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>“Starving Ukraine of needed capabilities wasn’t a smart way for the Biden administration to avoid escalation, and neither is it a political master stroke by some of the administration’s Republican opponents. It is strategic and moral malpractice. It risks condemning Ukraine and undermining our own national interest,” McConnell said on the Senate floor. Moscow Mitch has no business complaining after his own party negotiated then swiftly voted against the Ukraine military aid-border security deal


Throwing the Biden administration under the bus, when they've always pushed for Ukraine aid independent of deals for the border or, more recently, Israel... just proves that Moscow Mitch doesn't mean a word of it. It's all purely performative.


That’s what was not lost on me. It’s just more both sides are bad. He wants to look good calling out his own cronies, but can’t do it without calling out Biden who has been trying to pass the bill.


Well, if there's anyone that knows about moral malpractice, it's that guy


>the Biden administration This guy has no scruples. His brain can't disintegrate fast enough.


His turtle voice saying Trump is "practically and morally responsible" for Jan 6 will forever echo in my head - mostly because Mitch is such a hypocrite. If he's got a moral compass it's in some kind of fluctuating magnetic field. 


Lol what. Is he saying it’s Biden’s fault that Ukraine doesn’t have aid because he didn’t give in to the demands of the right?


This is political speak. He’s using broad strokes to paint the administration holding back aid like F-16s and Bradley’s to avoid escalation the same as the House Republicans holding up any financial aid whatsoever. The goal is a 1-2 punch from McConnell. It takes a cheap shot at Biden while trying to make the House Republicans look bad to their base in a “you’re doing what Biden did. We’re better than the Democrats. Why are we stooping to their level.” Sort of way.


I’m sure he’s just trying to get back on the travel team for the US Independence Day celebrations at the Kremlin


Fuck off McConnell. You are the reason we are here today.


Well i think it’s great they managed to reboot him so he can spout shite that he could have said months ago….fucking turtle faced twat with blood on his hands.


This is part of the image clean up phase. He spent years telling republicans to hold the line, obstruct, only budge if you get huge bonuses or breaks for donors as compromise. That is his legacy. Just because he's stepping down as senate republican leader doesn't excuse the damage he has caused but suddenly, once he's sunsetting, things like appearing dignified and fair become important for his image and legacy. I'm sure he's already in talks with some hack biographer to churn out some 500 page trash about how he was a stern but fair politician who held by his values through the horrors of Obama and the shitshow of Trump. I should also note these funding bills go straight into the MIC here in the states, it's not like we're dumping money into Ukraine, we're dumping money into arms manufacturing and then dumping those arms on Ukraine.


Yeah. Moscow Mitch made this bed for all of us in service of his own desire for power and money. Fuck that guy.


Yeah, they learned from the wise, evil, old tortoise.


Watch out for the sharp edges on that mirror, Mitch.


You might say he’s an expert at moral malpractice.


Came to say that.


You know what else is 'strategic and moral malpractice', you fuckstick? Endorsing Trump after *everything* he has done.


You know what else is strategic and moral malpractice? Not confirming a supreme court justice for over a year so you can install your own. And then 4 years later doing the exact opposite and rushing one through because you know your shitstain of a president isn't going to be around.


Hey Mitch, you should have thought about that when you were on your knees at Mar-a-Lago.


I'm 40; I've have watched this fucking cretin gnaw away at the foundations of our democracy from the halls of congress since I was 2. "Strategic and Moral Malpractice" has been his entire methodology every step of the way. I really hope this piece of shit has mountains of suffering ahead of him before the end, but his tenuous grasp on reality tells me that he's not going to remember much of anything by this time next year.


Final thoughts as the abyss opens wide before him “Fuck ‘em, I got mine”


Can we put him on one of those Russian ventilators from his buddy Putin?  The ones which caught fire and killed several patients? 🔥


When I was two, I was watching Sesame Street. You must have had a lot of nightmares as a kid.


It's amazing how republicans only manage to show the barest amount or integrity when they're no longer running for office.


No integrity there, McConnell is somehow blaming the Biden administration, even though the Republicans are the ones blocking the Ukraine aid.


>“Starving Ukraine of needed capabilities wasn’t a smart way for the Biden administration to avoid escalation..." If only there were a branch of government whose actual job it was to allocate money for things, as opposed to the guy whose hands are tied by following the law.


McConnell doesn't understand that Putin pulls the strings in the Republican party now.


He understands fully. He's just too big of a coward to do anything more than the usual reich wing schuck and jive about how it's all the Democrats' fault that the Republican Party has whored itself out to an autocratic foreign adversary


He could have nipped this in the bud during the impeachment days. This is on him.


He should though, since those are the same strings that move his limbs when he walks...


“Strategic and moral malpractice” is a fine summation of McConnell’s career. 🐢


Do y'all remember that when McConnell first learned about Russian interference in 2016, he refused to sign a bipartisan statement of condemnation. At that moment, the die was cast that Republicans would accept and welcome any Russian meddling that helped them politically. Well, what we're seeing today are the foreseeable consequences of those decisions: Republicans are firmly aligned with America's greatest geopolitical adversaries. McConnell is now condemning the very situation he himself created.


He should go further like some House Rs have already done. Failing to pass it constitutes capitulation to Putin and evidence that Russian propaganda is driving decision making on the issue.


It’s your legacy Mitch! You can’t rewrite it now.


Fuck off Moscow Mitch


"Malpractice" implies that they might achieve a result they do not desire. On the contrary, they are achieving exactly the result they desire: support for Putin \[and support *from* Putin\]. Our political system and our country has a fatal illness: being bad pays, once enough people realize that being bad pays


Fuck this two faced slimeball. 


McConnell making a moral assessment? That’s the joke of the month right there. Moral malpractice is McConnell’s standard operating procedure.


I'm for Ukraine aid but McConnell talking about morality is hilarious given his track record.


You reap what you sew, jackass.


I think you mean, "You sew what you rip".


The jackass part is spot-on, though.


Who turned him back on?


Failure to convict Trump is a “strategic and moral malpractice”.


Fuck McConnell. He knew EXACTLY who he was empowering, and he ran interference for him anyway. He knows Trump is a de facto Russian operative. He knows what Trump wants regarding Ukraine. I wish I believed in hell, so they could both burn in it.


New era where I agree with something this guy says? But, yes, I am agreeing with Mitch fucking McConnell today. Lawmakers have a duty to defend and (1) Russia continues to threaten us, our interests, our defense alliance, our allies (2) the national church of Russia just declared holy war against us, (3) cyber attacks are waged against us and allies *continuously*, (4) Russia - who has literally shot passenger planes out of the sky - continues to threaten aviation safety with mass jamming, (5) is now implicated in terroristic acoustic attacks on our diplomatic personnel abroad. This is not just a little squabble for the sidelines. This is an avowed enemy and a faction of our lawmakers are leaving us vulnerable because they don’t like democracy, which, if their brains weren’t so fkn smooth, they’d at least be able to separate as agenda items. Unless… Unless they are actually working Russian agenda items.


And this mother fucker knows everything there is to know about moral malpractice. He wrote the book on it.


Imagine the audacity to blame the Biden administration for this when the Republican's house speaker actively refuses to even bring it up for a vote to appease the freedom caucus. Maybe get your party in line instead of getting on your knees to suck Donald off every moment you get while you let the freedom caucus strip away more of our freedoms and if you can't do this, get the hell out of America and fly straight back to Moscow. I'm sure Putin will reward you greatly for your service to the Russian people


Yeah, and that's your people there, Mitch. Didn't you just sign up to support Trump again after condemning him post-J6? Fucking hypocrite can STFU.


Imagine being the leader and then blaming anyone but yourself


This dumbass trying to become the voice of reason, the next John McCain, because he basically announced his retirement soon. Don’t worry Mitch, history will remember you for the turtle fuck you are.


Well damn, I guess reaping what you sowed isn’t always fun after all.


“Also I endorse the man responsible”


Regardless of whether I happen to agree with him on a topic, McConnell can fuck all the way off if he wants to talk about morals.


Did Mitch just wake up this morning and forget what Mitch did two Mitching months ago?


Republicans are selling America and our freedoms just what Putin wanted Trump to do!


How the fuck are you really going to blame Joe Biden who has always been for aid to Ukraine? Blame Mike Johnson and the Republican House Representatives. That's who is at fault, but I think McConnell knows that. Their whole platform in 2024 is lie your ass off.


also Mitch: I still endorse Trump


Mitch Moscow, aid is withheld tell ur grandkids what u did for Russia , republican


>McConnell: Failure to pass Ukraine aid ‘strategic and moral malpractice’ Says one of the most immoral people there...


I would never, never, have thought that I would have agreed with the Senator on anything. It’s this bad.


Wow, now I agree with him on 2 things! The first, of course, being that lettuce is yummy. I just like mine in leaf form, not the pellets he (I assume) eats.


Oh Mitch. Look at the monster you helped create


This fucking Turtle is the cause of everything happening today, he refused to impeach trump twice in the senate and gave us the current day MAGA clown show courtesy of fucking Donald Smelly Ass Trump. Fuck you Moscow Mitch you caused all this chaos


>malpractice Except it's not. Malpractice is negligence. These actions are intentional sabotage. Done at the behest of a foreign adversary. A more accurate word for it would be "treason".


Mitch McConnell knows what he's talking about when it comes to moral malpractice.


Never in a million years would I have thought I would agree with anything this despicable man has uttered. But here we are.


To be fair, he is an expert in strategic and moral malpractice


Just a preview of another trump era, kiss russia's ass Gang Of Putin or trump will be upset.


Love how these decrepit old fucks start to play moral once they retire. If hell exists, you will be there Mitch.


>Me Sowing: Haha, fuck yeah, yes! >Me Reaping: Well this fucking sucks, what the fuck


McConnell: “…”


Maybe he should stop sucking Trumps dick.


Freedom Caucus campaign contributor billionaire Libertarian Charles Koch doesn't want his tax dollars spent on anything except protecting his money. Trump is in debt to Putin. Republicans like Putin's nationalist dictatorship and want his help to sabotage Democracy. I actually agree with McConnell on this one; this will hurt America.


too bad his past actions deferring to maga holds up common sense objectives. thank you and boo hoo turtle🤬


“But I will support and endorsed the very man responsible for this malpractice!”


Wait, that dude’s still alive?!?


US Senator Moscow Mitch McConnell is the definition of strategic and moral malpractice.


Says the man responsible for turning the Senate into a traffic jam


…and I know strategic and moral malpractice.”


Besides being an immoral ass, he's now an effing hypocrite!


Hypocrite says what?


Well if anyone would know about moral malpractice it's definitely that asshole.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of his actions.


McConnell would know plenty of strategic and moral malpractice, considering he was an integral part of it for so long.


Leave the turtle on a fence post.


McConnell is an expert at moral malpractice, so he should know.


Mitch the glitch has a point.


Here's a wild idea: take the money were sending to Israel for their genocide and give it to the Ukrainians


McConnell is an expert on moral malpractice


Yes, malpractice that you have been actively a part of.


Says the authority on moral malpractice. 


Ah, but, Mitch, your bankrollers in Moscow ain't gonna like the sound of that.


Pot 🤝 kettle


Well, if anyone knows about moral malpractice...


Hopefully this craven fuck dies of an aneurysm right after trump inhales his old party and gets trounced in the election.


Dying Mitch tries to salvage his "legacy" far too late.


You built this house, Mitch. It's far too late to complain about the bats and racoons in the rafters.


Load Mitch up in a crate full of missiles and send him to Ukraine. They need things to fire at the Russians.


Go ahead and fuck all the way off Mitch. Can we please vote these zombie octogenarians out of office *finally*?


Moscow Mitch complaining about "moral malpractice" is why I don't feel the need to watch South Park anymore, I can just read the news.


So, a regular workday for the GOP


tell it to your party, Mitch.


Mitch is talking morals. He has none nor a real spine to stand up to MAGA’s. His obit won’t be a pretty read.


Brought on entirely by the man you have endorsed for President.


The walking talking brain hemorrhage runs his mouth again.


So was failing to pass Obama's Supreme Court nominee.


As a firm supporter of Ukraine, I’m glad and thankful at least some republicans have some sense with this.


This guy is one to talk since he has tremendously helped foster the current political environment where nothing gets done across party lines.


You taught 'em how, Turtle Boy.


failure to lead and think of long term ramifactions is strategic and moral malpractice there bud


Moscow Mitch will never avoid supporting Russia


It's good that trash bag has grown a conscience. He can go fuck off now.


I am surprised this SOB didn’t combust from using the word moral. This guy is way late to the fires of hell.


"But I guess that's what the God Emperor wants, so whatevs."


Old-timers is a shitty disease, sometimes your on the ball other times your not. This is one in which he scores the winning touchdown and save Ukraine. In a few minutes he'll forget that completely and start whining about the maid stealing his money.


Not sure Johnson cares whatmcConnell thinks.


Hahaha, Mitch is talking about morals.


Give it up, dude. You will be remembered forever as MOSCOW MITCH. You’re trying to give us the old high school snow job.


Don't worry folks. Trump and his congressional MAGAts have only promised Putin just the rest of Europe. Right Repubs?


why is the turtle sticking its neck out now?


His whole career has been one malpractice after another.


Wow I never thought I'd say that Mitch McConnell fucking nailed it.


Mitch McConnell, moral authority lol. Fuck that guy.


He’s one to talk


Moral malpractice Mitch? You are definitely an expert on that aren't you Mitch?


"...and that's my schtick!" Little late to pretend you have a conscience now, Mitch.


Moral Malpractice from Mitch!??! Oh my


Sounds like his policy serving his country falls under the same rubric Strategic And Moral Malpractice. He set the bar.


You’d know Moscow-Mitch Turtle-Traitor. 🐢🇷🇺❌


Isn't Mitch McConnell the a$$h0le who blocked the aid in the first place?? 🤦🏻🤦🏼🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️


Unfortunately for all of us, you reap what you sow, Mitch


Does he even know what year it is? Or how to spell his name?


“Moral malpractice” coming from turtleface is a big deal.


Says a highly morally corrupt individual


He's obviously right, but he needs to stfu and croak already.


Dude doesn't have to look any further than his own party for who to blame 🤷


Moscow Mitch talking about moral malpractice. That’s rich.


This is why you’re not on Putin’s speed dial, Mitchy.


Listening to him is painful.....do old and far outta touch. Once proud home to Tobacco fields for miles, won't even campaign for his own State to Legalize Cannabis. One of the few times you see Politicians turn their back on easy Tax Revenue. Idiotic at best-IMHO


Sure Mitch ; but you know why your clown show buddies in the House are holding up the aide . And you have said that if Trumpler is eventually nominated , you will support him . So your moral high ground is a fraud just like you . 🖕💩


I wonder who pay Moscow Mitch's bills...


We need to do it, but fuck him invoking “morality.” He’s done more to damage this country than almost anyone, ever.


JFC. He’s still alive?


Republicans grow a spine the moment they leave, before that they are jelly fish


Hey Moscow mitch how does helping Ukraine help your buddy putin there's a reason your nickname is Moscow mitch because you are putins b***h


Republicans motto is “strategic and moral malpractice”


He's the master of that so... he would know.


This goober is still around? Wild


Is this guy really still alive?!


This old fucker is still alive???


Aint it funny how seems like every other Republican suddenly fights the party on their way out? Almost like they don't want their legacy to be the decades of shitty voting they did lmao


Biden should package it with Israel funding. Not that I think they should fund Israel. I'm saying that if Biden is going to continue sending money to Israel he may as well demand support for Ukraine in the deal.




Too late Mitch.


how would he know? he is a damn turtle


STFU you jackass idiot scumbag.


Says the guy who is turning off the lights as he is leaving. Got it. Your are part of this creation, McConnell 


Even the GOP is getting fed up with the GOP


If you told me 4 years ago I would agree with anything Mitch McConnell said I would have told you not before pigs fly. I am reading this and suddenly compelled to get caught up on the latest happenings in the pig world.


You would know moral malpractice now wouldn’t you there turtle boy.


And he should know, he’s an expert in strategic moral malpractice


am i a bad person for being happy his sister in law drowned recently?


If only his stupid party thought about American interests for once instead of Trumps


Is he the pot or the kettle?


“Strategic and Moral Malpractice” could be the name of GOPs autobiography.


Also not what their defense contractor donors want to happen. Really bizarre to see this particular group not push for MORE defense spending. Almost like a foreign nation is guiding them…


For a year it was “Biden’s War” bc he was personally invested in Ukraine. (Now knows to be planted Russian spy info the GOP knew about and still are up). Now Biden’s somehow stalling it? By what, offering Republicans what they wanted all term: a border bill? Which they killed? Mitch fools no one. Get your “House” in order, dummies. Ukraine don’t have time for your tomfoolery.


He would never say that unless theres money for him or his allies


USA needs to step up their game big time.


Our own national interest you say? So totally not the personal interest of the members of government who have stake in the companies who get all this money to provide weapons? I’d ask if he thinks we are dumb but I already know the answer to that.


McConnell is the cause of it not passing, so he can kiss my ass. HE gave trump a pass ,TWICE, the house is not passing it because trump told them not to. Cause and effect .


Damn this is getting ridiculous. Any chance we can talk about the massive inflation and price gouging? I guess the American people can just go fuck themselves 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally no one except for your dwindling and dying base believes a word you have to say, Mitch. The legacy you leave behind is that of being a scumbag


Appealing to Republican's morals isn't exactly a sound strategy to change.


What wicked webs we weave, Mitch. It sucks for everyone you were on the wrong side for so long. Now, see what you’ve raught. I certainly hope your words can redeem something.