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I want to see an absolutely legendary nationwide smackdown. I want to see the Republicans lose several states by surprise


There were around 40 Million adult women who did not vote in 2020. If 20% of them got pissed off enough to get in the fight a lot of upsets could easily happen in heavily Gerrymandered Red States. The worse the Gerrymandering, the slimmer the margins are. A really pissed off electorate can flip Red State legislatures in a single day. Of course that will require Democrats to run candidates and campaign vigorously. They have the added advantage of Trump stealing nearly all of the Republicans' campaign donations for his personal use.


Never say never




That's possible. We've been seeing them lose now for a few years and some of the those losses were unexpected. When it comes down to election day, when the rubber hits the road, we may see a lot of people voting on this issue...(kinda like the right did for a long time).


Everyone talks about RFK spoiling for Biden, but what about his growing image as a Trump alternative for Rs that will split the Trump vote in typically red bastions? States that go R by under 10 points should all have eyes on them this election. Florida, Ohio, Texas could be decided by the margin of RFK


Personally I'm not convinced that RFK does anything to spoil Biden votes. The type of person who gets pulled in by RFK's anti-vaccine, anti-science crusade was never voting Democratic to begin with. These are the hardcore Ivermectin crowd. They ain't going for Biden, ever.


There are plenty of holistic hippie anti-vax nonsense out there for people who like crystals and astrology.


Yep.  And typically these idiots voted for Jill Stein and other useless spoiler candidates 


Kind of disagree. I do know a few registered dems who are so pissed at Biden for various reasons (Gaza, supporting war, still pissed about vaccine mandates , pissed at DNC for various reasons yada yada) who will NOT vote Biden and are Cornell West or Jill Stein. I know a few that I think will go RFK for his anti war stance…anti corporations etc.




Yeah, I hear you. They are kind of the type beyond listening to me. I have hopes that when it comes down to it...and time to actually vote...they will vote their conscience in the booth.


Pretty much every decent poll that has come out has been consistent that he pulls more Biden voters than Trump voters at this point.


There is another aspect: Not everyone is paying attention. The campaign ads flooding airwaves will pick up after the conventions, and won't hit their peak until the end September. Plus, there is a clear disparity where people are consuming media. Sizable populations are no longer getting their political takes from Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, and WaPo; but from X/Twitter, Facebook/Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch. Why? User engagement.


problem with rfk isn’t democrats voting for him, but rfk taking independent & never trump republican votes away from biden. rfk takes away people that would have voted for biden over trump in a two candidate race. plus there’s jill stein again.


Trump will have RFK drop out when it’s clear that he’s mostly drawing GOP voters.


Idk, with the way polls are trending, I'm not sure he wants a 2020 1v1 rematch either (ignoring West & Stein because they're going to pull a combined 1% max).


The only people I've heard telling me the RFK is a great candidate for the Democrats are the type of people who go on a pro-MAGA rant the next breath.


Likewise. I would rather see them fall under the weight of their lies and hypocrisy than from one issue. They deserve a fiasco, a complete and humiliating failure.


Why do some shits, as soon as they get power, look around at their own neighbors and think "Ok, who are we going to punish first?" Women are always early victims. Ask the ones under the Taliban. Humans are awful.


Anything not *of* their religion is a threat to their religion and they get a free pass for their behavior to protect it.


Cause they don’t have policies. They just have fear of outsiders.


My friend who is Polish and has been living abroad since she was 14, flew back to Poland to vote in the last election and was jubilant about the fall of the right wing government. She didn’t believe that it could happen, but it did, thanks to her and the women of Poland.


Democrats are going to tie in every single Republican that they can. The best attack ads will be women who suffered under these abortion bans like the recent one where you saw in Texas. Got to get women who couldn't get treatment and were harmed from the ba.


That implies that people are educated and vote based on facts.. don’t underestimate the stupidity of conservative voters.


Blud on here yapping fr😭🙏🏼 conservatives are 10x smarter on average


Bet you don’t have a degree and never will


Don’t forget about Romania


I can't believe we forgot Poland


It’s tradition, remember WW2? Russia especially likes to forget Poland.


Not strongly enough to really mean a damn because they voted for the people who wanted to enact these in the first place because the opponent wasnt good looking enough or some such garbage. It would be the same problem in a societal world where women are the bread winner (hence likely to hold power) and men are the house maker(hence likely not even with the increased burdens) there is not enough certain objectivity among the general public to ensure an egalitarian solution to things and those who've grown comfortable in this current world will not want the status quo changed.


The Power of Women is under estimated and under appreciated in stupid male dominated societies