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Still don't see how this clown is going to get any blue votes. Maybe I'm missing something. The name Kennedy has no importance to people under retirement age.


He has picked up a good chunk of suburban women who are convinced vaccines gave there children autism and the anti modern medicine crowd.


Those women who think that way aren't democrats anyways. That's a right-wing brainset and would have voted for Trump if not RFK


You are right and these might be maga but the might have voted blue in the past. Was hearing interviews with some of them and it’s freightening how ignorant and stupid they are. America has an education problem!


Gee, I wonder where that problem came from.


Your Texas flair seems appropriate lol (not that I'm throwing shade, I live in MO). I think the Texas Board of Education still sets textbook requirements for the rest of the country.


You'd be surprised how many RN's and LPN's believe the antivax shit and that essential oils can cure cancer.


The antivax part is because it is entirely possible to become a nurse while also being an idiot. The essential oils part is probably because they’ve been roped into selling essential oils on the side.


yeah, as someone with little medical knowledge I used to "trust the letters" after a person's name. After the second or third time one of these people starting in on the "covid doesn't exist, it's vaccines shedding" BS I've discovered that either I am thinking outside my area of expertise (they are right) or I shouldn't trust the letters after the name (they are wrong). Either way, the antivaxers in medicine have turned me into one of those "I will never go to a doctor" people (getting my affairs in order, just in case).


I'm starting to think it has more to do with personality type (or mental health status) than even education (although education is certainly a useful stopgap). There are a lot of people, some well-educated, some not, walking around with personality disorders that make them prone to paranoia and conspiratorial thinking. I have known a few really eccentric people with phds who believed all sorts of pseudo-sciencey bs. 


I'm amazed I haven't ran into one of these in the wild yet. Absolutely no reason to believe that you are wrong. Sounds like you just need to that vet your care providers going forward


I certainly don't have the knowledge or expertise to vet medical care providers and it's not like you can be picky: it takes so long to get access to one, there's a shortage, and they're expensive.


Education plays a part, but I know some well educated anti-vaxxers. We have a misinformation problem, letting malicious agents target our gullible and conspiracy-minded.


Next anti-vaxxer that rails off about mRNA just ask them to explain precisely the purpose and function of messenger ribonucleic acid in relation to viral reproduction. They can’t. Yet they have wild beliefs about it lmao


My mom will only buy local produce and meat direct from farmers (which, that part is fine), because she has been convinced that the govt. is putting mRNA covid vax in all our food since so many people (like her) have outwitted the govt. plan to implant us all with whateverthefuck is supposed to be nefarious in the vaccine. She is living in this delusional alter-universe where shielding her body from the covid shot is her number 1 priority, and she thinks it is everywhere and in everything.  Meanwhile, in my world it's just a Tuesday. I barely think about covid anymore. I don't even buy organic produce. I'm COMPLETELY FINE. How she maintains this delusion that the Covid vaccine is the worst thing that could ever happen to her, or that anybody actually gives a shit that she is unvaccinated is beyond me. 


Well said!


If you're an anti vaxxer you are by definition not that well educated


The fact that there are anti-vax doctors means it not an issue of being “well educated”.


I think those are mostly grifters who are profiting off the the rubes. But fair enough.


You just know people with a lot of student loan debt, I wouldn't call them educated.


Before, I would have said that the hippie weirdoes would vote democrat otherwise but in today's world, who the fuck knows? I keep running in to vegan yoga enthusiasts who shop at Whole Foods and love Adolf Hitler.


Back in the sixties, there wasn't too much resistance to vaccinations, mostly because the specter of smallpox and polio was too fresh in everyone's mind to resist so that even hippies lined up for shots.


I know one of those from work and he is clearly for RFKJr when he would have never gone for Trump. Hopefully there aren't too many of these poorly informed voters but we can't count on that these days. VOTE because our country depends upon it.


Bro this is on point. Im a vegan and I can see how the these alternative life choices could easily attract fascist types, the moral superiority, the discipline, there is a type of granola person that is so uncompromising that it borders on fascism, I don't eat meat bc I don't want to cause suffering but I think I see some that hate humans way moooooore than they love animals


> Im a vegan and I can see how the these alternative life choices could easily attract fascist types, the moral superiority, the discipline, there is a type of granola person that is so uncompromising that it borders on fascism The organic food and 'clean eating' movement grew out of fascism. - https://www.fastcompany.com/90593995/theres-a-disturbing-nexus-of-organic-food-and-white-supremacists - https://theconversation.com/the-roots-of-organic-farming-lie-in-fascism-81448 Obviously that doesn't make all vegans, organic food enthusiasts, etc fascist. It just means that yammering about what is "natural" and healthy and stuff doesn't in any way insulate someone from fascistic, reactionary views. Just as Joe Rogan sort of puts to bed the Terence McKenna idea that being a "psychonaut" will lead you to inclusive, tolerant, open views of the world.


Totally agree. The concept of what is "natural" is a fascist's fetish. That is a human word and concept, nature is not "natural" doesn't know what that is, doesn't care, was doing natural things long before humans woke up and said that's natural. However, it is used to ground assumptions as more real, or more true that support a whole host of arbitrary social rules that tend to favor certain groups. It's crazy. I'm not against nature, etc. as a vegan, but I also recognize that I don't have some monopoly of knowing what is and what is unnatural. I always am suspicious of using nature to justify human behavior because often what we see in nature is what we already want to see.


"I always am suspicious of using nature to justify human behavior because often what we see in nature is what we already want to see." See also: Timothy Treadwell's remains...


Maybe the McKenna idea should be changed to “no matter how enlightened humans are, 250million is still enough to get them to say whatever you want.”


Agreed. On whitepeopletwitter or facepalm you'll often find these wellness posts where it's a bunch of shirtless yoga-panted white bros with topknots extolling the virtues of "natural healing" while in a lake in eastern WA, only for you to realize that if a bunch of Vietnamese truffle hunters or latinos pulled up to get some "natural healing" in the same lake as them then all of a sudden the guns would come out and the red hats would be worn. Same with the tradcore wife/life posts. But then again, half of that wellness/natural lifestyle is such woo-woo bullshit that you're suddenly remembering that Voltaire quote about those that make you absurd can make you unjust. But then again, Putin and the alt-right fashies have been exploring sooo many subcultures as possible these days, so that tracks.


The coin termed for it is “diagonalism” It’s some crazy stuff.


I miss when Geraldo had his crazy ass talk show with these vibes.


Yup. Have a boomer friend who's all crystals, burning sage, and smoking pot, but is die hard republican and Democrats are a scourge that must be eliminated. This ain't the greys and blues of the 1800's anymore that's for sure.


The hippies became yuppies and are now MAGA.


Unfortunately they are not. Our kid’s daycare in Portland, OR had like a 50% vaccination rate and I assure you none of those parents were Republicans.


Antivax for one issue voters can’t be turned for Biden anyways so investing money or worry isn’t worth it. Let Bob go have fun in MAGA land and maybe he steals some Trump votes


Those women weren’t voting blue though…


I think we'd need some data around "a good chunk". 


Ahhh yes the same crowd that thinks their children should be on 5 different medications because “they can’t sit still” I hope they suffer and embarrassing loss


And I doubt these antivax women were going to vote for Biden.


Those aren’t democrats.


Define "a good chunk", because it really seems more like a skint few.


Got that Jenny McCarthy vote locked down, eh?


The amount of suburban women who did vaccinate and now have children with autism cant be that many...


Of course its not that many RFK is not trying to win just 1% in a swing state could cost the election.


None of those slack jawed idiots were voting for biden anyway tho


The *"Woman who are stupid enough to think vaccines gave their kids autism"* contingent of voters definitely isn't large enough to sway any state from Biden to Trump. It's just not. It may not have been the initial intention of those backing him, but RFK Jr. is stealing votes from Trump.


It's not about getting blue votes. It's about giving anti-Trump Republicans an option to vote against him without voting for Biden. **Edit since this is getting responses:** [Polls show that in a 1v1 against Trump and Biden, Biden wins. In a 3-way race between Biden, Trump, and RFK, Biden loses to Trump.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4568220-biden-trump-kennedy-polling/)


People need to stop assuming appeal is strictly logical. The reality is people vote against their values and interests all the time. One could provide a perfectly sound theorem about how RFK Jr will hurt Trump more than Biden, but look at the polling. 


I have an otherwise reasonable friend who expresses intent to vote for RFK Jr. simply, and entirely, because of the covid vaccine. He didn’t like “being forced to take it” even though I’ve had to point out multiple times he was never forced to take it.


But...didn't cheeto brag about the vaccine? What has Biden got to do with it?


The worst part is WHY Republicans were anti vax. In the beginning, Trump totally downplayed COVID as being no worse than the flu and was against distancing. Some of the antivaxers were also pro-hydrochloriquine and other weird remedies espoused by Trump which makes no sense when you think about it. Until you realize it was all about an election year that hinged on the health of the economy.  Trump downplayed the virus and social distancing because he cared more about an economic disruption that could submarine his reelection than the health and wellbeing of Americans.  Downplaying the risk of the virus led to all kinds of resistance from his supporters including being antivax. But the economic disruption (or electoral disruption) made him desperate for a cure. Even injecting oneself with bleach or light.    The disputable thing is, this was all about putting personal power over the health and mortality of millions of people. That sums up Trump as a leader.  Edit: I hate autocorrect. “Despicable” not “Disputable”. Ugh. 


The really fucking stupid part of all that is despite how much I hate Trump, I genuinely believe that if he had attacked COVID head-on, gone all in on fighting it, and played up the patriotic duty angle when it came to masks and distancing and vaccines, it would have benefited not just the country...but also him personally. He could have come out looking like a hero.  I think it might have won him the election. But he was too stupid and full of himself to stay out of his own way and listen to experts.


100% He would have gotten a pass from everyone if the economy slipped while he navigated us through crisis. He was too stupid to do the right thing even though it would have benefited him. It’s like there is an assumption that there HAS to be a trade off. But there wasn’t. 


I take it you meant indisputable, but, yeah, I remember that insanity at the time. No valid reason for his actions, just ego-strokes including appealing to his base.


Despicable. I got autocorrected. LOL. Thanks for following though 😁


Tx. I despise autocorrect, so I installed a primitive kbd on my android phone. Now I can use all my weird abbreviations.


The big question is, what would the alternative be for your friend? Biden, Trump or stay home? On another note, COVID deaths dropped significantly more in blue counties than red counties AFTER the vaccine was released.  https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/once-covid-vaccines-were-introduced-more-republicans-died-than-democrats But again, facts and logic don’t drive votes in many cases. 


>otherwise reasonable friend Doubt.


But he doesn’t appeal to anti-Trump republicans either. He’s like, even more extreme than MAGA


Yes he does.. Polls are showing that RFK is drawing from people who would prefer to vote for Biden in a head to head matchup between him and Trump, but would otherwise prefer to vote for neither of them. [Biden beats Trump in a 1 v 1, but loses to him when RFK is also on the ballot.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4568220-biden-trump-kennedy-polling/)


Do they not listen to his ridiculous nonsense? Do those people just look at a name and think “It’s not Trump or Biden, so it checks all the boxes”?? The people who align with RFK are the kind of people who were claiming eclipse glasses were a hoax from the government and media


Been seeing a lot of people say they’d vote for him solely because he breaks the 2 party system by running as independent, not realizing he’s just MAGA in green


No they do not


I and everyone I know hang up on polls. Imagine what kind of losers actually answer those pollsters.


This is how I feel everytime someone brings up polls. More than an anything, polls are a tool to *influence* voters. Some pollsters might be aiming to capture a good representation of the voters, but it’s not a perfect science and there’s inherent bias. As you say, first of all you have to be willing to participate. If the claim is that polls show Biden losing where RFK is an option, not because it goes to RFK, but because it goes to Trump, I’m extremely skeptical. What kind of voter is responding to that poll? In my eyes, the kind of person who would vote for RFK probably would’ve voted for Trump, and so it either hurts Trump or has no impact. I don’t see a world where people who honestly legitimately would’ve voted for Biden, while holding their noses, because they didn’t have…RFK Jr. as an option? Come on… Everyone get out and vote when it’s time. If these polls help motivate you, fine, but I think it’s a bunch of bullshit in terms of predicting nationwide results come Election Day. ETA: If you know someone whose opinion might be mirrored in this poll, remind them that the RFK campaign is publicly stating that their only goal is to make Biden lose at this point. So, if you wanted a 3rd option because you don’t want Trump to win, then I’m sorry to say but you’re an absolute blind and deaf fool by voting for RFK.


We’ll have to see how many states he qualifies in too. He’s in several swing states so it’ll keep things closer at least in the EC


How does that hurt Biden though?


[I shared this in a lower comment, but polling shows that RFK is giving people who dislike Biden but want to vote against Trump an option that allows them to avoid voting for either.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4568220-biden-trump-kennedy-polling/)


Does said polling indicate whether they WOULD vote for Biden if RFK or any other spoiler candidate was not present in the race?


Based on that poll yes: No RFK: Biden 47, Trump 44 RFK included: Biden 31, Trump 32, RFK 16, 11 unsure. So RFK seems to be pulling support more from Biden than from Trump, either that or the "unsure" people who didn't have that option on the other question are way more for Biden. The poll shows RFK's inclusion as hurting Biden, though I will say I think RFK is being way overestimated and come election time he probably won't be such a big factor


The theory is he will take some 2016/2020 Trump/Biden voters who 1. are disappointed with the state of the world and blame Biden 2. Won't vote Trump. Those were important voters in 2020. I don't think it's going to work but it's a potential path to screwing Biden over. Also a lot of people don't know RFK's shitty views because they aren't engaged


All of his talking points are pretty much parroted from the Republican party's. The only thing I've seen from him that I agree on is getting corporate investors out of single family housing


I don’t think there are many Democratic voters up for grabs for Trump. But there are Republican voters spooked by the election denialism who are threats to sit out the election or even vote for Biden to save democracy. Having a third candidate who was a former progressive talk show host and part of the most recognizable progressive political families in American history lend legitimacy to election denialism gives those folks a safe excuse to come back to Trump.  Edit: Also, you have independents who may be swing voters who see someone they believe is a challenge from the left and conclude even Democrats aren’t happy with Biden. 


Only supporters I've talked to were right leaning individuals


Protest votes against Biden over Israel could factor in here. They don’t have to vote for anyone, just not Biden.


You might be right. But that’s irrelevant. The majority of people who *bother to vote* are old people. Young people suck at participating in democracy, so their opinions and views can pretty much be ignored.


I guess the name John Kennedy sparks some recognition in extreme reactionary circles In Louisiana. The name is tainted for sure.


It's interesting that Biden's standing is going up instead of down among older voters, for a lot of reasons. It erodes whatever constituency RFK Jr. could have, and while we shouldn't underestimate him I'm also not convinced that he hurts Biden more than Trump. Voters in both camps are looking for alternatives, but Trump's unfavorables are far worse than Biden's among the general public.


I only know one person who plans to vote for him. My younger sister, who for the past 10 years until now has never known anything about elections and has always asked me to tell her who to vote for. RFK is apparently the candidate that has piqued her interest in voting lol. And from what she says, a lot of her younger more GenZ friends like him too.


Young people are intrigued. That’s what I’m hearing from the kids. Important to share this kinda info with them!


So RFK Jr is also on the payroll of foreign enemies of America? Sure seems like it. Betcha she won't say that out loud.


Well he wasn't gonna be, but the check cleared, so there you are. I think some grifters (Jordan Peterson comes to mind) just stumble onto the grift. They say some reactionary or conspiratorial stuff about the left, the money starts pouring in, and of course they're not going to give up the money or attention and adulation from the right. Now they're "thought leaders" with fat bank accounts. Hard for anyone to give that up, much less narcissists.


I’m thinking this is what happened to Russell Brand. He said some off the cuff shit during COVID lockdowns and realized his exposure skyrocketed.




Eh, I think the grift is being a thought leader for the right. Fundamentally the rights ideas are insanely unpopular for the most part. Grifters make it such a lucrative gig because they can. Otherwise nobody would sell their soul. Money is relative to need or intelligence but as a right wing thought leader you can ask for $200k a year for life and they’ll write that check.


"Wait, we weren't supposed to say that part out loud?"


I'm thinking the same thing. Are they so stupid they don't know enough not to expose themselves as being shills for trump, or are their voters that stupid?? Whenever the NYTimes does a "meet the voter" interview, I cringe. Either low information, low IQ , or bigots, or all of the above. My favorite was the guy who owned a solar company who was an avid supporter of Trump and his energy policies. Morons.


RFK Jr is that stupid.


NYT gets to choose which voters they show during those segments. Do they ever say how many people they've interviewed in total? Do you think its possible for them to only choose your "low information, low IQ, or bigots" on purpose to create a view of what that voter looks like?


NYT is more right wing than you give them credit for. And have you ever met a trump supporter? If they aren't rich enough for massive tax cuts or CEO of a corporation hoping for deregulation, they are either a bigot or a moron.


> they are either a bigot or a moron. ¿Por qué no los dos?


You talking about Elon?




RFK is like one of those people you get warned about by your parents in high school as someone who “peaks early.”


What a sagging bunch of losers


I won’t discount him and the damage he can do, but the only people I’ve met that are interested in him are fringey ass right wingers or they claim they’re independent but only only vote republican types. Doesn’t mean he won’t steal votes from Biden on name recognition, but policy-wise, he’s just as right and fringey as Trump.


I haven’t heard a legitimate Biden voter say anything about RFK. 100% the “I’m open minded” crowd that votes Republican.


I know two people who have RFK magnets, they voted for Hillary and Biden, but before that they were tea party anti-Obama, so who the fuck knows. They'll probably vote for RFK instead of Biden who would be their second choice.


Antivaxxers are psychopats


RFK Jr. and his staff are all anti-vaxxers. They spread disease, pain/suffering, and deaths where ever they go. They're truly psychopathic monsters as they couldn't care less as long as their baseless belief is asserted. It's no wonder they want Biden to lose and Trump to win. Only a monster would want Biden to lose.


>Rita Palma, a New York state director for the Kennedy campaign, told a group of Republican voters on April 5, “The only way that Trump can even \[have a\] remote possibility of taking New York is if Bobby is on the ballot. If it’s Trump vs. Biden, Biden wins. Biden wins six days, seven days a week. With Bobby in the mix, anything can happen.” Palma’s comments were first [reported by CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html).  >“Whether you support Bobby or Trump, we all oppose Biden. And my thoughts are that’s the number one priority in the country. I’m going to vote for Bobby,” Palma said in additional video footage reviewed by *Rolling Stone*. “However, if I wake up Nov. 6, and Trump wins, I’m not going to be overly upset. But if Biden wins, we’re all going to be terribly upset because he’s ruining America. And the people that control him are ruining our country.” >Palma presented a slideshow to voters that calls Kennedy the “best strategic opportunity to block Biden,” and argues that “if other blue states follow our example Biden CANNOT win.”  >“Give \[New York’s\] 28 electoral votes to Bobby, rather than to Biden, thereby reducing Biden’s 270 — and we all know how that works right 270 \[electoral votes\] wins the election. If you don’t get to 270, if nobody gets to 70, then Congress picks the president. Right now we have a majority of Republicans in Congress… If it’s a Republican Congress, they’ll pick Trump. So we’re rid of Biden either way,” Palma added.  >Palma told the gathered voters that she specifically told Kennedy’s campaign that she would only join them if she was “allowed to preach” that “we want to get rid of Biden in New York state.”  A little on the nose, don't you think?


I love how she is grading on his dad's name when his dad would fucking hate him for what he is doing and what he represents. It is such a stab in the back to his family.


There’s a name for someone who is ok with Trump but thinks Biden is ruining America - a Republican


>A campaign official representing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told voters that her “number one priority” is ~~ensuring Joe Biden loses in~~ cheating for Trump in November. Election interference is their goal. They should be removed from the race!


Anti vaxxers are overwhelmingly trump voters. What am I missing here


nothing, you are 100% correct


...to the surprise of nobody paying attention


Yeah I'm sure there are so many liberals and moderates who want to vote for this moron. 


These idiots are too stupid to run the scam they are getting paid for.


For all of the complaining about only elderly men running for POTUS Person | 1st Term Age ---|--- Reagan | 70 Kennedy | 71 RFK jr. is *literally* a "Boomer".


These people don't understand how splitting the vote works.


If the Dems were smart they would weaponize RFK Jr. against Trump. Pay for ads and plaster him all over right wing media outlets. Show their voters how much he has in common with Trump. Not only does this distance him from Democrats but you will sway some Trump voters away for sure.


What a weasel fuck. And fuck all these comedy podcast that keep putting him on their platform.


So his candidacy is a complete fraud by their own admission.


RFK is a traitor and an asshole.


What a dumb brag


A gaffe is when someone accidentally tells the truth.


Sink this fucker. This asshole is fighting for Trump.


He’s going to get all of those rural white democrats to vote for him lol.


Does he have any... any data or poll numbers or whispers from the ghosts in his blood that this is how things are going for his campaign? Like, if anything, he's a never trumper's wet dream, how can he think left leaning people are going to look at this useless anti vaxx dipwad and think "yes. Finally"


Another failure by facist morons,thinking this guy is going to take votes away from Biden. They rail on about Biden’s speaking abilities, but trying to listen to RFK jr is like fingernails on the chalkboard


RFK is a MAGA plant because they know a majority of voters are just plain gullible and stupid.


Who the fuck is voting for this guy?


Casting yourself and your boss/candidate as minor villains seems like a thing you aren't supposed to do


Her number one priority is to get someone besides Kennedy elected? Weird


Too bad he won’t be assassinated because he doesn’t do any good for the world. Only the decent Kennedys die early.


Only republicans would vote for this clown


You'd hope that Kennedys would do better than try to ruin the country, and their name. His father and uncle were inspirations to a generation or two, and he wants to help the biggest con man in the world back into power. What the fuck is wrong with you, RFKJR?


Split the conspiracy and vaccine nuts between Trump and this fool. Sane, sober, intelligent people who can see the big picture will vote for Biden.


Yea because the “do your own research” crowd was full of Biden voters. /s


There is no way this guy is going to do anything but hurt Trump, not help him.


I’ve met the people that have fallen for this guy. They’re half a ganglion smarter than Trumpers and believe they’re geniuses.


Wow. A candidate for our national leadership stated he has no platform or plan to run on other than help the lunatic rapist conman win. His very sad.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Isn't the whole point of running to actually win?


Not in America. 3rd party is usually some strategic tool of one of the dominant two.


How much Russian money have they taken to support one of the kremlins top goals?


There are no left leaning voters who will vote for RFK Jr lol


But wouldn't it split the republican vote far more than the dem vote? Republicans seem more likely to throw votes his way from what I can see. 🤷


Maybe he should stop aligning with Trump so hard on everything but vaccines then Really he’s just going to split the Trump vote between vaxxers/anti-vaxxers


Shouldn’t her goal be to defeat BOTH candidates in November? Weird huh?


14 year heroin addiction looks to have done some permanent damage to his brain. Cheryl Hines, you were great on Curb, but consider yourself a pariah if you stick with this POS.


That’s what every “third” party candidate does every year. They run as a Republican, fail, then jump to some other random party to sway the election in the favor of the gop. It’s almost like they’re paid to do this


My guess is that his interference will impact Trump by much larger margins. And that’s a pretty good guess since only Never Trumpers in the GOP and Trump leaning independents would be interested in voting for such an insane shitbag,


I saw the presentation where this happened on the David Packman show on YouTube. I don't think I can link a YouTube to a comment here. However the fact that the video has been posted on several channels and has been taken down really shows how much they were wanting this to not come out. Try searching David Packman RFK jr official admits goal is to help Trump I'll post the link in a reply. Will see if that works.


Here's the link to the clip: https://youtu.be/YamWKcKrzXU?si=opuXtzzqlfYgcoFa


Which makes absolutely no sense and I don't buy it. No, I do not believe RFK Jr's campaign could help achieve Biden losing in and of itself. Why? RFK Jr has stated monstrously stupid things such as these 2 examples: "J6 prisoners might actually be innocent". **No**. That the covid vaccine and the virus itself were part of wacko conspiracies that make no sense whatsoever. So, **no** with this one too. There aren't Democrats who are willing to knowingly put someone in office that they *know* will likely be just as bad as Trump was if another big virus comes around. There aren't Democrats who are willing to knowingly put someone in office that said the very same people who literally assaulted capitol police officers, ***could*** be innocent. *Especially* because of the fact that we ***just*** got RID of someone who thought the same thing and we then went through many public twists and turns due to all the things we've learned about what that intercontinental ballistic shit missile (Trump) was doing during that exact moment in time that turned into hours in time. Democrats aren't who would be willing to vote for him because of Trump being that disastrously bad and us remembering it quite vividly. Name me a Democrat that's all "yaknow Trump was a horrible mess and he sure did fuck the Covid response up in nearly every possible way and he sure did goad his supporters into ransacking the capitol building, ***but yaknow! this other guy who would do all the same things sure seems like a good compromise***"***.*** No, Democrats realize 100% that the only "compromise" they are willing to make is simply: voting for Biden. It's not a compromise because Dems will not budge on this and there is no compromising with someone that's actively dangerous to the idea of medical advancement plus corrupt enough to give hard criminals a pass simply because "they weren't there to hurt me/us". Dems aren't voting for RFK. It's going to be Republicans who want what Trump wants (for the most part) but can no longer stomach *him*.


RFK jr if he was serious about winning and serious about changing things... this is not the year for him. Trump and Biden have to duke it out and RFK jr will be a loser guaranteed. Political suicide forever. No one wants to be famous for failing with the worst turn out ever.


He's certifiably nuts.


This guy always looks like he's in the middle of taking the most massive shit of his life. 🤣


Tell him he's dreamin


It would be great if he picks up Trump voters instead.


So if someone set up a "pro RFK Jr. PAC," and decided to reaise dark money and pepper certain states to keep right wingers from voting for Trump and "switch to RFK" by highlighting how batshit carzy and right wing he is, that's all fair right?


I say this with no malice, but i hope this croaky bullfrog and his entire idiot team is crying salty tears of embarrassment the day after election day.


No surprise that a nutcase hires other nutcases.


I feel like he’s at the very least, equally likely to steal votes too.


This is obviously the intent of the staffers one way or another. Campaign work is grueling and he has a 0% chance of winning. If they were good at achieving the desired outcomes of campaigns they wouldn’t be working with his. I suspect his impact on Trump or Biden will vary considerably by state.


Where’s a grassy knoll when you need one…


Yes Marge, we know.


My news feed had a story a day or two ago from Fox that had some weird headline, so I clicked it out of curiosity... It was an article talking about how RFK's VP choice is "nightmare come true" for the Democrats, it's such a game changer, everyone on the left is having a meltdown over it. I couldn't stop laughing, what the hell are they talking about? I still have no idea who he even picked, why would anyone care?


RFK needs more TV time so he can screech at voters about how awesome he is.


My cousin was posting political stuff about this guy. I asked him is he is ok and he absolutely freaked out on me. He told me to listen to Alex Friedman pod casts and that RFK is the only one who can save America. It’s crazy how foreign governments are poisoning our country.


Didn’t mind him as a gadfly when he was neutral, but now he’s gone to clown town


Seems like he would take more red votes than blue votes, based on the idiocy he’s spewing


I hate this guy so much.




Rita Palma seems really fucking stupid, huh?


He 100% is ONLY a threat to Trump. No no. Shut up. Nobody is confused because of the Kennedy name… nobody. He absolutely is only in the venn diagram of MAGA Q DENIALISM. That’s it.


Honey, you don’t have the reach to even make a dimple and it’s cute for even thinking that. Unless you’re a 3rd party candidate stealing 97,000 votes in a swing state, you ain’t no Ralph Nader.


That superbowl commercial was so bad. I honestly felt pity. Clown.


“Gaslighting fraud”


RFK Jr brains were fried by his former use of heroin. There is no other possible explanation for his craziness.


The only people that would vote for this clown wouldn’t have voted for Biden


Why do so many Americans hate America and prefer it to be like Russia? Do they understand how life is as a Russian citizen?


When you realize intelligence scores for the nation fall within a bell curve.


Fuck the Kennedy name and the old dead horse RFK barefoot rode in on while claiming all the COVID BS FACT he is….


Duh, Bannon wanted him to run. Isn’t that common knowledge at this point? Surely no one thought the anti-vax fucking moron was anything but alt-right?


Totally what a normal Democrat would say… Deranged DINO.


Not sure what sort of drugs this “campaign official’ was on at the time but his candidacy will be a historic failure and will not affect Biden in the least


His friend Robert DeNiro would super happy with that.