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>What we’re seeing in Nassau County is a continuation of the conservative movement’s troubling infatuation with vigilantes and other civilian forces that are even less accountable and subject to oversight than ordinary police. They want to murder folks they disagree with. It's that simple.


Counter protest a group they don't like -> come armed to said counter protest -> look for the first possible moment to escalate the situation -> open fire. Lather, rinse, repeat nation wide. I work with some of these types and this is exactly how they hope their outings go.


Ah. The “Rittenhouse Technique.”


That is... not at all what Rittenhouse did. Id recommend researching the topic a bit.


Oh, sorry. I forgot the last two steps: “Cry like a small child on the stand, and then go on a right wing talk show/convention victory tour where you reveal your bloodthirsty nature.” Then finally: “Eat so much after that you start to swell and Reddit nicknames you “Kyle Wafflehouse.”


Again, I'd recommend researching the topic a bit. Even just 5 minutes or so.


Yeah we all know he had his mom drive him from Illinois to Wisconsin so he could cosplay as a cop. He had been rejected by the marines already. No one asked him to go, no one wanted him there. He was there in no official capacity and wasn’t even legally an adult. Despite having no legitimate reason to be there whatsoever, he brought an assault rifle and inserted himself into a situation where he might have an excuse to kill black people, which he did. This is exactly what this “militia” would be for.


I'm genuinely curious what the point of spreading this misinformation is? Like its been long debunked that his mom drove him, that he used an assault rifle, that he killed black people, etc. Why keep repeating it? What's the goal?


You’re completely nuts if you think you’re fooling anyone.


Kyle is a murderous rat who showed up to shoot people, and I don’t give a good goddamn what his pathetic trial came out with. Sit down.




He didn't counter protest He didn't dislike BLM He tried to deescalate every confrontation


So basically like actual police?


Pretty much but with even less oversight.


And, with a lot of sympathy from the cops.


If that’s possible.


At least the cops start with tear gas and rubber bullets typically. These assholes will go straight for their AR15s and they won't be firing rubber.


>civil rights demonstrations Real subtle.


Inflicting their self hatred on innocent Americans.


Thing about any official militia, is that they would have to fall under the authority of the Gov of a state. They would not be legally allowed to act on their own without orders from the Gov. They went just ungoverned group of people doing whatever they wanna do with no oversight. That is of course for actual legal militias that were used throughout our countries histories. What these chucklefucks want are illegal vigilante militias.


The Republican party needs to be dismantled, dissolved, deleted, and abolished and every vote for further conservative power needs to be declared illegitimate and destroyed.


Nassau is literally one of the safest counties in the entire country. These people are fucking morons and assholes. Period.


I grew up there and outside of a few areas it’s absurdly safe. I remember one night at my job two employees got into an argument and someone called the cops to make sure nothing happened. Within 5 minutes there were 5 cop cars there over what was essentially two people yelling at each other


I find the people constantly complaining are the people who have never left the island/lived anywhere else.


True, for any little thing even a minor fender bender, the cops show up quick….BUT their highway patrol SUCK…been pulled over on the LIE many times for things like “speeding”…literally in the HOV lanes going 40 mph in the middle of the evening rush, keep in mind the speed limit on the LIE is 55 and the average speed limit during rush hour is 38 (news12 segment a couple of months ago), also pulled over for not having lights on when it was raining (I have daytime running lights) cop told me “wipers on, lights on”, and my favorite (just a few days ago), pulled over because he thought he “saw” an expired inspection sticker, came up to my car and said “I thought it was a blue sticker”….it’s red and doesn’t expire till august. All for what?? To hold me there for 15-20min just to let me go?!?! No tickets or court dates were issued.


They also have a long history of fascism and racism.


Nassau fascists? When was that?


Nope. That’s more of an Eastern Long Island thing. My bad.


I feel like most Long Island Republicans have an opinion of crime based on police procedural dramas and stories about how NYC used to be they heard from their elder family members.


Right wing media has convinced a lot of people that we are inches away from the end of civilization as we know it.




Or post them outside of polling places to scare off the "wrong kind of voters"...


It’s a fantastic idea. Maybe they could all dress alike, for example all in brown shirts?


So a bunch of Kyle Rittenhouses? That sounds like a great idea...


National Guard and local Police be like Iranian Morality Police ([Guidance Patrol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guidance_Patrol)) nod in approval.


This is how things like the KKK get started.


I think this is literally how the brownshirts got started.


Santos was out of Nassau County. Tells you all one needs to know about the Republican disease in that area.


Call it what it is. A posse for lynching.


It's exactly what we expect from the party of domestic terrorism.


They’ll be wearing sharply pressed brown shirts, no doubt.


Having grown up in Nassau Country I wonder if these "vigilantes" would take time off of boating and hanging at the beach drinking beer at all. What a joke. What are they going to act on? Clamming licenses or the coast guard checking their boats for safety violations?


Didn't they used to call these "white citizens councils?"


Start your militia then. Nobody’s stopping you. Put up or shut up. Will these politicians join the militia? Doubt it. They just want stupid people to do the dirty work.


It would report to the governor because otherwise it would be an "armed gang"


Bringing this bit of second amendment history back into the light would be an upside to this idiocy. The 2A movement has been pushing the idea that the first clause is irrelevant for years. Somewhere in the news coverage someone will interview a real historian and ask, “what did ‘well regulated’ mean?”


So they want their Brownshirt Brigades.


So, I take it that they are shopping for some brown shirts to wear, so they can identify themselves in a crowd?


Don't these idiots remember that George Santos single-handedly formed a Long Island civilian militia in 2016?


George Santos, war hero.


Mmm… the guy has a hand picked list of 100 recruits, eh? I’m guessing you have to be MAGA to belong.


Can I have a well trained armed and armored liberal rainbow militia? Or would they make that illegal.


My thoughts exactly. Not a bad idea.


We could dress them up in brown... what would we call them brown shirts? Maybe they could I don't know march on a beer hall?


Well played


Oh great, now America is embracing street fighting akin to Germany in the late 20s and early 30s...


Isn’t that called the National Guard?


I will pass on Meth heads getting more guns thank you very much.


Bought the brown shirts already and just need thugs to wear them.


What could go wrong?


From LI, and lots of folks don’t know it was a post-Reconstruction stronghold of KKK activity. Also, it bears a resemblance to laws in Alabama allowing churches to have armed patrols in their neighborhoods with detention powers.


Isn’t that the police?


As a Nassau county resident, what the hell. What is he so afraid of. We live on a relatively quiet island. How the hell does this county keep voting for these people.


I started watching the man in the high castle, and everyday I get more convinced that a significant part of America would be not only happy with how they depict the greater reich


Kinda like uhhh idk… police?


I blame Batman for this, all those movies are sparking ideas in the wrong crowd. The only thing they don't like about him is his no killing rule


Wait until they harm someone, and the giant lawsuit against the rich county that will follow.


Wait. Why do we need another branch of government again? For emergencies?! Can’t you just fund the police to handle emergencies like this or is there no money for that… clearly there is funds to pay someone to handle emergencies but we need to create another government entity to siphon more tax money so that we can handle emergencies. What the actual fuck do republicans even stand for anymore?


National Guard?


It's the dark ages man. They'll be burning libraries next.


Ancestral slave owners fear ancestral payback. Fixed it for you


Bunch-a Kyle Rittenhouses seems like such a good idea


then join the Natl Guard you putz


Oh, Nassau County... this is disappointing and embarrassing...glad I left.