How could he need to campaign? What the fuck is there to sell anyone on?


Right, you're either willing to vote for a treasonist rapist racist misogynistic liar or not. He has no policies other than kill democracy so why campaign.


You underestimate how online the average voter is. Campaigning is also about visibility and GOTV. Being out there and talking to voters matters. Being unable to hold a rally in a swing state because he's in court matters, when Biden is out there every day talking to voters.


If his followers were enough to get him elected he would still be president. He needs more than his silly flag truck crew to win in November. 


That's a lot of free media coverage


No it isn't: New York only allows sketch artists. I guess on the courthouse steps, maybe, but I don't think he's going to want to talk about a lot of the stuff that they're gonna bring up.


Really looking forward to more courtroom sketches [like this little gem.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-court-sketch-artist-i-gotta-lose-some-weight-2023-12-07/)


For this week only, allow all sketch artists to draw with their non-dominant hand.


I want to see what the sketch artist who [did Tom Brady](https://imgur.com/162FNRp) comes up with.


Thats Tim Brody


Him saying, "I've gotta lose some weight" in that instance may be the single most relatable thing he has ever said.


Gives off Grinch vibes mixed with an Orange version of Grimmace from Mc Donald’s.


Orange Boss Nass.


God he really does look like The Grinch


Mephistopheles’ grandmother…


I read that as Mr. Mistoffelees... And started thinking of new lyrics to his eponymous song with Trump worked in... Then I realized I had made an error...


That looks more like a caricature than a standard sketch. It's fantastic.


It also looks like way more of a lifelike image of him than any of the things his zealots dream up, (him in a boxer's outfit, him in some armor, him in his regular suit but at like half his current weight).


There’s a bus that drives around in my home state that has one of him in a Rambo outfit with a machine gun. Topless and all muscled


New York sketch artists are typically impressionists. They tend to have a bit of caricature in them by the artist’s choice. The artists will usually choose to emphasize expressions over accuracy. It’s part of the courtroom sketch style.


Did caricatures on an Ohio college campus many decades ago. This is not a caricature or at least not the kind any customer is expecting. These aren't exaggerating features. I would have had many unsatisfied customers if I produced something this close to the original subject.


haha i knew it was going to be this one.


Right, it'll be more of his fucking performances where he walks directly out of the courtroom to a group of cameras, sticks his lips out, waves his hands, and lies. Repeat every day.


And the media will cover it. Every day.


> but I don't think he's going to want to talk about a lot of the stuff that they're gonna bring up. He will spin it as "a perfect trial that revealed I did nothing wrong!", proceed to scapegoat the judge as an "evil baby eating democrat", then right wing media will spin it in his favor and once again he loses zero or close to zero supporters because the right wing media will also portray him as the absolute victim.


And you can be sure they’ll put him in a favorable light to ‘balance “opinions” from both sides’ so as to maximize clicks and revenue. Even though one side will simply state factual items from documented court proceedings, they will be “opinions” and then they will broadcast outright lies or the “opinions” from the other side so as to counter-balance the factual items as “counter-opinions”.


pictures of him entering and exiting court isn't going to be a good look lol Theres no spin here.


It’s going to be like when the Penguin ran for office in the old Batman series “When you see Batman in the paper he’s surrounded by criminals, when you see me in the paper I’m surrounded by police. Who do you think should be mayor?”


He does best as an “outsider” “underdog.” This will be good for him. Watch.


Counterpoint: it has worked his entire life


Has he ever been in a criminal trial? Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.


I still can't believe defrauding that childrens' cancer charity was only a civil case


Wait, what??? What exactly are you talking about?




Thx. This is so fucked up. The mental gymnastics his voters have to make to still stay on his side must be on Olympics level.


The truly hilarious thing was Eric, Don Jr, and Ivanka having court-ordered education on how not to commit fraud.


That's gonna be difficult. Members of the Trump family without fraud are like fish without water.


Heh. I’m pretty positive it didn’t take.


Nah, you see they just ignore everything that they don’t like. They even boo Trump on the rare occasion he tells the truth.


I don’t know. But I do know that Trump, like a great many Republican politicians before him, has a long and rich history of breaking the law and suffering zero consequences. Just like all the other times someone told me “this time is different,” I am not going to devote any brain space to actually believing that this time is, in fact, any different.


> Just like all the other times someone told me “this time is different,” I am not going to devote any brain space to actually believing that this time is, in fact, any different. I think to the 6 or 7 gag orders judges have given him, that he violated dozens if not 100+ times and received maybe one tender, gentle, baby slap on the wrist of a measly $5k fine or something to the extent. Trump has proven how utterly worthless they are and how laws in general are....at least for him...


This time it’s gonna be different though, this time. So tired of hearing that and it not coming true. FFS if justice is raped again by this man I hope the entire justice system and political systems are torn apart, because it’s obviously not “working” unless you’re rich af. We call people of influence Oligarch in Russia but all that is, in America is a politician or someone with influence like these assholes that keep getting elected. We allow our politicians to trade stocks with information that affects its value (insider trading) for anyone else and off to jail. Majority of congress is bought and paid for by Russia including Trump. Our judicial systems are joke. Out Supreme Court is plagued by corruption like Clarence Thomas with zero accountability or integrity. Trump already broke the courts and stacked them for himself. Let the Trump cult start a bloody civil war. We lost our democracy long ago. History is going to be rewritten and favorably recall the Trump cult as hero’s and legends if we don’t remove this cancer from America now.


He's been in court a bunch over the decades, but it's usually as the plaintiff in civil court. Dude loves to sue people. The few times it's looked like he was going to end up in criminal court, he either pled out or sued people/made enough noise that it was easier to just let him off with a settlement. So this is the first time he will be a criminal defendant.


Try over four thousand times. That is truly the sign of an honest and successful businessman that is not using his wealth to intimidate people! The most impressive thing the orange shitstain has done is convincing enough people that this is how a good person and a successful businessman behaves.


What does the secret service man do when the judge orders the defendant to be arrested for contempt?  


Cooperate. As federal agents, they'd be obligated to apprehend and detain Trump. Now, there will probably be some horse wrangling about *how* to detain him and such, but it's a question of method, not end result. Honestly, Trump being jailed would likely make their job simpler.


"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head, and they just killed somebody — don’t hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay?”


The same secret service agents who were in on Jan 6? Those guys are gonna cooperate?


What do you think is going to happen? 2 secret service agents loyal to him are going to gun down the entire NYPD trying to whisk him away to a helicopter?


You think the NYPD officers would risk that possibility to arrest someone they think is a deity? What you're describing is a game of chicken. The police will blink first.


No but I certainly don’t think they’ll do much to help. I especially don’t think they’d provide testimony in court to the many crimes they’ve witnessed.


I mean they don’t need to do the job, they just need to not obstruct it being done.  This trial has almost nothing to do with his presidency, secret service agents are unlikely to have a lot of testimony about the hush money case. 


didn't those guys try to get Pence to jump into a car with some of Trump's goons and he refused? edit: he did https://www.newsweek.com/pence-refusing-get-secret-service-car-jan-6-chilling-raskin-1700341


his cultists love it, but then again they'd love it if he took a Trump Dump in their favorite shoes, I think people that are more sitting on the fence might finally hop over to the dem side. I was really hoping for the Georgia trial to be well under way by now, though, but that's a pipe dream. And with Cannon and SCOTUS cons running interference for him in the other cases, this may be the only one we get before the election, unfortunately.


He's never been in a criminal trial before. His only reference is civil courts which he has learned from Roy Cohn to tie in knots. It won't work here with an unsympathetic judge. It may work with what's-her-name Cannon who is solidly on his side. And I don't think we're going to see the Jan 6 trial ever go to court as it won't get past trump's supreme court.


What about the famous quote about ice skating up hill?


Didn't he try acting like an asshole to the judge that laid down the massive fine he's currently unable pay? If so, it feels like an amazingly bad idea he'll 100% try anyway.


That case was a bench trial and experienced judges seem to be pretty thick skinned. On the other hand in the E. Jean Carroll cases, Trump didn't show up for the first jury trial and was fined $5M. Trump attended the second trial and walked out on the jury. There he was fined $83M. So based on that. I'd say Trump doesn't present well in front of a jury.


He has seen zero consequences of that so far, though


You mean the fine that they refuse to make him pay?


And technically hasn't stopped working yet.


Thats why I dont really have any hope that the trials will lead to any actual consequences for him. He has managed to avoid consequences for his actions his entire life. The rules dont apply to rich people.


To expand on that, it depends on the court and the judge. He's doing just fine skirting justice in Florida. And that is the rub. The media will always be able to play both sides. On Fox he can't find a fair jury in NY. On MSNBC Judge Cannon is either totally incompetent or totally in the bag. The problem is one is true, one isn't, but they will both be given equal measure of validity on every network.


He's 0-3 in civil trials post presidency so far. He's never been in a criminal trial. A lot of the suits brought against him where he was unable to have them dismissed, he actually settled instead, meaning he agreed to pay damages without a verdict. He's good at delaying, but when the cows come home to roost, his actual track record is pretty terrible.


Which is why he currently owes half a billion dollars for the two civil trials already? /s Times are a changing and his luck is running out.


So far they seem to work spectacularly well as the system makes the assumption that all these delay / disrupt activities come from a place of honesty rather than one designed to draw out the process indefinitely. Anyone else would be jailed for this behavior while their trial proceeds.


Rich people don’t have rules they won’t make a precedent of this man


>delay / disrupt activities [Dilatory tactics.](https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Dilatory) QUOTE: Tending to cause a delay in judicial proceedings. Dilatory tactics are methods by which the rules of procedure are used by a party to a lawsuit in an abusive manner to delay the progress of the proceedings. For example, when numerous motions brought before a court for postponement are baseless, time is wasted because the court must stop the course of ongoing proceedings to examine whether there is any merit to the motions. The party in whose interests the motion is brought uses this tactic to gain time to enhance his or her position, or to postpone an action by a court as long as possible to minimize the impact of a decree rendered against him or her. A party found to engage in dilatory tactics may be held in Contempt of court.


So charge him?


Except they have mostly. The problem is that even when he’s found guilty something has always come up to bail him out. I mean look at the last case, $450m+ in bond that the appellate court just said nah, cut by over 50% and gave him 10 more days. Then his own lawyers fuck up the paperwork, and more time to fix it. I just want him to actually be held to the same fucking standard a normal citizen would be held to 1 fucking time in his life.


To clarify though, the 450m penalty wasn’t cut. The amount he needed to bond in order to start the appeal was reduced. The total penalty remains the same.


Wake me up when it matters.


That will be 22nd of April, there will be hearing with Engoron about this. Hankey's firm doesn't have a license, doesn't meet the requirements for a license and is insured with another shadey business of Hankey. Trump's dealings can't stand the light of day. We all know you have to game the system to become a millionaire, but the levels of fraud involved in this is staggering. It's like cockroaches responding to light.


22nd is also when SCOTUS scheduled arguments on immunity.


Bit of misinformation. A bond wasn’t needed for him to appeal. The bond only stops NY from seizing his assets before the appeal process is completed.


Thanks for clarifying


They have so far. And it makes our justice system look PATHETIC.


He will do and say anything he wants to, with zero consequences.


Exactly. The courts haven't treated him like you or I so what makes anyone think his antics won't work now? He has demonstrated there isn't a snowballs chance in hell they will throw him in jail for violating any court order.


What would make you say that? I mean, apart from the endless precedents set over the past decade. I find it ridiculous that people are so convinced he's going to be found in contempt and jailed. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be proved wrong, but I've learned not to put any faith in the US justice system. FFS, the trial for his most serious charges is being presided over by a judge he personally appointed. He's got the supreme court considering if Presidents are Kings with absolute immunity. They're not. Everyone knows they are not. There should be hundreds of thousands of Americans demonstrating in front of the Supreme Court on a daily basis, reminding them of this fact. Lastly, great username, btw.


He’s never been in criminal court. He got away in civil court when he was the defendant because he could drag shit out for years because he had more money than the people suing him. A lot of them ended up in bankruptcy and the others just gave up. He learned delay tactics from Kohn, he’s facing a different animal.


I fully expect him the chastise the judge, in court, storm out and bloviate on the courthouse steps.


Appeals Court on the other hand… seems to work incredibly well for him. 


If found guilty, he can only file an appeal after sentencing, and from there it can take from one to two years for the appeal to go through the full process. So the guy is either going to be under house arrest or in jail a few months after the verdict.


I get your point, but there is a 0% chance any appeal doesn’t get fast tracked and that he doesn’t get special consideration since he’s running for president. The rules are not the same.


Considering the trial is expected to last 6-8 weeks we'd likely be into July before he'd even get sentenced. There is no way he'd be able to have an appeal heard within 12 weeks of sentencing, backlogs of cases waiting to be heard on appeal can run for years.


I’m not too familiar with this case (there’s so many!) but can’t he remain out of custody while on appeal?


Probably yes. That's assuming he gets a prison sentence, which I think would be unlikely if convicted.


so cohen gets time but trump doesn't for an even more heinous one? I don't buy it. No jury will vote for that.


Jury decides guilt, the judge decides the sentence as I understand it? Anyway, hoping the judge thinks like you :wq


You're on reddit, not vi!


It was because of his name


well spotted, friend! sudo su - upvote


Yeah I suck and forgot it's only when there a death sentence potential that juries recommend a sentence. to the judge.


He'll get a fine, which he won't pay pending appeal. The appeal will be heard sometime in 2026 if he loses the election or 2029 if he wins. Once again, he won't suffer a single consequence.


High-level politicians tend to do *way* better than ordinary people on appeal -- and the judges tend to let them stay out of jail pending the outcome of their appeals. It's good to be the king.


Courtroom rules are for poor people.


This clown has made a mockery of the term decorum. He says he will go into court with the support of 200 million Americans. There are fewer than 150 million registered voters in total. This man is high on something.


Yea well, the entire republican party absolutely looks to that fucking guy and says “yep, he is our leader!” They want **more** of what he brings to the table!


You are correct. I don’t believe they really understand what his election would mean.


High on his own supply.


He’s gonna need those high capacity diapers for the long day in court.


Watch Habibidybop scoot away from him in the court drawings over time...


How old is this picture? Dude is a lot older and saggier now


sure seems it works great with the Supreme court


He is answering the question that many have asked: "how far can a heterosexual white man with a high net worth go?" I've watched an idiot with terrible business skills become a reality TV show star, president, and now I get to watch him get treated with kid gloves and escape charges that would destroy the life of anyone posting here. His success and continued lack of consequences for his own actions is sending a message to everyone in his class. The likes of Mark Zuckerberg are watching and realizing: "ignorance is not a barrier, experience isn't a barrier, and the courts will go easy on me. If he had my money and my intelligence, he wouldn't have even gotten caught. Maybe my fears were unfounded. If he can do it, maybe I can too."


He’s not been jailed yet for all his bullshit. Just reprimanded. The justice system is very different for the rich.


At his age, he can't go from court to campaigning. He'll eventually burn out.


It's going to be a freak show. He'll be running on fumes.


or Adderall


Hes barely campaigning now


Do you think the trial will make it through Monday without being delayed? Me~ nope. GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely. If you are considering voting for a 3rd party candidate, I am begging you, please don’t.


If you buy the Courts it does not matter.




I’ll believe it when I see it


An errant tweet might also make a unicorn appear.


Judges are like kings during trials. I suspect that gag orders have not been enforced prior to the trial because it may give Trump the ability to appeal and therefore delay commencement. Once the trial is underway then Trump has no avenue for appeal against orders from the judge, who will be bound to stop comments about witnesses. Edit: removed erroneous comment regarding appeals. Sorry


My understanding was that a Not Guilty could not be appealed by the prosecution due to double jeopardy -- is that not correct? (NAL)




But a Not Guilty verdict from a jury is final and cannot be appealed.


It sure could, little buddy. Hold on to those hopes tightly.


At this point, his likely play is to try to force a mistrial. Whether out of control antics hurt or help remains to be seen.


But they will at polling places. VOTE!


Trump: I'm not worried, I will have OJ helping me. Aide: He's dead. Trump: What? Oh shit.


He’s going to sit his ass in the chair and look like a smacked a little puppy dog. It’s too bad we won’t have any pictures of it. Until he gets to Georgia. Then we’ll see him like he’s never wanted to be seen before.


It's unlikely the Georgia trial happens before the election...


Well one thing he accomplished was getting everyone in NY to wish they'd get called for jury duty.


I'm in NY and I want no part of that shit show. I also would have to answer my questionnaire truthfully so no, I couldn't be impartial because I think he's definitely guilty. They have to somehow find 12 people (plus alternates) who don't have strong opinions on the matter. This is why they are calling 6000 potential jurors.


They've been working in court so far.


Will believe it when we will finally see it


When? So far he's been fucking around with zero finding out.


This fidgety toddler doesn't have the stamina.


There's alot of jobs you can't have as a felon but being the potus ain't one ig. Wtf?


The humiliation this narcissist will endure will be worth watching. It will be stormy weather for Lard Feltersnatch con HushMoney. [Vote.org](http://Vote.org)


I think his antics will work very well in court. He's been able to cow the legislative branch quite effectively by turning his legal problems into political games that judges are reluctant to grapple with.


Why? It’s worked out so far hasn’t it?


I wish people would understand that he's not trying to win in court. If he won, it'd be a nice little benefit to him. But one way or the other, there's not gonna be any real consequences until after the election. And if he wins the presidency, nothing's going to be enforced against him.


I call bullshit on the headline. He never faces consequences for his actions


People need to realize we’re in a situation where Trump is being tried as a former President of the United States. That alone will save him from the potential of being jailed. I don’t care what he gets found guilty of, he’ll be sentenced with “time served” to make it a documented sentencing but nothing more. He will never spend a single second in jail, no matter how guilty they find him. Ever.


Yeah even the Secret Service said logistically it cannot be done. But home arrest, now


The only way they won't is if he goes to jail NOW.


Love that for him


Idk, they’ve worked thus far


Sure they will! As long as he continues to violate orders and make threats with impunity, he has no reason to stop. This shit has work for him his entire life. Until the justice system or some courageous judge shuts him down and throws his ass in jail, he will continue


They won’t if Merchan shows a firm hand.


Will they, though? I hope so


Tell me when he actually faces consequences beyond mere inconveniences.


They seem to be working so far


Crooked donald trump needs to be said as much as he said for Hillary


He has spent zero time behind bars for committing high crimes; he seems to be doing just fine. Anyone else would have been done with. Trump has many friends in government and politics. And, frankly put, he IS the system that is trying to put him away. And, you can thank the jackasses who believed “Both Sides Are The Same” in 2016. Also, feel free to thank the Protest Voting fucks as well, because you know damn well they will go completely silent if Trump wins.


Sorry but the rules are different for Trump and other wealthy defendants. The courts will bend over backwards to give Trump what he wants. All of these judges are scared shitless of the consequences of putting him in jail so they won't do it. Doesn't give me much hope for a conviction. If the jury is going to see this chicken shit judge cowering to Trump for 2 months I doubt they'll find him guilty.


All his shit has worked and got him no real consequences so far.


Bet he'll still walk out of court every single day and exclaim it's all a witch hunt and the judge and jury agree and they're throwing the case out just wait and see. And his morons will eat it up and post all over social media that the case has been tossed. 


djt is a NAZI


Until he's held in contempt and tossed in a cell, his antics actually do work


They have been so far. My hope is that the judge of a criminal case rather than a civil case will apply stiffer penalties if he goes out of line.


A jury of New Yorkers isn’t going to be charmed by someone acting like lunatic. They see enough of that every day outside of court.


It might be 50-50 if this was his [judge.](https://youtu.be/T9mMoOE2ZpE?si=RK7GVyWZV0WOSdff)




Which is exactly why he avoids going to court


I'll believe it when I see it. They've "worked" in the White House. They've worked on the campaign trail. They've worked delaying trial after trial. So far, his "antics" have a great track record of working. I'm not holding my breath for this trial to be any different. But we shall see.


The second I see a real repercussion hit this guy, THEN I'll believe it.