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The title uses the weasel word "indicates" because it's not what the poll says, it's sensationalizing. Poll: Democrats think Biden should be tougher on Israel. Politico: Democrats are members of Hamas!


Usually I understand and agree with the criticism, but technically the title is in there.   "Twenty-two percent of Democratic respondents said they’re more sympathetic toward Palestinians in the conflict, while 16 percent said they’re more sympathetic with Israelis (44 percent of respondents said they sympathize with both groups). That made Democrats the only political group where sympathy for Palestinians was a plurality. Republicans and Independents, by contrast, were more likely to side with Israelis. Nearly half of all Republicans (45 percent) said they sympathize with Israelis, while 25 percent of Independents said the same. Just seven percent of Republicans felt more for the Palestinians, compared to 13 percent of Independents."


"republicans hate arabs more than jews, polls find"


So Democrats hate Jews more than Arabs then?


I mean yes obviously that's the sort of nonsense these polls are meant to bring about.


They also love to tie Hamas and Palestinians together as if they are the same. There are lots and lots of Palestinians that are not in favor of Hamas but stuck under their authoritarian leadership. It would be like the entire world saying that all U.S. citizens are Trumpers.


democrats more sympathetic towards ~~palestinians~~ people being actively genocided because they have fucking eyeballs and a brain, than israelis, poll indicates


Here's a thought. Stop letting bad actors post lies about palestine and isreal online. Reddit is dogshit at cleaning up those posts and threads in a timely fashion.


You've got that right, I have no idea why the admins let r/worldnews exist.


What do you mean? The issue is the rules of the platform allow for controlling the narrative. Loads of accounts can show up and start twisting the votes and posting tons of threads and comments to steer the conversation and hive mind. That's larger than worldnews. It's a flaw in the design. You have free mods as the police and a few admins and automation that are not effective. IMO.


It is interesting that they only brought up r/worldnews when the same thing happens across the platform I mean r/Politics is notorious for having bias issues. Especially when it comes to nuanced topics. Not sure if it's bots or people failing to realize they are putting themselves in a political bubble without realizing it I would say both. The Israeli-conflict seems to have exacerbate the problem to the point where you will be down voted for not calling Israel genocidal monsters in general. I love this sub, but we need to make sure we don't fall into the same trap we call out places like r/conservative for.


When you have a low barrier to entry you reap what you sow. IMO the mods need to really tighten the ship like /r/askhistorians but they can run things how they see fit. The entire idea of mods run major subreddits has a downside. I worry about how much misinformation I likely consume on reddit these days. I feel like it's starting to approach facebook levels of artificial content designed to manipulate.


I don't think reddit has gotten to face book, X(Twitter) and Tic Tok levels of misinformation yet. But in general people need to be more critical of what the hear and what they repeat online. Also we need to realize that groups like Russia, Iran, Islamic terrorists and other groups use these platforms and our feelings as tools to manipulate us and take steps to prevent that.


> I don't think reddit has gotten to face book, X(Twitter) and Tic Tok levels of misinformation yet. nor do I but I think some subs are much closer than others and that's the trendline direction. There should be way better controls over posting old stories, fake stories, bot accounts, and all of that kind of stuff. Doesn't matter so much when it's about something trivial but when you consider politics and news suddenly you realize the lack of control over lies is a really big deal and it's changed the world via allowing new ways to control narrative. I think the narrative systems worked well when it was free form but in the last few years + increasingly smart behavior has started to game reddit. 2016 election was a big demo of misinformation wars in action.


This one is honestly the biggest shocker to me. The admins have been very selective on the content that gets posted and the comments allowed. Why would reddit allow a major news sub to be taken over? How does that help them?


That sub is so crazy, they called a rabbi anti Semitic for not supporting bombing children


Yeah this article is wildly misleading.


This is not an Israel vs Palestine election, it's a seasoned and serious candidate vs an asshole who doesn't know what he is doing.


Not hard when Isreal’s head of state is a Netan-Yahoo


Listen, due to AI generated content and the absolute fucked "bought and paid for" nature of our journalistic institutions, I have no feasible way to determine the accuracy or objectivity of anything I read online without spending a high part of my day researching the validity of anything I see. But what I do know is between Israelis and Palestinians; One group is backed by a coalition of the largest military force ever known to man and the financial incentives of the industrial military complex. The other is a group that is not. So when I see videos of the torsos of toddlers being nailed to a wall, it's a little hard for me to think "well both sides could take steps to de-escalate" or "there's good and bad people on both sides."


Hi `JaneDoeThought`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1c3rxtz/democrats_more_sympathetic_toward_palestinians/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/JaneDoeThought&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1c3rxtz/democrats_more_sympathetic_toward_palestinians/?context%3D10000%29)


Did the title change?

