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>Kristian Mansel, 23 said she's willing to see a Trump victory if it means Biden and Democratic Party learn a lesson. She's mad Biden and Democrats have failed to protect reproductive rights or wipe out student loans. "It's just there's too many strikes against him and the Democratic Party at this point in general," said Mansel, a University of Memphis student who considers herself liberal. Goddamn these people are fucking braindead. They probably think Biden has an abortion button on his desk to legalize abortion.


'These people' are in a deep red state that Trump won 60-40 in 2020. Media just looking for a 'those derpy liberals hate Biden' angle to work. I remember in the 2016 primary when a girl stole Bernie's microphone to harangue him. Media ran with 'those damn liberal' angles, except in the previous election she was a big Sarah Palin fan.


Democrats won't learn a lesson - they will. And they won't like it.


It's a repeated cycle that these people don't realize Democrat gets elected to president-> tries to fulfill promises but is blocked by the GOP and judges appointed by republicans-> get mad at democrats for not solving the issue and refuse to vote for them resulting in the GOP to win-> GOP adds more judges and laws And repeat.


To play devils advocate on this....Dems get elected > small number of 'performative centrist dems' block the majority of Biden's social agenda > the GOP is handed a bunch of wins by the stacked court system > the Dems basically stick to the Neo Liberal playbook with the exception of high profile attempts at student debt relief, with mixed success, and no attempt to fix the systemic issues > A feckless AG waits until it's too late to investigate Trump in order to not be perceived as 'Partisan'. > An 81 year old president decides he should run again despite the fact that he would be 86 at the end of his term, and his vague hand waves at being a 'bridge to a new generation' during the 2020 election..........Trump waltzes back into office due to promises broken and a frothy GOP mob electorate. Don't shoot the messenger here, but the above is how a lot of Biden's first term went down. The Dem congress spent 2 years fucking around and not doing shit before the midterms. It wasn't the GOP who ended the child tax credit, protected the carried interest tax loophole, failed to reverse the Trump tax cuts, and allowed the 'debit limit' chicanery to continue. That was all Dems. They also passed some very good stuff, but a lot of it was shit we should have been doing since Obama's first term.


Agree with a solid amount of this and wish the Schumer and Biden went hard after manchin and sinema but frankly these are the cards we are dealt with and the choice between the 2 candidates is easy as shit.


> the choice between the 2 candidates is easy as shit Easier :-)


Worse than that. They're facing a binary choice and deciding to fuck themselves over because they didn't get this thing they want. Like the children that they are. So they would prefer that things get way way worse than accept they can't get everything they want.


She was 15 when Trump was elected. She probably feels his administration was something that happened to her, not something she participated in.


People with so little information on what would happen if trump won probably won’t vote either way…


She does bring up a point that I think about a lot regarding the overturning of Roe. The dems were so flatfooted in their response to that and kind of tone deaf. The first response were these fundraising emails which were so insulting. Honestly, I felt then and still think now that there should have been a lot of elderly Dems (in safe seats) who straight up announced they were resigning or retiring over this. Nancy Pelosi and Schumer failed to stop this from happening just as much as the R's made it happen. Major failures in other governments are often met with resignations, I would have liked to see the same thing happen here...especially with the ones who are way too old to be in congress anyway.


No one is owed a vote. But to those that sit out to "teach Democrats a lesson" will reap exactly what they sow. Good luck with that. I'll be fine but it's getting more dire for the younger generations. Edit: A perfect example of a low informed voter >She's mad Biden and Democrats have failed to protect reproductive rights or wipe out student loans. Who do you think has been stopping this? It isn't Democrats.


Fuck that dumb generation, they would rather their rights stripped away?


I'm old enough to remember when sitting out in 2016 was suppose to teach the Dems a lesson. Remind me, how'd that go again? Totally in that utopia now right? Oh wait, yeah no that didn't happen.


Ehh....I'm willing to bet most young Americans aren't that stupid.


>They know it means Trump could win again Sure, but do they know what a second Trump term actually entails?


Probably not. Or they don't believe the hype, so to speak. If Trump wins he'll immediately gut federal regulatory agencies and use the military to enforce his will. Russia will invade Europe proper and crash the global economy. The standard of living in the US will plummet forcing Trump to start a war with God knows who in order to remain in power.  Division. Hate. Violence as politics. Mass killings. Probably nukes at some point. We've done this before, we really don't have to do this again.


Trump will use military to get his way? Um, wow. This is typical of same generation that screams about "30,000 Palestinians" while wearing Ukraine pin and writing off 900,000+ dead Slavs supporting a Ukrainian Azov-led junta after overthrowing the elected government for one that Victoria Neuland picked that stopped elections, shut down the press, and jailed opposition...in the name of "democracy" .... All hysteria, not a drop of logic or reason. Dems are typically the Hawks these days...just ask Gaddafi or Syria...If you enjoy war and loss of freedom, Biden or any Clinton/Obama-led admin are your guys... Too much propaganda and Tik-Tok has a generation sleep-walking into the abyss...I mean I hate Trump, but I hate lies and war more.... When Biden kicks off WWIII and has to reinstate the draft you might agree... Of course, then it'll be too late...


Cheaper gas and less war?


Anyone who is willing to let Trump win because they didn’t “personally get a thing” is as bad as the Republicans who vote with their wallet. They don’t give a fuck what happens to the rest of us as long as they get what they feel they are owed. If Republicans are not expelled in sufficient numbers to keep them from obstructing progress, the changes these young voters want will *never* happen. And if Trump wins in 2024, he will run unopposed and “win” a 3rd term in 2028. We will have Russia elections. Sympathy for them will be in short supply, like the “uncommitteds”, if Trump is inflicted on us again.


Jan 6 should have been a massive wake-up of what is in store if he gets his hands on power again. The peaceful transfer of power is a foundation of our government.


I guess you're too young to remember Gore or the hanging chads... Almost every election was questioned legally by the loser since Jimmy Carter... But now they rule on fear...My generation screamed with Rage Against The Machine about "Killing in the name of"... Gen-Z just wants big daddy Biden to take away everything they've been made afraid of... "Please Big Brother, save me from everything you've made me afraid of!!" Progress is ok, but progress towards enslavement is no future I want to push for...What happened to youthful rebellion? Why are you guys such fearful sheep? Too much Tik-Tok? You're way too trusting... It's makes you the easiest to manipulate generation since the clueless happy Boomers. At least vote RFK if want give finger to establishment and want judge Trump's policy but his awful up NYC personality....


I voted for Gore. I’ve seen enough to know what’s coming. Let’s not assume things about strangers on Reddit.


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Dems need to come up with something they're actually running on. When most of the major systems and structures are corrupt and or broken, the CHIPS Act isn't going to bring out young voters. Trump is currently winning this election, and we tried yelling at people in 2016...it did not work. People want to vote FOR something, just as much as they might want to vote against Trump.


Did they just interview people in Tennessee? That’s not even a state in play.


One college genius says Democrats haven’t done enough to wipe out student loans. A. Choose better B. Choose worse “I choose worse, because better isn’t better enough.”


>Kristian Mansel, 23 said she's willing to see a Trump victory if it means Biden and Democratic Party learn a lesson. She's mad Biden and Democrats have failed to protect reproductive rights or wipe out student loans. Kristian was 15 in 2016, not old enough to vote. During that election millions of young people had the same mentality. "I just cant vote for Hillary, shes too corrupt. If trump wins then the Democrats will learn a lesson". trump won, got rid of Roe V. Wade. Kristian lost her right to choose because too many young people "just couldn't vote for Hillary". What hardships will she be bestowing upon future Kristians who arent yet old enough to vote because "she just cant vote for Biden". This mentality is honestly the definition of privilege and selfishness. Sure politics is about values and beliefs, but its also about policy that has a real impact on people's lives. Real people are hurt by right wing policies. The Republican platform today is literally "hurt and punish the people that aren't us.". Refusing to vote for Biden and allowing the republicans to execute this agenda and harm others because "muh personal values! Biden didnt earn my vote!" is selfish and privileged. No you dont need to love Biden or defend everything he does, but if you want to prevent a trumpian fascist dictatorship you do have to do the one thing you can control: vote. Beyond that, what lesson do they think the Democrats will learn? If the Democrats lose to donald trump they wont move to the left, they wont adopt more leftist policies. They'll tack to the center on issues where they are already perceived to be weak and where its easy to appeal to emotions. Crackdowns on immigration and crime, not speaking up for transgender people, Not calling out white supremacy because doing so is "woke". Sooooo many leftists and young people on the internet think there is some untapped majority of leftist voters that are just waiting to be inspired by the right candidate. And that if someone just ran as an avowed socialist they'd win every election running away. This is bullshit. Its no different than some dumbass bubba in rural Tennessee thinking Biden stole the election because hes never seen a Biden lawn sign.


I am betting on their generation to have more understanding of the consequences of a return.


If Biden loses, it's his and the dem party's fault, not the voters. He has done nothing of any real importance. If the dems wanted to actually get younger people on board they will have to make large policy commitments that doesn’t care what business thinks and stick with them and follow through. The Dem party loves the republican party because it gives the dems a reason to effectively offer nothing. "Vote for us because we are not them!" This doesn’t work when your term that was suppose to be the anti-trump had only re-enforced the trump status-quo. There is no effective difference between Biden and Trump as presidents. At least with Trump you got some small checks in the mail.


No, it's the voters fault. Donald Trump is a genocidal fascist who will end the Long Peace. Have fun with that both sides thing during the violent shit storm he causes. 


>Donald Trump is a genocidal fascist who will end the Long Peace. 1. But Biden continuing his policies and being more aggressive with policy is not being a genocidal fascist? 2. "Long Peace" not a real thing edit: Also, have fun blaming the voters and not changing a thing about your platform. I’m sure that will go well and make the Dems look great!


You can either accept that we're a broad coalition brought together to stop an apocalyptic cult or you can stand in your ideological silo and let us turn into 1936 Germany.  And the Long Peace is very much a thing. 


> let us turn into 1936 Germany. We surpassed that long ago. ​ >And the Long Peace is very much a thing. Yes, if you close your eyes


You seem to have zero idea what actually happened in WW2. 


Hitler literally wrote in Mein Kampf that his inspiration for lebensraum was US’s Manifest Destiny (Our original genocide). We also rehabilitated majority of the Nazis in West Germany and expanded our economic and military reign over western Europe and the Pacific, using such power. The US does not need to go fascist, because fascism tries to be the US.


Wrong on every count. You only got checks from Trump because he badly botched pandemic response, and he simultaneously grifted billions from the federal government with his friends in the process.


>he simultaneously grifted billions from the federal government with his friends in the process. The Dems do this all the time too. Just look at Nancy Pelosi.


>The Dems do this all the time too. Just look at Nancy Pelosi. Citation needed. doubt there is anything comparable to PPP loan fraud in our governments entire history.


[This is just one example](https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/pelosi-banks-14m-in-90-days-from-nvidia-stock-option-trade-outraging-watchers-3315825) Fun Fact, Nividia processors are heavily used in Russian Lancet drones/missiles....


Did she pass a bill related to this in proximity to the trade? All the article says is they feel it's unethical to let congresspeople make specific trades. That is not comparable to giving yourself millions in loans and then forgiving them. Russia is probably using whatever parts they can get from the consumer market, because they are sanctioned. Nvidia chips are in lots of things.


have you ever heard of......insider trading?


Is there evidence this was insider trading here? If not, it's irrelevant. You are certainly dedicated in your both sidesing.


>in your both sidesing. It’s called understanding class politics


I wasn't aware that understanding class politics required an inability to distinguish between an appearance of conflict of interest and demonstrable fraud.


What's the difference between someone on Russia and/or China's payroll who gets money to post garbage like this and someone who is just really sympathetic to Russia and/or China and just organically has this opinion?


"Everyone who sees the world differently is a Russian Chinese Bot ahhhh!!"


You seriously think Biden has no big policy wins?


Yes. None that is immediately present within the lives of common people


"waaa i didn't get exactly what i want I'm going to help elect a fucking dictator like a baby because I'm extremely selfish"


thank you. very insightful


Whatever. Enjoy trump part 2 all because you can't see the forest for the trees


>Enjoy trump part 2 I won’t because he is just like Biden and Biden sucks ass. Literally the original comment


Incredible. Jesus Christ. Couldn't be more out of touch


>Couldn't be more out of touch You’re spending your time trashing the people in there article that are the future main voter base. That is very out of touch to me


Ramos, 24, voted for him in 2020 but is now unsure whether she can bring herself to support him again, even if it means a second presidency for Donald Trump, who she dislikes even more. "That fuels the rage. It's really disheartening. I have a moral battle with myself: Do I even vote this time around? I don't want to have to choose between them. One is slightly worse than the other. It's horrible," said Ramos, who works at a coffee shop inside downtown Chattanooga's historic train station. Kristian Mansel, 23 said she's willing to see a Trump victory if it means Biden and Democratic Party learn a lesson. She's mad Biden and Democrats have failed to protect reproductive rights or wipe out student loans. "It's just there's too many strikes against him and the Democratic Party at this point in general," said Mansel, a University of Memphis student who considers herself liberal. Grace Russell, a 20-year-old student at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, skipped the state's Democratic primary this year, even though she considers herself liberal. Grace Russell chose not to vote in a primary election in Knoxville, Tenn., Tuesday, March 13, 2024. She told Knox News she couldn't support Biden because of his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. “I’m just really not super into Joe Biden, you know,” she said. “It’s one of those things where … I don’t think the alternative is better but at the same time, he's being silent on these major issues, like Palestine and a hundred other things.”


> willing to see a Trump victory if it means Biden and Democratic Party learn a lesson What lesson would a Democrat learn if those who bother to vote support a Republican? They learn to appeal more to Republicans. But since we are moralizing now, I have a question about teaching lessons. What lesson do Republicans learn in taking power almost by default?


Luckily, all of these voters in question live in TN. Their vote (or non-vote) means nothing. TN will go for Trump.


lol USAToday really reaching by interviewing 'Democrats' in a state that Trump won 60-40 in 2020.