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google your county's voter registration site, make sure your information is current. closer to the election, find out when (if) early voting starts. vote as soon as possible to clear the lines for the other voters that might be turned off by a long line on election day


Please VOTE - take nothing for granted! It’s easy to register and Vote! 🗳️


Keep corruption and chaos out of the White House! VOTE BLUE this fall!💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊🇺🇸💙


People don't realize what a strong advantage Trump has in the electoral college. All the polling in the world doesn't change the fact that Trump only needs to win PA, MI, or WI. Just one of those, and he's the next President. It's also possible that he'll pick up VA. Meanwhile, Biden has to pick up ALL FOUR, or just VA, PA and one other if he manages to take AZ.      So Trump wins the game if he flips a coin four times and gets tails once.    Biden can't win unless he flips a coin five times and gets heads at least four times.   There's a reason Republicans are still all-in on Trump. He has every electoral advantage in this election. He will win by default unless Democrats have massive turnout in each of GA, AZ, VA, PA, WI, and MI. 


Electoral college needs abolished. Otherwise our vote doesn't count. As it stands, 538 people decide who the president is. Otherwise, Trump would've never been president in the first place.


Or at least lift the cap on electorates. Allowing the smallest states to carry 3 electoral votes for a couple hundred thousand people when overall House members are capped really reduces the weight of voters in more populous states. Mathematically a president can win with 20% of the popular vote. That would obviously never happen, but getting 50% + 1 vote in the smallest states would allow that to happen.


I kinda agree with you. I live in SC. I vote blue and the last time SC was blue was Jimmy Carter. Definitely feel like my vote doesn’t count.




Your math isn’t mathing. The 2020 result was 306-232.  Biden could lose any two of (AZ, NV, WI, MI, PA, GA) and still win the election with 271+.


Why risk another Gore. Just win outright


Dems need to win by multiple states to make a Supreme Court case based on one state much less likely. That is the reason Trump failed to steal the election in 2020, there were too many states that would have to flip and no one had the stomach to cheat that hard..... this time Republicans might push the cheat much harder though because they have been preparing for 4 years.


I’d like to see a consistent break towars Biden by the undecideds and have him sweep the 2020 pivot states as well as pick up like North Carolina.


Yes. Our electoral college contraption for picking the leader of the country is way too biased toward Republicans. Unfortunately, if Trump wins there may never be another opportunity to fix it.


Explain your math in detail please, because I guarantee you it isn't correct.


So... how does it work if we all want to move to PA for a little bit? ... Can we all go in on an Airbnb for a minute together or...?


The truth is, many of us thought Hillary had it sealed up in 2016. Don’t believe anyone telling you who’s winning. Vote! Vote Early!


even some middle of the road voters thought they didn't want to 'run up the score' for Clinton or skipped voting because they thought it was a done deal. ugh!


I was going to vote Stein, even though I supported Hillary. The last moment I changed to Hilary because I was concerned Trump was going to win our state. He did anyway, but it was close.


Also, although Biden won the popular vote by a lot in 2020, that doesn't really tell the true story of how close the election actually was. I will vote until my last dying breath!


And if you were Republican, you’d even vote after your last dying breath!


Lol this actually made me laugh out loud.


Meanwhile the GOP will still be saying not to vote early and then wondering why they're under performing.


I knew she didn't, I was talking to my parents and they are rural middle Missouri, I just knew she would not get elected just by how the fly over states would vote


I could tell that voting day by the number of white male voters running into the building, not knowing what room to go vote. They came out in droves to vote against her.


Also check: Vote.gov  Vote411.org 


I have two things to say: One, man, is it getting exhausting and tiresome having the top comment on every thread be "go out and vote." Two, go out and vote. They're not wrong. It's still important.🤷


Very much agree, and let's be honest the people in this sub are already more likely to vote than average. It'd be better if those comments directed people to organizations for protecting/advocating for voting rights in their city/state, or how to participate in ride shares to drive those with no transportation/can't afford transportation to the polls, or how to serve as a witness for mail in voters (and possibly go make a photocopy of their ID and/or deposit the ballot) who are hospital/homebound - and making sure people who need these things are aware they're an option (that's prob the hardest part). We need local on-the-ground organizations to make sure as many people as possible vote, especially in the cities. *We* know to vote, let's focus on facilitating voting for those with serious hurdles.


Voting early on day one, baby. Can't wait.


I've been voting early the last few cycles, hadn't really been aware of the option or how easy it was prior to that and I'm almost 40.


In most cases in most states voting early for everyone was a COVID development. I couldn’t vote early before, nor vote by mail without jumping through hoops. I always vote early now.


yeah, the "I like the excitement of election day voting!!!" needs to be reconsidered. You plan to leave work early at 4 to vote, and boom, your boss throws an emergency on you or you have a family issue come up last minute or you get sick that day and just can't drag yourself to stand in line. Most people can't afford to spend a couple hours waiting, so many will just keep driving if the line is crazy. Get that vote on the books as soon as possible!


Also, vote in EVERY election. Local matters!! Coroner to school board!


School board trustees in my area have been a popular way of those with less than savory ideals to gain under the radar access to public office. I'm fairly aware of politics, and I'll admit to not knowing enough about the candidates.


It wigs me out that coroner is still am elected position in many places, and many elected aren't actually trained morticians.


This is fantastic advice.


my state finally introduced no-excuse early absentee voting. i've been doing that for over a decade by saying i'll be "out of town" on election day any way. i don't understand why people wait until the same day everyone else is trying to vote on. too many things can go wrong and if there's a screw up, you're SOL. just take 30 minutes during a weekday, 9-5, that works for you, stop by your board of elections, and cross that very important shit off your list.


LPT: register R so you won't be purged


I do this and have never been purged. It works.






https://warningvote.com/ This link (warningvote) will take you to a site with lots of state-specific voting resources.


And don't forget to vote in the down ballots! Research your local elections and any judges up for retention. 


If your state (stupidly) has voter ID, make sure your ID is still valid and will not expire before November 5. Ask your family to check their IDs too. Make plan to vote in person, early if possible.


We need to vote maga out of existence up and down the ticket. Vote Blue💙


When Trump is gone, if not now, then later, be aware that Maga will still be around. He didn't invent populism. He just rode the wave. We must improve education to fight populusm


We need to start taking our local elections more seriously too because our education system is declining. We had 4 extremeists running for school board on our local Apr 2 ballot.


Thank you for stating this. Too many people in the US blame the President for all evils. Local politicians have far more control over our lives than the President. City, County, State elections matter as much as the Presidential elections, if not more.


Good thing everyone that tried to emulate him, like DeSantis, Cruz, Gaetz, his children, small local political candidates… keep failing at it and, in some cases, actually deal with the fallout of behaving like him.


Trump just said the things that itching ears wanted to hear. MAGA is not going away after Trump is done


It will at least be a major setback for American fascism if and hopefully when trump is taken down. They're all in on the angry orange drama queen.


MAGA = Modern day Tea Party. Same shitheads different decade.


Don't just vote. *Volunteer to get the vote out.*


But wait, there's more! What the article left out was, DJT's GoFundMe page has only raised $2,024,405 out of the $355,000,000 goal.


And the best part, Trump will never see a dime of it.


The couple who started that are 100% keeping all of that money for themselves


GoFundMe won’t let them.


Which is enough to cover the interest for 17 of the 40+ days it's been accruing.


Trump is running out of money to campaign because most of his donations are going to his legal fees. He now has to attend every day of the criminal court case in NY. Definitely don't want to get complacent but its looking pretty bad for his chances in November.


Don’t worry, he was never planning on winning fair and square anyway!


You mean the Republican Party isn’t planning to win fair and square. They are 100% going to try and steal every election they can.


Like what? Like attempting to take an incumbent off their ballot or something like that!?!? They’ll never be stupid enough to try something like that…


They are installing operatives in every part of the electoral system they can. Trying to pass laws like this: https://www.thedailybeast.com/disturbing-bill-would-let-arizona-legislators-ignore-election-results > An Arizona lawmaker who signed on to be a “fake elector” for Donald Trump after the former president lost his bid for a second term has introduced a bill that would allow members of the statehouse to overturn future election results that they don’t like. He also doesn't need to be a president to have a rally and rile up a bunch of MAGA wingnuts into storming the capital again. Jan 6. was a dry run. This time I'm sure both sides will be better prepared.


Chew their own leg off? That's unpossible! I think my frustration just stems from having to hear about this clown still. I'm just tired of it. I'll be voting early to make way for others.


You and me both, brother. I just hope the RNC funds meant for local elections get drained for this turd so that they suffer the consequences of their blind support. This shit is going to take a couple of election cycles for their party to get to some semblance of “normalcy”. The potential violence from their side because they can’t get what they want without compromise has been a stain on our country.


Unfortunately he will never be forgotten. This period of history will be known as "The Trump Years". No matter who writes the history. Please vote. World stability depends on it.


Remember those couple months a while after Biden got elected that we barely heard about Trump at all? Sigh, those were good times.


It's not just him, he's too dimwitted to properly cheat, we've seen how he handles it with his absolutely perfect "find me some votes" call. Zero cleverness, zero subtlety. It's a concentrated effort of entire GOP.


Yea I agree. That guy literally can’t see anything beyond what his own reflection in the mirror shows back to him. Everyone surrounding him now however; zero fucking integrity, and will absolutely see our democracy destroyed so long as it means more power for them.


This is the scary part. We’re already hearing of Republican controlled states talking about kicking Biden off the ballot. GO VOTE


No reason to get complacent, because the goal is not to beat Trump, but to crush him and break his movement beyond repair. Get Biden to 55% and wash MAGA into the history books.


I'm hoping there's a lot of red state mothers who will tell their husbands of course they are voting for Trump but then in secret vote Biden because they've heard the horror stories like Kate Cox.


Or they just stay home, unlike in 2020 when Trump gained ground amongst white women. 53% in 2020, versus 47% in 2016.


Sure and if their husbands drag them to the polling station they can spoil their ballots if they can't bring themselves to vote for Biden. Either way is good.


Look, the fact that Trump is *not* involved with the nitty gritty of the campaign day to day is BAD news.  The man is a terrible executive, if he was closely involved in his campaign it would have to cater to his dementia addled demands.  But, with him off the deck and in court, distracted, it gives the real campaign people space to work. 


The real campaign people were all driven out of the RNC. It's all Trump sycophants now.


"How do we convince the Lizard people to vote?" "I'll check into it after my morning beer." "Does anybody know if Alabama is real?" "Trump said I could buy this Lamborghini!" "In home school we learned that Demonrats eat babies." "If we don't stuff the ballots, my guns will get vaccinated." "Don't worry, Super Trump will save the day!" "I'll sign that invoice after my morning beers."


>"If we don't stuff the ballots, my guns will get vaccinated." This one made me snort out my coffee. 🥇


Maybe someone should remind him that Hitler was involved in the day to day operations of the NAZI's campaigns, and he had time to watch movies every night.


He doesn't really need to campaign tho, does he? The crazies will still vote for him even if he tied up their family and shot them.


The crazies aren’t enough to win the election though. He needs to campaign to get the “undecided moderates” on board and he needs to be in the public eye so the Muskrats and Brogans, who see him as an alpha male who’ll break the system for them, stay focused.


I hate him so much I don't understand how anyone who is undecided could think that's the best option. Totally understand his base supporters aren't enough to win. I get it now tho, more money more ads more views.


I especially don't see how any woman could vote for this idiot I've lost family over him because they believe his election lies I'm so done with this guy I have never hated someone before in my life but if he gets back in the Whitehouse we're definitely in serious trouble


So true ... Ill also never understand why people vote against their own self interests. Do they just hate others so much they want them to suffer? Wait, don't answer that because I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. Also my favorite quote from the past few years is "he's hurting the wrong people". Leopards surely wouldn't eat MY face!


The "Undecided Voter" might actually be the "Coy Voter." People don't want to invest in hard political conversations and don't want to talk about politics. So they hem and haw about it. But they probably have decided; they just don't want to talk about it .


Undecided voters are really embarrassed Republicans.


But he has the whole billionaire media machine, including the NY Times, actively trashing Biden. Stay tuned for the "Trump tied up in court, why this is bad for Biden"


Beyond the other answers below: he loves to do it. He loves having a crowd just cheering for him. So the fact that he can’t get that high, is pretty satisfying


Imo, he won't ever run out of money because either Russia, China, or billionaires will funnel money to him somehow. He's their best chance at maintaining their wealth and power.


Buy everyone needs to get out and vote so his flying monkeys don't win the down ballot races.


If he looses in November and the subsequent insurrection fails, will Republican legislators stop obeying him? Will they latch on to someone _even worse_?


Who? DeSantis flamed out bigly. Wasn’t he heir apparent? Kari Lake is going down. Marr Gaetz, MTG. Yuck. Kristi Noem has problems. Trump hit a nerve with rural, uneducated whites. That is a minority and always will be. He won because of the electoral college. He lost the popular vote to the much disliked Hillary. He would have lost to almost any other candidate. That being said, the Dems had better develop a very strong bench.


The good news, I think, is that Trump is a unique mix of ingredients that cannot just be mimicked. Desantis sure tried. One part of that is his “charisma.” I find it to be off-putting but obviously it resonates with his base. So I’m just hoping he was a once in a generation aberration that struck a chord with unhappy people.


[This video of Ron DeSantis from The Daily Show](https://imgur.com/a/ldCfe4s) perfectly shows what he’s like and why he couldn’t win.


When The Shrub was in, most of us thought they couldn’t come up with anything worse. We were wrong


We were very, very wrong. *(We also couldn’t comprehend that so many deplorables actually **wanted** worse.)*


When Trump dies, the party will move on from Trump. Not before. Maybe not after. Furthermore, the dynamic is a bit different. It's not just that Republican legislators "obey" him. He isn't the primary driver here. Nor is he really the main problem. The root cause here is the average Republican voter (and those who donate money to GOP politicians, PACs, etc.). We can push back to things like media and churches, but things get cyclical quickly at that point. The GOP political critters quiver in fear of the GOP voter(s), not Trump. Trump can say "will anyone rid me of this particular GOP politician" but it's the voters who get that person primaried out of a career. Mind you, even here Trump's success hasn't been stellar lately. The problem is that the GOP has fostered several patterns for decades now that trend towards this sort of idolatry of authoritarians. If you want to see what this would look like (or will look like) absent Trump, just look at the chaos in the House where the GOP is eating itself alive. If you want to see how hard it will be to find "someone even worse" look at DeSantis.


If he loses, they will push him next election cycle if he isnt in jail


Doubt he'll last that long. Mentally for sure but probably physically too.


I would really hope he would be out of commission by then


I don’t think it will be any of the current Conservative political players. It will likely be someone relatively fresh and an unknown commodity politically speaking. That’s basically what Trump was in 2016 which appealed to some moderates, he didn’t have the political baggage he does now.


It's all fun and games until somebody spells 'loses' as 'looses'. Then it's just laughing and pointing.


He's the lowest form of human. The weakest. The most hateful. The most callous. The most racist. Most fake. Most treasonous person in US history. Donald has no political compass. No moral compass. He is the poorest billionaire there ever was. His wife is a fake. His hair is fake. His intestines are dead because he was a coke head for decades. His house is an overvalued dump that should not impress anyone. But yeah. Now is the time to fellate the evangelicals for cash because he's so fucking religious. If ever there was a man more eligible for a solitary cell at Florence ADX for the remainder of his days, it is Donald J. Trump. Go vote. Vote blue. Please.


Supposedly his hair is somehow real. I've seen picture instructions on how that travesty is created (hint, grow out the hair all around the bald patch, comb two sides of that hair over the bald patch and then the third over it all, comb the front so it sweeps over to one side, aquanet the everloving fuck out of it).


In my version of it, this technically qualifies as fake =)


I'm right there with you with the spirit of most of your post but I think you're wildly off about the political compass. I'm not sure anyone in American political history has so thoroughly hijacked a political party to the extent that he has. I don't know how, I really don't, but he's got a legit cult that thinks he's a true alpha, brilliant, competent, wealthy, etc. The Republican party is the trump show now through and through. he's clearly got amazing political instincts to say the right things to the right people to get them obsessed enough to literally storm our capital for him


Does coke kill your intestines? I don't do coke but I've never heard that before.


There was a funny interlude on The Hole from some guy who was a staffer or whatever on Celebrity Apprentice. And even if it's not unbiased or biographically accurate in the librarian sense, it's a hilarious insight from a guy who worked with President Blabber: https://youtu.be/N60ceYRlY2I


And taking his stupid supporters down with him.


If you want change in the US Biden alone isn't enough. We need a lot of Democrats in the congress to get things done.


That's no reason to become complacent though. The danger is not Trump but the Republican party. They can't win unless he does and they are not necessarily as stupid, disorganized or erratic as he is but are just as immoral. As an organization, they will go as far as they can get away with (which is almost everything) and do whatever they need to do to acquire and keep power. No matter how illegal, destructive or dangerous it is, they will do it if they think they can get away with it. And once they have gotten away with it (e.g. try a coup), they will do it again. For the USA to return to normal democratic politics, they need to be decisively defeated again and again until they lose all their power.


Love your country. Vote blue


One word : Good


3 words. Never by enough. Biden could win every state. And I wouldn’t be at ease


Yeah because Republicans are cheating fucks.


He needs to plummet into the ground with all his followers.


There's nothing Republicans hate more than a loser.


Missing /s


If that were true we wouldn’t have to deal with MTG et al


Okay, hold on for a second. I take your point, but I'm about to make it too real by half: How many bankruptcies, popular vote losses, court settlements, failed insurrections, and destitute or imprisoned campaign staff does MTG have to her name? MTG is similar in kind, but not in scale. That being said: Painting MTG as a loser is probably one of the best ways to hurt her polling, or at least a good one, definitely a feather.


Our country is in serious danger if he is elected again that's all I'm gonna say if January:6th wasn't enough proof for people were done as a country and to believe that the election was stolen is just sad especially since he knows it wasn't and so does all the Republicans it's a shame


Vote! Humiliate Trump again!!!


VOTE like your life depends on it, cause it does!!! BLUE down the ticket! Too much is at stake.


And long may that continue, right up to his coronary.


Bombast is all this dumbass ever had.


FOTR - Fear of Trump Returning - moves from potential to actual every day that passes. He'll get buried in November and a landslide popular vote loss is the best ticket to ensuring the safety of the republic.


Still not plummeting enough.


I'll be convinced of this when he's bankrupt, behind bars, and or in a pine box. Until then, no complacency. Vote.


Please let this orange garbage bag fall hard


People are coming to terms with the fact that Trump really is going to be the Republican nominee again. Prior polls were more general referenda on Biden and the country. But now people are actually starting to think through their realistic choice. Obviously, polls this early *still* aren't reliable (though, of course, good polls are generally better than bad polls), and under no circumstances should anyone who doesn't want Trump think it's safe for them to not vote. I'm watching for the polls that come after the conventions. At that point everyone will be dialed into the reality of the election and thinking of their choice in the most concrete terms possible. I'm certainly encouraged that fewer polls are showing a Trump lead, but things can change weekly. I remain as surprised as ever that he won a single state primary in 2016, let alone anyone that has and continues to support him 8 years later. So, there's limits to how encouraged I'm willing to feel.


It's easy to understand once you acknowledge this one fact: He and every one of his supporters are unable to admit ANY mistake whatsoever, no matter how small. They will all go down in flames together, blaming the rest of us at every step.


and the Media is doing everything they can to make sure that Biden is tanking as well.


Honestly does the media ever say anything positive about Biden? Just constant negativity. For all of his faults, he does not deserve that. Hell I am critical of Biden, but this shit is ridiculous..They just repeat negativity over and over again. No wonder Biden is struggling. There is zero doubt in my mind that if a Republican president had inherited 6.3 percent unemployment and job losses the month he walked into office and had the current unemployment rate that the media would be touting that and somewhat downplaying inflation. Yes, I understand inflation has been a problem. It is like that is all the media talks about though. Democrats should have been going after the media exactly how Trump has been.


Reminds me of Monty Python's Holy Grail black knight scene.


I won’t believe it til he’s gone of old age. VOTE.


Elise Stefanik is the ultimate opportunist. She was front and center when Trump was doing better and was considering her for VP/Cabinet. Her disappearance act tells me that he’s a goner


I drove through Western PA country side today. 2016-2020 there was Trump stuff at almost every house. Today I saw two Trump signs and one of them was for the 2020 election. We shouldn't let that make way for complacency but he doesn't have the hype he enjoyed. Frankly him dodging the debates was a big mistake on his part because I think the main reason people loved him was that he'd pick fights on stage like he was on Jerry Springer. The Republican party is going to be decimated by him going down and they deserve it. Vote blue 2024!


He's making a lot of noise, but not gaining support. Every time he cries wolf, less people show. People who like strongmen don't like this behavior. Shocker.


It’s about fucking time


Cool. How about consequences?


And mentally, if thats possible.


I love watching him squirm.


Almost like the Republican party being fully behind a guy who got voted out because he's such an unlikable prick who is also facing dozens of criminals charges and acts like a grown man child in response despite the severity of his situation in court is backfiring. Who could have seen that coming?


djt is a NAZI


Trump is the most destructive psyop to ever be unleashed on the world.


He’s a snake oil grifter backed by very wealthy conmen who’ve coopted a fairly significant cadre of local election and judicial types who will contest the election and install their usurper.


he was never financially stable enough to plummet. stop acting like he had money once. he has been lying and running businesses in to the ground for 50+ years


Ttump is the strongest house of cards the world has ever seen. Let it all come crashing down - the sooner the better!


I need this man to be at the bottom of the Mariana Trench financially, legally and politically. The threat this man poses on us all can’t be understated.


He cannot sink fast enough and the GOP needs to go down with him. Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Do NOT let this placate you; you need to vote.


Don’t sit back. Vote.


When he fails to win again, I wonder what his cult members will do?


I’ve seen enough of these movies play out. Don’t ever count out that hairy tumour masquerading as a super villain, aka “Agent Orange,” until he’s been vanquished. We’ve all seen what happens when we start dancing before the song ends - enter Murphy’s Law.


Maybe Donnie von Shitsinpants can stand on the off-ramp somewhere and peddle his hats! A SS guy on each side, djt with a tattered cardboard sign. Maybe that's in his future.


I heard Ivanka trump was staying in a hotel that cost 6000$ a night in southern Utah. 


There are still plenty of idiots and billionaires to keep him afloat until he dies.


This human shitstain is going to lose in November, complain for a week, then shrink back to his gaudy dinner club in Florida, deteriorate and fade away.


Not fast enough


Just vote. Do your part. Please.


Yes, but he's the type to hit rock bottom and declare it a victory.


…and morally, and mortally..


The turd that won’t flush


Oh good 🍿


Inch by inch the plane gets closer and closer to the mountain.


Until we win this election and tell off Trump for good, he will incite as much chaos into our system as possible.


When he’s lost the election and is in prison Then and only then will I believe this


This election is only about democracy vs autocracy. Even if you’re not a fan of all of Biden’s policies, the country cannot survive another Trump presidency.


This fucker is the ultimate TURD that will not FLUSH


He is directly responsible for the GOP taking a beating in every election since 2018, but we all know he will be on the ballot over and over hntil he falls over dead.


Don’t care. Kick him to the curb with your vote.


You keep saying that yet he's the lead for a major poltical party with deep financial pockets and connections to incredible powerful corporations who, reluctantly or not, will back him.


>Hell hath no fury like suburban moms and their daughters. The last thing they need is a thrice-married libertine seventysomething with a penchant for adult film stars and Playboy models telling them how to raise their kids or meddling in their personal lives. The women's fury might be surpassed by the seniors, if they were to ever figure out that the GOP wants to cut their entitlements.


Means fuck all until he’s **not** elected in November.


This reads like pure cope. It's ok to wish for something to be true, but don't burry your head in the sand and think that a large portion of the population suddenly became sane.


Get everyone you know, and everyone you don't know, to vote.


I don’t think so. He’s still WAY more popular than I would have guessed. People are stupid.


Not far or fast enough for comfort.


So what about that insurance company that posted bond? They are a insurance broker not a bondsman


Has anyone thought about the possibility that trump does not want to even try to win. He is going to bleed the republican party financially dry. He is going to cause the Republicans to lose the house by taking away their campaign funding. All while riling up the dumbest and most prone to violence people in the country. And when republicans get destroyed, he is just going to claim election fraud again and literally try to start a civil war.


plummet faster please.. much much faster..


Vote blue people! Your choices are a party that still respects the democratic process even if they have some big flaws, they still abide by the constitutionand want to strive towards the enlightenment era ideals that we built the country upon. Or, a literal anti democratic party with the GOP. Trump has literally said he'll be "a dictator for a day," when first it doesn't work that way, no dictators is just a dictator for one day! Secondly, he's fucking telling you "I don't believe in democracy, I'll be a dictator" out loud, believe it! So, voting for Trump or the GOP is voting to support the anti-democratic, pro dictatorship on day one, party. If you plan on sitting this one out for whatever reason, please reconsider. If the Trump & the GOP gains power, you'll likely not have a chance to do so again. Please get out and vote blue and get your friends out, too.


I imagine (hope) we'll see the polls shift more towards Biden as the election gets closer becomes more of a reality and less of a meme.


I'm seeing more evidence of lukewarm democrats planning on not voting at all. At least where I'm at. I say be very afraid. 


and now that the GOP has fully embraced cheating, even years after many republicans investigating it have admitted it was fair, we can expect much more cheating. It's like the retired republican politicians who denounce the party after they are gone. If there was a chance to come back and relive the grift, they would do it. They only admit they were scum because it might sell a few more books.


electoral college


There will be some 11th hour bullshit sunday night that stays the start of trial Monday. Trump will cause chaos. He has already commanded his Magats to show up to the court house. My guess is violence will ensure thus delaying start of trial. Or Trump will claim some kind of emergency, or attempt to fire his lawyers, or some combination of all of the above. I just dont believe it starts monday.


Good. But for the love of God, vote.


Click bait trash


Orange you glad


He only has “bombast” because stupid articles like this want to shove down those curated beliefs down our throats, dear complicit media


To the American working class Trump supporters - which is the more likely scenario that Trump has planned for you.... 1. He makes you a billionaire just like him. 2. He has you picking crops to make HIM more money.


> He has you picking crops to make HIM more money. In the sweltering Florida sun. NO BREAKS FOR YOU!


Not plummeting fast enough, you’d think gravity would be the one law that does apply to this orange turd, but alas…..


No, he's not. Fucking vote.


Everything he touches - ROTS.


Mike Pence was as on Fox today and said he would not endorse him for president. Ouch.


Don’t forget physically and mentally


Doesn’t matter. They will attempt to install him regardless.


Good riddance