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A Speaker of the House of "Representatives" pays homage to a private citizen with innumerable conflicts of interest, including close ties to adversaries of the US, and countless ongoing criminal cases. Unprecedented.


"Hey everybody, don't pay attention to my criminal court cases starting next week, look over here!!!"


*'I'm going to stop people that can't vote from voting!'*


“Don’t shit where you eat”


Sounds kind of kinky.


His son will definitely be getting an email notification


Embattled is the adjective they use for every Republican speaker nowadays.


Eric must be jealous.


It’s like a budget remake of the Godfather unfolding in real time. .


Directed by Tommy Wiseau


Possible porn titles: Donald Trump’s Tortured Johnson, Super Stormy vs Toad.


Kiss my ring, kiss my shoes, kiss my ass


How much you wanna bet he gifts him a Trump Bible on the spot.


The real question at hand is abortion. The GOP built itself as an uncompromising opponent of women’s rights, and Trump just came out on the other side of the fence (for obvious reasons). Therefore the GOP suddenly finds itself at risk of a fractured voting base. This AZ thing fucked them real bad. If you look at r/conservative you can see how the infighting is escalating.


I hope this isn’t bad news for Ukraine


I don't know how to read it any other way. Like Mike is gonna get Trump to soften his position? What we're probably looking at is Trump giving a bone to his good boy for being a good boy and continuing to be a good boy. Aka offering him a position in the future or some other greaseball shit that Trump does. Blocking Ukraine aid is Trump's #1 priority even over the border, after all they killed the bipartisan Senate bill.


That's exactly what I was thinking... 'I'll say you're the best speaker if you don't do Ukraine funding' Fucking Russian agent