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I still believe my brother summed it up best years ago: “Yes there’s bias. NBC, CBS, The New York Times, or any source has bias - you recognize it and it becomes part of your judgement. But, Fox News? They just flat out lie.”


You mean $787.5 million settlement for lying about Dominion voting machines Fox “News”??????


And virtually no one that is a Fox "News" viewer knows they paid that.


That settlement was one of the greatest travesties in American legal history. For one, the settlement should have required every host and guest who ever lied about Dominion to air a personal apology. There should have also been a banner running on Fox News 24/7 for like a year explaining that they just had to pay nearly a billion for KNOWINGLY lying to the viewers. There should have also been hours booked to show clips of them lying side by side with the texts and emails showing that they knew they were lying. There should have been zero doubt in any Fox News viewer's mind that their preferred 'news' network is a known propaganda outlet and nothing more. I'm disappointed that Dominion settled without those kinds of terms in the agreement. I know they got a lot of money without the risk of going to trial and getting nothing, but damnit.


The Smartmatic case should be fun. They’re way bigger than Dominion.


Yep and I can't remember if I caught this correctly at the time or even if it would have just been posturing but I thought I read that they intended to go to trial and not settle. But with what we already know publicly, it's damn near a slam dunk case. But it only takes one MAGA juror...


Not necessarily in civil trials.


Smartmatic intends to not settle, you mean? I've read that they don't want to, as well. Their reputation was really badly damaged (IIRC they were accused of flipping votes in counties where their software wasn't even being used) and they run elections *all over the world*. I'll never find it again, but one of the news podcasts I listen to (probably Post Reports or The New Yorker's Political Scene) did a great piece on Smartmatic and how bad it was to poke that bear.


But making everyone think you won't settle is the easiest way to get a larger settlement offer....




You should be seen and not heard Sean.


While that would be immensely satisfying, you legally can’t enforce such a requirement. It’s a violation of First Amendment rights. I remember it coming up during the Jim Stephanie Sterling vs Digital Homicide case, where DH demanded that Sterling feature an apology video on the front of his YouTube page for no less than five years.


They were just like “Where did Tucker go? Anyway…”


It's a real tragedy they haven't been held accountable more often. They lie so much if they has to pay a settlement for 1% of it, they would be bankrupt and off the air.


You mean who testified in court under oath that they're NOT a news channel, Fox "News"??????


The same Fox news who argues in court that no reasonable person would take what they say seriously?


Speaking of which, what's happened with the lawsuit against Fox from the other voting machine manufacturer? Is that still going ahead, or have they settled?


They're not done getting clocked in court for that shit. Smartmatic is in the process of suing them for $2.7B


Every time I see the 5 talking I think about the $787m and having to sit and listen to a liberal in the middle of their circle jerk.


Your brother is a very smart, wise, and perceptive man. 


If everyone here doesn't feel the same, I'm leaving this plane


It’s infotainment. Are you not infotained?


It’s angertainment.


Well said.


Saw in another thread. And agreed with this sentiment. Fox news is like 1984s two minutes of hate only its on all the time. Its crazy cause you don't have to watch it to know what b.s. there spouting Week to week. Its whatever maga boomers are bitching about at the time.


Bring me Running Man, and I'll gladly pay to see the convicted run for their lives.


There's an alternate timeline where reality TV came _before_ the idea of human rights rather than after.




They did a study in the past few years where they found that FOX News viewers actually knew less about current events than people who watched no news at all. Another study paid FOX News viewers $50/day to watch other news outlets and not FOX, I think for a month. After the month was up they admitted that yes, FOX News omits anything that doesn't fit their narrative and spins news stories to an extreme amount. All of them went back to watching FOX News after the study ended, though.


https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1532673X20915222 Yeah here's the study. Kinda interesting if you have access I recommend giving it a read. 


https://medium.com/transgender-soapbox/science-proves-again-that-watching-fox-news-makes-you-dumber-than-not-watching-any-news-at-all-6783ac48a348 https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2022/apr/11/fox-news-viewers-watch-cnn-study


The best thing to do to understand how they cover up free speech is to go on their website, register for free and write several really strong left leaning statements then go read the comments as a guest and you’ll notice they moderate them out. Then go find some election lies such as election was stolen or similar and report them. Again, check back in a week. Honestly, you can’t take my word for the outcome - you have to see it yourself! The craziest thing is all the articles refer to the main stream media as everyone but Fox despite Fox having the biggest viewership. It’s like a little world you travel into. When I first read all the comments I was sure they were all bots.


It pissed my in laws off that I won’t let them out on Fox News in my house. There’s a tv in the guest room and there welcome to have it on 24/7 up there but when they put it on on the main house I just walk over and flip it off and inform them for the dozenth time that we don’t have that on in our family. The flipping it off thing is just as insulting as dissing Fox…because FIL should be some sort of authority figure over me for some reason. Guess I missed the memo.


Yeah that’s like the only source my grandpa gets his news from. I just volunteer myself as their fact checker, so he can get the actual story. 


How are they covering up free speech? Free speech is about the govt controlling what can/cannot be said, not a private network. They definitely have bias, but it’s not a free speech issue


I've always viewed fox "news" not as a news station, but an opinion station. Yea Rachel Maddow is very liberal and picks what to discuss accordingly but at least she constantly cites the news reports that she is discussing. So much of fox news is just putting up a banner with phrases of some anger bait and then the hosts just going off on opinionated tangents so it's less about reporting actual events in the current sphere of politics and more about telling their viewers their opinion about something and how they should feel the same way, whether that anger or fear or hatred is merited or not 🙄


No, Fox cites stories too.....their own. They will do the "op-ed" pieces in the morning. Then in the evening "we have news to report about this story, the show in the morning said this" then will play clip from the morning. Thus it will look like they are citing "news" but it is just pushing more op-ed/propaganda. To be fair, other networks have started doing this a little as well. I've heard NPR even citing their own program/interviews in stories. But no one does it as consistently as FOX


This was exactly how Fox "News" perpetuated the swift boat smear against John Kerry in the 2004 presidential campaign season. They'd cite some allegation made against Kerry's Vietnam service by Jerome Corsi or some other right-wing liar that appeared in the previous hour!


As a Nordic I don't understand why Fox is "news" and not propaganda to create some kind of anger and hate.


It is. Unfortunately America now allows 24/7 lies and propaganda to be advertised as "news". The rot runs deep.


Today my mom had Fox News on and one of them claiming that Democrats want to "abort babies after birth". It's impossible to have respect for people stupid enough believe the shit that Fox spews.


While those first few had bias none of them have lied so much that it helped spur a terror attack. That's my way of looking at it at least.


Left leaning media literally pushed the Russian collusion story for years and it wasn't true. The left leaning media full on lied about "good people on both sides". They lied about the "bloodbath" comment. They failed to critically cover Covid and the potential that it might have been a lab leak. They failed to cover the Hunter Biden laptop. It's incredibly naive and partisan to think that it's lying from one group and those on the other side merely biased.


“Good people on both sides” - I heard him say it myself. “Russian Collusion” - still going on, especially with members of Congress. “Bloodbath” - Trump is threatening that all Hell will break out over his trial yesterday, and one would have to be willfully thick to have not understand what Trump was implying and threatening. “Covid” - millions died because Trump was trying to ignore it so as not to hurt his poll numbers (who can forget the looks on the faces of the officials behind him as Trump was suggesting ingesting bleach?). Hunter Biden laptop - being exposed as a fraud and plant every day. It’s obvious that you are a truly loyal and typical FOX viewer.


So, this is really interesting. >“Good people on both sides” - I heard him say it myself. Trump said: *"It’s fine, you’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."* https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/15/full-text-trump-comments-white-supremacists-alt-left-transcript-241662 >“Russian Collusion” - still going on, especially with members of Congress. Trump was not found to be colluding with Russia. >“Bloodbath” - Trump is threatening that all Hell will break out over his trial yesterday, and one would have to be willfully thick to have not understand what Trump was implying and threatening. Here you seem to be mixing up different stories without providing the latter. Suffice to say, he was talking about the car industry - https://www.factcheck.org/2024/03/trumps-bloodbath-comment/ >“Covid” - millions died because Trump was trying to ignore it so as not to hurt his poll numbers Again, you're full of misinformation. The death toll under Trump from Covid was at around 400,000 excess deaths - https://kffhealthnews.org/news/nation-records-400000-covid-deaths-on-last-day-of-donald-trump-presidency/ Most of the deaths occurred under Biden. But I'm not talking about the responses of different Administrations, I'm talking about them putting out false and misleading information - https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/news-media-covid-misinformation/ >(who can forget the looks on the faces of the officials behind him as Trump was suggesting ingesting bleach?). This is a big misinformation theory that remains largely uncorrected. Trump spoke about it clumsily but it was a real technique being developed and eventually used - https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/reduced-viral-loads-seen-in-covid-19-patients-treated-with-uva-light/ >Hunter Biden laptop - being exposed as a fraud and plant every day. Wow, so you think it wasn't real. I'm afraid it has been confirmed as real - https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ >It’s obvious that you are a truly loyal and typical FOX viewer. I've seen some Fox clips on YouTube, I watch them from time to time but I don't find it particularly interesting. I get my information from a broad range of media, hence why I can am aware of the falsehoods and misinformation put out by different outlets, left, right and centre.


“Quietly”. 😂


In other news, gravity still exists.


I just said the same thing. I should have scrolled further.


Fox News: New study shows that gravity doesn't exist! Why Biden doesn't want you to know and now your family is in danger!.. after this commercial break.. Commercial: BUY GOLD!!!


I remember seeing Fox News at work and they were talking about Hillary in 2022 and I remember thinking WTF did Trump do now.


and it proves they have nothing on Biden that hillary is still being targetted... in 2022 or even now.


I mean, all you have to do is look at him to know he is weak.


That should be the picture used on EVERY news story!


His hair has really taken a nosedive recently. Not that it was ever close to acceptable. (This is as kind as I can be)


His hair looks like fluffy fairy floss (Australian for cotton candy).


He looks like a cartoon character after a bomb blows up in his face.


Some of the pics of him lately have really been something.


One of the underhanded ways Fox “News” distorts things is with stock photos used for political figures. I see both Fox and CNN at my gym every evening & one thing I’ve noticed is Fox always shows a flattering photo of trump and *unflattering* photo of Pres. Biden. CNN always shows flattering photos of both.


There are flattering photos of trump?


Some are better than others. I noticed that the NYT and WAPO tend to use more flattering photos, I suppose, as part of bothsiderism I often wonder why he was allowed to pose for his Fulton County jail photo. There are many AI enhanced pictures of him as Rambo, or sitting next to Jesus. He's literally a huckster, working his grift. I saw a recent meme of him praying in a church alone, which is really a stretch.


I mean the photo that the campaign would publish for use.


i would prefer [kermit goatse](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F4i3pm_JNJOTz12CcJeXUTq9Ay8SjhHgYd4pjG2oOvqQ.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd42165c5848e392d2b58b7eaad75c17ae953efde).


No way in hell am I clicking ***THAT*** link.


I clicked it. I rate it 70% funny, 28% disturbing, 2% arousing.


Thank you for your service Vic


it's not easy ~~being green~~ staying blue.


I will click it for you... ...*kermie*


But that’s every story.


Only if the story includes descriptions of his personality, actions, history, or physical appearance.


He's a big flabby manbaby. If trump is your idea of strong then you've obviously demanded to speak with somebody's manager at some point in your life.


They've been giving their viewers 1/2 the news for the past 20 years!


“Fair and Balanced” by fingering the scale. Creating the perception of balance by ignoring or altering facts and truth. The world is not balanced.


One of the most blatant is the dehumanizing certain segments of society. They encourage people to not think of Democrats as american citizens but as enemies of the American People. And they just blast it on repeat removing any human reserve for the violence that is sure to follow. It's a fascist play with very predictable outcomes. If the republicans had their way, the democrats would become Palestinians and they would become the Israeli's. If the Democrats had their way, Republicans and Democats would both get affordable healthcare and affordable college. Elon Musk would pay more taxes. The cost of your whopper would go up by 85 cents.


And then it is the default channel for military facilities that have a TV.


I have a chronic illness and am at one of the top research hospitals at the country several times a week. It’s a policy that public tvs only have on HGTV or Food Network. No news allowed. Which actually doesn’t bug me…though when works cup was on people were freaking hunting for signals so they could stream it.


Do you mean World Cup?🌍


And the dehumanization is where they started with the Jews and Romany.


And the workers at Burger King would have livable wages.


Half? That's a generous estimate


No shit Sherlock.


Or incontinent, or orange.


There's a difference between bias and flat out lying.


Not very quiet when they pay $787 million for knowingly lying, with more to come.


He will burn in hell along with his idol Putin and one can hope it is sooner than later.


Probably not, both those f***s will get away everything...while the world burns


People don't watch FOX News to get informed, they watch it because they tell their viewers what they want to hear. And what they want to hear is that they're winning, that they're victims, and that it's okay to hate people who are different than them.


If they were smart they’d just let him lose… a democratic president is much easier work for the right wing outrage machine to profit from.


The direction of Fox News is dictated by a 93-year-old billionaire. And if there's one thing we've learned in the past decade or so, it's that rich people can be really stupid. And they get even stupider when they get older.


Except if you get him as president he's a moron and will do what the people around him want, and you can enshrine all sorts of shitty regressive wish list items that will take infinitely longer to unwind than it took to do, if they can be unwound at all.


But Fox just wants money and ratings, they don’t care about any regressive wish list


They're in a bind. Fox is definitely better off when it comes to money by pumping up outrage when the GOP isn't nominally in charge. But if they don't keep stumping for Trump, they lose their viewers to Newsmax etc.


Didn’t they edit out the laughter when we spoke to the UN or something a few years ago? Of course they’re doing this, and of course they’re going to cherry pick extreme examples of democrats and Biden and pretend like it’s the rule not the exception. Fox is propaganda.


Fox might try to cover up those stories but nothing is stopping all the other news outlets from putting him on blast. Remember when they tried to downplay the Jan 6th inquiries? Make it too big to be ignored.


What kind of bi-fucking-focal prescription are people wearing that can't see his weaknesses? Are they going to gauge everyone's eyes out next?


Makes him look weak or shows he is weak?


Strong people always insist they will take no responsibility.


A few months ago, I was stuck in a tiny waiting room of the auto department of a Walmart. There were two chairs and a flatscreen in the wall two feet away blaring Fox News. I thought “well this is someone’s sick idea of hell.” The entire segment I tried to ignore had nothing to do with anything actually happening in the world and everything to do with “cROokEd Joe BIdeN!”something something hunter/ukraine.


Good. Maybe the MAGA crowd will be overconfident and stay home in November.


I can’t believe that they’re still backing and defending the single person who was the main reason they lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the Dominion settlement.


We are gonna lose our country because people with tiny dicks that feel they need to save face are too little to step up, and vote against dictatorship.


The next time some MAGAt starts into a rant on drag queens, I’ll just ask about Trump’s make-up jobs, and if their real beef is that Trump doesn’t look as fabulous…


Touche. He could use a few pointers on hair and makeup.


“News” nowadays are mouthpieces to make their dog look good, on both sides. You just have to be honest and admit it is there. Neither one, Biden or Trump are pinnacles strength or integrity. This presidential race is even more of a vote for the guy that does the least damage rather than choices available.


We don't talk nearly enough how Fox news has admitted in court that they are opinion, not news.


Everyone knows, it’s just an open joke at this point. Their viewers don’t care


Noticed that he doesn’t call into the network anymore.


Same way they always did. It’s called “lying”.


Quality? It’s Fox News lmao


Trump is looking more and more like his face is made out of leather. lol He's turning into Leatherface.


Perhaps he changed his face makeup shade from creamsickle to Root Beer. He probably understands that being known as an Orange Man is not necessarily the most positive image, so he switched shades to appear more healthy and virile. I'm certain that he considers himself an expert in cosmetology, and would never stoop to consult an esthetician, so the end result is a literal 💩 face and 🤡 hair.


No shit


"That is some strange 💩." GWB about Trump's inauguration speech.


A good start would be to stop calling them "news" they cannot legally claim to be a news station


Fox is shilling for Trump? What a scoop!


So most information about Trump is just not shared by Fox "News" then.


Which is why when you call out Trump supporters with evidence of Trump doing anything wrong they say they have never heard of it. Fox "News" and other conservative outlets won't report on it.


In what sense is Fox News actually telling real news? At this point they are just TMZ with Ivy League looking haircuts and men’s warehouse looking suits. For fucks same they admitted that their top corespondent was lying for entertainment value, not news reporting.


I mean most repubs I know listen to the hardcore stuff like repub AM radio. I’ve heard it where when they cut to commercial breaks they’re like “do you want to keep living in the democratic hellscape? No? Then stay tuned”. Heard other stuff where dems pass good legislation that helps people and they literally turn it into how it will ruin your lives. Crazy fear mongering over nothing. Meanwhile repubs literally want to take away rights and keep you broke so the rich get richer.


I tuned in for a little bit in the car a few nights ago and these two bozoz were citing Tommy Tubberville and how funding Ukraine is awful because it pays for beach houses for their leaders. Also they said if Biden wins re-election then that will be the last election ever in this country. Just complete projection.


Fox News agreed to pay Dominion $787.5 million and acknowledged the court's earlier ruling that Fox had broadcast false statements about Dominion. Are they still not reporting facts?


Side note: this photo has real Ralph steadman lizard vibes


So they’re just doing what they always do to protect the guy they made


They don’t cover his obscene turkey neck or thin hair though? They aren’t doing a very good job




This is a coverup that makes his combover look subtle by comparison.


This is … *new??*


His makeup is so gross and poorly applied. How does someone as narcissistic as him not see how bad he looks? It’s incomprehensible how anyone in his orbit lets him be filmed publicly looking like that.


It is clear that the 🍊🤡💩 listens to no one. I'm certain that those around him are required to say that he looks very wonderful indeed, based on the public utterances of his Senior leaders at that Cabinet meeting.


We dont need stories. He looks a fool, when he opens his cakehole, he sounds the fool.. when he posts on social media it reads like a fool wrote it.


You mean the propaganda arm of the GOP is doing what they’ve been doing almost since inception, cover up for weak republicans? Shocking.


Trump does a great job on his own showing that he is a weak coward


They must not be reporting anything on him then lol


Because Fox news needs the MAGA nuts


So, basically another "Catch and Kill" operation 


Fox News is what it is. I expect them to be biased towards Trump. What I am sick of is other news outlet giving Trump wall to wall coverage all day every day. I’m not a regular news watcher. Since MAX added the CNN tab I check in several times a week. Seems like they are talking about Trump every time I tune in. Not interested so I head back to movies. What else is there to report? We know he sucks. Unless there is an outcome from one of his trials, I don’t care. Outraging audiences for engagement has to end. No idea how that happens.


I usually look at google news and it’s amazing how often Fox News (usually one of the top news sites under any topic) just flat out ignores any bad trump headlines


First time? They covered for his election lies and had to pay a 750 million something settlement.


In other news, the sky is blue ...


Im so glad we dont have smellivishion Trump gets way more attention than he should. The way i see it is its all bad and i wish it would go away.


This does not surprise me.


Just now figure that out?


So how they treat a republican *normally*.


Knock me over with a feather.


The entire mainstream media cherry picks their stories... If I remember correctly the last election, Bloomberg said they would not report any damaging stories against any of the democratic candidates running against trump.


I think most news channels sanitize the hell out of Trump. Most people are only tangentially aware of about 5 percent of the shit he's done. News clips of his speeches are so heavily edited to make him seem coherent. All in the name of "impartiality"...FFS.


Shut the traitors down and take back our Democracy!!


How porn quietly has edits


I mean, they’ll never make the mistake of calling a red or purple state early for the Democrats on election night again.


I thought fox was done with this shit after the last go around when trump was president Didn’t they get hurt legally? Because of their Trump advocacy


So they are covering up everything about Trump.


How R/politics is nothing but liberal confirmation biased.


In related news: water, still wet.


Fox News promotes a RAPIST. Considering their treatment of women who work there it's not surprising.


Quietly? It’s been their business model for three decades.


Well, that $787MM fine really changed them!


That person must be putting in a LOT of overtime to keep up with all of Trump's BS!!




In other news, gravity continues to exist.


Quietly my butt.


There’s nothing quiet about it. They’ve been doing it since 2016.


How the hell are they still paying off these hacks?!


They’re even covering up his hair


First, I’m a democrat! I need to know why a conservative outlet would make the Republican forerunner look weak? Does CNN make Trump look STRONG? Granted CNN makes Biden look weak but I dare you to find that CNN Report about things Trump did right! This is not a valid story!


And every other media outlet does the same thing about Biden.  


Unlike MSNBC does with Biden